Example #1
        // This method should only be called once (it is normally called from the ctor unless we're using
        // ITextEditorFactoryService2.CreateTextViewHostWithoutInitialization on the factory to delay initialization).
        internal void Initialize()
            if (_hasInitializeBeenCalled)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempted to Initialize a WpfTextViewHost twice");

            _hasInitializeBeenCalled = true;

            var documentFactoryService     = CompositionManager.GetExportedValue <Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.ITextDocumentFactoryService>();
            var contentTypeRegistryService = CompositionManager.GetExportedValue <Microsoft.VisualStudio.Utilities.IContentTypeRegistryService>();
            var contentType = contentTypeRegistryService.GetContentType("Text");
            var textBuffer  = PlatformCatalog.Instance.TextBufferFactoryService.CreateTextBuffer(@"
class Test
    public static void Main (string[] args)
", contentType);
            var document    = documentFactoryService.CreateTextDocument(textBuffer, "/a.cs");
            var dataModel   = new VacuousTextDataModel(document.TextBuffer);
            var viewModel   = new VacuousTextViewModel(dataModel);
            var textFactory = (TextEditorFactoryService)PlatformCatalog.Instance.TextEditorFactoryService;

            TextView = new SkiaTextView(viewModel, textFactory.AllPredefinedRoles, textFactory.EditorOptionsFactoryService.GlobalOptions, textFactory);
Example #2
        public AdornmentLayer(SkiaTextView view, string name, bool isOverlayLayer = false)
            _view     = view;
            _elements = new List <AdornmentAndData>();
            _name     = name;

            //An adornment in the overlay layer only supports adornments with the OwnerControlled behavior
            _isOverlayLayer = isOverlayLayer;
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new selection Element that is bound to the specified editor canvas
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wpfTextView">
        /// The WPF Text View that hosts this caret
        /// </param>
        public SkiaTextCaret(
            SkiaTextView wpfTextView, SkiaTextSelection selection,
            ISmartIndentationService smartIndentationService,
            IEditorFormatMap editorFormatMap,
            //IClassificationFormatMap classificationFormatMap,
            GuardedOperations guardedOperations)
            // Verify
            Debug.Assert(wpfTextView != null);
            _regularBrush = new SKPaint()
                Color = SKColors.Red, Typeface = wpfTextView.Typeface, TextSize = 24, LcdRenderText = true, IsAntialias = true, SubpixelText = true
            _wpfTextView       = wpfTextView;
            _selection         = selection;
            _guardedOperations = guardedOperations;

            _smartIndentationService = smartIndentationService;

            // Set up initial values
            _caretAffinity  = PositionAffinity.Successor;
            _insertionPoint = new VirtualSnapshotPoint(new SnapshotPoint(_wpfTextView.TextSnapshot, 0));

            //// Set the regular caret brush
            //_editorFormatMap = editorFormatMap;

            //// store information related to classifications
            //_classificationFormatMap = classificationFormatMap;



            //Set the default values for the caret to be what they should be for a hidden caret that is not in overwrite mode.
            _caretBrush = _regularBrush;

            // Get the caret blink time from the system.  If the caret is set not to flash, the return value
            // will be -1
            _blinkInterval = CaretBlinkTimeManager.GetCaretBlinkTime();
            if (_blinkInterval > 0)
                _blinkTimer = new DispatcherTimer(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, _blinkInterval), OnTimerElapsed);

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new selection Element
        /// </summary>
        public SkiaTextSelection(SkiaTextView wpfTextView, IEditorFormatMap editorFormatMap, GuardedOperations guardedOperations)
            // Verify
            Debug.Assert(wpfTextView != null);
            _wpfTextView          = wpfTextView;
            _editorFormatMap      = editorFormatMap;
            ActivationTracksFocus = true;

            // Initialize members
            _activePoint = _anchorPoint = new VirtualSnapshotPoint(_wpfTextView.TextSnapshot, 0);

            _selectionMode           = TextSelectionMode.Stream;
            _selectionAdornmentLayer = _wpfTextView.GetAdornmentLayer(PredefinedAdornmentLayers.Selection);

            _guardedOperations = guardedOperations;

            this.CreateAndSetPainter("Selected Text", ref _focusedPainter, SKColors.Blue.WithAlpha(80));
            this.CreateAndSetPainter("Inactive Selected Text", ref _unfocusedPainter, SKColors.Gray.WithAlpha(80));


Example #5
 public SkiaViewScroller(SkiaTextView textView)
     this.textView = textView;