Example #1
        void Application_PresentationSave(PowerPoint.Presentation Prs)
                @"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\root\Document Themes 16\Wisp.thmx");

            PowerPoint.CustomLayout pptLayout = Prs.Slides[1].CustomLayout;
            Prs.Slides.AddSlide(1, pptLayout);

            Prs.RemovePersonalInformation = Office.MsoTriState.msoTrue;
Example #2
        private void buttonCreateSlides_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataRowView fromBook  = this.selectBookFrom.SelectedItem as DataRowView;
            DataRowView fromChap  = this.selectChapterFrom.SelectedItem as DataRowView;
            DataRowView fromVerse = this.selectVerseFrom.SelectedItem as DataRowView;

            string fB = fromBook.Row["book_number"].ToString();
            string fC = fromChap.Row["chapter"].ToString();
            string fV = fromVerse.Row["verse"].ToString();

            DataRowView toBook  = this.selectBookTo.SelectedItem as DataRowView;
            DataRowView toChap  = this.selectChapterTo.SelectedItem as DataRowView;
            DataRowView toVerse = this.selectVerseTo.SelectedItem as DataRowView;

            string tB = toBook.Row["book_number"].ToString();
            string tC = toChap.Row["chapter"].ToString();
            string tV = toVerse.Row["verse"].ToString();

            if (Int32.Parse(tB) < Int32.Parse(fB))
                MessageBox.Show("You selected a book in the To part that is before the one in the from :-/ Try again");

            if ((Int32.Parse(tB) == Int32.Parse(fB)) && (Int32.Parse(tC) < Int32.Parse(fC)))
                MessageBox.Show("You selected a chapter in the To part that is before the one in the from :-/ Try again");

            if ((Int32.Parse(tB) < Int32.Parse(fB)) && (Int32.Parse(tC) < Int32.Parse(fC)))
                MessageBox.Show("You selected a chapter or book in the To part that is before the one in the from :-/ Try again");

            if ((Int32.Parse(tB) == Int32.Parse(fB)) && (Int32.Parse(tC) == Int32.Parse(fC)) && (Int32.Parse(tV) < Int32.Parse(fV)))
                MessageBox.Show("You selected a verse in the To part that is before the one in the from :-/ Try again");

            Queue <string> pagesOfVerses             = new Queue <string>();
            string         currentPage               = "";
            int            currentPageCharacterCount = 0;
            int            maxCharactersOnAPage      = 350;

            //get verses.. check there aren't too many
            using (SQLiteConnection conn = new SQLiteConnection(connString))
                    string query = "SELECT text from verses WHERE absoluteVerseNumber >= " +
                                   "(SELECT absoluteVerseNumber from verses where book = '" + fB + "' AND chapter = '" + fC + "' AND verse = '" + fV + "')" +
                                   "AND absoluteVerseNumber <= (SELECT absoluteVerseNumber from verses where book = '" + tB + "' AND chapter = '" + tC + "' AND verse = '" + tV + "')" +
                                   "order by absoluteVerseNumber;";

                    SQLiteDataAdapter da = new SQLiteDataAdapter(query, conn);
                    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                    da.Fill(ds, "Verses");
                    var allVerses = ds.Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Select(r => r.Field <string>("text")).ToList();

                    if (allVerses.Count > 100)
                        MessageBox.Show("Whoa there! You selected waaay tooo many verses.. over 100!! Try again, I'm not working this hard");

                    foreach (string s in allVerses)
                        string better = s.Replace("; ; ; ;", "");
                        better = better.Trim();
                        better = s.Replace("<pb />", "\n");
                        better = s.Replace("<pb/>", "\n");

                        if ((currentPageCharacterCount + better.Length) < maxCharactersOnAPage)
                            currentPageCharacterCount = currentPageCharacterCount + better.Length;
                            currentPage = currentPage + " " + better;
                            currentPage = better;
                            currentPageCharacterCount = better.Length;
                catch (Exception ex)

            //create slides

            // Create an instance of Microsoft PowerPoint
            PowerPoint.Application oPowerPoint = new PowerPoint.Application();

            // Create a new Presentation
            PowerPoint.Presentation oPre = oPowerPoint.Presentations.Add(Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoTrue);

            oPre.PageSetup.SlideSize = PowerPoint.PpSlideSizeType.ppSlideSizeOnScreen16x9;

            PowerPoint.CustomLayout titleMasterSlide = oPre.SlideMaster.CustomLayouts[Enums.SlidesMaster.ChromakeyScriptureTitle];
            PowerPoint.CustomLayout verseSlide       = oPre.SlideMaster.CustomLayouts[Enums.SlidesMaster.WhiteScriptureText]; //[PowerPoint.PpSlideLayout.ppLayoutBlank];

            // Insert a new Slide and add some text to it.
            int countSlides = 1;

            //Insert the title
            PowerPoint.Slide titleSlide   = oPre.Slides.AddSlide(countSlides, titleMasterSlide);
            string           scriptureRef = fromBook.Row["long_name"].ToString() + " " + fC + ":" + fV + " - " + toBook.Row["long_name"].ToString() + " " + tC + ":" + tV;

            if (fromBook.Row["long_name"].ToString() == toBook.Row["long_name"].ToString())
                scriptureRef = fromBook.Row["long_name"].ToString() + " " + fC + ":" + fV + " - " + " " + tC + ":" + tV;

            titleSlide.Shapes[1].TextFrame.TextRange.Text = scriptureRef;

            foreach (string aPage in pagesOfVerses)
                PowerPoint.Slide oSlide = oPre.Slides.AddSlide(countSlides, verseSlide);
                oSlide.Shapes[1].TextFrame2.AutoSize = Office.MsoAutoSize.msoAutoSizeTextToFitShape;
                oSlide.Shapes[1].TextFrame2.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter             = 6;
                oSlide.Shapes[1].TextFrame2.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.SpaceBefore            = 0;
                oSlide.Shapes[1].TextFrame2.TextRange.Paragraphs.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter  = 6;
                oSlide.Shapes[1].TextFrame2.TextRange.Paragraphs.ParagraphFormat.SpaceBefore = 0;
                oSlide.Shapes[1].TextFrame2.TextRange.Text = aPage;
        private async void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                ((Button)sender).IsEnabled = false;
                // Ouverture de Powerpoint, et création d'une nouvelle présentation
                app  = new PowerPoint.Application();
                pptx = app.Presentations.Add(Office.MsoTriState.msoTrue); // msoFalse permet de travailler en arrière plan sans afficher Office

                // On applique un thème
                string themePath = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase), "Circuit.thmx");

                // Les 2 layouts de slides qu'on utilise
                var titleLayout   = pptx.SlideMaster.CustomLayouts[1];
                var contentLayout = pptx.SlideMaster.CustomLayouts[2];

                // On parcours le texte pour créer les slides
                var          content = pptcontent.Text;
                StringReader reader  = new StringReader(content);

                int              currentIndex = 1;
                string           line;
                PowerPoint.Slide slide = null;
                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))

                    if (line.StartsWith("= "))
                        // Slide de titre
                        slide = pptx.Slides.AddSlide(currentIndex++, titleLayout);
                        slide.Shapes[1].TextFrame.TextRange.Text = line.Substring(2);
                    else if (line.StartsWith("# "))
                        // Le délais n'est là que pour ajouter un effet dramatique pendant la démo, enlevez le pour aller plus vite
                        await Task.Delay(150);

                        // Nouvelle slide de contenu
                        slide = pptx.Slides.AddSlide(currentIndex++, contentLayout);
                        slide.Shapes[1].TextFrame.TextRange.Text = line.Substring(2);
                        // On ajoute la ligne à la dernière slide
                        slide.Shapes[2].TextFrame.TextRange.Text += line + Environment.NewLine;

                // Sauvegarde du document
                // pptx.SaveAs(@"C:\Temp\slides.pptx");
                // Ici je garde le document ouvert pour la démo,
                // normalement on pense toujours à fermer Office
                //if (pptx != null) pptx.Close();
                //if (app != null) app.Quit();
                ((Button)sender).IsEnabled = true;