/// <summary>
        /// Writes the right margin if possible.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="waveFile">The given wave file where the current candidate belongs to.</param>
        /// <param name="candidate">The current candidate.</param>
        /// <param name="candidateInfo">The candidate information of the current candidate.</param>
        private void WriteRightMargin(WaveFile waveFile, UnitCandidate candidate, WaveCandidateInfo candidateInfo)
            if (_ccMarginLength + _fsMarginLength > 0)
                int rightMarginLength = (_ccMarginLength / 2) + _fsMarginLength;
                int waveSampleOffsetInSentence = (int)((candidate.StartTimeInSecond * waveFile.Format.SamplesPerSecond) + 0.5f);
                int waveSampleLength = (int)(((candidate.EndTimeInSecond - candidate.StartTimeInSecond) * waveFile.Format.SamplesPerSecond) + 0.5f);

                // Right margin section.
                if (candidate.Index == candidate.Sentence.Candidates.Count - 1)
                    // It means the candidate is the last one, there is no next candidate. So, writes some zero as margin.
                else if (candidate.Sentence.Candidates[candidate.Index + 1].Id == UnitCandidate.InvalidId)
                    // There is a next candidate and it isn't in the inventory. So, writes the next candidate as margin.
                    int offset = (int)(waveSampleOffsetInSentence + waveSampleLength);
                    int count = (waveFile.GetSoundData().Length / (waveFile.Format.BitsPerSample / 8)) - offset;
                    if (count < rightMarginLength)
                        WriteIntoInventory(ConvertsWaveDataFormat(waveFile, offset, count));
                        WriteZeroMargin(rightMarginLength - count);
                        WriteIntoInventory(ConvertsWaveDataFormat(waveFile, offset, rightMarginLength));
        /// <summary>
        /// Writes the left margin if possible.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="waveFile">The given wave file where the current candidate belongs to.</param>
        /// <param name="candidate">The current candidate.</param>
        /// <param name="candidateInfo">The candidate information of the current candidate.</param>
        private void WriteLeftMargin(WaveFile waveFile, UnitCandidate candidate, WaveCandidateInfo candidateInfo)
            if (_ccMarginLength + _fsMarginLength > 0)
                int leftMarginLength = _ccMarginLength + _fsMarginLength;
                int waveSampleOffsetInSentence = (int)((candidate.StartTimeInSecond * waveFile.Format.SamplesPerSecond) + 0.5f);

                // Left margin section.
                if (candidate.Index == 0)
                    // It means the candidate is the first one, there is no previous candidate. So, writes some zero as margin.
                else if (candidate.Sentence.Candidates[candidate.Index - 1].Id == UnitCandidate.InvalidId)
                    // There is a previous candidate and it isn't in the inventory. So, writes the previous candidate as margin.
                    int offset = (int)(waveSampleOffsetInSentence - leftMarginLength);
                    int count = leftMarginLength;
                    if (offset < 0)
                        // The margin is longer than the previous candidate, uses zero to fill them.
                        count += offset;
                        offset = 0;

                    WriteIntoInventory(ConvertsWaveDataFormat(waveFile, offset, count));