/// <summary>
        /// This method processes a single SyncInterceptorAttribute defined on a method. Processing involves the following
        /// 1. Ensure that the MethodInfo signature is the right one for the interceptor.
        /// 2. Retrieve the ScopeNames defined in the attribute and ensure they are valid scopes configures via the
        /// ISyncScopeConfiguration.SetEnableScope() API.
        /// 3. Create a SyncInterceptorInfoWrapper object for the scope if none is present.
        /// 4. Add the interceptor to the wrapper object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attr">The SyncInterceptorAttribute to process.</param>
        /// <param name="syncServiceType">Actual SyncService type</param>
        /// <param name="methodInfo">User Method on which the attribute is applied</param>
        private void ProcessSyncInterceptor(SyncInterceptorAttribute attr, Type syncServiceType, MethodInfo methodInfo)
            // Validate the method signature attribute
            WebUtil.ValidateInterceptorSignature(attr, methodInfo, syncServiceType.Name);

            // Read the list of scopeNames from the attribute
            string[] scopeNames = attr.ScopeName.Select(e => e.ToLowerInvariant()).ToArray();

            foreach (string scopeName in scopeNames)
                // Check to ensure the scopeName is valid configured scope.
                if (!this.ScopeNames.Contains(scopeName))
                    // ScopeName is not part of configured scopes. Throw.
                    throw new InvalidOperationException(
                              string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "ScopeName '{0}' defined in '{1}' on method '{2}' is not in the list of configured sync scopes.",
                                            scopeName, attr.GetType().Name, methodInfo.Name));
                SyncInterceptorsInfoWrapper wrapper = null;
                // Check and create the wrapper object for the current scope if none exists.
                if (!this.SyncInterceptors.TryGetValue(scopeName, out wrapper))
                    wrapper = new SyncInterceptorsInfoWrapper(scopeName);
                    this.SyncInterceptors.Add(scopeName, wrapper);

                // Add interceptor to the wrapper.
                wrapper.AddInterceptor(attr, methodInfo, syncServiceType.Name);