private static void AddTranslationMethod(string authToken, string sourcetextforadd)
            // Add TranslatorService as a service reference, Address:
            TranslatorService.LanguageServiceClient client = new TranslatorService.LanguageServiceClient();
            //Set Authorization header before sending the request
            HttpRequestMessageProperty httpRequestProperty = new HttpRequestMessageProperty();

            httpRequestProperty.Method = "POST";
            httpRequestProperty.Headers.Add("Authorization", authToken);

            // Creates a block within which an OperationContext object is in scope.
            using (OperationContextScope scope = new OperationContextScope(client.InnerChannel))
                OperationContext.Current.OutgoingMessageProperties[HttpRequestMessageProperty.Name] = httpRequestProperty;
                //string sourcetextforadd = "una importante contribuciĆ³n a la rentabilidad de la empresa";
                    //Keep appId parameter blank as we are sending access token in authorization header.
                    client.AddTranslation("", sourcetextforadd, "an important contribution to the company profitability.", "en", "hi", 1, "text/plain", "general", "TestUserID", null);
                    Console.WriteLine("Your translation for {0} has been added", sourcetextforadd);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Console.WriteLine("An error occurred while adding translation. " + ex.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("Press any key to continue...");