private async void StartButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (!CameraList.HasItems)
                MessageArea.Text = "No cameras found; cannot start processing";

            // Clean leading/trailing spaces in API keys.
            Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIKey   = Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIKey.Trim();
            Properties.Settings.Default.VisionAPIKey = Properties.Settings.Default.VisionAPIKey.Trim();

            // Create API clients.
            //_faceClient = new FaceAPI.FaceServiceClient(Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIKey, Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIHost);
            //_visionClient = new VisionAPI.VisionServiceClient(Properties.Settings.Default.VisionAPIKey, Properties.Settings.Default.VisionAPIHost);

            _faceClient   = new FaceAPI.FaceServiceClient("3dc9cb73ed524c56a50c77fd4d0f2213", "");
            _visionClient = new VisionAPI.VisionServiceClient("04429ac7e3dd4adfb9afc09be3296177", "");

            // How often to analyze.
            TimeSpan time = TimeSpan.Parse("00:00:01");


            // Reset message.
            MessageArea.Text = "";

            // Record start time, for auto-stop
            _startTime = DateTime.Now;

            await _grabber.StartProcessingCameraAsync(CameraList.SelectedIndex);
Example #2
        private async void StartButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (!CameraList.HasItems)
                MessageArea.Text = "No cameras found; cannot start processing";

            // Clean leading/trailing spaces in API keys.
            Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIKey   = Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIKey.Trim();
            Properties.Settings.Default.VisionAPIKey = Properties.Settings.Default.VisionAPIKey.Trim();

            // Create API clients.
            _faceClient   = new FaceAPI.FaceServiceClient(Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIKey, Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIHost);
            _visionClient = new VisionAPI.VisionServiceClient(Properties.Settings.Default.VisionAPIKey, Properties.Settings.Default.VisionAPIHost);

            // How often to analyze.

            // Reset message.
            MessageArea.Text = "";

            // Record start time, for auto-stop
            _startTime = DateTime.Now;

            await _grabber.StartProcessingCameraAsync(CameraList.SelectedIndex);
Example #3
        private async void StartButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // Clean leading/trailing spaces in API keys.
            Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIKey   = Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIKey.Trim();
            Properties.Settings.Default.VisionAPIKey = Properties.Settings.Default.VisionAPIKey.Trim();

            // Create API clients.
            _faceClient   = new FaceAPI.FaceServiceClient(Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIKey, Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIHost);
            _visionClient = new VisionAPI.VisionServiceClient(Properties.Settings.Default.VisionAPIKey, Properties.Settings.Default.VisionAPIHost);

            // How often to analyze.

            if (subject_check is true && time_check is true)
                // Reset message.
                MessageArea.Text = "";
                // Record start time, for auto-stop
                _startTime = DateTime.Now;
                // 0번 카메라 실행
                await _grabber.StartProcessingCameraAsync(0);

                //await _grabber.StartProcessingCameraAsync(1);
        private void CameraThreadStart()
            this.Dispatcher.Invoke(async() =>
                if (!CameraList.HasItems)
                    MessageArea.Text = "No cameras found; cannot start processing";

                // Clean leading/trailing spaces in API keys.
                Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FaceAPIKey"].ToString();
                //Properties.Settings.Default.VisionAPIKey = Properties.Settings.Default.VisionAPIKey.Trim();

                // Create API clients.
                _faceClient = new FaceAPI.FaceServiceClient(Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIKey, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["FaceAPIEndPoint"].ToString());
                // _visionClient = new VisionAPI.VisionServiceClient(Properties.Settings.Default.VisionAPIKey, Properties.Settings.Default.VisionAPIHost);

                // How often to analyze.

                // Reset message.
                MessageArea.Text = "";

                // Record start time, for auto-stop
                _startTime = DateTime.Now;

                await _grabber.StartProcessingCameraAsync(CameraList.SelectedIndex);
Example #5
        private async void StartTracking()
            //if (!CameraList.HasItems)
            //    MessageArea.Text = "No cameras found; cannot start processing";
            //    return;

            // Clean leading/trailing spaces in API keys.
            //Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIKey = Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIKey.Trim();
            //Properties.Settings.Default.VisionAPIKey = Properties.Settings.Default.VisionAPIKey.Trim();

            // Create API clients.
            _faceClient   = new FaceAPI.FaceServiceClient(Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIKey, Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIHost);
            _visionClient = new VisionAPI.VisionServiceClient(Properties.Settings.Default.VisionAPIKey, Properties.Settings.Default.VisionAPIHost);

            // How often to analyze.

            // Reset message.
            MessageArea.Text = "";

            // Record start time, for auto-stop
            _startTime = DateTime.Now;

            await _grabber.StartProcessingCameraAsync();
Example #6
        /// <summary> Function which submits a frame to the Face API. </summary>
        /// <param name="frame"> The video frame to submit. </param>
        /// <returns> A <see cref="Task{LiveCameraResult}"/> representing the asynchronous API call,
        ///     and containing the faces returned by the API. </returns>
        public async Task UpdatePerson(string personId)
            _faceClient = new FaceAPI.FaceServiceClient(Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIKey, Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIHost);
            var groups = await _faceClient.ListPersonGroupsAsync();

            foreach (string imagePath in Directory.GetFiles("C:\\Temp\\Pics\\Sabina2"))
                using (Stream s = File.OpenRead(imagePath))
                        var persons = await _faceClient.ListPersonsAsync(_groupId);

                        Person person = persons.Where(pers => pers.Name == personId).FirstOrDefault();
                        Properties.Settings.Default.UploadStatus = String.Format("Updating {0} face: {1}", person.Name, imagePath);

                        await _faceClient.AddPersonFaceAsync(_groupId, person.PersonId, s);
                    catch (FaceAPIException fae)
                        Properties.Settings.Default.UploadStatus = "Error: " + fae.Message;
Example #7
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string subscriptionKey = "4c138b4d82b947beb2e2926c92d1e514";
            var    client          = new Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Face.FaceServiceClient(subscriptionKey);


Example #8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string subscriptionKey = "4c138b4d82b947beb2e2926c92d1e514";
            var client = new Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Face.FaceServiceClient(subscriptionKey);


Example #9
        /// <summary> Function which submits a frame to the Face API. </summary>
        /// <param name="frame"> The video frame to submit. </param>
        /// <returns> A <see cref="Task{LiveCameraResult}"/> representing the asynchronous API call,
        ///     and containing the faces returned by the API. </returns>
        public async Task UploadFaces()
            _faceClient = new FaceAPI.FaceServiceClient(Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIKey, Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIHost);
            var groups = await _faceClient.ListPersonGroupsAsync();

            var exists = false;

            foreach (var group in groups)
                if (group.PersonGroupId.Equals(_groupId))
                    exists = true;
            if (exists)
                var persons = await _faceClient.ListPersonsAsync(_groupId);

                foreach (var person in persons)
                    await _faceClient.DeletePersonAsync(_groupId, person.PersonId);
                await _faceClient.CreatePersonGroupAsync(_groupId, "AtosEmployees");

            var iterator = 0;

            foreach (string dir in Directory.GetDirectories("C:\\Temp\\Pics"))
                var folderName            = dir.Split('\\')[3];
                CreatePersonResult person = await _faceClient.CreatePersonAsync(_groupId, "Person " + iterator ++ + " " + folderName);

                foreach (string imagePath in Directory.GetFiles(dir))
                    using (Stream s = File.OpenRead(imagePath))
                            //await Task.Delay(5000);
                            Properties.Settings.Default.UploadStatus = String.Format("Uploading {0}: {1}", iterator, imagePath);

                            await _faceClient.AddPersonFaceAsync(_groupId, person.PersonId, s);
                        catch (FaceAPIException fae)
                            var finishedAt = "";
                        //await Task.Delay(5000);
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the person has been seen before
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fId"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static async Task <bool> CheckIfFaceWasSeenBefore(Guid fId, FaceAPI.FaceServiceClient faceClient, List <Guid> guids)
            if (guids.Count == 0)

            bool retVal = false;

            SimilarFace[] val = await faceClient.FindSimilarAsync(fId, guids.ToArray());

            foreach (SimilarFace similarFace in val)
                if (similarFace.Confidence > 0.4)
                    retVal = true;

        private async void StartButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            StopButton.Visibility  = Visibility.Visible;
            StartButton.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

            // Create API clients.
            _faceClient   = new FaceAPI.FaceServiceClient(faceApiKey, faceApiHost);
            _visionClient = new VisionAPI.VisionServiceClient(visionApiKey, visionApiHost);

            // How often to analyze.

            // What to do for analysis
            _grabber.AnalysisFunction = AnalysisFunction;

            // Reset message.
            //MessageArea.Text = "";

            // Record start time, for auto-stop
            _startTime = DateTime.Now;

            await _grabber.StartProcessingCameraAsync(0);
Example #12
        public async Task <Boolean> StartTraining()
            _faceClient = new FaceAPI.FaceServiceClient(Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIKey, Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIHost);
            await _faceClient.TrainPersonGroupAsync(_groupId);

            TrainingStatus trainingStatus = null;

            while (true)
                trainingStatus = await _faceClient.GetPersonGroupTrainingStatusAsync(_groupId);

                if (trainingStatus.Status != Status.Running)

                await Task.Delay(1000);

            var persons = await _faceClient.ListPersonsAsync(_groupId);

        public static async Task Train()
            FaceAPI.FaceServiceClient _faceClient = new FaceAPI.FaceServiceClient("952a5cbdd78845948079fe7e2c61807d", "");

            string personGroupId = "myfriendsServtechAPJ";
            await _faceClient.CreatePersonGroupAsync(personGroupId, "My Friends");

            // Define Jose
            CreatePersonResult Josefriend = await _faceClient.CreatePersonAsync(
                // Id of the PersonGroup that the person belonged to
                // Name of the person

            // Define Jose
            CreatePersonResult Aaronfriend = await _faceClient.CreatePersonAsync(
                // Id of the PersonGroup that the person belonged to
                // Name of the person

            // Directory contains image files of Anna
            const string JoseImageDir = @"C:\Users\joseo\source\repos\FutureofWork-ServTechAPJ2018\FutureofWork-ServTech2018APJ\LiveCameraSample\Pictures\Jose\";

            foreach (string imagePath in Directory.GetFiles(JoseImageDir, "*.jpg"))
                using (Stream s = File.OpenRead(imagePath))
                    // Detect faces in the image and add to Anna
                    await _faceClient.AddPersonFaceAsync(
                        personGroupId, Josefriend.PersonId, s);
            // Do the same for Bill and Clare

            const string AaronImageDir = @"C:\Users\joseo\source\repos\FutureofWork-ServTechAPJ2018\FutureofWork-ServTech2018APJ\LiveCameraSample\Pictures\Aaron\";

            foreach (string imagePath in Directory.GetFiles(AaronImageDir, "*.jpg"))
                using (Stream s = File.OpenRead(imagePath))
                    // Detect faces in the image and add to Anna
                    await _faceClient.AddPersonFaceAsync(
                        personGroupId, Aaronfriend.PersonId, s);
            // Do the same for Bill and Clare

            await _faceClient.TrainPersonGroupAsync(personGroupId);

            FaceAPI.Contract.TrainingStatus trainingStatus = null;
            while (true)
                trainingStatus = await _faceClient.GetPersonGroupTrainingStatusAsync(personGroupId);

                if (trainingStatus.Status != Status.Running)

                await Task.Delay(1000);

            Console.Write("Training successfully completed");
		private async void DetectAsync()
			Shell.SetBusyVisibility( Visibility.Visible, "Taking photo.." );

			this.operationMode = OperationMode.Detect;

			this.viewModel.PhotoFile = await;

			if( this.led != null )

			Shell.SetBusyVisibility( Visibility.Visible, "Detecting your face.." );
			Face.FaceServiceClient faceClient = new Face.FaceServiceClient( FACE_API_KEY );
			Stream stream = await this.viewModel.PhotoFile.OpenStreamForReadAsync();
			Face.Contract.Face[] faces = await faceClient.DetectAsync( stream, analyzesAge: true, analyzesGender: true );

			VoiceGender voiceGender = VoiceGender.Male;
			if( faces.Length == 1 )
				Face.Contract.FaceAttribute face = faces[ 0 ].Attributes;
				string greet;

				if( face.Gender == "male" )
					greet = "Hello Handsome!";
					voiceGender = VoiceGender.Female;
					greet = "Hey, Sexy!";
					voiceGender = VoiceGender.Male;
				this.viewModel.Greet = $"{greet} You look {face.Age} today.";

				await this.SpeakAsync( this.viewModel.Greet, voiceGender, true );
				this.viewModel.Greet = "I cannot see your face :(";

			Shell.SetBusyVisibility( Visibility.Visible, "Detecting your emotions.." );
			Emotion.EmotionServiceClient emotionClient = new Emotion.EmotionServiceClient( EMOTION_API_KEY );

			stream = await this.viewModel.PhotoFile.OpenStreamForReadAsync();
			Emotion.Contract.Emotion[] emotions = await emotionClient.RecognizeAsync( stream );
			if( emotions.Length == 1 )
				Emotion.Contract.Scores scores = emotions[ 0 ].Scores;
				this.viewModel.Scores = scores;

				bool like = scores.Happiness > scores.Anger + scores.Sadness + scores.Disgust;

				this.viewModel.EvaluationResult = like
					? "So you liked it! I'm so happy to hear that! :)"
					: "Oh, really? I'm terribly sorry! :(";
				await this.SpeakAsync( this.viewModel.EvaluationResult, voiceGender, false );
				this.viewModel.EvaluationResult = "I cannot see your emotions :(";

			this.operationMode = OperationMode.Done;

			Shell.SetBusyVisibility( Visibility.Collapsed );
Example #15
        private void InitializeClientAPIs()
            // Create API clients.
            _faceClient   = new FaceAPI.FaceServiceClient(FACE_API_KEY, FACE_API_ROOT);
            _visionClient = new VisionAPI.VisionServiceClient(VISION_API_KEY, VISION_API_ROOT);

            _grabber.NewFrameProvided += (s, e) =>
                this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>
                    // Display the image in the left pane captured from camera.
                    LeftImage.Source = e.Frame.Image.ToBitmapSource();

                // See if auto-stop should be triggered.
                if (Properties.Settings.Default.AutoStopEnabled && (DateTime.Now - _startTime) > Properties.Settings.Default.AutoStopTime)

            // Set up a listener for when the client receives a new result from an API call.
            _grabber.NewResultAvailable += (s, e) =>
                this.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action)(() =>
                    if (e.TimedOut)
                        MessageArea.Text = "API call timed out.";
                    else if (e.Exception != null)
                        string apiName = "";
                        string message = e.Exception.Message;
                        var faceEx = e.Exception as FaceAPI.FaceAPIException;
                        var emotionEx = e.Exception as Common.ClientException;
                        var visionEx = e.Exception as VisionAPI.ClientException;
                        if (faceEx != null)
                            apiName = "Face";
                            message = faceEx.ErrorMessage;
                        else if (emotionEx != null)
                            apiName = "Emotion";
                            message = emotionEx.Error.Message;
                        else if (visionEx != null)
                            apiName = "Computer Vision";
                            message = visionEx.Error.Message;
                        MessageArea.Text = string.Format("{0} API call failed on frame {1}. Exception: {2}", apiName, e.Frame.Metadata.Index, message);
                        if (_mode == AppMode.Text)
                            if (e.AnalysisResult != null)
                                foreach (var lr in e.AnalysisResult.Regions)
                                    if (lr.Lines.Any())
                                        StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
                                        foreach (var line in lr.Lines)
                                            builder.AppendLine(string.Join(" ", line.Words.Select(w => w.Text).ToArray()));

                                        this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                                            ResultList.Items.Add($"Text detected: {builder.ToString()}");
                        else if (_mode == AppMode.Emotions)
                            if (e.AnalysisResult != null)
                                var faces = e.AnalysisResult.EmotionFaces;
                                this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() =>
                                    foreach (var face in faces)
                                        var bestEmotion = face.FaceAttributes.Emotion.ToRankedList().Select(kv => new Tuple <string, float>(kv.Key, kv.Value)).First();
                                        var displayText = string.Format("{0}: {1:N1}", bestEmotion.Item1, bestEmotion.Item2);
                                        ResultList.Items.Add($"Emotion '{displayText}' is detected on face {face.FaceId}.");
                        else if (_mode == AppMode.Faces)
                            if (e.AnalysisResult != null)
                                var result = e.AnalysisResult.FaceIdentifyResult;
                                this.Dispatcher.Invoke((Action)(() =>
                                    foreach (var sItem in result)

            // Create local face detector.
        private async void FolderPicker()
            if (Properties.Settings.Default.FacePath == "path here")
            _faceClient = new FaceAPI.FaceServiceClient(Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIKey, Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIHost);
            bool groupExists = false;

            MainWindow mainWindow        = System.Windows.Window.GetWindow(this) as MainWindow;
            var        faceServiceClient = _faceClient;

            // Test whether the group already exists
            try {
                Log("Request: Group {0} will be used to build a person database. Checking whether the group exists.", this.GroupId);

                await faceServiceClient.GetLargePersonGroupAsync(this.GroupId);

                groupExists = true;
                Log("Response: Group {0} exists.", this.GroupId);
            } catch (FaceAPIException ex) {
                if (ex.ErrorCode != "LargePersonGroupNotFound")
                    Log("Response: {0}. {1}", ex.ErrorCode, ex.ErrorMessage);
                    Log("Response: Group {0} did not exist previously.", this.GroupId);

            // Show folder picker
            //System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog dlg = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog();
            //var result = dlg.ShowDialog();

            // Set the suggestion count is intent to minimum the data preparation step only,
            // it's not corresponding to service side constraint
            const int SuggestionCount = 15;

            if (Properties.Settings.Default.FacePath != "path here")
                // User picked a root person database folder
                // Clear person database
                SelectedFile = null;
                //IdentifyButton.IsEnabled = false;

                // Call create large person group REST API
                // Create large person group API call will failed if group with the same name already exists
                if (groupExists)
                    Log("Request: Loading group \"{0}\"", this.GroupId);
                    load_Persons = await faceServiceClient.ListPersonsInLargePersonGroupAsync(this.GroupId);
                    Log("Request: Creating group \"{0}\"", this.GroupId);
                    try {
                        await faceServiceClient.CreateLargePersonGroupAsync(this.GroupId, this.GroupId);

                        Log("Response: Success. Group \"{0}\" created.", this.GroupId);
                    } catch (FaceAPIException ex) {
                        Log("Response: {0}. {1}", ex.ErrorCode, ex.ErrorMessage);

                int  processCount  = 0;
                bool forceContinue = false;

                Log("Request: Preparing faces for identification, detecting faces in chosen folder.");

                // Enumerate top level directories, each directory contains one person's images
                int invalidImageCount = 0;

                int i = 0;
                foreach (var dir in System.IO.Directory.EnumerateDirectories(Properties.Settings.Default.FacePath))
                i = 0;
                foreach (var dir in System.IO.Directory.EnumerateDirectories(Properties.Settings.Default.FacePath))
                    var    tasks = new List <Task>();
                    var    tag   = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(dir);
                    Person p     = new Person();
                    p.PersonName = tag;

                    var faces = new ObservableCollection <Face>();
                    p.Faces = faces;

                    // Call create person REST API, the new create person id will be returned
                    Log("Request: Creating person \"{0}\"", p.PersonName);

                    Guid personid = Guid.NewGuid();
                    bool isFound  = false;
                    if (groupExists)
                        isFound = FindPersonByName(load_Persons, p.PersonName, out personid);

                    if (groupExists && isFound)
                        p.PersonId = (await faceServiceClient.GetPersonInLargePersonGroupAsync(this.GroupId, personid)).PersonId.ToString();
                        p.PersonId = (await faceServiceClient.CreatePersonInLargePersonGroupAsync(this.GroupId, p.PersonName)).PersonId.ToString();
                    Log("Response: Success. Person \"{0}\" (PersonID:{1}) created. Please wait for training.", p.PersonName, p.PersonId);

                    personData.Add(new PersonData(p.PersonId, p.PersonName));

                    string img;
                    // Enumerate images under the person folder, call detection
                    var imageList =
                        new ConcurrentBag <string>(
                            Directory.EnumerateFiles(dir, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
                            .Where(s => s.ToLower().EndsWith(".jpg") || s.ToLower().EndsWith(".png") || s.ToLower().EndsWith(".bmp") || s.ToLower().EndsWith(".gif")));

                    int j = 0;
                    while (imageList.TryTake(out img))
                        if (j == 0 && i < ImageWall.num)
                            imageWall.faceBitmaps[i] = new BitmapImage(new Uri(img));
                                      async(obj) =>
                            var imgPath = obj as string;

                            using (var fStream = File.OpenRead(imgPath)) {
                                try {
                                    // Update person faces on server side
                                    var persistFace = await faceServiceClient.AddPersonFaceInLargePersonGroupAsync(this.GroupId, Guid.Parse(p.PersonId), fStream, imgPath);
                                    return(new Tuple <string, ClientContract.AddPersistedFaceResult>(imgPath, persistFace));
                                } catch (FaceAPIException ex) {
                                    // if operation conflict, retry.
                                    if (ex.ErrorCode.Equals("ConcurrentOperationConflict"))
                                    // if operation cause rate limit exceed, retry.
                                    else if (ex.ErrorCode.Equals("RateLimitExceeded"))
                                    else if (ex.ErrorMessage.Contains("more than 1 face in the image."))
                                        Interlocked.Increment(ref invalidImageCount);
                                    // Here we simply ignore all detection failure in this sample
                                    // You may handle these exceptions by check the Error.Error.Code and Error.Message property for ClientException object
                                    return(new Tuple <string, ClientContract.AddPersistedFaceResult>(imgPath, null));
                                      img).Unwrap().ContinueWith((detectTask) =>
                            // Update detected faces for rendering
                            var detectionResult = detectTask?.Result;
                            if (detectionResult == null || detectionResult.Item2 == null)

                                new Action <ObservableCollection <Face>, string, ClientContract.AddPersistedFaceResult>(UIHelper.UpdateFace),
                        if (processCount >= SuggestionCount && !forceContinue)
                            var continueProcess = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("The images loaded have reached the recommended count, may take long time if proceed. Would you like to continue to load images?", "Warning", System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
                            if (continueProcess == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes)
                                forceContinue = true;

                        if (tasks.Count >= _maxConcurrentProcesses || imageList.IsEmpty)
                            await Task.WhenAll(tasks);



                if (invalidImageCount > 0)
                    Log("Warning: more or less than one face is detected in {0} images, can not add to face list.", invalidImageCount);
                Log("Response: Success. Total {0} faces are detected.", Persons.Sum(p => p.Faces.Count));

                try {
                    // Start train large person group
                    Log("Request: Training group \"{0}\"", this.GroupId);
                    await faceServiceClient.TrainLargePersonGroupAsync(this.GroupId);

                    // Wait until train completed
                    while (true)
                        await Task.Delay(1000);

                        var status = await faceServiceClient.GetLargePersonGroupTrainingStatusAsync(this.GroupId);

                        Log("Response: {0}. Group \"{1}\" training process is {2}", "Success", this.GroupId, status.Status);
                        if (status.Status != ClientContract.Status.Running)
                    //IdentifyButton.IsEnabled = true;
                } catch (FaceAPIException ex) {
                    Log("Response: {0}. {1}", ex.ErrorCode, ex.ErrorMessage);
Example #17
        /// <summary> Function which submits a frame to the Emotion API. </summary>
        /// <param name="frame"> The video frame to submit. </param>
        /// <returns> A <see cref="Task{LiveCameraResult}"/> representing the asynchronous API call,
        ///     and containing the emotions returned by the API. </returns>
        private async Task TrainCognitiveServicesAsync()
            _faceClient = new FaceAPI.FaceServiceClient(Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIKey, Properties.Settings.Default.FaceAPIHost);

            var pgexists = await _faceClient.GetPersonGroupAsync(personGroupId);

            if (pgexists == null)
                await _faceClient.CreatePersonGroupAsync(personGroupId, "My Friends");

            // Define Jose
            CreatePersonResult Josefriend = await _faceClient.CreatePersonAsync(
                // Id of the PersonGroup that the person belonged to
                // Name of the person

            // Define Jose
            CreatePersonResult Aaronfriend = await _faceClient.CreatePersonAsync(
                // Id of the PersonGroup that the person belonged to
                // Name of the person

            // Directory contains image files of Anna
            const string JoseImageDir = @"C:\Users\joseo\source\repos\FutureofWork-ServTechAPJ2018\FutureofWork-ServTech2018APJ\LiveCameraSample\Pictures\Jose\";

            foreach (string imagePath in Directory.GetFiles(JoseImageDir, "*.jpg"))
                using (Stream s = File.OpenRead(imagePath))
                    // Detect faces in the image and add to Anna
                    await _faceClient.AddPersonFaceAsync(
                        personGroupId, Josefriend.PersonId, s);
            // Do the same for Bill and Clare

            const string AaronImageDir = @"C:\Users\joseo\source\repos\FutureofWork-ServTechAPJ2018\FutureofWork-ServTech2018APJ\LiveCameraSample\Pictures\Aaron\";

            foreach (string imagePath in Directory.GetFiles(AaronImageDir, "*.jpg"))
                using (Stream s = File.OpenRead(imagePath))
                    // Detect faces in the image and add to Anna
                    await _faceClient.AddPersonFaceAsync(
                        personGroupId, Aaronfriend.PersonId, s);
            // Do the same for Bill and Clare

            await _faceClient.TrainPersonGroupAsync(personGroupId);

            TrainingStatus trainingStatus = null;

            while (true)
                trainingStatus = await _faceClient.GetPersonGroupTrainingStatusAsync(personGroupId);

                if (trainingStatus.Status != Status.Running)

                await Task.Delay(1000);

            Console.Write("Training successfully completed");
Example #18
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize Face service client given subscription key
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="subscriptionKey">subscription key</param>
 public static void Initialize(string subscriptionKey)
     _instance = new FaceServiceClient(subscriptionKey);
        public async Task <Contract.Face[]> DetectAsync(Stream imageStream, bool returnFaceId = true, bool returnFaceLandmarks = false, IEnumerable <FaceAttributeType> returnFaceAttributes = null)
            Contract.Face[] faceArray;
            if (returnFaceAttributes == null)
                object[]        serviceHost = new object[] { this.ServiceHostCn, "detect", returnFaceId, returnFaceLandmarks };
                string          str         = string.Format("{0}/{1}?returnFaceId={2}&returnFaceLandmarks={3}", serviceHost);
                Contract.Face[] faceArray1  = await this.SendRequestAsync <Stream, Contract.Face[]>(HttpMethod.Post, str, imageStream);

                faceArray = faceArray1;
                object[]        objArray   = new object[] { this.ServiceHostCn, "detect", returnFaceId, returnFaceLandmarks, FaceServiceClient.GetAttributeString(returnFaceAttributes) };
                string          str1       = string.Format("{0}/{1}?returnFaceId={2}&returnFaceLandmarks={3}&returnFaceAttributes={4}", objArray);
                Contract.Face[] faceArray2 = await this.SendRequestAsync <Stream, Contract.Face[]>(HttpMethod.Post, str1, imageStream);

                faceArray = faceArray2;