Example #1
 internal static int EcKeyGetSize(SafeEcKeyHandle key)
     int keySize;
     int rc = CryptoNative_EcKeyGetSize(key, out keySize);
     if (rc == 1)
         return keySize;
     throw Interop.Crypto.CreateOpenSslCryptographicException();
Example #2
 internal static bool EcKeyHasCurveName(SafeEcKeyHandle key)
     int nidCurveName;
     int rc = CryptoNative_EcKeyGetCurveName(key, out nidCurveName);
     if (rc == 1)
         // Key is invalid or doesn't have a curve
         return (nidCurveName != Interop.Crypto.NID_undef);
     throw Interop.Crypto.CreateOpenSslCryptographicException();
        internal static SafeEcKeyHandle DuplicateHandle(IntPtr handle)
            Debug.Assert(handle != IntPtr.Zero);

            // Reliability: Allocate the SafeHandle before calling EC_KEY_up_ref so
            // that we don't lose a tracked reference in low-memory situations.
            SafeEcKeyHandle safeHandle = new SafeEcKeyHandle();

            if (!Interop.Crypto.EcKeyUpRef(handle))
                throw Interop.Crypto.CreateOpenSslCryptographicException();

            return safeHandle;
Example #4
 internal static int EcKeyGetCurveName(SafeEcKeyHandle ecKey)
     bool mustRelease = false;
         ecKey.DangerousAddRef(ref mustRelease);
         IntPtr ecGroup = EC_KEY_get0_group(ecKey.DangerousGetHandle());
         int nid = EC_GROUP_get_curve_name(ecGroup);
         return nid;
         if (mustRelease)
Example #5
        internal static string EcKeyGetCurveName(SafeEcKeyHandle key)
            int nidCurveName;
            int rc = CryptoNative_EcKeyGetCurveName(key, out nidCurveName);
            if (rc == 1)
                if (nidCurveName == Interop.Crypto.NID_undef)
                    Debug.Assert(false); // Key is invalid or doesn't have a curve
                    return string.Empty;

                IntPtr objCurveName = Interop.Crypto.ObjNid2Obj(nidCurveName);
                if (objCurveName != IntPtr.Zero)
                    return Interop.Crypto.GetOidValue(objCurveName);
            throw Interop.Crypto.CreateOpenSslCryptographicException();
        internal static ECParameters GetECKeyParameters(
            SafeEcKeyHandle key,
            bool includePrivate)
            SafeBignumHandle qx_bn, qy_bn, d_bn;
            IntPtr d_bn_not_owned;
            int qx_cb, qy_cb, d_cb;
            ECParameters parameters = new ECParameters();

            bool refAdded = false;
                key.DangerousAddRef(ref refAdded); // Protect access to d_bn_not_owned
                if (!CryptoNative_GetECKeyParameters(
                    out qx_bn, out qx_cb,
                    out qy_bn, out qy_cb,
                    out d_bn_not_owned, out d_cb))
                    throw Interop.Crypto.CreateOpenSslCryptographicException();

                using (qx_bn)
                using (qy_bn)
                using (d_bn = new SafeBignumHandle(d_bn_not_owned, false))
                    // Match Windows semantics where qx, qy, and d have same length
                    int cbKey = GetMax(qx_cb, qy_cb, d_cb);

                    parameters.Q = new ECPoint
                        X = Crypto.ExtractBignum(qx_bn, cbKey),
                        Y = Crypto.ExtractBignum(qy_bn, cbKey)
                    parameters.D = d_cb == 0 ? null : Crypto.ExtractBignum(d_bn, cbKey);
                if (refAdded)

            return parameters;
Example #7
 internal static extern int ECDSA_size(SafeEcKeyHandle ecKey);  // returns the maximum length of a DER encoded ECDSA signature created with this key.
Example #8
 private static extern int CryptoNative_EcKeyGetCurveName(SafeEcKeyHandle ecKey, out int nid);
Example #9
 internal static extern int ECDSA_verify(int type, [In] byte[] dgst, int dgst_len, [In] byte[] sigbuf, int sig_len, SafeEcKeyHandle ecKey);
Example #10
 private static extern int CryptoNative_EcKeyGetSize(SafeEcKeyHandle ecKey, out int keySize);
Example #11
            private void SetKey(SafeEcKeyHandle newKey)
                // Use ForceSet instead of the property setter to ensure that LegalKeySizes doesn't interfere
                // with the already loaded key.

                _key = new Lazy<SafeEcKeyHandle>(() => newKey);

                // Have Lazy<T> consider the key to be loaded
                var dummy = _key.Value;
Example #12
 internal static extern bool EVP_PKEY_set1_EC_KEY(SafeEvpPKeyHandle pkey, SafeEcKeyHandle rsa);
Example #13
 internal static extern int EcKeyGetCurveName(SafeEcKeyHandle ecKey);
            private static ECParameters ExportExplicitCurveParameters(SafeEcKeyHandle key, bool includePrivateParameters)

                ECParameters parameters = Interop.Crypto.GetECCurveParameters(key, includePrivateParameters);

                bool hasPrivateKey = (parameters.D != null);
                if (hasPrivateKey != includePrivateParameters)
                    throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_CSP_NoPrivateKey);

                return parameters;
Example #15
 internal static extern bool EvpPkeySetEcKey(SafeEvpPKeyHandle pkey, SafeEcKeyHandle key);
Example #16
 internal static extern bool EcDsaSign([In] byte[] dgst, int dlen, [Out] byte[] sig, [In, Out] ref int siglen, SafeEcKeyHandle ecKey);
Example #17
 internal static extern bool EC_KEY_generate_key(SafeEcKeyHandle eckey);
Example #18
 internal static extern int EcDsaSize(SafeEcKeyHandle ecKey);
Example #19
 internal static extern int EcDsaVerify([In] byte[] dgst, int dgst_len, [In] byte[] sigbuf, int sig_len, SafeEcKeyHandle ecKey);
Example #20
 internal static extern bool EcKeyGenerateKey(SafeEcKeyHandle eckey);
 internal static extern ECCurve.ECCurveType EcKeyGetCurveType(SafeEcKeyHandle key);
            private static ECParameters ExportNamedCurveParameters(SafeEcKeyHandle key, bool includePrivateParameters)

                ECParameters parameters = Interop.Crypto.GetECKeyParameters(key, includePrivateParameters);

                bool hasPrivateKey = (parameters.D != null);
                if (hasPrivateKey != includePrivateParameters)
                    throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_CSP_NoPrivateKey);

                // Assign Curve
                string keyOidValueName = Interop.Crypto.EcKeyGetCurveName(key);
                parameters.Curve = ECCurve.CreateFromValue(keyOidValueName);

                return parameters;
 private static extern bool CryptoNative_GetECCurveParameters(
     SafeEcKeyHandle key,
     bool includePrivate,
     out ECCurve.ECCurveType curveType,
     out SafeBignumHandle qx, out int x_cb,
     out SafeBignumHandle qy, out int y_cb,
     out IntPtr d_bn_not_owned, out int d_cb,
     out SafeBignumHandle p, out int P_cb,
     out SafeBignumHandle a, out int A_cb,
     out SafeBignumHandle b, out int B_cb,
     out SafeBignumHandle gx, out int Gx_cb,
     out SafeBignumHandle gy, out int Gy_cb,
     out SafeBignumHandle order, out int order_cb,
     out SafeBignumHandle cofactor, out int cofactor_cb,
     out SafeBignumHandle seed, out int seed_cb);
 private static void CheckInvalidKey(SafeEcKeyHandle key)
     if (key == null || key.IsInvalid)
         throw new CryptographicException(SR.Cryptography_OpenInvalidHandle);
        internal static ECParameters GetECCurveParameters(
            SafeEcKeyHandle key,
            bool includePrivate)
            ECCurve.ECCurveType curveType;
            SafeBignumHandle qx_bn, qy_bn, p_bn, a_bn, b_bn, gx_bn, gy_bn, order_bn, cofactor_bn, seed_bn;
            IntPtr d_bn_not_owned;
            int qx_cb, qy_cb, p_cb, a_cb, b_cb, gx_cb, gy_cb, order_cb, cofactor_cb, seed_cb, d_cb;

            bool refAdded = false;
                key.DangerousAddRef(ref refAdded); // Protect access to d_bn_not_owned
                if (!CryptoNative_GetECCurveParameters(
                    out curveType,
                    out qx_bn, out qx_cb,
                    out qy_bn, out qy_cb,
                    out d_bn_not_owned, out d_cb,
                    out p_bn, out p_cb,
                    out a_bn, out a_cb,
                    out b_bn, out b_cb,
                    out gx_bn, out gx_cb,
                    out gy_bn, out gy_cb,
                    out order_bn, out order_cb,
                    out cofactor_bn, out cofactor_cb,
                    out seed_bn, out seed_cb))
                    throw Interop.Crypto.CreateOpenSslCryptographicException();

                using (qx_bn)
                using (qy_bn)
                using (p_bn)
                using (a_bn)
                using (b_bn)
                using (gx_bn)
                using (gy_bn)
                using (order_bn)
                using (cofactor_bn)
                using (seed_bn)
                using (var d_h = new SafeBignumHandle(d_bn_not_owned, false))
                    int cbFieldLength;
                    int pFieldLength;
                    if (curveType == ECCurve.ECCurveType.Characteristic2)
                        // Match Windows semantics where a,b,gx,gy,qx,qy have same length
                        // Treat length of m separately as it is not tied to other fields for Char2 (Char2 not supported by Windows) 
                        cbFieldLength = GetMax(new[] { a_cb, b_cb, gx_cb, gy_cb, qx_cb, qy_cb });
                        pFieldLength = p_cb;
                        // Match Windows semantics where p,a,b,gx,gy,qx,qy have same length
                        cbFieldLength = GetMax(new[] { p_cb, a_cb, b_cb, gx_cb, gy_cb, qx_cb, qy_cb });
                        pFieldLength = cbFieldLength;

                    // Match Windows semantics where order and d have same length
                    int cbSubgroupOrder = GetMax(order_cb, d_cb);

                    // Copy values to ECParameters
                    ECParameters parameters = new ECParameters();
                    parameters.Q = new ECPoint
                        X = Crypto.ExtractBignum(qx_bn, cbFieldLength),
                        Y = Crypto.ExtractBignum(qy_bn, cbFieldLength)
                    parameters.D = d_cb == 0 ? null : Crypto.ExtractBignum(d_h, cbSubgroupOrder);

                    var curve = parameters.Curve;
                    curve.CurveType = curveType;
                    curve.A = Crypto.ExtractBignum(a_bn, cbFieldLength);
                    curve.B = Crypto.ExtractBignum(b_bn, cbFieldLength);
                    curve.G = new ECPoint
                        X = Crypto.ExtractBignum(gx_bn, cbFieldLength),
                        Y = Crypto.ExtractBignum(gy_bn, cbFieldLength)
                    curve.Order = Crypto.ExtractBignum(order_bn, cbSubgroupOrder);

                    if (curveType == ECCurve.ECCurveType.Characteristic2)
                        curve.Polynomial = Crypto.ExtractBignum(p_bn, pFieldLength);
                        curve.Prime = Crypto.ExtractBignum(p_bn, pFieldLength);

                    // Optional parameters
                    curve.Cofactor = cofactor_cb == 0 ? null : Crypto.ExtractBignum(cofactor_bn, cofactor_cb);
                    curve.Seed = seed_cb == 0 ? null : Crypto.ExtractBignum(seed_bn, seed_cb);

                    parameters.Curve = curve;
                    return parameters;
                if (refAdded)
 private static extern int EcKeyCreateByKeyParameters(
     out SafeEcKeyHandle key,
     string oid, 
     byte[] qx, int qxLength, 
     byte[] qy, int qyLength, 
     byte[] d, int dLength);
 private static extern bool CryptoNative_GetECKeyParameters(
     SafeEcKeyHandle key, 
     bool includePrivate,
     out SafeBignumHandle qx_bn, out int x_cb,
     out SafeBignumHandle qy_bn, out int y_cb,
     out IntPtr d_bn_not_owned, out int d_cb);
Example #28
        private static int GetKeySize(SafeEcKeyHandle ecKeyHandle)
            int nid = Interop.Crypto.EcKeyGetCurveName(ecKeyHandle);
            int keySize = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < s_supportedAlgorithms.Length; i++)
                if (s_supportedAlgorithms[i].Nid == nid)
                    keySize = s_supportedAlgorithms[i].KeySize;

            if (keySize == 0)
                string curveNameOid = Interop.Crypto.GetOidValue(Interop.Crypto.ObjNid2Obj(nid));
                throw new NotSupportedException(SR.Format(SR.Cryptography_UnsupportedEcKeyAlgorithm, curveNameOid));

            return keySize;
Example #29
 internal static extern bool ECDSA_sign(int type, [In] byte[] dgst, int dlen, [Out] byte[] sig, [In, Out] ref int siglen, SafeEcKeyHandle ecKey);