Inheritance: System.EventArgs
Example #1
         * Helper for invoking events.  Checks to make sure that handlers
         * are hooked up to a handler before the handler is invoked.
         * We want to allow maximum flexibility by our callers.  As such,
         * we don't require that they call <code>e.Controller.Continue</code>,
         * nor do we require that this class call it.  <b>Someone</b> needs
         * to call it, however.
         * Consequently, if an exception is thrown and the process is stopped,
         * the process is continued automatically.

        void InternalFireEvent(ManagedCallbackType callbackType,CorEventArgs e)
            CorProcess owner;
            CorController c = e.Controller;
            if(c is CorProcess)
                owner = (CorProcess)c ;
                Debug.Assert(c is CorAppDomain);
                owner = (c as CorAppDomain).Process;
Example #2
 protected override void HandleEvent(ManagedCallbackType eventId, CorEventArgs args)
     m_outer.InternalFireEvent(eventId, args);
Example #3
         * Helper for invoking events.  Checks to make sure that handlers
         * are hooked up to a handler before the handler is invoked.
         * We want to allow maximum flexibility by our callers.  As such,
         * we don't require that they call <code>e.Controller.Continue</code>,
         * nor do we require that this class call it.  <b>Someone</b> needs
         * to call it, however.
         * Consequently, if an exception is thrown and the process is stopped,
         * the process is continued automatically.

        void InternalFireEvent(ManagedCallbackType callbackType, CorEventArgs e)
            CorProcess owner = e.Process;

            Debug.Assert(owner != null);
                owner.DispatchEvent(callbackType, e);
                // If the callback marked the event to be continued, then call Continue now.
                if (e.Continue)
Example #4
 // Derived class overrides this methdos 
 protected abstract void HandleEvent(ManagedCallbackType eventId, CorEventArgs args);
 /// <summary>
 /// Expose direct dispatch logic so that other event dispatchers can
 /// use CorProcess's event handlers.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="callback">callback type to dispatch</param>
 /// <param name="e">event arguments used to dispatch</param>
 public void DirectDispatchEvent(ManagedCallbackType callback, CorEventArgs e)
     Debug.Assert(callback == e.CallbackType);
     if (m_callbackAttachedEvent != null)
     DispatchEvent(callback, e);
        internal void DispatchEvent(ManagedCallbackType callback, CorEventArgs e)
                // CorProcess.Continue has an extra abstraction layer. 
                // - The fist call just sets m_callbackAttachedEvent
                // - future calls go to ICorDebugProcess::Continue.
                // This ensures that we don't dispatch any callbacks until
                // after CorProcess.Continue() is called. 
                if (m_callbackAttachedEvent != null)
                    m_callbackAttachedEvent.WaitOne(); // waits till callbacks are enabled

                Debug.Assert((int)callback >= 0 && (int)callback < m_callbacksArray.Length);
                Delegate d = m_callbacksArray[(int)callback];
                if (d != null)
                    d.DynamicInvoke(new Object[] { this, e });
            catch (Exception ex)
                CorExceptionInCallbackEventArgs e2 = new CorExceptionInCallbackEventArgs(e.Controller, ex);
                Debug.Assert(false, "Exception in callback: " + ex.ToString());
                    // we need to dispatch the exception in callback error, but we cannot
                    // use DispatchEvent since throwing exception in ExceptionInCallback
                    // would lead to infinite recursion.
                    Debug.Assert(m_callbackAttachedEvent == null);
                    Delegate d = m_callbacksArray[(int)ManagedCallbackType.OnExceptionInCallback];
                    if (d != null)
                        d.DynamicInvoke(new Object[] { this, e2 });
                catch (Exception ex2)
                    Debug.Assert(false, "Exception in Exception notification callback: " + ex2.ToString());
                    // ignore it -- there is nothing we can do.
                e.Continue = e2.Continue;
Example #7
 internal RawModeStopReason(ManagedCallbackType callbackType, CorEventArgs callbackArgs)
     Debug.Assert(callbackArgs != null);
     m_callbackType = callbackType;
     m_callbackArgs = callbackArgs;
Example #8
 internal void DispatchEvent(ManagedCallbackType callback,CorEventArgs e)
         if( m_callbackAttachedEvent!=null )
             m_callbackAttachedEvent.WaitOne(); // waits till callbacks are enabled
         Debug.Assert((int)callback>=0 && (int)callback<m_callbacksArray.Length);
         Delegate d = m_callbacksArray[(int)callback];
         if( d!=null )
             d.DynamicInvoke( new Object[]{this,e});
     catch(Exception ex)
         CorExceptionInCallbackEventArgs e2 = new CorExceptionInCallbackEventArgs(e.Controller,ex);
         Debug.Assert(false,"Exception in callback: "+ex.ToString());
             // we need to dispatch the exceptin in callback error, but we cannot
             // use DispatchEvent since throwing exception in ExceptionInCallback
             // would lead to infinite recursion.
             Debug.Assert( m_callbackAttachedEvent==null);
             Delegate d = m_callbacksArray[(int)ManagedCallbackType.OnExceptionInCallback];
             if( d!=null )
                 d.DynamicInvoke( new Object[]{this, e2});
         catch(Exception ex2)
             Debug.Assert(false,"Exception in Exception notification callback: "+ex2.ToString());
             // ignore it -- there is nothing we can do.
         e.Continue = e2.Continue;
Example #9
 public MDbgProcessStopController(MDbgProcess process, CorEventArgs eventArgs, bool needAsyncStopCall)
     Debug.Assert(process != null);
     Debug.Assert(eventArgs != null);
     this.process = process;
     this.eventArgs = eventArgs;
     this.needAsyncStopCall = needAsyncStopCall;
Example #10
        private bool InternalHandleRawMode(ManagedCallbackType callbackType, CorEventArgs callbackArgs)
            lock (this)
                switch (RawModeType)
                    case RawMode.None:
                        return false;
                    case RawMode.AlwaysStop:
                        callbackArgs.Continue = false;
                        m_stopReason = new RawModeStopReason(callbackType, callbackArgs);

                        m_stopCounter = g_stopCounter++;
                        return true;
                    case RawMode.NeverStop:
                        return true;
                        return false;
Example #11
        // helper for HandleCustomPostCallback()
        private bool HandleCustomPostCallbackWorker(ManagedCallbackType callbackType, CorEventArgs callbackArgs)
            bool stopRequested = false;
            bool needAsyncStopCall = false;

            using (MDbgProcessStopController psc = new MDbgProcessStopController(this, callbackArgs, needAsyncStopCall))
                if (PostDebugEvent != null)
                    PostDebugEvent(this, new CustomPostCallbackEventArgs(psc, callbackType, callbackArgs));
                    stopRequested = psc.CustomStopRequested;
            } // end using

            return stopRequested;
Example #12
        // returns true if the CustomPostCallback requested stop.
        private bool HandleCustomPostCallback(ManagedCallbackType callbackType, CorEventArgs callbackArgs)
            CorNativeStopEventArgs nativeStopEventArgs = (callbackArgs as CorNativeStopEventArgs);

            // If the event is in-band, then we have to lock the MDbgProcess to make sure
            // the callback is synchronized with other threads.
            lock (this)
                return HandleCustomPostCallbackWorker(callbackType, callbackArgs);
Example #13
 /// <summary>
 /// This must be called at the end of every debug event handler
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="args"></param>
 private void EndManagedDebugEvent(CorEventArgs args)
     // if we are exiting an event with the continue flag set then
     // the process will be continuing. Otherwise we will trigger this
     // later in ReallyContinueProcess
     if (args.Continue)