Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the test specified by this test descriptor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="testConfiguration">The test configuration to use for running the test.</param>
        public virtual void RunTest(ReaderTestConfiguration testConfiguration)
            if (this.ShouldSkipForTestConfiguration(testConfiguration))

            TestMessage message = this.CreateInputMessage(testConfiguration);
            IEdmModel   model   = this.GetMetadataProvider(testConfiguration);
            ReaderTestExpectedResult expectedResult = this.GetExpectedResult(testConfiguration);

            ExceptionUtilities.Assert(expectedResult != null, "The expected result could not be determined for the test. Did you specify it?");

            Exception exception = TestExceptionUtils.RunCatching(() =>
                using (ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReaderWrapper = TestReaderUtils.CreateMessageReader(message, model, testConfiguration))
                    expectedResult.VerifyResult(messageReaderWrapper, this.PayloadKind, testConfiguration);

            catch (Exception)
Example #2
            /// <summary>
            /// Verifies that the result of the test is what is expected.
            /// It does so by delegating to the inner expected result provided in the constructor and additionally checking the reported <see cref="ODataFormat"/>.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="messageReader">The message reader which is the result of the test. This method should use it to read the results
            /// of the parsing and verify those.</param>
            /// <param name="payloadKind">The payload kind specified in the test descriptor.</param>
            /// <param name="testConfiguration">The test configuration to use.</param>
            public override void VerifyResult(ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader, ODataPayloadKind payloadKind, ReaderTestConfiguration testConfiguration)
                if (this.innerExpectedResult != null)
                    this.innerExpectedResult.VerifyResult(messageReader, payloadKind, testConfiguration);

                ODataFormat actualFormat = ODataUtils.GetReadFormat(messageReader.MessageReader);

                this.settings.Assert.AreEqual(this.expectedFormat, actualFormat, "Formats don't match.");
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies that the result of the test (the message reader) is what the test expected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messageReader">The message reader which is the result of the test. This method should use it to read the results
        /// of the parsing and verify those.</param>
        /// <param name="payloadKind">The payload kind specified in the test descriptor.</param>
        /// <param name="testConfiguration">The test configuration to use.</param>
        public override void VerifyResult(
            ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader,
            ODataPayloadKind payloadKind,
            ReaderTestConfiguration testConfiguration)
            // First compare the payload kind detection results.
            IEnumerable <ODataPayloadKindDetectionResult> actualDetectionResults = messageReader.DetectPayloadKind();


            // Then try to read the message as the detected kind if requested
            if (this.ReadDetectedPayloads)
                bool firstResult = true;
                foreach (PayloadKindDetectionResult result in this.ExpectedDetectionResults)
                    if (firstResult)
                        // For the first result use the existing message reader
                        firstResult = false;
                        // For all subsequent results we need to reset the test stream and create a new message reader
                        // over it.
                        messageReader = TestReaderUtils.CreateMessageReader(this.TestMessage, result.Model, testConfiguration);

                        // Detect the payload kinds again and make sure we can also read the subsequent payload kinds
                        // immediately after detection.
                        actualDetectionResults = messageReader.DetectPayloadKind();

                        () =>
                        using (messageReader)
                                new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor.ReaderMetadata(result.ExpectedType),
                                /*expectedBatchPayload*/ null,
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies that the result of the test (the message reader) is what the test expected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messageReader">The message reader which is the result of the test. This method should use it to read the results
        /// of the parsing and verify those.</param>
        /// <param name="payloadKind">The payload kind specified in the test descriptor.</param>
        /// <param name="testConfiguration">The test configuration to use.</param>
        public override void VerifyResult(
            ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader,
            ODataPayloadKind payloadKind,
            ReaderTestConfiguration testConfiguration)
            // First compare the payload kind detection results.
            IEnumerable<ODataPayloadKindDetectionResult> actualDetectionResults = messageReader.DetectPayloadKind();

            // Then try to read the message as the detected kind if requested
            if (this.ReadDetectedPayloads)
                bool firstResult = true;
                foreach (PayloadKindDetectionResult result in this.ExpectedDetectionResults)
                    if (firstResult)
                        // For the first result use the existing message reader
                        firstResult = false;
                        // For all subsequent results we need to reset the test stream and create a new message reader
                        // over it.
                        messageReader = TestReaderUtils.CreateMessageReader(this.TestMessage, result.Model, testConfiguration);

                        // Detect the payload kinds again and make sure we can also read the subsequent payload kinds
                        // immediately after detection.
                        actualDetectionResults = messageReader.DetectPayloadKind();

                        () =>
                                using (messageReader)
                                        new PayloadReaderTestDescriptor.ReaderMetadata(result.ExpectedType),
                                        /*expectedBatchPayload*/ null,
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies that the result of the test (the message reader) is what the test expected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messageReader">The message reader which is the result of the test. This method should use it to read the results
        /// of the parsing and verify those.</param>
        /// <param name="payloadKind">The payload kind specified in the test descriptor.</param>
        /// <param name="testConfiguration">The test configuration to use.</param>
        public override void VerifyResult(
            ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader,
            ODataPayloadKind payloadKind, 
            ReaderTestConfiguration testConfiguration)
            this.settings.Assert.IsTrue(payloadKind == ODataPayloadKind.MetadataDocument, "Only metadata payload kind is supported.");

            object metadata = this.settings.MessageToObjectModelReader.ReadMessage(
                /*payloadModel*/ null,
                /*expectedBatchPayload*/ null,
            IEdmModel actualModel = metadata as IEdmModel;
            this.settings.Assert.IsTrue(metadata != null && actualModel != null, "Expected a non-null model to be read.");
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies that the result of the test (the message reader) is what the test expected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messageReader">The message reader which is the result of the test. This method should use it to read the results
        /// of the parsing and verify those.</param>
        /// <param name="payloadKind">The payload kind specified in the test descriptor.</param>
        /// <param name="testConfiguration">The test configuration to use.</param>
        public override void VerifyResult(
            ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader,
            ODataPayloadKind payloadKind,
            ReaderTestConfiguration testConfiguration)
            object odataObject = this.settings.MessageToObjectModelReader.ReadMessage(
                /*payloadModel*/ null,
                /*expectedBatchPayload*/ null,

            if (this.ODataObjectModelValidator != null)

            // only compare the payloads if the expected payload is not 'null'; null indicates to skip the comparison
            if (this.ExpectedPayloadElement != null)
                ODataPayloadElement actualPayloadElement = this.settings.ObjectModelToPayloadElementConverter.Convert(odataObject, !testConfiguration.IsRequest);
                if (this.IgnorePropertyOrder)
                    if (testConfiguration.Format == ODataFormat.Json && !testConfiguration.IsRequest)
                        this.settings.JsonLightResponseIgnorePropertyOrderODataPayloadElementComparer.Compare(this.ExpectedPayloadElement, actualPayloadElement);
                        this.settings.IgnorePropertyOrderODataPayloadElementComparer.Compare(this.ExpectedPayloadElement, actualPayloadElement);
                    if (testConfiguration.Format == ODataFormat.Json && !testConfiguration.IsRequest)
                        this.settings.ODataJsonLightResponsePayloadElementComparer.Compare(this.ExpectedPayloadElement, actualPayloadElement);
                        this.settings.ODataPayloadElementComparer.Compare(this.ExpectedPayloadElement, actualPayloadElement);
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies that the result of the test (the message reader) is what the test expected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messageReader">The message reader which is the result of the test. This method should use it to read the results
        /// of the parsing and verify those.</param>
        /// <param name="payloadKind">The payload kind specified in the test descriptor.</param>
        /// <param name="testConfiguration">The test configuration to use.</param>
        public override void VerifyResult(
            ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader,
            ODataPayloadKind payloadKind,
            ReaderTestConfiguration testConfiguration)
            this.settings.Assert.IsTrue(payloadKind == ODataPayloadKind.MetadataDocument, "Only metadata payload kind is supported.");

            object metadata = this.settings.MessageToObjectModelReader.ReadMessage(
                /*payloadModel*/ null,
                /*expectedBatchPayload*/ null,
            IEdmModel actualModel = metadata as IEdmModel;

            this.settings.Assert.IsTrue(metadata != null && actualModel != null, "Expected a non-null model to be read.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Write payload kind to message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messageWriter">Message writer to write payload to.</param>
        /// <param name="payloadKind">The kind of payload we are writing.</param>
        /// <param name="payload">The payload to write.</param>
        /// <param name="functionImport">Function import whose parameters are to be written when the payload kind is Parameters.</param>
        /// <returns>The object read after writing.</returns>
        public ODataItem WriteMessage(ODataMessageWriterTestWrapper messageWriter, ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader, ODataPayloadKind payloadKind, object payload, IEdmOperationImport functionImport = null)
            ExceptionUtilities.CheckArgumentNotNull(messageWriter, "messageWriter");
            ExceptionUtilities.CheckArgumentNotNull(messageReader, "messageReader");

            switch (payloadKind)
                case ODataPayloadKind.Feed:
                    this.WriteTopLevelFeed(messageWriter, messageReader, (ODataFeed)payload);
                case ODataPayloadKind.Entry:
                    this.WriteTopLevelEntry(messageWriter, messageReader, (ODataEntry)payload);
                    ExceptionUtilities.Assert(false, "The payload kind '{0}' is not yet supported by ObjectModelWriteReadStreamer.", payloadKind);

            return readItems.SingleOrDefault();
        public void StreamMessage(ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper reader, ODataMessageWriterTestWrapper writer, ODataPayloadKind payloadKind, WriterTestConfiguration config)
            ExceptionUtilities.CheckArgumentNotNull(reader, "reader is required");
            ExceptionUtilities.CheckArgumentNotNull(writer, "writer is required");
            ExceptionUtilities.CheckArgumentNotNull(payloadKind, "payloadKind is required");
            ExceptionUtilities.CheckArgumentNotNull(config, "config is required");

            this.testConfiguration = config;

                case ODataPayloadKind.Entry:
                    this.StartRead(reader.CreateODataEntryReader(), writer.CreateODataEntryWriter());

                case ODataPayloadKind.Feed:
                    this.StartRead(reader.CreateODataFeedReader(), writer.CreateODataFeedWriter());
                    throw new NotSupportedException("ObjectModelReadWriteStreamer currently supports only feed and entry");
            /// <summary>
            /// Reads a batch operation response message from the batch reader.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="batchReader">The batch reader to read from.</param>
            /// <param name="expectedPart">The expected part representing the operation in the test OM; used to determine the expected payload kind.</param>
            /// <param name="indexInPart">The index of the operation in the current changeset or -1 for a top-level operation.</param>
            /// <returns>The <see cref="ODataBatchOperation"/> read from the batch reader.</returns>
            private ODataBatchOperation GetResponseOperation(ODataBatchReaderTestWrapper batchReader, IMimePart expectedPart, int indexInPart)
                IMimePart responsePart = indexInPart < 0
                    ? ((MimePartData<HttpResponseData>)expectedPart).Body
                    : ((BatchResponseChangeset)expectedPart).Operations.ElementAt(indexInPart);

                ODataPayloadElement expectedPartElement = null;
                ODataResponse odataResponse = responsePart as ODataResponse;
                if (odataResponse != null)
                    expectedPartElement = odataResponse.Body == null ? null : odataResponse.RootElement;

                object partPayload = null;
                ODataBatchOperationResponseMessage responseMessage = batchReader.CreateOperationResponseMessage();
                if (expectedPartElement != null)
                    ODataPayloadKind expectedPartKind = expectedPartElement.GetPayloadKindFromPayloadElement();
                    ODataMessageReaderSettings messageReaderSettings = new ODataMessageReaderSettings(this.testConfiguration.MessageReaderSettings)
                        DisableMessageStreamDisposal = false

                    using (ODataMessageReader partMessageReader = new ODataMessageReader(responseMessage, messageReaderSettings, this.payloadModel))
                        ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper partMessageReaderWrapper =
                            new ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper(
                        partPayload = this.messageToObjectModelReader.ReadMessage(
                            /*batchPayload*/ null,

                return new ODataBatchResponseOperation
                    StatusCode = responseMessage.StatusCode,
                    Headers = responseMessage.Headers,
                    Payload = partPayload,
            /// <summary>
            /// Read a batch payload as the message content.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="messageReader">The message reader to use for reading.</param>
            /// <param name="expectedBatchPayload">The expected batch payload element; this is used to guide the payload kind detection of the parts.</param>
            /// <returns>An <see cref="ODataBatch"/>, possibly with annotations.</returns>
            public ODataBatch ReadBatch(ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader, ODataPayloadElement expectedBatchPayload)
                this.assert.IsNotNull(expectedBatchPayload, "Must have a batch payload element.");
                    expectedBatchPayload is BatchRequestPayload && this.testConfiguration.IsRequest || expectedBatchPayload is BatchResponsePayload && !this.testConfiguration.IsRequest,
                    "Expected a request or a response batch payload depending on what we are reading.");

                ODataBatchReaderTestWrapper batchReader = messageReader.CreateODataBatchReader();
                this.assert.AreEqual(ODataBatchReaderState.Initial, batchReader.State, "Reader states don't match.");

                IMimePart[] expectedParts = this.testConfiguration.IsRequest
                    ? ((BatchRequestPayload)expectedBatchPayload).Parts.ToArray()
                    : ((BatchResponsePayload)expectedBatchPayload).Parts.ToArray();
                int expectedPartIndex = 0;

                List<ODataBatchPart> batchParts = new List<ODataBatchPart>();
                List<ODataBatchOperation> changeSetOperations = null;
                bool errorReadingPartPayload = false;
                    bool isCompleted = false;
                    while (batchReader.Read())
                        this.assert.IsFalse(isCompleted, "We should not be able to successfully read once we reached the 'Completed' state.");

                        switch (batchReader.State)
                            case ODataBatchReaderState.Initial:
                                this.assert.Fail("We should never be in state 'Initial' after we started reading.");

                            case ODataBatchReaderState.Operation:
                                IMimePart expectedPart = expectedParts[expectedPartIndex];
                                int indexInPart = changeSetOperations == null ? -1 : changeSetOperations.Count;

                                    ODataBatchOperation operation = this.testConfiguration.IsRequest
                                        ? this.GetRequestOperation(batchReader, expectedPart, indexInPart)
                                        : this.GetResponseOperation(batchReader, expectedPart, indexInPart);

                                    if (changeSetOperations == null)
                                catch (Exception)
                                    // NOTE: The batch reader will not enter exception state when an error is raised while
                                    //       reading a part payload. The batch reader might skip to the next part and continue reading.
                                    errorReadingPartPayload = true;


                            case ODataBatchReaderState.ChangesetStart:
                                this.assert.IsNull(changeSetOperations, "Must not have pending change set operations when detecting another changeset.");
                                changeSetOperations = new List<ODataBatchOperation>();

                            case ODataBatchReaderState.ChangesetEnd:
                                ODataBatchChangeset changeset = new ODataBatchChangeset
                                    Operations = changeSetOperations,
                                changeSetOperations = null;

                            case ODataBatchReaderState.Completed:
                                isCompleted = true;

                            case ODataBatchReaderState.Exception:
                                this.assert.Fail("We should never be in state 'Exception' without an exception being thrown.");

                                this.assert.Fail("Unsupported batch reader state '" + batchReader.State + "' detected.");

                    this.assert.AreEqual(ODataBatchReaderState.Completed, batchReader.State, "Expected state 'Completed' when done reading.");
                catch (Exception e)
                    // NOTE: The batch reader will not enter exception state when an error is raised while
                    //       reading a part payload. The batch reader might skip to the next part and continue reading.
                    if (ExceptionUtilities.IsCatchable(e) && !errorReadingPartPayload)
                        this.assert.AreEqual(ODataBatchReaderState.Exception, batchReader.State, "Expected the reader to be in 'Exception' state.");


                return new ODataBatch { Parts = batchParts };
 /// <summary>
 /// Read an error as the message content.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="messageReader">The message reader to use for reading.</param>
 /// <returns>An <see cref="ODataError"/>, possibly with annotations.</returns>
 public ODataError ReadError(ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader)
     return messageReader.ReadError();
 /// <summary>
 /// Read a metadata document as the message content.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="messageReader">The message reader to use for reading.</param>
 /// <returns>An <see cref="IEdmModel"/>, possibly with annotations.</returns>
 public IEdmModel ReadMetadataDocument(ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader)
     return messageReader.ReadMetadataDocument();
Example #14
            /// <summary>
            /// Verifies that the result of the test (the message reader) is what the test expected.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="messageReader">The message reader which is the result of the test. This method should use it to read the results
            /// of the parsing and verify those.</param>
            /// <param name="payloadKind">The payload kind specified in the test descriptor.</param>
            /// <param name="testConfiguration">The test configuration to use.</param>
            public override void VerifyResult(ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader, ODataPayloadKind payloadKind, ReaderTestConfiguration testConfiguration)
                // We are not verifying anything here other than reading the result in a non-compliant
                // way by not creating operation messages when we encounter an operation in a batch/changeset.
                ODataBatchReaderTestWrapper batchReader = messageReader.CreateODataBatchReader();
                this.settings.Assert.AreEqual(ODataBatchReaderState.Initial, batchReader.State, "Reader states don't match.");

                while (batchReader.Read())
                    // Just keep reading through the whole batch.
                    // The batch reader should fail if no operation message is created for an operation.
 private void WriteTopLevelEntry(ODataMessageWriterTestWrapper messageWriter, ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader, ODataEntry entry)
     ODataWriter entryWriter = messageWriter.CreateODataEntryWriter();
     Lazy<ODataReader> lazyEntryReader = new Lazy<ODataReader>(() => messageReader.CreateODataEntryReader());
     this.WriteEntry(entryWriter, lazyEntryReader, entry);
        /// <summary>
        /// Verifies that the result of the test (the message reader) is what the test expected.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messageReader">The message reader which is the result of the test. This method should use it to read the results
        /// of the parsing and verify those.</param>
        /// <param name="payloadKind">The payload kind specified in the test descriptor.</param>
        /// <param name="testConfiguration">The test configuration to use.</param>
        public override void VerifyResult(
            ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader,
            ODataPayloadKind payloadKind, 
            ReaderTestConfiguration testConfiguration)
            object odataObject = this.settings.MessageToObjectModelReader.ReadMessage(
                /*payloadModel*/ null,
                /*expectedBatchPayload*/ null,
            if (this.ODataObjectModelValidator != null)

            // only compare the payloads if the expected payload is not 'null'; null indicates to skip the comparison
            if (this.ExpectedPayloadElement != null)
                ODataPayloadElement actualPayloadElement = this.settings.ObjectModelToPayloadElementConverter.Convert(odataObject, !testConfiguration.IsRequest);
                if (this.IgnorePropertyOrder)
                    if (testConfiguration.Format == ODataFormat.Json && !testConfiguration.IsRequest)
                        this.settings.JsonLightResponseIgnorePropertyOrderODataPayloadElementComparer.Compare(this.ExpectedPayloadElement, actualPayloadElement);
                        this.settings.IgnorePropertyOrderODataPayloadElementComparer.Compare(this.ExpectedPayloadElement, actualPayloadElement);
                    if (testConfiguration.Format == ODataFormat.Json && !testConfiguration.IsRequest)
                        this.settings.ODataJsonLightResponsePayloadElementComparer.Compare(this.ExpectedPayloadElement, actualPayloadElement);
                        this.settings.ODataPayloadElementComparer.Compare(this.ExpectedPayloadElement, actualPayloadElement);
 /// <summary>
 /// Read top-level entity reference links (collection) as the message content.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="messageReader">The message reader to use for reading.</param>
 /// <returns>An <see cref="ODataEntityReferenceLinks"/>, possibly with annotations.</returns>
 public ODataEntityReferenceLinks ReadEntityReferenceLinks(ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader)
     return messageReader.ReadEntityReferenceLinks();
            /// <summary>
            /// Read an entry as the message content.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="messageReader">The message reader to use for reading.</param>
            /// <param name="entitySet">The entity set to use for reading entry or feed payloads.</param>
            /// <param name="expectedEntityTypeReference">The expected entity type to pass to the reader.</param>
            /// <returns>An <see cref="ODataEntry"/>, possibly with annotations.</returns>
            public ODataEntry ReadTopLevelEntry(ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader, IEdmEntitySet entitySet, IEdmTypeReference expectedEntityTypeReference)
                IEdmEntityType entityType = expectedEntityTypeReference == null ? null : expectedEntityTypeReference.Definition as IEdmEntityType;
                ODataReader entryReader = messageReader.CreateODataEntryReader(entitySet, entityType);
                    // read the start of the entry
                    this.assert.AreEqual(ODataReaderState.EntryStart, entryReader.State, "Reader states don't match.");

                    ODataEntry entry = this.ReadEntry(entryReader);
                    this.assert.AreEqual(ODataReaderState.EntryEnd, entryReader.State, "Reader states don't match.");

                    // read once more to the end-of-input
                    bool moreToRead = entryReader.Read();
                    this.assert.IsFalse(moreToRead, "Expected to reach the end of the input.");

                    return entry;
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (ExceptionUtilities.IsCatchable(e))
                        this.assert.AreEqual(ODataReaderState.Exception, entryReader.State, "Expected the reader to be in 'Exception' state.");

Example #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Verifies that the result of the test (the message reader) is what the test expected.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="messageReader">The message reader which is the result of the test. This method should use it to read the results
 /// of the parsing and verify those.</param>
 /// <param name="payloadKind">The payload kind specified in the test descriptor.</param>
 /// <param name="testConfiguration">The test configuration to use.</param>
 public abstract void VerifyResult(
     ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader,
     ODataPayloadKind payloadKind,
     ReaderTestConfiguration testConfiguration);
 /// <summary>
 /// Verifies that the result of the test (the message reader) is what the test expected.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="messageReader">The message reader which is the result of the test. This method should use it to read the results
 /// of the parsing and verify those.</param>
 /// <param name="payloadKind">The payload kind specified in the test descriptor.</param>
 /// <param name="testConfiguration">The test configuration to use.</param>
 public abstract void VerifyResult(
     ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader,
     ODataPayloadKind payloadKind,
     ReaderTestConfiguration testConfiguration);
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads the content of the <paramref name="payloadKind"/> from <paramref name="messageReader"/>
        /// and turns it into an annotated OData object model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messageReader">The message reader to use for reading.</param>
        /// <param name="payloadKind">The kind of payload to read.</param>
        /// <param name="payloadModel">The model for the payload of the message; used for reading batch parts.</param>
        /// <param name="readerMetadata">The metadata information to be used when reading the actual payload.</param>
        /// <param name="batchPayload">The expected batch payload element; this is used to guide the payload kind detection of the parts.</param>
        /// <param name="testConfiguration">The test configuration under which to read the message.</param>
        /// <returns>The OData object model with possible annotations.</returns>
        public virtual object ReadMessage(
            ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader,
            ODataPayloadKind payloadKind,
            IEdmModel payloadModel,
            IReaderMetadata readerMetadata,
            ODataPayloadElement batchPayload,
            ReaderTestConfiguration testConfiguration)
            ExceptionUtilities.CheckArgumentNotNull(messageReader, "messageReader");

            ObjectModelReader reader = new ObjectModelReader(this, payloadModel, this.storePayloadOrder, testConfiguration);

            if (readerMetadata == null)
                // Use empty reader metadata when none is specified to avoid repetitive checks below.
                readerMetadata = PayloadReaderTestDescriptor.ReaderMetadata.None;

            switch (payloadKind)
                case ODataPayloadKind.Property:
                    if (readerMetadata.StructuralProperty != null)
                        return messageReader.ReadProperty(readerMetadata.StructuralProperty);
                    else if (readerMetadata.FunctionImport != null)
                        return messageReader.ReadProperty(readerMetadata.FunctionImport);
                        return messageReader.ReadProperty(readerMetadata.ExpectedType);

                case ODataPayloadKind.Feed:
                    return reader.ReadTopLevelFeed(messageReader, readerMetadata.EntitySet, readerMetadata.ExpectedType);

                case ODataPayloadKind.Entry:
                    return reader.ReadTopLevelEntry(messageReader, readerMetadata.EntitySet, readerMetadata.ExpectedType);

                case ODataPayloadKind.Collection:
                    return reader.ReadCollection(messageReader, readerMetadata.FunctionImport, readerMetadata.ExpectedType);

                case ODataPayloadKind.ServiceDocument:
                    return reader.ReadServiceDocument(messageReader);

                case ODataPayloadKind.MetadataDocument:
                    return reader.ReadMetadataDocument(messageReader);

                case ODataPayloadKind.Error:
                    return reader.ReadError(messageReader);

                case ODataPayloadKind.EntityReferenceLink:
                    return reader.ReadEntityReferenceLink(messageReader);

                case ODataPayloadKind.EntityReferenceLinks:
                    return reader.ReadEntityReferenceLinks(messageReader);

                case ODataPayloadKind.Value:
                case ODataPayloadKind.BinaryValue:
                    return reader.ReadValue(messageReader, readerMetadata.ExpectedType);

                case ODataPayloadKind.Batch:
                    return reader.ReadBatch(messageReader, batchPayload);

                case ODataPayloadKind.Parameter:
                    return reader.ReadParameters(messageReader, readerMetadata.FunctionImport);

                    ExceptionUtilities.Assert(false, "The payload kind '{0}' is not yet supported by MessageToObjectModelReader.", payloadKind);
                    return null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Read a collection as the message content.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="messageReader">The message reader to use for reading.</param>
 /// <param name="producingFunctionImport">The function import producing the collection to be read.</param>
 /// <param name="expectedItemTypeReference">The expected item type to pass to the reader.</param>
 /// <returns>An <see cref="ODataCollectionStart"/>, possibly with annotations.</returns>
 public object ReadCollection(ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader, IEdmOperationImport producingFunctionImport, IEdmTypeReference expectedItemTypeReference)
     ODataCollectionReader collectionReader = producingFunctionImport != null
         ? messageReader.CreateODataCollectionReader(producingFunctionImport)
         : messageReader.CreateODataCollectionReader(expectedItemTypeReference);
     return this.ReadCollection(collectionReader);
            /// <summary>
            /// Read parameters as the message content.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="messageReader">The message reader to use for reading.</param>
            /// <param name="functionImport">The function import to pass to the parameter reader.</param>
            /// <returns>A ComplexInstance representing parameters.</returns>
            public object ReadParameters(ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader, IEdmOperationImport functionImport)
                // TODO: ODataLib test item: Add new ODataPayloadElement for parameters payload
                ODataParameterReader parameterReader = messageReader.CreateODataParameterReader(functionImport);
                ODataParameters odataParameters = new ODataParameters();
                List<ODataProperty> parameters = new List<ODataProperty>();
                    // read the start of the parameters
                    this.assert.AreEqual(ODataParameterReaderState.Start, parameterReader.State, "Reader states don't match.");
                    while (parameterReader.Read())
                        switch (parameterReader.State)
                            case ODataParameterReaderState.Value:
                                odataParameters.Add(new KeyValuePair<string,object>(parameterReader.Name, parameterReader.Value));

                            case ODataParameterReaderState.Entry:
                                ODataReader entryReader = parameterReader.CreateEntryReader();
                                this.assert.AreEqual(ODataReaderState.EntryStart, entryReader.State, "Reader states don't match.");
                                odataParameters.Add(new KeyValuePair<string,object>(parameterReader.Name, this.ReadEntry(entryReader)));
                                this.assert.AreEqual(ODataReaderState.EntryEnd, entryReader.State, "Reader states don't match.");
                                this.assert.IsFalse(entryReader.Read(), "Read() should return false after EntryEnd.");
                                this.assert.AreEqual(ODataReaderState.Completed, entryReader.State, "Reader states don't match.");

                            case ODataParameterReaderState.Feed:
                                ODataReader feedReader = parameterReader.CreateFeedReader();
                                this.assert.AreEqual(ODataReaderState.FeedStart, feedReader.State, "Reader states don't match.");
                                odataParameters.Add(new KeyValuePair<string,object>(parameterReader.Name, this.ReadFeed(feedReader)));
                                this.assert.AreEqual(ODataReaderState.FeedEnd, feedReader.State, "Reader states don't match.");
                                this.assert.IsFalse(feedReader.Read(), "Read() should return false after EntryEnd.");
                                this.assert.AreEqual(ODataReaderState.Completed, feedReader.State, "Reader states don't match.");

                            case ODataParameterReaderState.Collection:
                                ODataCollectionReader collectionReader = parameterReader.CreateCollectionReader();
                                odataParameters.Add(new KeyValuePair<string,object>(parameterReader.Name, this.ReadCollection(collectionReader)));

                                this.assert.Fail("Unexpected state: " + parameterReader.State);

                    this.assert.AreEqual(ODataParameterReaderState.Completed, parameterReader.State, "Reader states don't match.");

                    return odataParameters;
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (ExceptionUtilities.IsCatchable(e))
                        this.assert.AreEqual(ODataParameterReaderState.Exception, parameterReader.State, "Expected the reader to be in 'Exception' state.");

 private void WriteTopLevelFeed(ODataMessageWriterTestWrapper messageWriter, ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader, ODataFeed feed)
     var feedWriter = messageWriter.CreateODataFeedWriter();
     Lazy<ODataReader> lazyReader = new Lazy<ODataReader>(() => messageReader.CreateODataFeedReader());
     this.WriteFeed(feedWriter, lazyReader, feed);
 /// <summary>
 /// Read a service document as the message content.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="messageReader">The message reader to use for reading.</param>
 /// <returns>An <see cref="ODataServiceDocument"/>, possibly with annotations.</returns>
 public object ReadServiceDocument(ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader)
     return messageReader.ReadServiceDocument();
 /// <summary>
 /// Read top-level raw value as the message content.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="messageReader">The message reader to use for reading.</param>
 /// <param name="expectedValueTypeReference">The expected value type to pass to the reader.</param>
 /// <returns>An <see cref="System.Object"/> representing the raw value.</returns>
 public object ReadValue(ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader, IEdmTypeReference expectedValueTypeReference)
     return messageReader.ReadValue(expectedValueTypeReference);
            /// <summary>
            /// Verifies that the result of the test is what is expected.
            /// It does so by delegating to the inner expected result provided in the constructor and additionally checking the reported <see cref="ODataFormat"/>.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="messageReader">The message reader which is the result of the test. This method should use it to read the results
            /// of the parsing and verify those.</param>
            /// <param name="payloadKind">The payload kind specified in the test descriptor.</param>
            /// <param name="testConfiguration">The test configuration to use.</param>
            public override void VerifyResult(ODataMessageReaderTestWrapper messageReader, ODataPayloadKind payloadKind, ReaderTestConfiguration testConfiguration)
                if (this.innerExpectedResult != null)
                    this.innerExpectedResult.VerifyResult(messageReader, payloadKind, testConfiguration);

                ODataFormat actualFormat = ODataUtils.GetReadFormat(messageReader.MessageReader);
                this.settings.Assert.AreEqual(this.expectedFormat, actualFormat, "Formats don't match.");