Example #1
        // Cases like "3 days from today", "5 weeks before yesterday", "2 months after tomorrow"
        // Note that these cases are of type "date"
        private List <Token> ExtractRelativeDurationDate(string text, List <Token> tokens, DateObject reference)
            var ret        = new List <Token>();
            var tempTokens = new List <Token>(tokens);
            var durationEr = Config.DurationExtractor.Extract(text, reference);

            foreach (var er in durationEr)
                // if it is a multiple duration but its type is not equal to Date, skip it here
                if (IsMultipleDuration(er) && !IsMultipleDurationDate(er))

                // Some types of duration can be compounded with "before", "after" or "from" suffix to create a "date"
                // While some other types of durations, when compounded with such suffix, it will not create a "date", but create a "dateperiod"
                // For example, durations like "3 days", "2 weeks", "1 week and 2 days", can be compounded with such suffix to create a "date"
                // But "more than 3 days", "less than 2 weeks", when compounded with such suffix, it will become cases like "more than 3 days from today" which is a "dateperiod", not a "date"
                // As this parent method is aimed to extract RelativeDurationDate, so for cases with "more than" or "less than", we remove the prefix so as to extract the expected RelativeDurationDate
                if (IsInequalityDuration(er))

                var match = Config.DateUnitRegex.Match(er.Text);

                if (match.Success)
                    ret.AddRange(AgoLaterUtil.ExtractorDurationWithBeforeAndAfter(text, er, ret, Config.UtilityConfiguration));

                    // Take into account also holiday dates
                    if (ret.Count < 1)
                        var holidayEr = Config.HolidayExtractor.Extract(text, reference);
                        foreach (var holiday in holidayEr)
                            tempTokens.Add(new Token((int)holiday.Start, (int)(holiday.Start + holiday.Length)));

                    // Check for combined patterns Duration + Date, e.g. '3 days before Monday', '4 weeks after January 15th'
                    if (ret.Count < 1 && tempTokens.Count > 0 && er.Text != match.Value)
                        var afterStr  = text.Substring((int)er.Start + (int)er.Length);
                        var connector = Config.BeforeAfterRegex.MatchBegin(afterStr, trim: true);
                        if (connector.Success)
                            foreach (var token in tempTokens)
                                var start  = (int)er.Start + (int)er.Length + connector.Index + connector.Length;
                                var length = token.Start - start;
                                if (length > 0 && start + length < text.Length && string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(text.Substring(start, length)))
                                    Token tok = new Token((int)er.Start, token.End);

            // Extract cases like "in 3 weeks", which equals to "3 weeks from today"
            var relativeDurationDateWithInPrefix = ExtractRelativeDurationDateWithInPrefix(text, durationEr, reference);

            // For cases like "in 3 weeks from today", we should choose "3 weeks from today" as the extract result rather than "in 3 weeks" or "in 3 weeks from today"
            foreach (var extractResultWithInPrefix in relativeDurationDateWithInPrefix)
                if (!IsOverlapWithExistExtractions(extractResultWithInPrefix, ret))

Example #2
        // Used in ExtractRelativeDurationDateWithInPrefix to extract the connector "in" in cases like "In 3 days/weeks/months/years"
        private List <Token> ExtractInConnector(string text, string firstStr, string secondStr, Token duration, out bool success, bool inPrefix)
            List <Token> ret = new List <Token>();

            var match = inPrefix ? Config.InConnectorRegex.MatchEnd(firstStr, trim: true) : Config.InConnectorRegex.MatchBegin(firstStr, trim: true);

            success = match.Success;

            if (match.Success)
                var rangeUnitMatch = Config.RangeUnitRegex.Match(text.Substring(duration.Start, duration.Length));

                if (rangeUnitMatch.Success)
                    var sinceYearMatch = Config.SinceYearSuffixRegex.Match(secondStr);

                    if (sinceYearMatch.Success)
                        var start = inPrefix ? match.Index : sinceYearMatch.Index;
                        var end   = inPrefix ? duration.End + sinceYearMatch.Length : duration.End + match.Index + match.Length;
                        ret.Add(new Token(start, end));
                        var start = inPrefix ? match.Index : duration.Start;
                        var end   = inPrefix ? duration.End : duration.End + match.Index + match.Length;
                        ret.Add(new Token(start, end));

Example #3
        // Cases like "today after 2:00pm", "1/1/2015 before 2:00 in the afternoon"
        private IEnumerable <Token> MergeDateWithTimePeriodSuffix(string text, List <ExtractResult> dateErs, List <ExtractResult> timeErs)
            var ret = new List <Token>();

            if (!dateErs.Any())

            if (!timeErs.Any())

            var ers = dateErs;


            ers = ers.OrderBy(o => o.Start).ToList();

            var i = 0;

            while (i < ers.Count - 1)
                var j = i + 1;
                while (j < ers.Count && ers[i].IsOverlap(ers[j]))

                if (j >= ers.Count)

                if (ers[i].Type.Equals(Constants.SYS_DATETIME_DATE, StringComparison.Ordinal) &&
                    ers[j].Type.Equals(Constants.SYS_DATETIME_TIME, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    var middleBegin = ers[i].Start + ers[i].Length ?? 0;
                    var middleEnd   = ers[j].Start ?? 0;
                    if (middleBegin > middleEnd)
                        i = j + 1;

                    var middleStr = text.Substring(middleBegin, middleEnd - middleBegin).Trim();

                    if (IsValidConnectorForDateAndTimePeriod(middleStr))
                        var begin = ers[i].Start ?? 0;
                        var end   = (ers[j].Start ?? 0) + (ers[j].Length ?? 0);
                        ret.Add(new Token(begin, end));

                    i = j + 1;

                i = j;

            // Handle "in the afternoon" at the end of entity
            for (var idx = 0; idx < ret.Count; idx++)
                var afterStr = text.Substring(ret[idx].End);
                var match    = this.config.SuffixRegex.Match(afterStr);
                if (match.Success)
                    ret[idx] = new Token(ret[idx].Start, ret[idx].End + match.Length);
