/// <summary>
        /// Initialize the underlying WebRTC peer connection.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method is asynchronous and completes its task when the initializing completed.
        /// On successful completion, it also trigger the <see cref="OnInitialized"/> event.
        /// Note however that this completion is free-threaded and complete immediately when the
        /// underlying peer connection is initialized, whereas any <see cref="OnInitialized"/>
        /// event handler is invoked when control returns to the main Unity app thread. The former
        /// is faster, but does not allow accessing the underlying peer connection because it
        /// returns before <see cref="OnPostInitialize"/> executed. Therefore it is generally
        /// recommended to listen to the <see cref="OnInitialized"/> event, and ignore the returned
        /// <see xref="System.Threading.Tasks.Task"/> object.
        /// </remarks>
        private async Task <WebRTC.PeerConnection> InitializePluginAsync(CancellationToken token)
            // Ensure Android binding is initialized before accessing the native implementation

            if (Library.UsedAudioDeviceModule == AudioDeviceModule.LegacyModule)
                // Preventing access to audio crashes the ADM1 at startup and the entire application.
                bool permissionGranted = await UwpUtils.RequestAccessAsync(StreamingCaptureMode.Audio);

                if (!permissionGranted)
            // Create the peer connection managed wrapper and its native implementation
            var nativePeer = new WebRTC.PeerConnection();

            nativePeer.AudioTrackAdded +=
                (RemoteAudioTrack track) =>
                // Tracks will be output by AudioReceivers, so avoid outputting them twice.

            Debug.Log("Initializing WebRTC Peer Connection...");
            var config = new PeerConnectionConfiguration();
            foreach (var server in IceServers)
                config.IceServers.Add(new IceServer
                    Urls         = { server.ToString() },
                    TurnUserName = IceUsername,
                    TurnPassword = IceCredential

                await nativePeer.InitializeAsync(config, token);

            catch (OperationCanceledException canceled) { throw canceled; }
            catch (Exception ex)

                var errorMessage = new StringBuilder();
                errorMessage.Append("WebRTC plugin initializing failed. See full log for exception details.\n");
                errorMessage.Append($"Exception: {ex.Message}");
                throw ex;
        private Task <bool> RequestAccessAsync(CancellationToken token)
            // Ensure Android binding is initialized before accessing the native implementation

            // Check for permission to access the camera
            if (!Permission.HasUserAuthorizedPermission(Permission.Microphone))
                // Display dialog requesting user permission. This will return immediately,
                // and unfortunately there's no good way to tell when this completes.

                // As a rule of thumb, application should lose focus, so check when focus resumes should
                // be sufficient without having to poll every frame.
                // Monitor the OnApplicationFocus(true) event during the next 5 minutes,
                // and check for permission again each time
                var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>();
                lock (_androidPermissionRequestLock)
                    Debug.Assert(_androidPermissionRequestTcs == null);
                    _androidPermissionRequestTcs = tcs;
                Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5)).ContinueWith(_ =>
                    lock (_androidPermissionRequestLock)
                        // Check if the component is still waiting on the same permission request.
                        // If it has been disabled and then re-enabled, _androidPermissionRequestTcs will be different.
                        if (_androidPermissionRequestTcs == tcs)
                            Debug.LogError("User denied RecordAudio (microphone) permission; cannot use MicrophoneSource.");
                            _androidPermissionRequestTcs = null;

                // If the initialization is canceled, end the task and reset the TCS.
                token.Register(() =>
                    lock (_androidPermissionRequestLock)
                        // Check if the component is still waiting on the same permission request.
                        // If the request has completed or timed out, _androidPermissionRequestTcs will be null.
                        if (_androidPermissionRequestTcs != null)
                            Debug.Assert(_androidPermissionRequestTcs == tcs);
                            _androidPermissionRequestTcs = null;

            // Already has permission.