Example #1
        public void RetrieveElements()
                sourceLocation      = string.Empty;
                projectFileLocation = string.Empty;
                projectName         = String.Empty;
                processTime         = 0;
                buildType           = String.Empty;
                buildPath           = String.Empty;

                AssignmentM assign = AssignmentM.Load(studentAssignment.AssignmentID);

                sourceLocation = assign.StorageDirectory + studentAssignment.UserID;
                sourceLocation = SharedSupport.AddBackSlashToDirectory(sourceLocation.Trim());

                //Get the allowable time to compile
                processTime = Convert.ToInt32(SharedSupport.GetSetting(Constants.MAX_PROCESS_SETTING));

                // get project file location and project name
                ProjectInfo objPI = new ProjectInfo(sourceLocation);
                projectFileLocation = objPI.ProjectFile.Trim();
                projectName         = objPI.ProjectName.Trim();
                buildType           = objPI.ConfigName.Trim();
                buildPath           = objPI.BuildPath.Trim();

                //Copy UserAssignment files to temp location
                ServerAction.CopyDirectories(sourceLocation, workingDirectory, true, true);

                // get the projectFile from the path
                string projectFile = Path.GetFileName(projectFileLocation);

                // change the projectFileLocation because we copied to the working directory
                projectFileLocation = SharedSupport.AddBackSlashToDirectory(workingDirectory) + projectFile;
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #2
        public void RetrieveElements()
                AssignmentM assign = AssignmentM.Load(studentAssignment.AssignmentID);
                processTime = Convert.ToInt32(SharedSupport.GetSetting(Constants.MAX_PROCESS_SETTING));

                // student source location
                sourceLocation = assign.StorageDirectory + studentAssignment.UserID;

                // get compiled file name (already built by build process)
                ProjectInfo objPI = new ProjectInfo(sourceLocation);
                compiledFileName = objPI.OutputFile;

                inputFileLocation          = assign.InputFile;
                expectedOutputFileLocation = assign.OutputFile;
                actualOutputFile           = expectedOutputFileLocation;
                commandLineParams          = assign.CommandLineArgs;

                compiledFileLocation       = SharedSupport.AddBackSlashToDirectory(workingDirectory) + compiledFileName;
                expectedOutputFileLocation = assign.StorageDirectory + expectedOutputFileLocation;

                //change to use inputFileLocation in tempworkarea
                inputFileLocation = SharedSupport.AddBackSlashToDirectory(assign.StorageDirectory) + inputFileLocation;

                //Get the user's submission folder location
                string userSubmissionRootFolder = SharedSupport.AddBackSlashToDirectory(sourceLocation);

                //Copy all files under the student's submission directory, to the working area.
                ServerAction.CopyDirectories(userSubmissionRootFolder, workingDirectory, true, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #3
        // validates, processes directions inside XML Message; returns true if ok to remove msg from queue
        internal bool ProcessMessage(string message, string label)
            // always return true because always want to remove message from queue in this implementation
                // raise error if no label or message
                label   = label.Trim();
                message = message.Trim();
                if (label.Equals(String.Empty))
                    SharedSupport.HandleError(new System.Exception(SharedSupport.GetLocalizedString("ServerAction_MissingLabel")));
                if (message.Equals(String.Empty))
                    SharedSupport.HandleError(new System.Exception(SharedSupport.GetLocalizedString("ServerAction_MissingBody")));

                // xml object declarations
                XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
                doc.LoadXml(message);                   //load the string as xml
                XPathNavigator nav = ((IXPathNavigable)doc).CreateNavigator();

                // misc vars
                bool   bCheckRequested  = false;                // track if check requested
                bool   bBuildSuccessful = false;                // track if build successful
                int    buildUserAssnId  = 0;                    // build userAssignmentId
                int    checkUserAssnId  = 0;                    // check userAssignmentId
                string buildResults     = string.Empty;         // results of the build
                string checkResults     = string.Empty;         // results of the check
                string workingDirectory = string.Empty;         // working directory

                // evaluate label, parse xml message; extract instructions

                switch (label)
                // This is a submit action
                case Constants.AM_SUBMIT_ACTION:

                    // select the serverActions
                    XPathNodeIterator serverActionsIterator = nav.Select("serverActions/serverAction");

                    // retrieve all serverAction actions from xml
                    while (serverActionsIterator.MoveNext())
                        // perform the appropriate action evaluating the serverAction attribute
                        string actionCommand = serverActionsIterator.Current.GetAttribute("name", doc.NamespaceURI).ToString().Trim();
                        switch (actionCommand)
                        // AutoBuild
                        case Constants.AM_BUILD:
                            // grab the userAssignmentId from the xml
                            buildUserAssnId = Convert.ToInt32(serverActionsIterator.Current.Value.ToString());

                            // extensibility: add custom parameters here

                        // AutoCheck
                        case Constants.AM_CHECK:
                            // set check flag
                            bCheckRequested = true;

                            // grab the userAssignmentId from the xml
                            checkUserAssnId = Convert.ToInt32(serverActionsIterator.Current.Value.ToString());

                            // extensibility: add custom parameters here

                        // extensibility: add future submit actions here
                        // 1. load all actions from ServerActions table
                        // 2. loop actions; do any match xml serverAction element?
                        // 3. if so, retrieve parameters from ServerActions
                        // 4. make 'late bound' call to proper class, method



                // extensibility: add future actions here

                    throw new System.NotImplementedException(SharedSupport.GetLocalizedString("ServerAction_ActionNotImplemented"));

                // execute instructions from xml message in proper order
                // perform prep work, execute build, record results; returns true if successful
                // we always do the build: necessary for check and expected by custom actions

                // set the working directory
                workingDirectory = getUserWorkingDirectory();

                // Perform AutoBuild

                // check to make sure we have a valid userAssignmentId
                if (buildUserAssnId == 0)
                    if (checkUserAssnId == 0)
                        // raise error
                        SharedSupport.HandleError(new System.Exception(SharedSupport.GetLocalizedString("ServerAction_MissingUserAssignmentElement")));
                        // set the buildUserAssnId = check
                        buildUserAssnId = checkUserAssnId;

                // raise error if no buildUserAssnId
                if (buildUserAssnId <= 0)
                    SharedSupport.HandleError(new System.Exception(SharedSupport.GetLocalizedString("ServerAction_MissingUserAssignmentElement")));

                // raise error if build disabled on the server
                if (!Convert.ToBoolean(SharedSupport.GetSetting(Constants.AUTOBUILD_SETTING)))
                    SharedSupport.HandleError(new System.Exception(SharedSupport.GetLocalizedString("ServerAction_BuildDisabled")));

                // delete any previous user assignment detail records for this userassignment and detail type
                deleteUserAssignmentDetails(buildUserAssnId, Constants.AUTO_COMPILE_DETAILTYPE);

                bBuildSuccessful = AutoBuild.Run(buildUserAssnId, workingDirectory);

                // was check requested?
                if (bCheckRequested)
                    // Perform AutoCheck

                    // raise error if no checkUserAssnId
                    if (checkUserAssnId <= 0)
                        SharedSupport.HandleError(new System.Exception(SharedSupport.GetLocalizedString("ServerAction_MissingUserAssignmentElement")));

                    // check that checkUserAssnId = buildUserAssnId;
                    if (checkUserAssnId != buildUserAssnId)
                        // raise error
                        SharedSupport.HandleError(new System.Exception(SharedSupport.GetLocalizedString("ServerAction_DifferentUserAssignmentIDs")));
                        // did the build execute ok if it was requested?
                        if (bBuildSuccessful)
                            // raise error if check disabled on the server
                            if (!Convert.ToBoolean(SharedSupport.GetSetting(Constants.AUTOCHECK_SETTING)))
                                SharedSupport.HandleError(new System.Exception(SharedSupport.GetLocalizedString("ServerAction_CheckDisabled")));

                            AutoCheck.Run(buildUserAssnId, workingDirectory);
                // extensibility: CUSTOM ACTIONS
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                SharedSupport.LogMessage(ex.Message + " " + SharedSupport.GetLocalizedString("ServerAction_GeneralProcessError") + " " + label + " " + SharedSupport.GetLocalizedString("ServerAction_GeneralProcessErrorBody") + " " + message + " ", SharedSupport.GetLocalizedString("ServerAction_MethodName"), System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Warning);

            // returning true here ensures message is removed from the queue