Example #1
        private int QEval(Board position, int ply, SearchWindow window)
            if (Aborted)

            Color color   = position.SideToMove;
            bool  inCheck = position.IsChecked(color);

            //if inCheck we can't use standPat, need to escape check!
            if (!inCheck)
                int standPatScore = position.Score + _mobilityBonus;
                //Cut will raise alpha and perform beta cutoff when standPatScore is too good
                if (window.Cut(standPatScore, color))
                    return(GetScore(window, color));

            int expandedNodes = 0;

            //play remaining captures (or any moves if king is in check)
            foreach (Board child in inCheck ? Playmaker.Play(position) : Playmaker.PlayCaptures(position))
                //recursively evaluate the resulting position (after the capture) with QEval
                int score = QEval(child, ply + 1, window);

                //Cut will raise alpha and perform beta cutoff when the move is too good
                if (window.Cut(score, color))

            if (expandedNodes == 0 && inCheck)
                return(Evaluation.Checkmate(color, ply));

            if (expandedNodes == 0 && !LegalMoves.HasMoves(position))

            //can't capture. We return the 'alpha' which may have been raised by "stand pat"
            return(GetScore(window, color));
Example #2
        private (int Score, Move[] PV) EvalPosition(Board position, int ply, int depth, SearchWindow window)
            if (depth <= 0)
                _mobilityBonus = Evaluation.ComputeMobility(position);
                return(QEval(position, ply, window), Array.Empty <Move>());

            if (Aborted)
                return(0, Array.Empty <Move>());

            Color color     = position.SideToMove;
            bool  isChecked = position.IsChecked(color);
            //if the previous iteration found a mate we check the first few plys without null move to try and find the shortest mate or escape
            bool allowNullMove = Evaluation.IsCheckmate(Score) ? (ply > Depth / 4) : true;

            //should we try null move pruning?
            if (allowNullMove && depth >= 2 && !isChecked && window.CanFailHigh(color))
                const int R = 2;
                //evaluate the position at reduced depth with a null-window around beta
                SearchWindow beta = window.GetUpperBound(color);
                //skip making a move
                Board nullChild = Playmaker.PlayNullMove(position);
                (int score, _) = EvalPositionTT(nullChild, ply + 1, depth - R - 1, beta);
                //is the evaluation "too good" despite null-move? then don't waste time on a branch that is likely going to fail-high
                //if the static eval look much worse the alpha also skip it
                if (window.FailHigh(score, color))
                    return(score, Array.Empty <Move>());

            //do a regular expansion...
            Move[] pv            = Array.Empty <Move>();
            int    expandedNodes = 0;

            foreach ((Move move, Board child) in Playmaker.Play(position, depth, _killers, _history))
                bool interesting = expandedNodes == 1 || isChecked || child.IsChecked(child.SideToMove);

                //some near the leaves that appear hopeless can be skipped without evaluation
                if (depth <= 4 && !interesting)
                    //if the static eval look much worse the alpha also skip it
                    int futilityMargin = (int)color * depth * MAX_GAIN_PER_PLY;
                    if (window.FailLow(child.Score + futilityMargin, color))

                //moves after the PV node are unlikely to raise alpha.
                //avoid a full evaluation by searching with a null-sized window around alpha first
                //...we expect it to fail low but if it does not we have to research it!
                if (depth >= 2 && expandedNodes > 1)
                    //non-tactical late moves are searched at a reduced depth to make this test even faster!
                    int R = (interesting || expandedNodes < 4) ? 0 : 2;
                    (int score, _) = EvalPositionTT(child, ply + 1, depth - R - 1, window.GetLowerBound(color));
                    if (window.FailLow(score, color))

                //this move is expected to raise alpha so we search it at full depth!
                var eval = EvalPositionTT(child, ply + 1, depth - 1, window);
                if (window.FailLow(eval.Score, color))
                    _history.Bad(position, move, depth);

                //the position has a new best move and score!
                Transpositions.Store(position.ZobristHash, depth, ply, window, eval.Score, move);
                //set the PV to this move, followed by the PV of the childnode
                pv = Merge(move, eval.PV);
                //...and maybe we even get a beta cutoff
                if (window.Cut(eval.Score, color))
                    //we remember killers like hat!
                    if (position[move.ToSquare] == Piece.None)
                        _history.Good(position, move, depth);
                        _killers.Add(move, depth);

                    return(GetScore(window, color), pv);

            //checkmate or draw?
            if (expandedNodes == 0)
                return(position.IsChecked(color) ? Evaluation.Checkmate(color, ply) : 0, Array.Empty <Move>());

            return(GetScore(window, color), pv);