Example #1
        protected internal Stream GetStream(Func <Stream> messageStreamFunc, bool isRequest)
            // Check whether we have an existing buffering read stream when reading
            if (!this.writing)
                BufferingReadStream existingBufferingReadStream = this.TryGetBufferingReadStream();
                if (existingBufferingReadStream != null)
                    Debug.Assert(this.useBufferingReadStream.HasValue, "UseBufferingReadStream must have been set.");

            // Get the message stream
            Stream messageStream = messageStreamFunc();

            ValidateMessageStream(messageStream, isRequest);

            // When reading, wrap the stream in a byte counting stream if a max message size was specified.
            // When requested, wrap the stream in a non-disposing stream.
            bool needByteCountingStream = !this.writing && this.maxMessageSize > 0;

            if (this.disableMessageStreamDisposal && needByteCountingStream)
                messageStream = MessageStreamWrapper.CreateNonDisposingStreamWithMaxSize(messageStream, this.maxMessageSize);
            else if (this.disableMessageStreamDisposal)
                messageStream = MessageStreamWrapper.CreateNonDisposingStream(messageStream);
            else if (needByteCountingStream)
                messageStream = MessageStreamWrapper.CreateStreamWithMaxSize(messageStream, this.maxMessageSize);

            // If a buffering read stream is required, create it now
            if (!this.writing && this.useBufferingReadStream == true)
                Debug.Assert(!this.writing, "The buffering read stream should only be used when reading.");
                this.bufferingReadStream = new BufferingReadStream(messageStream);
                messageStream            = this.bufferingReadStream;

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the buffering read stream if one is available; otherwise returns null.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="BufferingReadStream"/> currently being used or null if no buffering stream is currently being used.</returns>
        private BufferingReadStream TryGetBufferingReadStream()
            if (this.bufferingReadStream == null)

            // We already have a buffering read stream; reset it if necessary and return it;
            // if the stream is not buffering anymore we are done with payload kind detection
            // and don't need the buffering stream anymore - we start the actual reading now.
            BufferingReadStream stream = this.bufferingReadStream;

            if (this.bufferingReadStream.IsBuffering)
                this.bufferingReadStream = null;

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Asynchronously get the stream backing this message.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="streamFuncAsync">A function that returns a task for the stream backing the message.</param>
        /// <param name="isRequest">true if the message is a request message; false for a response message.</param>
        /// <returns>A task that when completed returns the stream backing the message.</returns>
        protected internal Task <Stream> GetStreamAsync(Func <Task <Stream> > streamFuncAsync, bool isRequest)
            // Check whether we have an existing buffering read stream when reading
            if (!this.writing)
                Stream existingBufferingReadStream = this.TryGetBufferingReadStream();
                Debug.Assert(!this.writing || existingBufferingReadStream == null, "The buffering read stream should only be used when reading.");
                if (existingBufferingReadStream != null)
                    Debug.Assert(this.useBufferingReadStream.HasValue, "UseBufferingReadStream must have been set.");

            Task <Stream> task = streamFuncAsync();

            ValidateMessageStreamTask(task, isRequest);

            // Wrap it in a non-disposing stream if requested
            task = task.FollowOnSuccessWith(
                streamTask =>
                Stream messageStream = streamTask.Result;
                ValidateMessageStream(messageStream, isRequest);

                // When reading, wrap the stream in a byte counting stream if a max message size was specified.
                // When requested, wrap the stream in a non-disposing stream.
                bool needByteCountingStream = !this.writing && this.maxMessageSize > 0;
                if (this.disableMessageStreamDisposal && needByteCountingStream)
                    messageStream = MessageStreamWrapper.CreateNonDisposingStreamWithMaxSize(messageStream, this.maxMessageSize);
                else if (this.disableMessageStreamDisposal)
                    messageStream = MessageStreamWrapper.CreateNonDisposingStream(messageStream);
                else if (needByteCountingStream)
                    messageStream = MessageStreamWrapper.CreateStreamWithMaxSize(messageStream, this.maxMessageSize);


            // When we are reading, also buffer the input stream
            if (!this.writing)
                task = task
                    streamTask =>
                    streamTask =>
                    BufferedReadStream bufferedReadStream = streamTask.Result;

                // If requested also create a buffering stream for payload kind detection
                if (this.useBufferingReadStream == true)
                    task = task.FollowOnSuccessWith(
                        streamTask =>
                        Stream messageStream     = streamTask.Result;
                        this.bufferingReadStream = new BufferingReadStream(messageStream);
                        messageStream            = this.bufferingReadStream;
