protected override void Clone(ServiceClient <ServiceBusManagementClient> client)
            ServiceBusManagementClient management = client as ServiceBusManagementClient;

            if (management != null)
                management._credentials = Credentials;
                management._baseUri     = BaseUri;
                management.Credentials.InitializeServiceClient <ServiceBusManagementClient>(management);
        /// <summary>
        /// Provisions all the namespaces in the <see cref="IEnumerable{T}"/> of <see cref="AzureServiceBusNamespace"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="namespaces">The list of <see cref="AzureServiceBusNamespace"/> to provision.</param>
        /// <param name="client">The <see cref="ServiceBusManagementClient"/> that is performing the operation.</param>
        /// <returns>The async <see cref="Task"/> wrapper.</returns>
        public static async Task ProvisionAllAsync(this IEnumerable<AzureServiceBusNamespace> namespaces, ServiceBusManagementClient client)
            Contract.Requires(namespaces != null);
            Contract.Requires(client != null);

            var tasks = namespaces.Select(
                async n =>
                    await client.CreateNamespaceIfNotExistsAsync(n);

            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
        public static ServiceBusNamespace[] GetNamespaces( SubscriptionCloudCredentials creds )
            var sbMgmt = new ServiceBusManagementClient( creds );
            var regionsResponse = sbMgmt.Namespaces.List( );

            int currentNamespace = 0, namespaceCount = regionsResponse.Count( );
            ServiceBusNamespace[] namespaces = new ServiceBusNamespace[ namespaceCount ];
            foreach( var region in regionsResponse )
                namespaces[ currentNamespace++ ] = region;

            return namespaces;
        public static string[] GetRegions( SubscriptionCloudCredentials creds )
            var sbMgmt = new ServiceBusManagementClient( creds );
            var regionsResponse = sbMgmt.GetServiceBusRegionsAsync( ).Result;

            int currentRegion = 0, regionsCount = regionsResponse.Count( );
            string[] regions = new string[ regionsCount ];
            foreach( var region in regionsResponse )
                regions[ currentRegion++ ] = region.FullName;

            return regions;
Example #5
        private bool CreateWeb( CloudWebDeployInputs inputs )
            Console.WriteLine( "Retrieving namespace metadata..." );
            // Create Namespace
            ServiceBusManagementClient sbMgmt = new ServiceBusManagementClient( inputs.Credentials );

            var nsDescription = sbMgmt.Namespaces.GetNamespaceDescription( inputs.SBNamespace );
            string nsConnectionString = nsDescription.NamespaceDescriptions.First(
                ( d ) => String.Equals( d.AuthorizationType, "SharedAccessAuthorization" )

            NamespaceManager nsManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString( nsConnectionString );

            StorageManagementClient stgMgmt = new StorageManagementClient( inputs.Credentials );
            var keyResponse = stgMgmt.StorageAccounts.GetKeys( inputs.StorageAccountName.ToLowerInvariant( ) );
            if( keyResponse.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK )
                Console.WriteLine( "Error retrieving access keys for storage account {0} in Location {1}: {2}",
                    inputs.StorageAccountName, inputs.Location, keyResponse.StatusCode );
                return false;

            var storageKey = keyResponse.PrimaryKey;

            EventHubDescription ehDevices = nsManager.GetEventHub( inputs.EventHubNameDevices );
            string ehDevicesWebSiteConnectionString = new ServiceBusConnectionStringBuilder( nsConnectionString )
                SharedAccessKeyName = "WebSite",
                SharedAccessKey = ( ehDevices.Authorization.First( ( d )
                    => String.Equals( d.KeyName, "WebSite", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ) as SharedAccessAuthorizationRule ).PrimaryKey,
            }.ToString( );

            string ehAlertsWebSiteConnectionString = string.Empty;
                EventHubDescription ehAlerts = nsManager.GetEventHub( inputs.EventHubNameAlerts );
                ehAlertsWebSiteConnectionString = new ServiceBusConnectionStringBuilder( nsConnectionString )
                    SharedAccessKeyName = "WebSite",
                    SharedAccessKey = ( ehAlerts.Authorization.First( ( d )
                        => String.Equals( d.KeyName, "WebSite", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) ) as
                        SharedAccessAuthorizationRule ).PrimaryKey,
                }.ToString( );

            Console.WriteLine( "Started processing..." );
            // Write a new web.config template file
            var doc = new XmlDocument { PreserveWhitespace = true };
            //var inputFileName = ( inputs.Transform ? "\\web.PublishTemplate.config" : "\\web.config" );
            string inputFileName = "web.PublishTemplate.config";
            //var outputFileName = ( inputs.Transform ? String.Format("\\web.{0}.config", inputs.NamePrefix) : "\\web.config" );
            string outputFileName = "web.config";

            //doc.Load( inputs.WebSiteDirectory + inputFileName );

            string inputFilePath = Environment.CurrentDirectory +@"\";
            Console.WriteLine("Opening and updating " + inputFilePath + inputFileName);

            doc.Load( inputFilePath + inputFileName );

                "/configuration/appSettings/add[@key='Microsoft.ServiceBus.EventHubDevices']/@value" ).Value
                = inputs.EventHubNameDevices;
            doc.SelectSingleNode( "/configuration/appSettings/add[@key='Microsoft.ServiceBus.EventHubAlerts']/@value" )
                = inputs.EventHubNameAlerts;
                "/configuration/appSettings/add[@key='Microsoft.ServiceBus.ConnectionString']/@value" ).Value
                = nsConnectionString;
                "/configuration/appSettings/add[@key='Microsoft.ServiceBus.ConnectionStringDevices']/@value" ).Value
                = ehDevicesWebSiteConnectionString;
                "/configuration/appSettings/add[@key='Microsoft.ServiceBus.ConnectionStringAlerts']/@value" ).Value
                = ehAlertsWebSiteConnectionString;
            doc.SelectSingleNode( "/configuration/appSettings/add[@key='Microsoft.Storage.ConnectionString']/@value" )
                .Value =
                String.Format( "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName={0};AccountKey={1}", inputs.StorageAccountName,
                    storageKey );

            //var outputFile = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath( inputs.WebSiteDirectory + outputFileName );
            string outputFilePath = Environment.GetFolderPath( Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop );

            var outputFile = outputFilePath + @"\" + outputFileName;
            Console.WriteLine( "Writing updates to " + outputFile );

            doc.Save( outputFile );
            Console.WriteLine( " " );
            Console.WriteLine( "Web config saved to {0}", outputFile ); 
            Console.WriteLine( " " );
            return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates new instance from ServiceBusClientExtensions
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subscription"></param>
        public ServiceBusClientExtensions(AzureSMProfile profile)
            if (profile.Context.Subscription == null)
                throw new ArgumentException(Resources.InvalidDefaultSubscription);

            subscriptionId = profile.Context.Subscription.Id.ToString();
            Subscription = profile.Context.Subscription;
            ServiceBusClient = AzureSession.ClientFactory.CreateClient<ServiceBusManagementClient>(profile, profile.Context.Subscription, AzureEnvironment.Endpoint.ServiceManagement);
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates new instance from ServiceBusClientExtensions
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="subscription"></param>
 /// <param name="logger">The logger action</param>
 public ServiceBusClientExtensions(WindowsAzureSubscription subscription)
     subscriptionId = subscription.SubscriptionId;
     Subscription = subscription;
     ServiceBusClient = Subscription.CreateClient<ServiceBusManagementClient>();
        public int Run()
            // Obtain management via .publishsettings file from
            var creds = new CertificateCloudCredentials(SubscriptionId, ManagementCertificate);

            // Create Namespace
            var sbMgmt = new ServiceBusManagementClient(creds);

            ServiceBusNamespaceResponse nsResponse = null;

            Console.WriteLine("Creating Service Bus namespace {0} in location {1}", SBNamespace, Location);
                var resultSb = sbMgmt.Namespaces.Create(SBNamespace, Location);
                if (resultSb.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error creating Service Bus namespace {0} in Location {1}: {2}", SBNamespace, Location, resultSb.StatusCode);
                    return 1;
            catch (CloudException)
                    // There is (currently) no clean error code returned when the namespace already exists
                    // Check if it does
                    nsResponse = sbMgmt.Namespaces.Get(SBNamespace);
                    Console.WriteLine("Service Bus namespace {0} already existed.", SBNamespace);
                catch (Exception)
                    nsResponse = null;
                if (nsResponse == null)

            // Wait until the namespace is active
            while (nsResponse == null || nsResponse.Namespace.Status != "Active")
                nsResponse = sbMgmt.Namespaces.Get(SBNamespace);
                if (nsResponse.Namespace.Status == "Active")
                Console.WriteLine("Namespace {0} in state {1}. Waiting...", SBNamespace, nsResponse.Namespace.Status);

            // Get the namespace connection string
            var nsDescription = sbMgmt.Namespaces.GetNamespaceDescription(SBNamespace);
            var nsConnectionString = nsDescription.NamespaceDescriptions.First(
                (d) => String.Equals(d.AuthorizationType, "SharedAccessAuthorization")

            // Create EHs + device keys + consumer keys (WebSite*)
            var nsManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(nsConnectionString);

            var ehDescriptionDevices = new EventHubDescription(EventHubNameDevices)
                PartitionCount = 8,
            ehDescriptionDevices.Authorization.Add(new SharedAccessAuthorizationRule("D1", new List<AccessRights> { AccessRights.Send }));
            ehDescriptionDevices.Authorization.Add(new SharedAccessAuthorizationRule("D2", new List<AccessRights> { AccessRights.Send }));
            ehDescriptionDevices.Authorization.Add(new SharedAccessAuthorizationRule("D3", new List<AccessRights> { AccessRights.Send }));
            ehDescriptionDevices.Authorization.Add(new SharedAccessAuthorizationRule("D4", new List<AccessRights> { AccessRights.Send }));

            ehDescriptionDevices.Authorization.Add(new SharedAccessAuthorizationRule("WebSite", new List<AccessRights> { AccessRights.Manage, AccessRights.Listen, AccessRights.Send }));

            ehDescriptionDevices.Authorization.Add(new SharedAccessAuthorizationRule("StreamingAnalytics", new List<AccessRights> { AccessRights.Manage, AccessRights.Listen, AccessRights.Send }));

            Console.WriteLine("Creating Event Hub {0}", EventHubNameDevices);
            EventHubDescription ehDevices = null;
                    ehDevices = nsManager.CreateEventHubIfNotExists(ehDescriptionDevices);
                catch (System.UnauthorizedAccessException)
                    Console.WriteLine("Service Bus connection string not valid yet. Waiting...");
            } while (ehDevices == null);

            var ehDescriptionAlerts = new EventHubDescription(EventHubNameAlerts)
                PartitionCount = 8,
            ehDescriptionAlerts.Authorization.Add(new SharedAccessAuthorizationRule("WebSite", new List<AccessRights> { AccessRights.Manage, AccessRights.Listen, AccessRights.Send }));
            ehDescriptionAlerts.Authorization.Add(new SharedAccessAuthorizationRule("StreamingAnalytics", new List<AccessRights> { AccessRights.Manage, AccessRights.Listen, AccessRights.Send }));

            Console.WriteLine("Creating Event Hub {0}", EventHubNameAlerts);
            var ehAlerts = nsManager.CreateEventHubIfNotExists(ehDescriptionAlerts);

            // Create Storage Account for Event Hub Processor
            var stgMgmt = new StorageManagementClient(creds);
                Console.WriteLine("Creating Storage Account {0} in location {1}", StorageAccountName, Location);
                var resultStg = stgMgmt.StorageAccounts.Create(
                    new StorageAccountCreateParameters { Name = StorageAccountName.ToLowerInvariant(), Location = Location, AccountType = "Standard_LRS" });

                if (resultStg.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    Console.WriteLine("Error creating storage account {0} in Location {1}: {2}", StorageAccountName, Location, resultStg.StatusCode);
                    return 1;
            catch (CloudException ce)
                if (String.Equals(ce.ErrorCode, "ConflictError", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    Console.WriteLine("Storage account {0} already existed.", StorageAccountName);
            var keyResponse = stgMgmt.StorageAccounts.GetKeys(StorageAccountName.ToLowerInvariant());
            if (keyResponse.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK)
                Console.WriteLine("Error retrieving access keys for storage account {0} in Location {1}: {2}", StorageAccountName, Location, keyResponse.StatusCode);
                return 1;

            var storageKey = keyResponse.PrimaryKey;
            string ehDevicesWebSiteConnectionString = new ServiceBusConnectionStringBuilder(nsConnectionString)
                SharedAccessKeyName = "WebSite",
                SharedAccessKey = (ehDevices.Authorization.First((d)
                   => String.Equals(d.KeyName, "WebSite", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) as SharedAccessAuthorizationRule).PrimaryKey,

            string ehAlertsWebSiteConnectionString = new ServiceBusConnectionStringBuilder(nsConnectionString)
                SharedAccessKeyName = "WebSite",
                SharedAccessKey = (ehAlerts.Authorization.First((d)
                   => String.Equals(d.KeyName, "WebSite", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) as SharedAccessAuthorizationRule).PrimaryKey,

            // Write a new web.config template file
            var doc = new XmlDocument();
            doc.PreserveWhitespace = true;

            var inputFileName = (this.Transform ? "\\web.PublishTemplate.config" : "\\web.config");
            var outputFileName = (this.Transform ? String.Format("\\web.{0}.config", NamePrefix) : "\\web.config");

            doc.Load(WebSiteDirectory + inputFileName);

                = EventHubNameDevices;
                = EventHubNameAlerts;
                = nsConnectionString;
                = ehDevicesWebSiteConnectionString;
                = ehAlertsWebSiteConnectionString;
            doc.SelectSingleNode("/configuration/appSettings/add[@key='Microsoft.Storage.ConnectionString']/@value").Value =
                String.Format("DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName={0};AccountKey={1}", StorageAccountName, storageKey);

            var outputFile = System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(WebSiteDirectory + outputFileName);


            Console.WriteLine("Service Bus management connection string (i.e. for use in Service Bus Explorer):");
            Console.WriteLine("Device AMQP address strings (for Raspberry PI/devices):");
            for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
                var deviceKeyName = String.Format("D{0}", i);
                var deviceKey = (ehDevices.Authorization.First((d)
                        => String.Equals(d.KeyName, deviceKeyName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) as SharedAccessAuthorizationRule).PrimaryKey;

                Console.WriteLine("amqps://{0}:{1}@{2}", deviceKeyName, Uri.EscapeDataString(deviceKey), SBNamespace);

                //Console.WriteLine(new ServiceBusConnectionStringBuilder(nsConnectionString)
                //    SharedAccessKeyName = deviceKeyName,
                //    SharedAccessKey = deviceKey,
            Console.WriteLine("Web.Config saved to {0}", outputFile);

            // Create StreamAnalyticsJobs + inputs + outputs + enter keys

            // Untested code. May require AAD authentication, no support for management cert?

            // Create Resource Group for the Stream Analytics jobs
            var groupCreateRequest = WebRequest.Create(String.Format("{0}/resourcegroups/{1}?api-version=2014-04-01-preview",
                SubscriptionId, StreamAnalyticsGroup)) as HttpWebRequest;

            groupCreateRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
            groupCreateRequest.Method = "PUT";
            groupCreateRequest.KeepAlive = true;

            var bytesGroup = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{\"location\":\"Central US\"}");
            groupCreateRequest.ContentLength = bytesGroup.Length;
            groupCreateRequest.GetRequestStream().Write(bytesGroup, 0, bytesGroup.Length);

            var groupCreateResponse = groupCreateRequest.GetResponse();

            //var streamMgmt = new ManagementClient(creds); //, new Uri(""));
            //HttpClient client = streamMgmt.HttpClient;

            var createJob = new StreamAnalyticsJob()
                location = Location,
                inputs = new List<StreamAnalyticsEntity>
                    new StreamAnalyticsEntity
                        name = "devicesInput",
                        properties = new Dictionary<string,object>
                            { "type" , "stream" },
                            { "serialization" , new Dictionary<string,object>
                                    { "type", "JSON"},
                                    { "properties", new Dictionary<string, object>
                                            { "encoding", "UTF8"},
                            { "datasource", new Dictionary<string,object>
                                    { "type", "Microsoft.ServiceBus/EventHub" },
                                    { "properties", new Dictionary<string,object>
                                            { "eventHubNamespace", Namespace },
                                            { "eventHubName", EventHubDevices },
                                            { "sharedAccessPolicyName", "StreamingAnalytics" },
                                            { "sharedAccessPolicyKey",
                                                (ehDevices.Authorization.First( (d)
                                                    => String.Equals(d.KeyName, "StreamingAnalytics", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) as SharedAccessAuthorizationRule).PrimaryKey },
                transformation = new StreamAnalyticsEntity()
                    name = "Aggregates",
                    properties = new Dictionary<string,object>
                        { "streamingUnits", 1 },
                        { "query" , "select * from devicesInput" },
                outputs = new List<StreamAnalyticsEntity>
                    new StreamAnalyticsEntity
                        name = "output",
                        properties = new Dictionary<string,object>
                            { "datasource", new Dictionary<string,object>
                                    { "type", "Microsoft.ServiceBus/EventHub" },
                                    { "properties", new Dictionary<string,object>
                                            { "eventHubNamespace", Namespace },
                                            { "eventHubName", EventHubAlerts },
                                            { "sharedAccessPolicyName", "StreamingAnalytics" },
                                            { "sharedAccessPolicyKey",
                                                (ehAlerts.Authorization.First( (d) => String.Equals(d.KeyName, "StreamingAnalytics", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) as SharedAccessAuthorizationRule).PrimaryKey },
                            { "serialization" , new Dictionary<string,object>
                                    { "type", "JSON"},
                                    { "properties", new Dictionary<string, object>
                                            { "encoding", "UTF8"},

            var jobCreateRequest = WebRequest.Create(String.Format("{0}/resourcegroups/{1}/Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/{2}?api-version=2014-10-01",
                SubscriptionId, StreamAnalyticsGroup, JobAggregates)) as HttpWebRequest;

            jobCreateRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
            jobCreateRequest.Method = "PUT";
            jobCreateRequest.KeepAlive = true;

            var bytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(createJob));
            jobCreateRequest.ContentLength = bytes.Length;
            jobCreateRequest.GetRequestStream().Write(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);

            var jobCreateResponse = jobCreateRequest.GetResponse();

            //var jobCreateTask = streamMgmt.HttpClient.PutAsync(
            //    String.Format("{0}/resourcegroups/{1}/Microsoft.StreamAnalytics/streamingjobs/{2}?api-version=2014-10-01",
            //    SubscriptionId, StreamAnalyticsGroup, JobAggregates),
            //    new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(createJob)));
            //var jobCreateResponse = jobCreateTask.Result;
            return 0;
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates new instance from ServiceBusClientExtensions
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="subscription"></param>
 public ServiceBusClientExtensions(AzureProfile profile, AzureSubscription subscription)
     subscriptionId = subscription.Id.ToString();
     Subscription = subscription;
     ServiceBusClient = AzureSession.ClientFactory.CreateClient<ServiceBusManagementClient>(profile, subscription, AzureEnvironment.Endpoint.ServiceManagement);
Example #10
        bool Run( )
            CloudWebDeployInputs inputs = null;
            if( !GetInputs( out inputs ) )
                return false;

            Console.WriteLine( "Retrieving namespace metadata..." );
            // Create Namespace
            ServiceBusManagementClient sbMgmt = new ServiceBusManagementClient( inputs.Credentials );

            var nsDescription = sbMgmt.Namespaces.GetNamespaceDescription( inputs.SBNamespace );
            string nsConnectionString = nsDescription.NamespaceDescriptions.First(
                ( d ) => String.Equals( d.AuthorizationType, "SharedAccessAuthorization" )

            NamespaceManager nsManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString( nsConnectionString );

            EventHubDescription ehDevices = AzureConsoleHelper.SelectEventHub( nsManager, inputs.Credentials );

            var serviceNamespace = inputs.SBNamespace;
            var hubName = ehDevices.Path;
            var sharedAccessAuthorizationRule = ehDevices.Authorization.FirstOrDefault( ( d )
                => d.Rights.Contains(AccessRights.Listen)) as SharedAccessAuthorizationRule;

            if( sharedAccessAuthorizationRule == null )
                Console.WriteLine( "Cannot locate Authorization rule for WebSite key." );
                return false;

            var receiverKeyName = sharedAccessAuthorizationRule.KeyName;
            var receiverKey = sharedAccessAuthorizationRule.PrimaryKey;
            //Console.WriteLine("Starting temperature processor with {0} partitions.", partitionCount);

            CancellationTokenSource cts = new CancellationTokenSource( );

            int closedReceivers = 0;
            AutoResetEvent receiversStopped = new AutoResetEvent( false );

            MessagingFactory factory = MessagingFactory.Create(ServiceBusEnvironment.CreateServiceUri( "sb", serviceNamespace, "" ),
                new MessagingFactorySettings
                    TokenProvider = TokenProvider.CreateSharedAccessSignatureTokenProvider( receiverKeyName, receiverKey ),
                    TransportType = TransportType.Amqp
                } );

            EventHubClient eventHubClient = factory.CreateEventHubClient( hubName );
            EventHubConsumerGroup eventHubConsumerGroup = eventHubClient.GetDefaultConsumerGroup( );

            int partitionCount = ehDevices.PartitionCount;

            for( int i = 0; i < partitionCount; i++ )
                Task.Factory.StartNew( ( state ) =>
                        _ConsoleBuffer.Add( string.Format( "Starting worker to process partition: {0}", state ) );

                        var receiver = eventHubConsumerGroup.CreateReceiver( state.ToString( ), DateTime.UtcNow );

                        _ConsoleBuffer.Add( string.Format( "Waiting for start receiving messages: {0} ...", state ) );

                        while( true )
                            // Receive could fail, I would need a retry policy etc...
                            var messages = receiver.Receive( 10 );
                            foreach( var message in messages )
                                //var eventBody = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<TemperatureEvent>(Encoding.Default.GetString(message.GetBytes()));
                                //Console.WriteLine("{0} [{1}] Temperature: {2}", DateTime.Now, message.PartitionKey, eventBody.Temperature);
                                _ConsoleBuffer.Add( message.PartitionKey + " sent message:" + Encoding.Default.GetString( message.GetBytes( ) ) );

                            if( cts.IsCancellationRequested )
                                Console.WriteLine( "Stopping: {0}", state );
                                receiver.Close( );
                                if( Interlocked.Increment( ref closedReceivers ) >= partitionCount )
                    catch( Exception ex )
                        _ConsoleBuffer.Add( ex.Message );
                }, i );

            Console.ReadLine( );
            cts.Cancel( );

            //waiting for all receivers to stop
            receiversStopped.WaitOne( );

            bool saveToFile;
            for( ;; )
                Console.WriteLine( "Do you want to save received data to file? (y/n)" );

                string answer = Console.ReadLine( );
                string request = "do not";

                saveToFile = false;
                if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( answer ) && answer.ToLower( ).StartsWith( "y" ) )
                    saveToFile = true;
                    request = "";
                if( ConsoleHelper.Confirm( "Are you sure you " + request + " want to save received data?" ) )
            if( saveToFile )
                string fileName = inputs.SBNamespace + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString( "_d_MMM_h_mm" ) + ".log";
                string filePath = Environment.GetFolderPath( Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop );
                string fileFullName = filePath + @"\" + fileName;
                if( _ConsoleBuffer.FlushToFile( fileFullName ) )
                    Console.WriteLine( "Output was saved to your desktop, at " + fileFullName + " file." );

            Console.WriteLine( "Wait for all receivers to close and then press ENTER." );
            Console.ReadLine( );

            return true;
Example #11
        private void DeleteResources( ClearResourcesInputs inputs )
            if( inputs.NamespaceExists )
                _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Connecting to Service Bus..." );
                ServiceBusManagementClient sbMgmt = new ServiceBusManagementClient( inputs.Credentials );

                bool deleteNamespace = ConsoleHelper.AskAndPerformAction(
                    "Do you want to delete whole namespace " + inputs.SBNamespace + " including all entities under it?",
                    "Are you sure you want to delete namespace " + inputs.SBNamespace + "?",
                    "Are you sure you do not want to delete namespace " + inputs.SBNamespace + "?",
                    ( ) =>
                        _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Sending request to delete " + inputs.SBNamespace + " namespace..." );
                        AzureOperationResponse nsResponse = sbMgmt.Namespaces.Delete( inputs.SBNamespace );
                        if( nsResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK )
                            _ConsoleBuffer.Add( inputs.SBNamespace + " namespace was deleted." );
                    _ConsoleBuffer );

                //if we did not delete whole Namespace, maybe we want to delete some of its Event Hubs?
                if( !deleteNamespace )
                    _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Reading list of Event Hubs from " + inputs.SBNamespace + " namespace..." );

                    var nsDescription = sbMgmt.Namespaces.GetNamespaceDescription( inputs.SBNamespace );
                    var nsConnectionString = nsDescription.NamespaceDescriptions.First(
                        ( d ) => String.Equals( d.AuthorizationType, "SharedAccessAuthorization" )
                    var nsManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString( nsConnectionString );

                    var eventHubs = nsManager.GetEventHubs( );

                    foreach( var eventHubDescription in eventHubs )
                        EventHubDescription description = eventHubDescription;
                            "Do you want to delete Event Hub " + eventHubDescription.Path +
                            " including all messages under it?",
                            "Are you sure you want to delete Event Hub " + eventHubDescription.Path + "?",
                            "Are you sure you do not want to delete Event Hub " + eventHubDescription.Path + "?",
                            ( ) =>
                                _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Sending request to delete " + description.Path + " Event Hub..." );
                                nsManager.DeleteEventHub( description.Path );
                                _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Request to delete " + description.Path + " Event Hub was accepted." );
                            _ConsoleBuffer );

            //Deleting Storage
            _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Reading list of Storage Accounts..." );
            StorageManagementClient stgMgmt = new StorageManagementClient( inputs.Credentials );
            HashSet<string> storageAccounts = new HashSet<string>( );
            foreach( var storageAccount in stgMgmt.StorageAccounts.List( ) )
                storageAccounts.Add( storageAccount.Name );

            int deletedCount = 0;
            if( storageAccounts.Contains( inputs.StorageAccountName ) )
                    "Do you want to delete " + inputs.StorageAccountName + " storage account?",
                    "Are you sure you want to delete " + inputs.StorageAccountName + " storage account?",
                    "Are you sure you do not want to delete " + inputs.StorageAccountName + " storage account?",
                    ( ) =>
                        _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Sending request to delete " + inputs.StorageAccountName + " Storage account..." );
                        AzureOperationResponse resultStg = stgMgmt.StorageAccounts.Delete( inputs.StorageAccountName );
                        deletedCount += 1;
                        if( resultStg.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK )
                            _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Storage account " + inputs.StorageAccountName + " was deleted." );
                    _ConsoleBuffer );
            if( deletedCount == 0 )
                _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "No related Storage account was detected." );

            //Deleting Stream Analytics jobs
            _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Reading list of Stream Analytics jobs..." );
            StreamAnalyticsManagementClient saMgmt = new StreamAnalyticsManagementClient( inputs.Credentials );
            JobListResponse jobListResponse = saMgmt.StreamingJobs.ListJobsInSubscription( new JobListParameters { PropertiesToExpand = string.Empty } );
            deletedCount = 0;
            foreach( var job in jobListResponse.Value )
                if( job.Name.StartsWith( inputs.NamePrefix ) )
                    Job jobToAsk = job;
                        "Do you want to delete Stream Analytics job " + job.Name + "?",
                        "Are you sure you want to delete Stream Analytics job  " + job.Name + "?",
                        "Are you sure you do not want to delete namespace " + job.Name + "?",
                        ( ) =>
                            //we need to figure out wat resourceGroup this job belongs to
                            const string resourceGroupPath = "/resourceGroups/";
                            const string providersPath = "/providers/";

                            int resourceGroupPathIndex = jobToAsk.Id.IndexOf( resourceGroupPath, System.StringComparison.Ordinal );
                            int providersPathIndex = jobToAsk.Id.IndexOf( providersPath, System.StringComparison.Ordinal );
                            int resourceGroupIdStartIndex = resourceGroupPathIndex + resourceGroupPath.Length;

                            string resourceGroup = jobToAsk.Id.Substring( resourceGroupIdStartIndex, providersPathIndex - resourceGroupIdStartIndex );

                            deletedCount += 1;
                            _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Sending request to delete " + jobToAsk.Name + " Stream Analytics job..." );
                            LongRunningOperationResponse response = saMgmt.StreamingJobs.Delete( resourceGroup, jobToAsk.Name );
                            if( response.Status == OperationStatus.Succeeded )
                                _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Stream Analytics job " + jobToAsk.Name + " was deleted." );
                        _ConsoleBuffer );
            if( deletedCount == 0 )
                _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "No Stream Analytics job was deleted." );
        /// <summary>
        /// Provisions all the components in the <see cref="DevOpsFlexDbContext"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The database context that we want to provision components from.</param>
        /// <param name="subscriptionId">The subscription Id where we want to provision in.</param>
        /// <param name="settingsPath">The path to the settings file with the management certificate.</param>
        /// <returns>The async <see cref="Task"/> wrapper.</returns>
        public static async Task ProvisionAllAsync(this DevOpsFlexDbContext context, string subscriptionId, string settingsPath)
            Contract.Requires(context != null);

            var azureSubscription = new AzureSubscription(settingsPath, subscriptionId);
            var azureCert = new X509Certificate2(Convert.FromBase64String(azureSubscription.ManagementCertificate));

            using (var computeClient = new ComputeManagementClient(new CertificateCloudCredentials(subscriptionId, azureCert)))
            using (var networkClient = new NetworkManagementClient(new CertificateCloudCredentials(subscriptionId, azureCert)))
            using (var sbClient = new ServiceBusManagementClient(new CertificateCloudCredentials(subscriptionId, azureCert)))
            using (var sqlClient = new SqlManagementClient(new CertificateCloudCredentials(subscriptionId, azureCert)))
            using (var storageClient = new StorageManagementClient(new CertificateCloudCredentials(subscriptionId, azureCert)))
            using (var webSiteClient = new WebSiteManagementClient(new CertificateCloudCredentials(subscriptionId, azureCert)))
                var tasks = new[]

                await Task.WhenAll(tasks);
        private AzurePrepOutputs CreateEventHub( AzurePrepInputs inputs )
            AzurePrepOutputs result = new AzurePrepOutputs
                SBNamespace = inputs.SBNamespace
            // Create Namespace
            var sbMgmt = new ServiceBusManagementClient( inputs.Credentials );

            ServiceBusNamespaceResponse nsResponse = null;

            _ConsoleBuffer.Add( string.Format( "Creating Service Bus namespace {0} in location {1}", inputs.SBNamespace, inputs.Location ) );

                // There is (currently) no clean error code returned when the namespace already exists
                // Check if it does
                nsResponse = sbMgmt.Namespaces.Create( inputs.SBNamespace, inputs.Location );
                _ConsoleBuffer.Add( string.Format( "Service Bus namespace {0} created.", inputs.SBNamespace ) );
            catch ( Exception )
                nsResponse = null;
                _ConsoleBuffer.Add( string.Format( "Service Bus namespace {0} already existed.", inputs.SBNamespace ) );

            int triesCount = 0;
            // Wait until the namespace is active
            while( nsResponse == null || nsResponse.Namespace.Status != "Active" )
                nsResponse = sbMgmt.Namespaces.Get( inputs.SBNamespace );
                if( nsResponse.Namespace.Status == "Active" )
                triesCount += 1;
                if( triesCount % 10 == 0 )
                    _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Please note that activation could last about an hour if namespace with the same name prefix was deleted recently..." );
                    _ConsoleBuffer.Add( string.Format( "Namespace {0} in state {1}. Waiting...", inputs.SBNamespace, nsResponse.Namespace.Status ) );
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 5000 );

            // Get the namespace connection string 
            var nsDescription = sbMgmt.Namespaces.GetNamespaceDescription( inputs.SBNamespace );
            result.nsConnectionString = nsDescription.NamespaceDescriptions.First(
                ( d ) => String.Equals( d.AuthorizationType, "SharedAccessAuthorization" )

            // Create EHs + device keys + consumer keys (WebSite*)
            var nsManager = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString( result.nsConnectionString );

            var ehDescriptionDevices = new EventHubDescription( inputs.EventHubNameDevices )
                PartitionCount = 8,
            ehDescriptionDevices.Authorization.Add( new SharedAccessAuthorizationRule( "D1", new List<AccessRights> { AccessRights.Send } ) );
            ehDescriptionDevices.Authorization.Add( new SharedAccessAuthorizationRule( "D2", new List<AccessRights> { AccessRights.Send } ) );
            ehDescriptionDevices.Authorization.Add( new SharedAccessAuthorizationRule( "D3", new List<AccessRights> { AccessRights.Send } ) );
            ehDescriptionDevices.Authorization.Add( new SharedAccessAuthorizationRule( "D4", new List<AccessRights> { AccessRights.Send } ) );

            ehDescriptionDevices.Authorization.Add( new SharedAccessAuthorizationRule( "WebSite", new List<AccessRights> { AccessRights.Manage, AccessRights.Listen, AccessRights.Send } ) );

            ehDescriptionDevices.Authorization.Add( new SharedAccessAuthorizationRule( "StreamingAnalytics", new List<AccessRights> { AccessRights.Manage, AccessRights.Listen, AccessRights.Send } ) );

            _ConsoleBuffer.Add( string.Format( "Creating Event Hub {0}...", inputs.EventHubNameDevices ) );

            result.ehDevices = null;

                    result.ehDevices = nsManager.CreateEventHubIfNotExists( ehDescriptionDevices );
                catch ( UnauthorizedAccessException )
                    _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Service Bus connection string not valid yet. Waiting..." );
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 5000 );
            } while ( result.ehDevices == null );

                "Do you want to create " + inputs.EventHubNameAlerts + " Event Hub?",
                "Are you sure you want to create " + inputs.EventHubNameAlerts + " Event Hub?",
                "Are you sure you do not want to create " + inputs.EventHubNameAlerts + " Event Hub?",
                ( ) =>
                    var ehDescriptionAlerts = new EventHubDescription( inputs.EventHubNameAlerts )
                        PartitionCount = 8,
                    ehDescriptionAlerts.Authorization.Add( new SharedAccessAuthorizationRule( "WebSite", new List<AccessRights> { AccessRights.Manage, AccessRights.Listen, AccessRights.Send } ) );
                    ehDescriptionAlerts.Authorization.Add( new SharedAccessAuthorizationRule( "StreamingAnalytics", new List<AccessRights> { AccessRights.Manage, AccessRights.Listen, AccessRights.Send } ) );

                    _ConsoleBuffer.Add( string.Format( "Creating Event Hub {0}...", inputs.EventHubNameAlerts ) );
                    result.ehAlerts = null;

                            result.ehAlerts = nsManager.CreateEventHubIfNotExists( ehDescriptionAlerts );
                        catch ( UnauthorizedAccessException )
                            _ConsoleBuffer.Add( "Service Bus connection string not valid yet. Waiting..." );
                            System.Threading.Thread.Sleep( 5000 );
                    } while ( result.ehAlerts == null );
                _ConsoleBuffer );

            // Create Storage Account for Event Hub Processor
            var stgMgmt = new StorageManagementClient( inputs.Credentials );
                _ConsoleBuffer.Add( string.Format( "Creating Storage Account {0} in location {1}...",
                    inputs.StorageAccountName, inputs.Location ) );

                var resultStg = stgMgmt.StorageAccounts.Create(
                    new StorageAccountCreateParameters { Name = inputs.StorageAccountName.ToLowerInvariant(), Location = inputs.Location, AccountType = "Standard_LRS" } );

                if( resultStg.StatusCode != System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK )
                    _ConsoleBuffer.Add( string.Format( "Error creating storage account {0} in Location {1}: {2}",
                        inputs.StorageAccountName, inputs.Location, resultStg.StatusCode ) );
                    return null;
            catch( CloudException ce )
                if( String.Equals( ce.Error.Code, "ConflictError", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase ) )
                    _ConsoleBuffer.Add( string.Format( "Storage account {0} already existed.", inputs.StorageAccountName ) );

            return result;