public static SYSTEMTIME ByteArrayToSystemTime(Byte[] array, int dataOffset) { SYSTEMTIME result = new SYSTEMTIME(); result.wYear = BitConverter.ToInt16(array, dataOffset); result.wMonth = BitConverter.ToInt16(array, dataOffset + 2); result.wDayOfWeek = BitConverter.ToInt16(array, dataOffset + 4); result.wDay = BitConverter.ToInt16(array, dataOffset + 6); result.wHour = BitConverter.ToInt16(array, dataOffset + 8); result.wMinute = BitConverter.ToInt16(array, dataOffset + 10); result.wSecond = BitConverter.ToInt16(array, dataOffset + 12); result.wMilliseconds = BitConverter.ToInt16(array, dataOffset + 14); return result; }
static SYSTEMTIME() { MinValue = new SYSTEMTIME(1601, 1, 1); MaxValue = new SYSTEMTIME(30827, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59, 999); }
private static extern bool SetSystemTime(ref SYSTEMTIME time);
private void UpdateTime(DateTime gpsTime) { SYSTEMTIME s = new SYSTEMTIME(); s.Year = (short) gpsTime.Year; s.Month = (short) gpsTime.Month; s.DayOfWeek = (short) gpsTime.DayOfWeek; s.Day = (short) gpsTime.Day; s.Hour = (short) gpsTime.Hour; s.Minute = (short) gpsTime.Minute; s.Second = (short) gpsTime.Second; s.Milliseconds = (short) gpsTime.Millisecond; bool t = SetSystemTime(ref s); Debug.WriteLine("SetSystemTime: " + t); }
bool SyncSystemTime() { if (position != null && position.TimeValid) { SYSTEMTIME st = new SYSTEMTIME(); st.Day = (short)position.Time.Day; st.DayOfWeek = 0; st.Month = (short)position.Time.Month; st.Year = (short)position.Time.Year; st.Hour = (short)position.Time.Hour; st.Minute = (short)position.Time.Minute; st.Second = (short)position.Time.Second; st.Milliseconds = (short)position.Time.Millisecond; return SetSystemTime(ref st); } else return false; }
public static extern bool TzSpecificLocalTimeToSystemTime( [In] ref TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION lpTimeZone, [In] ref SYSTEMTIME lpLocalTime, out SYSTEMTIME lpUniversalTime);
public static extern bool FileTimeToSystemTime( [In] ref FILETIME lpFileTime, out SYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime);
private static DateTime SystemTimeToDateTime(ref SYSTEMTIME st) { FILETIME ft = new FILETIME(); NativeMethods.SystemTimeToFileTime(ref st, out ft); DateTime dt = new DateTime((((long)ft.dwHighDateTime) << 32) | (uint)ft.dwLowDateTime); return dt; }
private static DateTime SystemTimeToDateTime( ref SYSTEMTIME st ) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME ft = new System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME(); NativeMethods.SystemTimeToFileTime( ref st, out ft ); DateTime dt = new DateTime( ( ( (long) ft.dwHighDateTime ) << 32 ) | (uint) ft.dwLowDateTime ); return dt; }
public static extern bool FileTimeToSystemTime( [In] ref System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME lpFileTime, out SYSTEMTIME lpSystemTime );
// Added By JK on 01/09/12 // Moved the code from Shell.xaml.cs to ModuleSelectionPresenter as the client wants // the Dispatcher to start even if the connection to backend is not established. private void Logon() { if (log.IsInfoEnabled) log.Info("Initiating Log on"); int maxTime = (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MaxTurnTime"] == null) ? 20 : int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MaxTurnTime"]); LogOnKioskResponse logonResponse = new LogOnKioskResponse(); LogonServiceClient logonproxy = null; DateTime dtBeforeLogon, dtafterLogon, newDateTime; TimeSpan timeDiff; try { ValidateCertificate.RegisterCallback(); logonproxy = new LogonServiceClient(); if (log.IsInfoEnabled) log.Info("Requesting for Log on"); dtBeforeLogon = DateTime.Now; logonResponse = logonproxy.LogOnKiosk(new LogOnKioskRequest { KioskId = Int32.Parse(KioskAppConfig.KioskId), StatusUpdated = DateTime.UtcNow, ReleaseVersion = KioskAppConfig.CurrentVersion }); dtafterLogon = DateTime.Now; timeDiff = dtafterLogon.Subtract(dtBeforeLogon); if (log.IsInfoEnabled) log.InfoFormat("Hours: {0}, Mins: {1} Sec: {2} Days:{3}", timeDiff.Hours, timeDiff.Minutes, timeDiff.Seconds, timeDiff.Days); if (log.IsInfoEnabled) log.Info("Requesting for Log on completed"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(logonResponse.XXX12)) { try { RegistryKey pRegKey = Registry.LocalMachine; pRegKey = pRegKey.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE\\USPInc"); SHA256 hasher = SHA256Managed.Create(); byte[] hashedData = hasher.ComputeHash( Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(logonResponse.XXX12)); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (byte b in hashedData) { sb.AppendFormat("{0:x2}", b); } pRegKey.SetValue("xxx23", sb.ToString(), RegistryValueKind.String); } catch (Exception ex) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) log.ErrorFormat("Set xxx12 error : {0}", ex.Message); } } logonResponse.isLoggedOn = true; if (logonResponse.isLoggedOn) { if (log.IsInfoEnabled) log.Info("Kiosk Logged on"); //Populate Service List KioskAppConfig.KioskServices = new List<Infrastructure.ObjectModel.KioskService>(); KioskAppConfig.KioskDevices = new List<Infrastructure.ObjectModel.KioskDevice>(); KioskAppConfig.KioskLocation = logonResponse.KioskLocation; isMonitored = logonResponse.isMonitored; if (timeDiff.Seconds >= 0 && timeDiff.Seconds <= maxTime) { if (log.IsInfoEnabled) log.InfoFormat("Kiosk Logged on between the turnaround time with time : {0}",logonResponse.CurrentTimeStamp); timeDiff = TimeSpan.FromTicks(timeDiff.Ticks / 2); newDateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(logonResponse.CurrentTimeStamp);//.ToLocalTime(); newDateTime.Add(timeDiff); //admin Change the system time if (log.IsInfoEnabled) log.Info("Synchronizing System Time"); SYSTEMTIME SysTime = new SYSTEMTIME(); SysTime.wYear = (short)newDateTime.Year; SysTime.wMonth = (short)newDateTime.Month; SysTime.wDay = (short)newDateTime.Day; SysTime.wHour = (short)newDateTime.Hour; SysTime.wMinute = (short)newDateTime.Minute; SysTime.wSecond = (short)newDateTime.Second; bool res = SetSystemTime(ref SysTime); if (!res) { if (log.IsErrorEnabled) log.Error("System Time not changed Successfully"); } else { if (log.IsInfoEnabled) log.Info("Changed System Time Successfully"); } } //this.Transaction.KioskServices = null; foreach (MBMEKiosk.LogonProxy.KioskService service in logonResponse.BillerServiceList) { MBMEKiosk.Infrastructure.ObjectModel.KioskService item = new MBMEKiosk.Infrastructure.ObjectModel.KioskService() { BillerServiceId = service.BillerServiceId, ServiceKey = service.ServiceKey, ActivationDate = service.ActivationDate, Available = service.Available, BillerServiceName = service.BillerServiceName, KioskId = service.KioskId, KioskRefNum = service.KioskRefNum }; KioskAppConfig.KioskServices.Add(item); } //Populate Device List foreach (MBMEKiosk.LogonProxy.KioskDevice device in logonResponse.DeviceList) { MBMEKiosk.Infrastructure.ObjectModel.KioskDevice item = new MBMEKiosk.Infrastructure.ObjectModel.KioskDevice() { DeviceId = device.DeviceId, //KioskDeviceId = device.KioskDeviceId, DeviceKey = device.DeviceKey, DeviceEnabled = device.DeviceEnabled, DeviceName = device.DeviceName, KioskId = device.KioskId, KioskRefNum = device.KioskRefNum }; KioskAppConfig.KioskDevices.Add(item); if (log.IsInfoEnabled) log.Info("Machine Location retrieved is:" + KioskAppConfig.KioskLocation + ",MachineId:" + KioskAppConfig.KioskId); } // Modified By JK on 01/09/12 // Previously the developer had put AND condition but has been replaced with OR. if ((logonResponse.BillerServiceList.Length == 0) && (logonResponse.DeviceList.Length == 0)) { if (log.IsInfoEnabled) log.Info("Kiosk logged on not successful"); loggedOn = false; if (log.IsInfoEnabled) log.Info("No Biller Service or Device configured for this Kiosk."); } else { loggedOn = true; if (log.IsInfoEnabled) log.Info("Kiosk logged on successfull"); //initialize Devices objKiosk.Name = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["KDeviceId"].ToString(); ; objPrinter.Name = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PDeviceId"].ToString(); objCashAcceptor.Name = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CADeviceId"].ToString(); var kioskDevice = (from A in KioskAppConfig.KioskDevices where A.DeviceName.Equals(objKiosk.Name) select A.DeviceId).SingleOrDefault(); objKiosk.DeviceId = kioskDevice.ToString(); var printerDevice = (from A in KioskAppConfig.KioskDevices where A.DeviceName.Equals(objPrinter.Name) select A.DeviceId).SingleOrDefault(); objPrinter.DeviceId = printerDevice.ToString(); var cashAcceptorDevice = (from A in KioskAppConfig.KioskDevices where A.DeviceName.Equals(objCashAcceptor.Name) select A.DeviceId).SingleOrDefault(); objCashAcceptor.DeviceId = cashAcceptorDevice.ToString(); if (connectivityPolling) { //if (isMonitored) RestartConnectivityTimer(); //if (monitorClient == null) // monitorClient.CheckBackendConnectivityCompleted += new EventHandler<CheckBackendConnectivityCompletedEventArgs>(monitorClient_CheckBackendConnectivityCompleted); } if (shutdownCommandActive) RestartShutdownTimer(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { loggedOn = false; if (logonproxy != null) logonproxy.Abort(); if (log.IsErrorEnabled) log.ErrorFormat("Kiosk logon unsuccessfull: {0} {1}", DateTime.Now.ToString(), ex.Message); } finally { if (!loggedOn) RestartLogonTimer(); if (logonproxy != null) logonproxy.Close(); ValidateCertificate.DeregisterCallback(); } }
private bool addNewNote(string id, NOTE_DATA data, SCHEDULE_TYPE schedule, NOTE_REL_POSITION relPos, ADDITIONAL_NAPP addApp, SYSTEMTIME creation, SYSTEMTIME deletion, NOTE_APPEARANCE appearance, NOTE_PIN pin, SEND_REC_STATUS sendrec, StringBuilder tags, StringBuilder links, Dictionary<int, int> groupIds, bool hide) { try { var sqlList = new List<string>(); var sb = new StringBuilder(); var afv = new AlarmAfterValues(); var md = new MonthDay(); var dw = new List<DayOfWeek>(); var sc = new SizeConverter(); var pc = new PointConverter(); var ac = new AlarmAfterValuesConverter(); var mdc = new MonthDayConverter(); var dwc = new DaysOfWeekConverter(); var lfc = new LogFontConverter(); if (PNStatic.Notes.Any(n => n.ID == id)) { string message = PNLang.Instance.GetMessageText("id_exists", "The note with the same ID already exists."); message += '\n'; message += PNLang.Instance.GetMessageText("continue_anyway", "Continue anyway?"); if ( PNMessageBox.Show(message, PNStrings.PROG_NAME, MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question) == MessageBoxResult.No) { return false; } } sqlList.Add("DELETE FROM NOTES WHERE ID = '" + id + "'"); sb.Append( "INSERT INTO NOTES (ID, NAME, GROUP_ID, PREV_GROUP_ID, OPACITY, VISIBLE, FAVORITE, PROTECTED, COMPLETED, PRIORITY, PASSWORD_STRING, PINNED, TOPMOST, ROLLED, DOCK_STATUS, DOCK_ORDER, SEND_RECEIVE_STATUS, DATE_CREATED, DATE_SAVED, DATE_SENT, DATE_RECEIVED, DATE_DELETED, SIZE, LOCATION, EDIT_SIZE, REL_X, REL_Y, SENT_TO, RECEIVED_FROM, PIN_CLASS, PIN_TEXT, RECEIVED_IP) VALUES("); // ID sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(id); sb.Append("', "); // NAME sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(data.szName.Replace("'", "''")); sb.Append("', "); // GROUP_ID if (groupIds.Keys.Contains(data.idGroup)) { sb.Append(groupIds[data.idGroup]); } else { if (PNStatic.Groups.Any(g => g.ID == data.idGroup)) { if (data.idGroup == GROUP_INCOMING) sb.Append((int)SpecialGroups.Incoming); else sb.Append(data.idGroup); } else { sb.Append("0"); } } sb.Append(", "); // PREV_GROUP_ID sb.Append("0"); sb.Append(", "); // OPACITY sb.Append(addApp.transValue != 0 ? (addApp.transValue / 255.0).ToString(PNStatic.CultureInvariant) : "1.0"); sb.Append(", "); // VISIBLE sb.Append(!hide ? Convert.ToInt32(data.visible) : 0); sb.Append(", "); // FAVORITE sb.Append("0, "); // PROTECTED sb.Append(Convert.ToInt32(PNStatic.IsBitSet(data.res1, NB_PROTECTED))); sb.Append(", "); // COMPLETED sb.Append(Convert.ToInt32(PNStatic.IsBitSet(data.res1, NB_COMPLETED))); sb.Append(", "); // PRIORITY sb.Append(Convert.ToInt32(PNStatic.IsBitSet(data.res1, NB_HIGH_PRIORITY))); sb.Append(", "); // PASSWORD_STRING sb.Append("'',"); // PINNED sb.Append( Convert.ToInt32((pin.className != null && pin.text != null && pin.className != "" && pin.text != ""))); sb.Append(", "); // TOPMOST sb.Append(Convert.ToInt32(data.onTop)); sb.Append(", "); // ROLLED sb.Append(Convert.ToInt32(data.rolled)); sb.Append(", "); // DOCK_STATUS int ddata = loWord(data.dockData); if (ddata < (int)DockStatus.None || ddata > (int)DockStatus.Bottom) sb.Append((int)DockStatus.None); else sb.Append(ddata); sb.Append(", "); // DOCK_ORDER var dorder = -1; switch ((DockStatus)ddata) { case DockStatus.Left: case DockStatus.Top: case DockStatus.Right: case DockStatus.Bottom: if (PNStatic.DockedNotes[(DockStatus)ddata].Count > 0) { dorder = PNStatic.DockedNotes[(DockStatus)ddata].Max(n => n.DockOrder) + 1; dorder += m_DockedNotes[(DockStatus)ddata]; m_DockedNotes[(DockStatus)ddata]++; } else dorder = 0; break; } sb.Append(dorder); sb.Append(", "); // SEND_RECEIVE_STATUS if (sendrec.sentTo != null && sendrec.recFrom != null && sendrec.sentTo != "" && sendrec.recFrom != "") sb.Append((int)(SendReceiveStatus.Both)); else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sendrec.sentTo)) sb.Append((int)SendReceiveStatus.Sent); else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sendrec.recFrom)) sb.Append((int)SendReceiveStatus.Received); else sb.Append("0"); sb.Append(", "); // DATE_CREATED DateTime date = new DateTime(creation.wYear != 0 ? creation.wYear : 1, creation.wMonth != 0 ? creation.wMonth : 1, creation.wDay != 0 ? creation.wDay : 1, creation.wHour, creation.wMinute, creation.wSecond); sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(date.ToString(PNStrings.DATE_TIME_FORMAT, PNStatic.CultureInvariant).Replace("'", "''")); sb.Append("', "); // DATE_SAVED date = new DateTime(data.stChanged.wYear != 0 ? data.stChanged.wYear : 1, data.stChanged.wMonth != 0 ? data.stChanged.wMonth : 1, data.stChanged.wDay != 0 ? data.stChanged.wDay : 1, data.stChanged.wHour, data.stChanged.wMinute, data.stChanged.wSecond); sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(date.ToString(PNStrings.DATE_TIME_FORMAT, PNStatic.CultureInvariant).Replace("'", "''")); sb.Append("', "); // DATE_SENT date = new DateTime(sendrec.lastSent.wYear != 0 ? sendrec.lastSent.wYear : 1, sendrec.lastSent.wMonth != 0 ? sendrec.lastSent.wMonth : 1, sendrec.lastSent.wDay != 0 ? sendrec.lastSent.wDay : 1, sendrec.lastSent.wHour, sendrec.lastSent.wMinute, sendrec.lastSent.wSecond); sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(date.ToString(PNStrings.DATE_TIME_FORMAT, PNStatic.CultureInvariant).Replace("'", "''")); sb.Append("', "); // DATE_RECEIVED date = new DateTime(sendrec.lastRec.wYear != 0 ? sendrec.lastRec.wYear : 1, sendrec.lastRec.wMonth != 0 ? sendrec.lastRec.wMonth : 1, sendrec.lastRec.wDay != 0 ? sendrec.lastRec.wDay : 1, sendrec.lastRec.wHour, sendrec.lastRec.wMinute, sendrec.lastRec.wSecond); sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(date.ToString(PNStrings.DATE_TIME_FORMAT, PNStatic.CultureInvariant).Replace("'", "''")); sb.Append("', "); // DATE_DELETED date = new DateTime(deletion.wYear != 0 ? deletion.wYear : 1, deletion.wMonth != 0 ? deletion.wMonth : 1, deletion.wDay != 0 ? deletion.wDay : 1, deletion.wHour, deletion.wMinute, deletion.wSecond); sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(date.ToString(PNStrings.DATE_TIME_FORMAT, PNStatic.CultureInvariant).Replace("'", "''")); sb.Append("', "); // SIZE Size size = new Size(data.rcp.right - data.rcp.left, data.rcp.bottom -; sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(sc.ConvertToString(null, PNStatic.CultureInvariant, size)); sb.Append("', "); // LOCATION Point location = new Point(data.rcp.left,; sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(pc.ConvertToString(null, PNStatic.CultureInvariant, location)); sb.Append("', "); // EDIT_SIZE - just copy note size, there is no way to get the edit size of note sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(sc.ConvertToString(null, PNStatic.CultureInvariant, size)); sb.Append("', "); // REL_X sb.Append(Math.Abs(relPos.left - 0) > double.Epsilon ? relPos.left.ToString(PNStatic.CultureInvariant) : "1.0"); sb.Append(", "); // REL_Y sb.Append(Math.Abs( - 0) > double.Epsilon ? : "1.0"); sb.Append(", "); // SENT_TO sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sendrec.sentTo) ? sendrec.sentTo.Replace("'", "''") : ""); sb.Append("', "); // RECEIVED_FROM sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sendrec.recFrom) ? sendrec.recFrom.Replace("'", "''") : ""); sb.Append("', "); // PIN_CLASS sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pin.className) ? pin.className.Replace("'", "''") : ""); sb.Append("', "); // PIN_TEXT sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(pin.text) ? pin.text.Replace("'", "''") : ""); //RECEIVED_IP sb.Append("', ''"); sb.Append(")"); sqlList.Add(sb.ToString()); // schedule // SCHEDULE_TYPE if (schedule.scType > 0) { ScheduleType sctype; if (schedule.scType > START_PROG) { sctype = (ScheduleType)(schedule.scType - START_PROG); } else { sctype = (ScheduleType)schedule.scType; } var doInsert = true; if (sctype == ScheduleType.RepeatEvery || sctype == ScheduleType.After) { if (schedule.scDate.wYear == 0 && schedule.scDate.wMonth == 0 && schedule.scDate.wDayOfWeek == 0 && schedule.scDate.wDay == 0 && schedule.scDate.wHour == 0 && schedule.scDate.wMinute == 0 && schedule.scDate.wSecond == 0) { doInsert = false; } } if (doInsert) { sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append( "INSERT INTO NOTES_SCHEDULE (NOTE_ID, SCHEDULE_TYPE, ALARM_DATE, START_DATE, LAST_RUN, SOUND, STOP_AFTER, TRACK, REPEAT_COUNT, SOUND_IN_LOOP, USE_TTS, START_FROM, MONTH_DAY, ALARM_AFTER, WEEKDAYS, PROG_TO_RUN, CLOSE_ON_NOTIFICATION, MULTI_ALERTS, TIME_ZONE) VALUES("); // NOTE_ID sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(id); sb.Append("', "); sb.Append((int)sctype); sb.Append(", "); // ALARM_DATE date = new DateTime(schedule.scDate.wYear != 0 ? schedule.scDate.wYear : 1, schedule.scDate.wMonth != 0 ? schedule.scDate.wMonth : 1, schedule.scDate.wDay != 0 ? schedule.scDate.wDay : 1, schedule.scDate.wHour, schedule.scDate.wMinute, schedule.scDate.wSecond); sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(date.ToString(PNStrings.DATE_TIME_FORMAT, PNStatic.CultureInvariant) .Replace("'", "''")); sb.Append("', "); // START_DATE date = new DateTime(schedule.scStart.wYear != 0 ? schedule.scStart.wYear : 1, schedule.scStart.wMonth != 0 ? schedule.scStart.wMonth : 1, schedule.scStart.wDay != 0 ? schedule.scStart.wDay : 1, schedule.scStart.wHour, schedule.scStart.wMinute, schedule.scStart.wSecond); sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(date.ToString(PNStrings.DATE_TIME_FORMAT, PNStatic.CultureInvariant) .Replace("'", "''")); sb.Append("', "); // LAST_RUN date = new DateTime(schedule.scLastRun.wYear != 0 ? schedule.scLastRun.wYear : 1, schedule.scLastRun.wMonth != 0 ? schedule.scLastRun.wMonth : 1, schedule.scLastRun.wDay != 0 ? schedule.scLastRun.wDay : 1, schedule.scLastRun.wHour, schedule.scLastRun.wMinute, schedule.scLastRun.wSecond); sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(date.ToString(PNStrings.DATE_TIME_FORMAT, PNStatic.CultureInvariant) .Replace("'", "''")); sb.Append("', "); // SOUND sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(schedule.szSound != null && schedule.szSound.Trim().Length > 0 ? schedule.szSound.Replace("'", "''") : PNSchedule.DEF_SOUND); sb.Append("', "); // STOP_AFTER sb.Append(schedule.stopLoop); sb.Append(", "); // TRACK sb.Append(Convert.ToInt32(!PNStatic.IsBitSet(data.res1, NB_NOT_TRACK))); sb.Append(", "); // REPEAT_COUNT - no way to get repeat count sb.Append(0); sb.Append(", "); // SOUND_IN_LOOP sb.Append(Convert.ToInt32(PNStatic.IsBitSet(schedule.parameters, SP_SOUND_IN_LOOP))); sb.Append(", "); // USE_TTS sb.Append(Convert.ToInt32(PNStatic.IsBitSet(schedule.parameters, SP_USE_TTS))); sb.Append(", "); // START_FROM if (schedule.scType > START_PROG) sb.Append((int)ScheduleStart.ProgramStart); else sb.Append((int)ScheduleStart.ExactTime); sb.Append(", "); // MONTH_DAY if (sctype == ScheduleType.MonthlyDayOfWeek) { md.WeekDay = (DayOfWeek)schedule.scDate.wDayOfWeek; md.OrdinalNumber = (DayOrdinal)schedule.scDate.wMilliseconds; } sb.Append("'"); var convertToString = mdc.ConvertToString(md); if (convertToString != null) sb.Append(convertToString.Replace("'", "''")); sb.Append("', "); // ALARM_AFTER if (sctype == ScheduleType.RepeatEvery || sctype == ScheduleType.After) { afv.Years = schedule.scDate.wYear; afv.Months = schedule.scDate.wMonth; afv.Weeks = schedule.scDate.wDayOfWeek; afv.Days = schedule.scDate.wDay; afv.Hours = schedule.scDate.wHour; afv.Minutes = schedule.scDate.wMinute; afv.Seconds = schedule.scDate.wSecond; } sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(ac.ConvertToString(afv).Replace("'", "''")); sb.Append("', "); // WEEKDAYS if (sctype == ScheduleType.Weekly) { if (PNStatic.IsBitSet(schedule.scDate.wDayOfWeek, 1)) dw.Add(DayOfWeek.Sunday); if (PNStatic.IsBitSet(schedule.scDate.wDayOfWeek, 2)) dw.Add(DayOfWeek.Monday); if (PNStatic.IsBitSet(schedule.scDate.wDayOfWeek, 3)) dw.Add(DayOfWeek.Tuesday); if (PNStatic.IsBitSet(schedule.scDate.wDayOfWeek, 4)) dw.Add(DayOfWeek.Wednesday); if (PNStatic.IsBitSet(schedule.scDate.wDayOfWeek, 5)) dw.Add(DayOfWeek.Thursday); if (PNStatic.IsBitSet(schedule.scDate.wDayOfWeek, 6)) dw.Add(DayOfWeek.Friday); if (PNStatic.IsBitSet(schedule.scDate.wDayOfWeek, 7)) dw.Add(DayOfWeek.Saturday); } sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(dwc.ConvertToString(dw)); sb.Append("','"); //PROG_TO_RUN sb.Append("',"); //CLOSE_ON_NOTIFICATION sb.Append(0); //MULTI_ALERTS sb.Append(", NULL"); //TIME_ZONE sb.Append(", NULL"); sb.Append(")"); sqlList.Add(sb.ToString()); } } // custom note settings sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append( "INSERT INTO CUSTOM_NOTES_SETTINGS (NOTE_ID, BACK_COLOR, CAPTION_FONT_COLOR, CAPTION_FONT, SKIN_NAME, CUSTOM_OPACITY) VALUES("); // NOTE_ID sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(id); sb.Append("', "); // BACK_COLOR if (appearance.crWindow != 0 && (appearance.nPrivate & F_B_COLOR) == F_B_COLOR) { sb.Append("'"); var colorString = PNStatic.FromIntToColorString(appearance.crWindow); sb.Append(colorString); sb.Append("', "); } else { sb.Append("NULL, "); } // CAPTION_FONT_COLOR if (appearance.crCaption != 0 && (appearance.nPrivate & F_C_COLOR) == F_C_COLOR) { sb.Append("'"); var colorString = PNStatic.FromIntToColorString(appearance.crCaption); sb.Append(colorString); sb.Append("', "); } else { sb.Append("NULL, "); } // CAPTION_FONT if (appearance.lfCaption.lfFaceName != null && appearance.lfCaption.lfFaceName.Trim().Length > 0 && (appearance.nPrivate & F_C_FONT) == F_C_FONT) { var lf = new LOGFONT { lfCharSet = appearance.lfCaption.lfCharSet, lfClipPrecision = appearance.lfCaption.lfClipPrecision, lfEscapement = appearance.lfCaption.lfEscapement, lfFaceName = appearance.lfCaption.lfFaceName.Trim(), lfHeight = appearance.lfCaption.lfHeight, lfItalic = appearance.lfCaption.lfItalic, lfOrientation = appearance.lfCaption.lfOrientation, lfOutPrecision = appearance.lfCaption.lfOutPrecision, lfPitchAndFamily = appearance.lfCaption.lfPitchAndFamily, lfQuality = appearance.lfCaption.lfQuality, lfStrikeOut = appearance.lfCaption.lfStrikeOut, lfUnderline = appearance.lfCaption.lfUnderline, lfWeight = appearance.lfCaption.lfWeight, lfWidth = appearance.lfCaption.lfWidth }; sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(lfc.ConvertToString(lf)); sb.Append("', "); } else { sb.Append("NULL, "); } // SKIN_NAME if (appearance.szSkin != null && appearance.szSkin.Trim().Length > 0 && (appearance.nPrivate & F_SKIN) == F_SKIN) { sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(appearance.szSkin.Trim().Replace("'", "''")); sb.Append("', "); } else { sb.Append("NULL, "); } // CUSTOM_OPACITY sb.Append(addApp.transValue != 0 ? 1 : 0); sb.Append(")"); sqlList.Add(sb.ToString()); // linked notes if (links.Length > 0) { var arr = links.ToString().Split('|'); foreach (var s in arr) { if (s.Trim().Length > 0) { sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("INSERT INTO LINKED_NOTES (NOTE_ID, LINK_ID) VALUES("); // NOTE_ID sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(id); sb.Append("', "); // LINK_ID sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(s); sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(")"); sqlList.Add(sb.ToString()); } } } // tags if (tags.Length > 0) { var arr = tags.ToString().Split(','); foreach (var s in arr) { if (s.Trim().Length > 0) { sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("INSERT INTO NOTES_TAGS (NOTE_ID, TAG) VALUES("); // NOTE_ID sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(id); sb.Append("', "); // TAG sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(s.Replace("'", "''")); sb.Append("'"); sb.Append(") "); sqlList.Add(sb.ToString()); } } } if (!removeNote(id)) return false; if (!PNData.ExecuteTransactionForList(sqlList, PNData.ConnectionString)) return false; return true; } catch (Exception ex) { PNStatic.LogException(ex); return false; } }
private void importNotes(Dictionary<int, int> groupIds) { try { var listID = new List<string>(); var size = 1024; var dbPath = Path.Combine( chkUseDataDir.IsChecked != null && chkUseDataDir.IsChecked.Value ? txtDataDir.Text : txtDBDir.Text, "notes.pnid"); // get all notes ids var buffer = new string(' ', size); while (PNInterop.GetPrivateProfileString(null, null, null, buffer, size, dbPath) == size - 2) { // loop until sufficient buffer size size *= 2; buffer = new string(' ', size); } // section names are delimeted by '\0' character with additional '\0' character at the end var names = buffer.ToString(PNStatic.CultureInvariant).Split('\0'); var sections = names.Where(n => n.Trim().Length > 0); // interate through all notes ids foreach (var id in sections) { // get names of all keys under the specified id size = 1024; buffer = new string(' ', size); while (PNInterop.GetPrivateProfileString(id, null, null, buffer, size, dbPath) == size - 2) { // loop until sufficient buffer size size *= 2; buffer = new string(' ', size); } // key names are delimeted by '\0' character with additional '\0' character at the end names = buffer.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Split('\0'); var keys = names.Where(n => n.Trim().Length > 0); var enumerable = keys as string[] ?? keys.ToArray(); if (enumerable.Contains("data")) { // only if there is 'data' key var data = new NOTE_DATA(); var schedule = new SCHEDULE_TYPE(); var relPos = new NOTE_REL_POSITION(); var addApp = new ADDITIONAL_NAPP(); var creation = new SYSTEMTIME(); var deletion = new SYSTEMTIME(); var appearance = new NOTE_APPEARANCE(); var pin = new NOTE_PIN(); var sendrec = new SEND_REC_STATUS(); var password = new StringBuilder(256); var tags = new StringBuilder(1024); var links = new StringBuilder(1024); // iterate through all keys foreach (var key in enumerable) { switch (key) { case "data": data = PNInterop.ReadINIStructure(dbPath, id, key, data); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.szName)) { // no note's name found - continue to iterate notes ids goto _sections_loop; } if (data.idGroup == -2 && (chkNoRecycle.IsChecked != null && chkNoRecycle.IsChecked.Value)) { // do not get note from Recycle bin - continue to iterate notes ids goto _sections_loop; } break; case "schedule": schedule = PNInterop.ReadINIStructure(dbPath, id, key, schedule); break; case "rel_position": relPos = PNInterop.ReadINIStructure(dbPath, id, key, relPos); break; case "add_appearance": addApp = PNInterop.ReadINIStructure(dbPath, id, key, addApp); break; case "creation": creation = PNInterop.ReadINIStructure(dbPath, id, key, creation); break; case "appearance": appearance = PNInterop.ReadINIStructure(dbPath, id, key, appearance); break; case "pin": pin = PNInterop.ReadINIStructure(dbPath, id, key, pin); break; case "send_rec": sendrec = PNInterop.ReadINIStructure(dbPath, id, key, sendrec); break; case "deletion": deletion = PNInterop.ReadINIStructure(dbPath, id, key, deletion); break; case "lock": PNInterop.GetPrivateProfileStringByBuilder(id, key, "", password, 256, dbPath); if (password.Length > 0) { // no import for password protected notes - continue to iterate notes ids goto _sections_loop; } break; case "tags": while (PNInterop.GetPrivateProfileStringByBuilder(id, key, "", tags, tags.Capacity, dbPath) == tags.Capacity - 1) { tags.Capacity *= 2; } break; case "links": while (PNInterop.GetPrivateProfileStringByBuilder(id, key, "", links, links.Capacity, dbPath) == tags.Capacity - 1) { links.Capacity *= 2; } break; } } if (addNewNote(id, data, schedule, relPos, addApp, creation, deletion, appearance, pin, sendrec, tags, links, groupIds, chkKeepInvisible.IsChecked ?? false)) { listID.Add(id); } } _sections_loop: System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); } if (listID.Count > 0) { var rtb = new System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBox(); var ids = listID.ToArray(); foreach (string id in ids) { var src = Path.Combine(txtDataDir.Text, id + ".pnote"); if (!File.Exists(src)) { listID.Remove(id); continue; } try { rtb.LoadFile(src, System.Windows.Forms.RichTextBoxStreamType.RichText); } catch (ArgumentException aex) { if (aex.Message.Contains("File format is not valid")) { listID.Remove(id); continue; } } var dest = Path.Combine(PNPaths.Instance.DataDir, id + PNStrings.NOTE_EXTENSION); File.Copy(src, dest, true); } //show notes if appropriate check box is unchecked PNStatic.FormMain.LoadNotesByList(listID, !(chkKeepInvisible.IsChecked ?? false)); } } catch (Exception ex) { PNStatic.LogException(ex); } }
public static extern bool SetSystemTime(ref SYSTEMTIME st);