Example #1
        /// <summary>Called when the multisample type changes</summary>
        private void OnMultisampleTypeChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ComboBox        cb  = sender as ComboBox;
            MultiSampleType mst = (MultiSampleType)cb.GetSelectedData();

            globalSettings.presentParams.MultiSample = mst;

            EnumDeviceSettingsCombo combo = GetCurrentDeviceSettingsCombo();

            int maxQuality = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < combo.multiSampleTypeList.Count; i++)
                MultiSampleType msType = (MultiSampleType)combo.multiSampleTypeList[i];
                if (msType == mst)
                    maxQuality = (int)combo.multiSampleQualityList[i];

            // We have the max quality now, add to our list
            for (int i = 0; i < maxQuality; i++)
                if (!multiSampleQualityCombo.ContainsItem(i.ToString()))
                    multiSampleQualityCombo.AddItem(i.ToString(), i);
            OnMultisampleQualityChanged(multiSampleQualityCombo, e);
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds all depth/stencil formats that are compatible with the device
 /// and application to the given device combo
 /// </summary>
 private static void BuildDepthStencilFormatList(EnumDeviceSettingsCombo deviceCombo)
     foreach (DepthFormat depthStencil in depthStencilPossibleList)
         if (Manager.CheckDeviceFormat((int)deviceCombo.AdapterOrdinal,
                                       deviceCombo.DeviceType, deviceCombo.AdapterFormat,
                                       Usage.DepthStencil, ResourceType.Surface, depthStencil))
             // This can be used as a depth stencil, make sure it matches
             if (Manager.CheckDepthStencilMatch((int)deviceCombo.AdapterOrdinal,
                                                deviceCombo.DeviceType, deviceCombo.AdapterFormat,
                                                deviceCombo.BackBufferFormat, depthStencil))
                 // Yup, add it
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Find any conflicts between the available depth/stencil formats and
 /// multisample types.
 /// </summary>
 private static void BuildConflictList(EnumDeviceSettingsCombo deviceCombo)
     foreach (DepthFormat depthFormat in deviceCombo.depthStencilFormatList)
         foreach (MultiSampleType msType in deviceCombo.multiSampleTypeList)
             // Check this for conflict
             if (!Manager.CheckDeviceMultiSampleType((int)deviceCombo.AdapterOrdinal,
                                                     deviceCombo.DeviceType, (Format)depthFormat,
                                                     deviceCombo.IsWindowed, msType))
                 // Add it to the list
                 EnumDepthStencilMultisampleConflict conflict = new EnumDepthStencilMultisampleConflict();
                 conflict.DepthStencilFormat = depthFormat;
                 conflict.MultisampleType    = msType;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds all multisample types that are compatible with the device and app to
        /// the given device combo
        /// </summary>
        private static void BuildMultiSampleTypeList(EnumDeviceSettingsCombo deviceCombo)
            foreach (MultiSampleType msType in multiSampleTypeList)
                int result, quality;
                // Check this
                if (Manager.CheckDeviceMultiSampleType((int)deviceCombo.AdapterOrdinal,
                                                       deviceCombo.DeviceType, deviceCombo.BackBufferFormat,
                                                       deviceCombo.IsWindowed, msType, out result, out quality))
                    if (quality > multisampleQualityMax + 1)
                        quality = (int)(multisampleQualityMax + 1);

Example #5
        /// <summary>Called when the depth stencil changes</summary>
        private void OnDepthStencilChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ComboBox    cb            = sender as ComboBox;
            DepthFormat stencilFormat = (DepthFormat)cb.GetSelectedData();

            if (globalSettings.presentParams.EnableAutoDepthStencil)
                globalSettings.presentParams.AutoDepthStencilFormat = stencilFormat;

            EnumDeviceSettingsCombo combo = GetCurrentDeviceSettingsCombo();

            // Remove all of the multisample items and add the new ones
            foreach (MultiSampleType mst in combo.multiSampleTypeList)
                bool conflictFound = false;
                foreach (EnumDepthStencilMultisampleConflict c in combo.depthStencilConflictList)
                    if (c.DepthStencilFormat == stencilFormat &&
                        c.MultisampleType == mst)
                        conflictFound = true;

                if (!conflictFound)
                    if (!multiSampleTypeCombo.ContainsItem(mst.ToString()))
                        multiSampleTypeCombo.AddItem(mst.ToString(), mst);
            // Select the correct multisampling type
            OnMultisampleTypeChanged(multiSampleTypeCombo, e);
Example #6
            /// <summary>
            /// Arbitrarily ranks device combo's
            /// </summary>
            private float RankDeviceCombo(EnumDeviceSettingsCombo deviceCombo, DeviceSettings settings, DisplayMode adapterMode)
            float currentRanking = 0.0f;

            // Arbitrary weights.  Gives preference to the ordinal, device type, and windowed
            const float adapterOrdinalWeight = 1000.0f;
            const float deviceTypeWeight = 100.0f;
            const float windowWeight = 10.0f;
            const float adapterFormatWeight = 1.0f;
            const float vertexProcessingWeight = 1.0f;
            const float resolutionWeight = 1.0f;
            const float backBufferFormatWeight = 1.0f;
            const float multiSampleWeight = 1.0f;
            const float depthStencilWeight = 1.0f;
            const float refreshRateWeight = 1.0f;
            const float presentIntervalWeight = 1.0f;

            // Adapter ordinal
            if (deviceCombo.AdapterOrdinal == settings.AdapterOrdinal )
                currentRanking += adapterOrdinalWeight;

            // Device type
            if (deviceCombo.DeviceType == settings.DeviceType )
                currentRanking += deviceTypeWeight;
            // Slightly prefer HAL
            if (deviceCombo.DeviceType == DeviceType.Hardware )
                currentRanking += 0.1f;

            // Windowed
            if (deviceCombo.IsWindowed == settings.presentParams.Windowed )
                currentRanking += windowWeight;

            // Adapter format
            if (deviceCombo.AdapterFormat == settings.AdapterFormat )
                currentRanking += adapterFormatWeight;
                int bitDepthDelta = Math.Abs((int)ManagedUtility.GetColorChannelBits(deviceCombo.AdapterFormat) -
                    (int)ManagedUtility.GetColorChannelBits(settings.AdapterFormat) );
                float scale = Math.Max(0.9f - (float)bitDepthDelta*0.2f, 0);
                currentRanking += scale * adapterFormatWeight;

            if (!deviceCombo.IsWindowed )
                // Slightly prefer when it matches the desktop format or is Format.X8R8G8B8
                bool isAdapterOptimalMatch;
                if (ManagedUtility.GetColorChannelBits(adapterMode.Format) >= 8 )
                    isAdapterOptimalMatch = (deviceCombo.AdapterFormat == adapterMode.Format);
                    isAdapterOptimalMatch = (deviceCombo.AdapterFormat == Format.X8R8G8B8);

                if (isAdapterOptimalMatch )
                    currentRanking += 0.1f;

            // Vertex processing
            if ((settings.BehaviorFlags & CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing) != 0 ||
                (settings.BehaviorFlags & CreateFlags.MixedVertexProcessing) != 0 )
                    currentRanking += vertexProcessingWeight;
            // Slightly prefer HW T&L
                currentRanking += 0.1f;

            // Resolution
            bool bResolutionFound = false;
            for( int idm = 0; idm < deviceCombo.adapterInformation.displayModeList.Count; idm++ )
                DisplayMode displayMode = (DisplayMode)deviceCombo.adapterInformation.displayModeList[idm];
                if (displayMode.Format != deviceCombo.AdapterFormat )
                if (displayMode.Width == settings.presentParams.BackBufferWidth &&
                    displayMode.Height == settings.presentParams.BackBufferHeight )
                    bResolutionFound = true;
            if (bResolutionFound )
                currentRanking += resolutionWeight;

            // Back buffer format
            if (deviceCombo.BackBufferFormat == settings.presentParams.BackBufferFormat )
                currentRanking += backBufferFormatWeight;
                int bitDepthDelta = Math.Abs((int)ManagedUtility.GetColorChannelBits(deviceCombo.BackBufferFormat) -
                    (int)ManagedUtility.GetColorChannelBits(settings.presentParams.BackBufferFormat) );
                float scale = Math.Max(0.9f - (float)bitDepthDelta*0.2f, 0);
                currentRanking += scale * backBufferFormatWeight;

            // Check if this back buffer format is the same as
            // the adapter format since this is preferred.
            bool bAdapterMatchesBB = (deviceCombo.BackBufferFormat == deviceCombo.AdapterFormat);
            if (bAdapterMatchesBB )
                currentRanking += 0.1f;

            // Back buffer count
            // No caps for the back buffer count

            // Multisample
            bool bMultiSampleFound = false;
            for( int i=0; i<deviceCombo.multiSampleTypeList.Count; i++ )
                MultiSampleType msType = (MultiSampleType)deviceCombo.multiSampleTypeList[i];
                uint msQuality  = (uint)(int)deviceCombo.multiSampleQualityList[i];

                if (msType == settings.presentParams.MultiSample &&
                    msQuality >= settings.presentParams.MultiSampleQuality )
                    bMultiSampleFound = true;
            if (bMultiSampleFound )
                currentRanking += multiSampleWeight;

            // Swap effect
            // No caps for swap effects

            // Depth stencil
            if (deviceCombo.depthStencilFormatList.Contains( settings.presentParams.AutoDepthStencilFormat ) )
                currentRanking += depthStencilWeight;

            // Present flags
            // No caps for the present flags

            // Refresh rate
            bool bRefreshFound = false;
            for( int idm = 0; idm < deviceCombo.adapterInformation.displayModeList.Count; idm++ )
                DisplayMode displayMode = (DisplayMode)deviceCombo.adapterInformation.displayModeList[idm];
                if (displayMode.Format != deviceCombo.AdapterFormat )
                if (displayMode.RefreshRate == settings.presentParams.FullScreenRefreshRateInHz )
                    bRefreshFound = true;
            if (bRefreshFound )
                currentRanking += refreshRateWeight;

            // Present interval
            // If keep present interval then check that the present interval is supported by this combo
            if (deviceCombo.presentIntervalList.Contains( settings.presentParams.PresentationInterval ) )
                currentRanking += presentIntervalWeight;

            return currentRanking;
Example #7
            /// <summary>
            /// Returns false for any device combo that doesn't meet the preserve
            /// match options
            /// </summary>
            private bool DoesDeviceComboMatchPreserveOptions(EnumDeviceSettingsCombo deviceCombo, DeviceSettings settings, MatchOptions match)
            // Adapter ordinal
            if (match.AdapterOrdinal == MatchType.PreserveInput &&
                (deviceCombo.AdapterOrdinal != settings.AdapterOrdinal) )
                return false;

            // Device type
            if (match.DeviceType == MatchType.PreserveInput &&
                (deviceCombo.DeviceType != settings.DeviceType) )
                return false;

            // Windowed
            if (match.Windowed == MatchType.PreserveInput &&
                (deviceCombo.IsWindowed != settings.presentParams.Windowed) )
                return false;

            // Adapter format
            if (match.AdapterFormat == MatchType.PreserveInput &&
                (deviceCombo.AdapterFormat != settings.AdapterFormat) )
                return false;

            // Vertex processing
            // If keep VP and input has HWVP, then skip if this combo doesn't have HWTL
            if (match.VertexProcessing == MatchType.PreserveInput &&
                ((settings.BehaviorFlags & CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing) != 0) &&
                (deviceCombo.deviceInformation.Caps.DeviceCaps.SupportsHardwareTransformAndLight) )
                return false;

            // Resolution
            // If keep resolution then check that width and height supported by this combo
            if (match.Resolution == MatchType.PreserveInput )
                bool bFound = false;
                for( int i=0; i< deviceCombo.adapterInformation.displayModeList.Count; i++ )
                    DisplayMode displayMode = (DisplayMode)deviceCombo.adapterInformation.displayModeList[i];
                    if (displayMode.Format != deviceCombo.AdapterFormat )
                        continue; // Skip this display mode if it doesn't match the combo's adapter format

                    if (displayMode.Width == settings.presentParams.BackBufferWidth &&
                        displayMode.Height == settings.presentParams.BackBufferHeight )
                        bFound = true;

                // If the width and height are not supported by this combo, return false
                if (!bFound )
                    return false;

            // Back buffer format
            if (match.BackBufferFormat == MatchType.PreserveInput &&
                deviceCombo.BackBufferFormat != settings.presentParams.BackBufferFormat )
                return false;

            // Back buffer count
            // No caps for the back buffer count

            // Multisample
            if (match.MultiSample == MatchType.PreserveInput )
                bool bFound = false;
                for( int i=0; i<deviceCombo.multiSampleTypeList.Count; i++ )
                    MultiSampleType msType = (MultiSampleType)deviceCombo.multiSampleTypeList[i];
                    uint msQuality  = (uint)(int)deviceCombo.multiSampleQualityList[i];

                    if (msType == settings.presentParams.MultiSample &&
                        msQuality >= settings.presentParams.MultiSampleQuality )
                        bFound = true;

                // If multisample type/quality not supported by this combo, then return false
                if (!bFound )
                    return false;

            // Swap effect
            // No caps for swap effects

            // Depth stencil
            // If keep depth stencil format then check that the depth stencil format is supported by this combo
            if (match.DepthFormat == MatchType.PreserveInput &&
                match.StencilFormat == MatchType.PreserveInput )
                if (settings.presentParams.AutoDepthStencilFormat != (DepthFormat)Format.Unknown &&
                    !deviceCombo.depthStencilFormatList.Contains( settings.presentParams.AutoDepthStencilFormat ) )
                    return false;

            // If keep depth format then check that the depth format is supported by this combo
            if (match.DepthFormat == MatchType.PreserveInput &&
                settings.presentParams.AutoDepthStencilFormat != DepthFormat.Unknown )
                bool bFound = false;
                uint depthBits = ManagedUtility.GetDepthBits( settings.presentParams.AutoDepthStencilFormat );
                for( int i=0; i<deviceCombo.depthStencilFormatList.Count; i++ )
                    DepthFormat depthStencilFmt = (DepthFormat)deviceCombo.depthStencilFormatList[i];
                    uint curDepthBits = ManagedUtility.GetDepthBits(depthStencilFmt);
                    if (curDepthBits - depthBits == 0)
                        bFound = true;

                if (!bFound )
                    return false;

            // If keep depth format then check that the depth format is supported by this combo
            if (match.StencilFormat == MatchType.PreserveInput &&
                settings.presentParams.AutoDepthStencilFormat != DepthFormat.Unknown )
                bool bFound = false;
                uint stencilBits = ManagedUtility.GetStencilBits( settings.presentParams.AutoDepthStencilFormat );
                for( int i=0; i<deviceCombo.depthStencilFormatList.Count; i++ )
                    DepthFormat depthStencilFmt = (DepthFormat)deviceCombo.depthStencilFormatList[i];
                    uint curStencilBits = ManagedUtility.GetStencilBits(depthStencilFmt);
                    if (curStencilBits - stencilBits == 0)
                        bFound = true;

                if (!bFound )
                    return false;

            // Present flags
            // No caps for the present flags

            // Refresh rate
            // If keep refresh rate then check that the resolution is supported by this combo
            if (match.RefreshRate == MatchType.PreserveInput )
                bool bFound = false;
                for( int i=0; i<deviceCombo.adapterInformation.displayModeList.Count; i++ )
                    DisplayMode displayMode = (DisplayMode)deviceCombo.adapterInformation.displayModeList[i];
                    if (displayMode.Format != deviceCombo.AdapterFormat )
                    if (displayMode.RefreshRate == settings.presentParams.FullScreenRefreshRateInHz )
                        bFound = true;

                // If refresh rate not supported by this combo, then return false
                if (!bFound )
                    return false;

            // Present interval
            // If keep present interval then check that the present interval is supported by this combo
            if (match.PresentInterval == MatchType.PreserveInput &&
                !deviceCombo.presentIntervalList.Contains( settings.presentParams.PresentationInterval ) )
                return false;

            return true;
Example #8
            /// <summary>
            /// Builds valid device settings using the match options, the input device settings, and the
            /// best device settings combo found.
            /// </summary>
            private DeviceSettings BuildValidDeviceSettings(EnumDeviceSettingsCombo deviceCombo, DeviceSettings settings, MatchOptions match)
            DeviceSettings validSettings = new DeviceSettings();
            DisplayMode adapterDesktopDisplayMode = Manager.Adapters[(int)deviceCombo.AdapterOrdinal].CurrentDisplayMode;

            // For each setting pick the best, taking into account the match options and
            // what's supported by the device

            // Adapter Ordinal
            // Just using deviceCombo.AdapterOrdinal

            // Device Type
            // Just using deviceCombo.DeviceType

            // Windowed
            // Just using deviceCombo.Windowed

            // Adapter Format
            // Just using deviceCombo.AdapterFormat

            // Vertex processing
            CreateFlags bestBehaviorFlags = 0;
            if (match.VertexProcessing == MatchType.PreserveInput )
                bestBehaviorFlags = settings.BehaviorFlags;
            else if (match.VertexProcessing == MatchType.IgnoreInput )
                // The framework defaults to HWVP if available otherwise use SWVP
                if (deviceCombo.deviceInformation.Caps.DeviceCaps.SupportsHardwareTransformAndLight)
                    bestBehaviorFlags |= CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing;
                    bestBehaviorFlags |= CreateFlags.SoftwareVertexProcessing;
                // Default to input, and fallback to SWVP if HWVP not available
                bestBehaviorFlags = settings.BehaviorFlags;
                if ((!deviceCombo.deviceInformation.Caps.DeviceCaps.SupportsHardwareTransformAndLight) &&
                    ( (bestBehaviorFlags & CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing ) != 0 ||
                    (bestBehaviorFlags & CreateFlags.MixedVertexProcessing) != 0) )
                    bestBehaviorFlags &= ~CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing ;
                    bestBehaviorFlags &= ~CreateFlags.MixedVertexProcessing;
                    bestBehaviorFlags |= CreateFlags.SoftwareVertexProcessing;

                // One of these must be selected
                if ((bestBehaviorFlags & CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing ) == 0 &&
                    (bestBehaviorFlags & CreateFlags.MixedVertexProcessing) == 0 &&
                    (bestBehaviorFlags & CreateFlags.SoftwareVertexProcessing) == 0 )
                    if (deviceCombo.deviceInformation.Caps.DeviceCaps.SupportsHardwareTransformAndLight)
                        bestBehaviorFlags |= CreateFlags.HardwareVertexProcessing ;
                        bestBehaviorFlags |= CreateFlags.SoftwareVertexProcessing;

            // Resolution
            DisplayMode bestDisplayMode = new DisplayMode();
            if (match.Resolution == MatchType.PreserveInput )
                bestDisplayMode.Width = settings.presentParams.BackBufferWidth;
                bestDisplayMode.Height = settings.presentParams.BackBufferHeight;
                DisplayMode displayModeIn = new DisplayMode();
                if (match.Resolution == MatchType.ClosestToInput &&
                    (settings.presentParams.BackBufferWidth != 0 && settings.presentParams.BackBufferWidth != 0) )
                    displayModeIn.Width = settings.presentParams.BackBufferWidth;
                    displayModeIn.Height = settings.presentParams.BackBufferHeight;
                else // if (match.Resolution == MatchType.IgnoreInput )
                    if (deviceCombo.IsWindowed )
                        // The framework defaults to 640x480 for windowed
                        displayModeIn.Width = DefaultSizeWidth;
                        displayModeIn.Height = DefaultSizeHeight;
                        // The framework defaults to desktop resolution for fullscreen to try to avoid slow mode change
                        displayModeIn.Width = adapterDesktopDisplayMode.Width;
                        displayModeIn.Height = adapterDesktopDisplayMode.Height;

                // Call a helper function to find the closest valid display mode to the optimal
                bestDisplayMode = FindValidResolution(deviceCombo, displayModeIn);

            // Back Buffer Format
            // Just using deviceCombo.BackBufferFormat

            // Back buffer count
            uint bestBackBufferCount;
            if (match.BackBufferCount == MatchType.PreserveInput )
                bestBackBufferCount = (uint)settings.presentParams.BackBufferCount;
            else if (match.BackBufferCount == MatchType.IgnoreInput )
                // The framework defaults to triple buffering
                bestBackBufferCount = 2;
            else // if (match.BackBufferCount == MatchType.ClosestToInput )
                bestBackBufferCount = (uint)settings.presentParams.BackBufferCount;
                if (bestBackBufferCount > 3 )
                    bestBackBufferCount = 3;
                if (bestBackBufferCount < 1 )
                    bestBackBufferCount = 1;

            // Multisample
            MultiSampleType bestMultiSampleType;
            uint bestMultiSampleQuality;
            if (settings.presentParams.SwapEffect != SwapEffect.Discard)
                // Swap effect is not set to discard so multisampling has to off
                bestMultiSampleType = MultiSampleType.None;
                bestMultiSampleQuality = 0;
                if (match.BackBufferCount == MatchType.PreserveInput )
                    bestMultiSampleType    = settings.presentParams.MultiSample;
                    bestMultiSampleQuality = (uint)settings.presentParams.MultiSampleQuality;
                else if (match.BackBufferCount == MatchType.IgnoreInput )
                    // Default to no multisampling (always supported)
                    bestMultiSampleType = MultiSampleType.None;
                    bestMultiSampleQuality = 0;
                else if (match.BackBufferCount == MatchType.ClosestToInput )
                    // Default to no multisampling (always supported)
                    bestMultiSampleType = MultiSampleType.None;
                    bestMultiSampleQuality = 0;

                    for (int i = 0; i < deviceCombo.multiSampleTypeList.Count; i++)
                        MultiSampleType tempType = (MultiSampleType)deviceCombo.multiSampleTypeList[i];
                        uint tempQuality = (uint)(int)deviceCombo.multiSampleQualityList[i];

                        // Check whether supported type is closer to the input than our current best
                        if (Math.Abs((int)tempType -  (int)settings.presentParams.MultiSample) < Math.Abs((int)bestMultiSampleType - (int)settings.presentParams.MultiSample) )
                            bestMultiSampleType = tempType;
                            bestMultiSampleQuality = (uint)Math.Min(tempQuality-1, settings.presentParams.MultiSampleQuality);
                else // Error case
                    // Default to no multisampling (always supported)
                    bestMultiSampleType = MultiSampleType.None;
                    bestMultiSampleQuality = 0;

            // Swap effect
            SwapEffect bestSwapEffect;
            if (match.SwapEffect == MatchType.PreserveInput )
                bestSwapEffect = settings.presentParams.SwapEffect;
            else if (match.SwapEffect == MatchType.IgnoreInput )
                bestSwapEffect = SwapEffect.Discard;
            else // if (match.SwapEffect == MatchType.ClosestToInput )
                bestSwapEffect = settings.presentParams.SwapEffect;

                // Swap effect has to be one of these 3
                if (bestSwapEffect != SwapEffect.Discard &&
                    bestSwapEffect != SwapEffect.Flip &&
                    bestSwapEffect != SwapEffect.Copy )
                    bestSwapEffect = SwapEffect.Discard;

            // Depth stencil
            DepthFormat bestDepthStencilFormat;
            bool bestEnableAutoDepthStencil;

            int[] depthStencilRanking = new int[deviceCombo.depthStencilFormatList.Count];

            uint backBufferBitDepth = ManagedUtility.GetColorChannelBits( deviceCombo.BackBufferFormat );
            uint inputDepthBitDepth = ManagedUtility.GetDepthBits( settings.presentParams.AutoDepthStencilFormat );

            for( int i=0; i<deviceCombo.depthStencilFormatList.Count; i++ )
                DepthFormat curDepthStencilFmt = (DepthFormat)deviceCombo.depthStencilFormatList[i];
                uint curDepthBitDepth = ManagedUtility.GetDepthBits( curDepthStencilFmt );
                int ranking;

                if (match.DepthFormat == MatchType.PreserveInput )
                    // Need to match bit depth of input
                    if(curDepthBitDepth == inputDepthBitDepth)
                        ranking = 0;
                        ranking = 10000;
                else if (match.DepthFormat == MatchType.IgnoreInput )
                    // Prefer match of backbuffer bit depth
                    ranking = Math.Abs((int)curDepthBitDepth - (int)(backBufferBitDepth*4));
                else // if (match.DepthFormat == MatchType.ClosestToInput )
                    // Prefer match of input depth format bit depth
                    ranking = Math.Abs((int)curDepthBitDepth - (int)inputDepthBitDepth);

                depthStencilRanking[i] = ranking;

            uint inputStencilBitDepth = ManagedUtility.GetStencilBits( settings.presentParams.AutoDepthStencilFormat );

            for( int i=0; i<deviceCombo.depthStencilFormatList.Count; i++ )
                DepthFormat curDepthStencilFmt = (DepthFormat)deviceCombo.depthStencilFormatList[i];
                int ranking = depthStencilRanking[i];
                uint curStencilBitDepth = ManagedUtility.GetStencilBits( curDepthStencilFmt );

                if (match.StencilFormat == MatchType.PreserveInput )
                    // Need to match bit depth of input
                    if(curStencilBitDepth == inputStencilBitDepth)
                        ranking += 0;
                        ranking += 10000;
                else if (match.StencilFormat == MatchType.IgnoreInput )
                    // Prefer 0 stencil bit depth
                    ranking += (int)curStencilBitDepth;
                else // if (match.StencilFormat == MatchType.ClosestToInput )
                    // Prefer match of input stencil format bit depth
                    ranking += Math.Abs((int)curStencilBitDepth - (int)inputStencilBitDepth);

                depthStencilRanking[i] = ranking;

            int bestRanking = 100000;
            int bestIndex = -1;
            for( int i=0; i<depthStencilRanking.Length; i++ )
                if (depthStencilRanking[i] < bestRanking )
                    bestRanking = depthStencilRanking[i];
                    bestIndex = i;

            if (bestIndex >= 0 )
                bestDepthStencilFormat = (DepthFormat)deviceCombo.depthStencilFormatList[bestIndex];
                bestEnableAutoDepthStencil = true;
                bestDepthStencilFormat = DepthFormat.Unknown;
                bestEnableAutoDepthStencil = false;

            // Present flags
            PresentFlag bestPresentFlag;
            if (match.PresentFlags == MatchType.PreserveInput )
                bestPresentFlag = settings.presentParams.PresentFlag;
            else if (match.PresentFlags == MatchType.IgnoreInput )
                bestPresentFlag = 0;
                if (bestEnableAutoDepthStencil )
                    bestPresentFlag = PresentFlag.DiscardDepthStencil;
            else // if (match.PresentFlags == MatchType.ClosestToInput )
                bestPresentFlag = settings.presentParams.PresentFlag;
                if (bestEnableAutoDepthStencil )
                    bestPresentFlag |= PresentFlag.DiscardDepthStencil;

            // Refresh rate
            if (deviceCombo.IsWindowed )
                // Must be 0 for windowed
                bestDisplayMode.RefreshRate = 0;
                if (match.RefreshRate == MatchType.PreserveInput )
                    bestDisplayMode.RefreshRate = settings.presentParams.FullScreenRefreshRateInHz;
                    uint refreshRateMatch;
                    if (match.RefreshRate == MatchType.ClosestToInput )
                        refreshRateMatch = (uint)settings.presentParams.FullScreenRefreshRateInHz;
                    else // if (match.RefreshRate == MatchType.IgnoreInput )
                        refreshRateMatch = (uint)adapterDesktopDisplayMode.RefreshRate;

                    bestDisplayMode.RefreshRate = 0;

                    if (refreshRateMatch != 0 )
                        int bestRefreshRanking = 100000;
                        for( int iDisplayMode=0; iDisplayMode<deviceCombo.adapterInformation.displayModeList.Count; iDisplayMode++ )
                            DisplayMode displayMode = (DisplayMode)deviceCombo.adapterInformation.displayModeList[iDisplayMode];
                            if (displayMode.Format != deviceCombo.AdapterFormat ||
                                displayMode.Height != bestDisplayMode.Height ||
                                displayMode.Width != bestDisplayMode.Width )
                                continue; // Skip display modes that don't match

                            // Find the delta between the current refresh rate and the optimal refresh rate
                            int currentRefreshRanking = Math.Abs((int)displayMode.RefreshRate - (int)refreshRateMatch);

                            if (currentRefreshRanking < bestRefreshRanking )
                                bestDisplayMode.RefreshRate = displayMode.RefreshRate;
                                bestRefreshRanking = currentRefreshRanking;

                                // Stop if perfect match found
                                if (bestRefreshRanking == 0 )

            // Present interval
            PresentInterval bestPresentInterval;
            if (match.PresentInterval == MatchType.PreserveInput )
                bestPresentInterval = settings.presentParams.PresentationInterval;
            else if (match.PresentInterval == MatchType.IgnoreInput )
                if (deviceCombo.IsWindowed )
                    // For windowed, the framework defaults to PresentInterval.Immediate
                    // which will wait not for the vertical retrace period to prevent tearing,
                    // but may introduce tearing
                    bestPresentInterval = PresentInterval.Immediate;
                    // For full screen, the framework defaults to PresentInterval.Default
                    // which will wait for the vertical retrace period to prevent tearing
                    bestPresentInterval = PresentInterval.Default;
            else // if (match.PresentInterval == MatchType.ClosestToInput )
                if (deviceCombo.presentIntervalList.Contains( settings.presentParams.PresentationInterval ) )
                    bestPresentInterval = settings.presentParams.PresentationInterval;
                    if (deviceCombo.IsWindowed )
                        bestPresentInterval = PresentInterval.Immediate;
                        bestPresentInterval = PresentInterval.Default;

            // Fill the device settings struct
            validSettings.AdapterOrdinal = deviceCombo.AdapterOrdinal;
            validSettings.DeviceType = deviceCombo.DeviceType;
            validSettings.AdapterFormat = deviceCombo.AdapterFormat;
            validSettings.BehaviorFlags = bestBehaviorFlags;
            validSettings.presentParams = new PresentParameters();
            validSettings.presentParams.BackBufferWidth = bestDisplayMode.Width;
            validSettings.presentParams.BackBufferHeight = bestDisplayMode.Height;
            validSettings.presentParams.BackBufferFormat = deviceCombo.BackBufferFormat;
            validSettings.presentParams.BackBufferCount = (int)bestBackBufferCount;
            validSettings.presentParams.MultiSample = bestMultiSampleType;
            validSettings.presentParams.MultiSampleQuality = (int)bestMultiSampleQuality;
            validSettings.presentParams.SwapEffect = bestSwapEffect;
            validSettings.presentParams.DeviceWindow = deviceCombo.IsWindowed ? State.WindowDeviceWindowed : State.WindowDeviceFullScreen;
            validSettings.presentParams.Windowed = deviceCombo.IsWindowed;
            validSettings.presentParams.EnableAutoDepthStencil = bestEnableAutoDepthStencil;
            validSettings.presentParams.AutoDepthStencilFormat = bestDepthStencilFormat;
            validSettings.presentParams.PresentFlag = bestPresentFlag;
            validSettings.presentParams.FullScreenRefreshRateInHz  = bestDisplayMode.RefreshRate;
            validSettings.presentParams.PresentationInterval = bestPresentInterval;
            validSettings.presentParams.ForceNoMultiThreadedFlag = true;

            return validSettings;
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Enumerates device combinations for a particular device.
        /// </summary>
        private static void EnumerateDeviceCombos(EnumAdapterInformation adapterInfo, EnumDeviceInformation deviceInfo, 
            ArrayList adapterFormatList)
            // Find out which adapter formats are supported by this device
            foreach(Format adapterFormat in adapterFormatList)
                for(int i = 0; i < backbufferFormatsArray.Length; i++)
                    // Go through each windowed mode
                    for (int windowedIndex = 0; windowedIndex < 2; windowedIndex++)
                        bool isWindowedIndex = (windowedIndex == 1);
                        if ((!isWindowedIndex) && (adapterInfo.displayModeList.Count == 0))
                            continue; // Nothing here

                        if (!Manager.CheckDeviceType((int)adapterInfo.AdapterOrdinal, deviceInfo.DeviceType,
                            adapterFormat, backbufferFormatsArray[i], isWindowedIndex))
                            continue; // Unsupported

                        // Do we require post pixel shader blending?
                        if (isPostPixelShaderBlendingRequired)
                            // If the backbuffer format doesn't support Usage.QueryPostPixelShaderBlending
                            // then alpha test, pixel fog, render-target blending, color write enable, and dithering
                            // are not supported.
                            if (!Manager.CheckDeviceFormat((int)adapterInfo.AdapterOrdinal, deviceInfo.DeviceType,
                                    adapterFormat, Usage.QueryPostPixelShaderBlending,
                                    ResourceType.Textures, backbufferFormatsArray[i]))
                                continue; // Unsupported

                        // If an application callback function has been provided, make sure this device
                        // is acceptable to the app.
                        if (deviceCreationInterface != null)
                            if (!deviceCreationInterface.IsDeviceAcceptable(deviceInfo.Caps,
                                adapterFormat, backbufferFormatsArray[i],isWindowedIndex))
                                continue; // Application doesn't like this device

                        // At this point, we have an adapter/device/adapterformat/backbufferformat/iswindowed
                        // DeviceCombo that is supported by the system and acceptable to the app. We still
                        // need to find one or more suitable depth/stencil buffer format,
                        // multisample type, and present interval.

                        EnumDeviceSettingsCombo deviceCombo = new EnumDeviceSettingsCombo();

                        // Store the information
                        deviceCombo.AdapterOrdinal = adapterInfo.AdapterOrdinal;
                        deviceCombo.DeviceType = deviceInfo.DeviceType;
                        deviceCombo.AdapterFormat = adapterFormat;
                        deviceCombo.BackBufferFormat = backbufferFormatsArray[i];
                        deviceCombo.IsWindowed = isWindowedIndex;

                        // Build the depth stencil format and multisample type list
                        if (deviceCombo.multiSampleTypeList.Count == 0)
                            // Nothing to do
                        // Build the conflict and present lists
                        BuildPresentIntervalList(deviceInfo, deviceCombo);

                        deviceCombo.adapterInformation = adapterInfo;
                        deviceCombo.deviceInformation = deviceInfo;

                        // Add the combo to the list of devices
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds all multisample types that are compatible with the device and app to
        /// the given device combo
        /// </summary>
        private static void BuildMultiSampleTypeList(EnumDeviceSettingsCombo deviceCombo)
            foreach(MultiSampleType msType in multiSampleTypeList)
                int result, quality;
                // Check this
                if (Manager.CheckDeviceMultiSampleType((int)deviceCombo.AdapterOrdinal,
                    deviceCombo.DeviceType, deviceCombo.BackBufferFormat,
                    deviceCombo.IsWindowed, msType, out result, out quality))
                    if (quality > multisampleQualityMax + 1)
                        quality = (int)(multisampleQualityMax + 1);

Example #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds all depth/stencil formats that are compatible with the device 
 /// and application to the given device combo
 /// </summary>
 private static void BuildDepthStencilFormatList(EnumDeviceSettingsCombo deviceCombo)
     foreach(DepthFormat depthStencil in depthStencilPossibleList)
         if (Manager.CheckDeviceFormat((int)deviceCombo.AdapterOrdinal,
             deviceCombo.DeviceType, deviceCombo.AdapterFormat,
             Usage.DepthStencil, ResourceType.Surface, depthStencil))
             // This can be used as a depth stencil, make sure it matches
             if (Manager.CheckDepthStencilMatch((int)deviceCombo.AdapterOrdinal,
                 deviceCombo.DeviceType, deviceCombo.AdapterFormat,
                 deviceCombo.BackBufferFormat, depthStencil))
                 // Yup, add it
Example #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Find any conflicts between the available depth/stencil formats and
 /// multisample types.
 /// </summary>
 private static void BuildConflictList(EnumDeviceSettingsCombo deviceCombo)
     foreach(DepthFormat depthFormat in deviceCombo.depthStencilFormatList)
         foreach(MultiSampleType msType in deviceCombo.multiSampleTypeList)
             // Check this for conflict
             if (!Manager.CheckDeviceMultiSampleType((int)deviceCombo.AdapterOrdinal,
                 deviceCombo.DeviceType, (Format)depthFormat,
                 deviceCombo.IsWindowed, msType))
                 // Add it to the list
                 EnumDepthStencilMultisampleConflict conflict = new EnumDepthStencilMultisampleConflict();
                 conflict.DepthStencilFormat = depthFormat;
                 conflict.MultisampleType = msType;
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds all present intervals that are compatible with the device and app
        /// to the given device combo
        /// </summary>
        private static void BuildPresentIntervalList(EnumDeviceInformation deviceInfo, EnumDeviceSettingsCombo deviceCombo)
            for (int i = 0; i < presentIntervalList.Count; i++)
                PresentInterval pi = (PresentInterval)presentIntervalList[i];
                if (deviceCombo.IsWindowed)
                    if ((pi == PresentInterval.Two) ||
                        (pi == PresentInterval.Three) ||
                        (pi == PresentInterval.Four))
                        // These intervals are never supported in windowed mode

                // Not that PresentInterval.Default is zero so you can't do a bitwise
                // check for it, it's always available
                if ((pi == PresentInterval.Default) ||
                    ((deviceInfo.Caps.PresentationIntervals & pi) != 0))
Example #14
            /// <summary>
            /// public helper function to find the closest allowed display mode to the optimal
            /// </summary>
            private DisplayMode FindValidResolution(EnumDeviceSettingsCombo deviceCombo, DisplayMode displayMode)
            DisplayMode bestDisplayMode = displayMode;

            if (deviceCombo.IsWindowed)
                // Get the desktop resolution of the current monitor to use to keep the window
                // in a reasonable size in the desktop's
                // This isn't the same as the current resolution from GetAdapterDisplayMode
                // since the device might be fullscreen
                EnumAdapterInformation adapterInfo = Enumeration.GetAdapterInformation(deviceCombo.AdapterOrdinal);
                // Find the right screen
                System.Windows.Forms.Screen displayScreen = null;
                string adapterName = adapterInfo.AdapterInformation.DeviceName.ToLower();
                foreach(System.Windows.Forms.Screen s in System.Windows.Forms.Screen.AllScreens)
                    string deviceName = s.DeviceName.ToLower();
                    // For some reason the device name has null characters in it.  Remove them
                    if (deviceName.IndexOf("\0") > 0)
                        deviceName = deviceName.Substring(0, deviceName.IndexOf("\0"));
                    if (deviceName == adapterName)
                        // Found the correct screen
                        displayScreen = s;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(displayScreen != null, "We should have found the screen by now.");

                // For windowed mode, just keep it something reasonable within the size
                // of the working area of the desktop
                if (bestDisplayMode.Width > displayScreen.WorkingArea.Width )
                    bestDisplayMode.Width = displayScreen.WorkingArea.Width;
                if (bestDisplayMode.Height > displayScreen.WorkingArea.Height )
                    bestDisplayMode.Height = displayScreen.WorkingArea.Height;

                int bestRanking = 100000;
                int currentRanking;
                for( int iDisplayMode=0; iDisplayMode<deviceCombo.adapterInformation.displayModeList.Count; iDisplayMode++ )
                    DisplayMode storedMode = (DisplayMode)deviceCombo.adapterInformation.displayModeList[iDisplayMode];

                    // Skip display modes that don't match the combo's adapter format
                    if (storedMode.Format != deviceCombo.AdapterFormat )

                    // Find the delta between the current width/height and the optimal width/height
                    currentRanking = Math.Abs((int)storedMode.Width - (int)displayMode.Width) +
                        Math.Abs((int)storedMode.Height- (int)displayMode.Height);

                    if (currentRanking < bestRanking )
                        bestDisplayMode = displayMode;
                        bestRanking = currentRanking;

                        // Stop if perfect match found
                        if (bestRanking == 0 )

                // Were any found?
                if (bestDisplayMode.Width == 0 )
                    throw new NoCompatibleDevicesException();

            return bestDisplayMode;
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds all present intervals that are compatible with the device and app 
        /// to the given device combo
        /// </summary>
        private static void BuildPresentIntervalList(EnumDeviceInformation deviceInfo, EnumDeviceSettingsCombo deviceCombo)
            for (int i = 0; i < presentIntervalList.Count; i++)
                PresentInterval pi = (PresentInterval)presentIntervalList[i];
                if (deviceCombo.IsWindowed)
                    if ( (pi == PresentInterval.Two) ||
                        (pi == PresentInterval.Three) ||
                        (pi == PresentInterval.Four) )
                        // These intervals are never supported in windowed mode

                // Not that PresentInterval.Default is zero so you can't do a bitwise
                // check for it, it's always available
                if ( (pi == PresentInterval.Default) ||
                    ((deviceInfo.Caps.PresentationIntervals & pi) != 0))
Example #16
            /// <summary>
            /// This function tries to find valid device settings based upon the input device settings
            /// struct and the match options.  For each device setting a match option in the
            /// MatchOptions struct specifies how the function makes decisions.  For example, if
            /// the caller wants a hardware device with a back buffer format of A2B10G10R10 but the
            /// hardware device on the system does not support A2B10G10R10 however a reference device is
            /// installed that does, then the function has a choice to either use the reference device
            /// or to change to a back buffer format to compatible with the hardware device.  The match options lets the
            /// caller control how these choices are made.
            /// Each match option must be one of the following types:
            /// MatchType.IgnoreInput: Uses the closest valid value to a default
            /// MatchType.PreserveInput: Uses the input without change, but may cause no valid device to be found
            /// MatchType.ClosestToInput: Uses the closest valid value to the input
            /// </summary>
            private DeviceSettings FindValidDeviceSettings(DeviceSettings settings, MatchOptions match)
            // Build an optimal device settings structure based upon the match
            // options.  If the match option is set to ignore, then a optimal default value is used.
            // The default value may not exist on the system, but later this will be taken
            // into account.
            DeviceSettings optimalSettings = BuildOptimalDeviceSettings(settings, match);
            float bestRanking = -1.0f;
            EnumDeviceSettingsCombo bestDeviceSettingsCombo = new EnumDeviceSettingsCombo();

            // Find the best combination of:
            //      Adapter Ordinal
            //      Device Type
            //      Adapter Format
            //      Back Buffer Format
            //      Windowed
            // given what's available on the system and the match options combined with the device settings input.
            // This combination of settings is encapsulated by the EnumDeviceSettingsCombo class.
            DisplayMode adapterDesktopDisplayMode;
            for (int iAdapter = 0; iAdapter < Enumeration.AdapterInformationList.Count; iAdapter++)
                EnumAdapterInformation adapterInfo = Enumeration.AdapterInformationList[iAdapter] as EnumAdapterInformation;

                // Get the desktop display mode of the adapter
                adapterDesktopDisplayMode = Manager.Adapters[(int)adapterInfo.AdapterOrdinal].CurrentDisplayMode;

                // Enum all the device types supported by this adapter to find the best device settings
                for (int iDeviceInfo = 0; iDeviceInfo < adapterInfo.deviceInfoList.Count; iDeviceInfo++)
                    EnumDeviceInformation deviceInfo = adapterInfo.deviceInfoList[iDeviceInfo] as EnumDeviceInformation;
                    for (int iDeviceCombo = 0; iDeviceCombo<deviceInfo.deviceSettingsList.Count; iDeviceCombo++)
                        EnumDeviceSettingsCombo deviceSettings = deviceInfo.deviceSettingsList[iDeviceCombo] as EnumDeviceSettingsCombo;
                        // If windowed mode the adapter format has to be the same as the desktop
                        // display mode format so skip any that don't match
                        if (deviceSettings.IsWindowed && (deviceSettings.AdapterFormat != adapterDesktopDisplayMode.Format))

                        // Skip any combo that doesn't meet the preserve match options
                        if(!DoesDeviceComboMatchPreserveOptions(deviceSettings, settings, match))

                        // Get a ranking number that describes how closely this device combo matches the optimal combo
                        float curRanking = RankDeviceCombo(deviceSettings, optimalSettings, adapterDesktopDisplayMode);

                        // If this combo better matches the input device settings then save it
                        if (curRanking > bestRanking )
                            bestDeviceSettingsCombo = deviceSettings;
                            bestRanking = curRanking;

            // If no best device combination was found then fail
            if (bestRanking == -1.0f)
                throw new NoCompatibleDevicesException();

            // Using the best device settings combo found, build valid device settings taking heed of
            // the match options and the input device settings
            return BuildValidDeviceSettings(bestDeviceSettingsCombo, settings, match);
Example #17
        /// <summary>
        /// Enumerates device combinations for a particular device.
        /// </summary>
        private static void EnumerateDeviceCombos(EnumAdapterInformation adapterInfo, EnumDeviceInformation deviceInfo,
                                                  ArrayList adapterFormatList)
            // Find out which adapter formats are supported by this device
            foreach (Format adapterFormat in adapterFormatList)
                for (int i = 0; i < backbufferFormatsArray.Length; i++)
                    // Go through each windowed mode
                    for (int windowedIndex = 0; windowedIndex < 2; windowedIndex++)
                        bool isWindowedIndex = (windowedIndex == 1);
                        if ((!isWindowedIndex) && (adapterInfo.displayModeList.Count == 0))
                            continue; // Nothing here
                        if (!Manager.CheckDeviceType((int)adapterInfo.AdapterOrdinal, deviceInfo.DeviceType,
                                                     adapterFormat, backbufferFormatsArray[i], isWindowedIndex))
                            continue; // Unsupported
                        // Do we require post pixel shader blending?
                        if (isPostPixelShaderBlendingRequired)
                            // If the backbuffer format doesn't support Usage.QueryPostPixelShaderBlending
                            // then alpha test, pixel fog, render-target blending, color write enable, and dithering
                            // are not supported.
                            if (!Manager.CheckDeviceFormat((int)adapterInfo.AdapterOrdinal, deviceInfo.DeviceType,
                                                           adapterFormat, Usage.QueryPostPixelShaderBlending,
                                                           ResourceType.Textures, backbufferFormatsArray[i]))
                                continue; // Unsupported

                        // If an application callback function has been provided, make sure this device
                        // is acceptable to the app.
                        if (deviceCreationInterface != null)
                            if (!deviceCreationInterface.IsDeviceAcceptable(deviceInfo.Caps,
                                                                            adapterFormat, backbufferFormatsArray[i], isWindowedIndex))
                                continue; // Application doesn't like this device

                        // At this point, we have an adapter/device/adapterformat/backbufferformat/iswindowed
                        // DeviceCombo that is supported by the system and acceptable to the app. We still
                        // need to find one or more suitable depth/stencil buffer format,
                        // multisample type, and present interval.

                        EnumDeviceSettingsCombo deviceCombo = new EnumDeviceSettingsCombo();

                        // Store the information
                        deviceCombo.AdapterOrdinal   = adapterInfo.AdapterOrdinal;
                        deviceCombo.DeviceType       = deviceInfo.DeviceType;
                        deviceCombo.AdapterFormat    = adapterFormat;
                        deviceCombo.BackBufferFormat = backbufferFormatsArray[i];
                        deviceCombo.IsWindowed       = isWindowedIndex;

                        // Build the depth stencil format and multisample type list
                        if (deviceCombo.multiSampleTypeList.Count == 0)
                            // Nothing to do
                        // Build the conflict and present lists
                        BuildPresentIntervalList(deviceInfo, deviceCombo);

                        deviceCombo.adapterInformation = adapterInfo;
                        deviceCombo.deviceInformation  = deviceInfo;

                        // Add the combo to the list of devices