This is basically a just a helper base class per-database implementors may want to override ColumnSql
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a new table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Table name</param>
        /// <param name="columns">Columns</param>
        /// <param name="engine">the database storage engine to use</param>
        /// <example>
        /// Adds the Test table with two columns:
        /// <code>
        /// Database.AddTable("Test", "INNODB",
        ///	                  new Column("Id", typeof(int), ColumnProperty.PrimaryKey),
        ///	                  new Column("Title", typeof(string), 100)
        ///	                 );
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        public virtual void AddTable(string name, string engine, params Column[] columns)
            if (TableExists(name))
                Logger.Warn("Table {0} already exists", name);

            List <string> pks = GetPrimaryKeys(columns);
            bool          compoundPrimaryKey = pks.Count > 1;

            var columnProviders = new List <ColumnPropertiesMapper>(columns.Length);

            foreach (Column column in columns)
                // Remove the primary key notation if compound primary key because we'll add it back later
                if (compoundPrimaryKey && column.IsPrimaryKey)
                    column.ColumnProperty = column.ColumnProperty ^ ColumnProperty.PrimaryKey;
                    column.ColumnProperty = column.ColumnProperty | ColumnProperty.NotNull;                     // PK is always not-null

                ColumnPropertiesMapper mapper = _dialect.GetAndMapColumnProperties(column);

            string columnsAndIndexes = JoinColumnsAndIndexes(columnProviders);

            AddTable(name, engine, columnsAndIndexes);

            if (compoundPrimaryKey)
                AddPrimaryKey(String.Format("PK_{0}", name), name, pks.ToArray());
Example #2
        public ColumnPropertiesMapper GetAndMapColumnProperties(Column column)
            ColumnPropertiesMapper mapper = GetColumnMapper(column);

            if (column.DefaultValue != null)
                mapper.Default = column.DefaultValue;
Example #3
        public ColumnPropertiesMapper GetAndMapColumnPropertiesWithoutDefault(Column column)
            ColumnPropertiesMapper mapper = GetColumnMapper(column);

            if (column.DefaultValue != null && column.DefaultValue != DBNull.Value)
                mapper.Default = column.DefaultValue;
Example #4
        public virtual void ChangeColumn(string table, Column column)
            if (!ColumnExists(table, column.Name))
                Logger.Warn("Column {0}.{1} does not exist", table, column.Name);

            ColumnPropertiesMapper mapper = _dialect.GetAndMapColumnProperties(column);

            ChangeColumn(table, mapper.ColumnSql);
Example #5
        public void AddColumn(string table, string column, DbType type, object defaultValue)
            if (ColumnExists(table, column))
                Logger.Warn("Column {0}.{1} already exists", table, column);

            ColumnPropertiesMapper mapper =
                _dialect.GetAndMapColumnProperties(new Column(column, type, defaultValue));

            AddColumn(table, mapper.ColumnSql);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a new table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Table name</param>
        /// <param name="columns">Columns</param>
        /// <param name="engine">the database storage engine to use</param>
        /// <example>
        /// Adds the Test table with two columns:
        /// <code>
        /// Database.AddTable("Test", "INNODB",
        ///	                  new Column("Id", typeof(int), ColumnProperty.PrimaryKey),
        ///	                  new Column("Title", typeof(string), 100)
        ///	                 );
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        public virtual void AddTable(string name, string engine, params Column[] columns)
            if (TableExists(name))
                Logger.Warn("Table {0} already exists", name);

            List <string> pks = GetPrimaryKeys(columns);
            bool          compoundPrimaryKey = pks.Count > 1;

            List <ColumnPropertiesMapper> columnProviders = new List <ColumnPropertiesMapper>(columns.Length);

            foreach (Column column in columns)
                // Remove the primary key notation if compound primary key because we'll add it back later
                if (compoundPrimaryKey && column.IsPrimaryKey)
                    column.ColumnProperty = column.ColumnProperty & ~ColumnProperty.PrimaryKeyBase;

                ColumnPropertiesMapper mapper = _dialect.GetAndMapColumnProperties(column);

            string columnsAndIndexes = JoinColumnsAndIndexes(columnProviders);

            AddTable(name, engine, columnsAndIndexes);

            if (compoundPrimaryKey)
                AddPrimaryKey(String.Format("PK_{0}", name), name, pks.ToArray());

            // Add indexes that were unsupported on create table
            foreach (var column in columns)
                if (!Dialect.SupportsIndexOnCreateTable && column.IsIndexed)
                    AddIndex(string.Format("IX_{0}_{1}", name, column.Name), name, column.Name);