            string externalAdapterName,
            string switchName,
            string switchNotes)
            ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(@"root\virtualization\v2");

            string[] ports;

            // Get the external adapter we are connecting to.
            using (ManagementObject externalAdapter =
                       NetworkingUtilities.FindExternalAdapter(externalAdapterName, scope))

                // Get the hosting computer system. The internal port we create needs to be configured
                // to connect to the hosting computer system.
                using (ManagementObject hostComputerSystem = WmiUtilities.GetHostComputerSystem(scope))

                    // Get the default Msvm_EthernetPortAllocationSettingData instance that we can use to
                    // configure our external port connection for the switch.
                    // Use the same switch name, appended with "_External", for the port name.
                    // You can use any port name that you like.
                    using (ManagementObject externalPortToCreate =
                        externalPortToCreate["ElementName"]  = switchName + "_External";
                        externalPortToCreate["HostResource"] = new string[] { externalAdapter.Path.Path };

                        // Clone the externalPort connection and configure it for the internal port.
                        // Use the same switch name, appended with "_Internal", for the port name.
                        // You can use any port name that you like.
                        using (ManagementObject internalPortToCreate =
                            internalPortToCreate["ElementName"]  = switchName + "_Internal";
                            internalPortToCreate["HostResource"] = new string[] { hostComputerSystem.Path.Path };

                            // Now create the switch with the two ports.
                            ports = new string[] {

            CreateSwitch(switchName, switchNotes, ports, scope);

                                            "The external switch '{0}' was created successfully.", switchName));
            string externalAdapterName,
            string switchName,
            string switchNotes)
            ManagementScope scope = new ManagementScope(@"root\virtualization\v2");

            string[] ports;

            // Get the external adapter we are connecting to.
            using (ManagementObject externalAdapter =
                       NetworkingUtilities.FindExternalAdapter(externalAdapterName, scope))

                // Get the default Msvm_EthernetPortAllocationSettingData instance that we can use to
                // configure our external port connection for the switch.
                // Use the same switch name, appended with "_External", for the port name.
                // You can use any port name that you like.
                using (ManagementObject portToCreate =
                    portToCreate["ElementName"]  = switchName + "_External";
                    portToCreate["HostResource"] = new string[] { externalAdapter.Path.Path };

                    // Now create the switch with the external port.
                    ports = new string[] { portToCreate.GetText(TextFormat.WmiDtd20) };

            CreateSwitch(switchName, switchNotes, ports, scope);

                                            "The external-only switch '{0}' was created successfully.", switchName));
            string externalAdapterName)
            ManagementScope scope             = new ManagementScope(@"root\virtualization\v2");
            bool            supportsTrunkMode = false;

            // Get the external adapter.
            using (ManagementObject externalAdapter =
                       NetworkingUtilities.FindExternalAdapter(externalAdapterName, scope))

                // From the external adapter we need to follow the associations to get to the
                // Msvm_VLANEndpoint object that has the property we can query to see if the
                // adapter supports trunk mode. Note however, that these associated objects only
                // exist if the adapter is connected to a switch. Until the adapter is connected to
                // a switch there is not a way through the Hyper-V WMI API to determine whether it
                // supports trunk mode.
                using (ManagementObjectCollection lanEndpointCollection = externalAdapter.GetRelated("Msvm_LanEndpoint"))
                    if (lanEndpointCollection.Count == 0)
                        throw new ManagementException("This external adapter is not connected to any switch. " +
                                                      "Cannot determine trunk mode support.");

                    using (ManagementObject lanEndpoint = WmiUtilities.GetFirstObjectFromCollection(

                        using (ManagementObject otherLanEndpoint = WmiUtilities.GetFirstObjectFromCollection(

                            using (ManagementObject vlanEndpoint = WmiUtilities.GetFirstObjectFromCollection(
                                // Now that we have the VLAN Endpoint, we can check its SupportedEndpointModes
                                // property.
                                ushort[] supportedEndpointModes = (ushort[])vlanEndpoint["SupportedEndpointModes"];
                                foreach (ushort supportedMode in supportedEndpointModes)
                                    if (supportedMode == 5) // 5 means "TrunkMode"
                                        supportsTrunkMode = true;

            if (supportsTrunkMode)
                Console.WriteLine("Successfully determined that the external adapter '{0}' does support trunk mode.",
                Console.WriteLine("Successfully determined that the external adapter '{0}' does NOT support trunk mode.",