public void Output(ref VBuffer <Double> src, ref VBuffer <Float> dst, int numBurninIter, bool reset)
                // Prediction for a single document.
                // LdaSingleBox.InitializeBeforeTest() is NOT thread-safe.
                if (!_predictionPreparationDone)
                    lock (_preparationSyncRoot)
                        if (!_predictionPreparationDone)
                            //do some preparation for building tables in native c++
                            _predictionPreparationDone = true;

                int len     = InfoEx.NumTopic;
                var values  = dst.Values;
                var indices = dst.Indices;

                if (src.Count == 0)
                    dst = new VBuffer <Float>(len, 0, values, indices);

                // Make sure all the frequencies are valid and truncate if the sum gets too large.
                int docSize = 0;
                int termNum = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < src.Count; i++)
                    int termFreq = GetFrequency(src.Values[i]);
                    if (termFreq < 0)
                        // REVIEW: Should this log a warning message? And what should it produce?
                        // It currently produces a vbuffer of all NA values.
                        // REVIEW: Need a utility method to do this...
                        if (Utils.Size(values) < len)
                            values = new Float[len];
                        for (int k = 0; k < len; k++)
                            values[k] = Float.NaN;
                        dst = new VBuffer <Float>(len, values, indices);

                    if (docSize >= InfoEx.NumMaxDocToken - termFreq)

                    docSize += termFreq;

                // REVIEW: Too much memory allocation here on each prediction.
                List <KeyValuePair <int, float> > retTopics;

                if (src.IsDense)
                    retTopics = _ldaTrainer.TestDocDense(src.Values, termNum, numBurninIter, reset);
                    retTopics = _ldaTrainer.TestDoc(src.Indices.Take(src.Count).ToArray(), src.Values.Take(src.Count).ToArray(), termNum, numBurninIter, reset);

                int count = retTopics.Count;

                Contracts.Assert(count <= len);
                if (Utils.Size(values) < count)
                    values = new Float[count];
                if (count < len && Utils.Size(indices) < count)
                    indices = new int[count];

                double normalizer = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    int   index = retTopics[i].Key;
                    Float value = retTopics[i].Value;
                    Contracts.Assert(value >= 0);
                    Contracts.Assert(0 <= index && index < len);
                    if (count < len)
                        Contracts.Assert(i == 0 || indices[i - 1] < index);
                        indices[i] = index;
                        Contracts.Assert(index == i);

                    values[i]   = value;
                    normalizer += value;

                if (normalizer > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        values[i] = (Float)(values[i] / normalizer);
                dst = new VBuffer <Float>(len, count, values, indices);
            public LdaState(IExceptionContext ectx, ModelLoadContext ctx)
                : this()

                // *** Binary format ***
                // <ColInfoEx>
                // int: vocabnum
                // long: memblocksize
                // long: aliasMemBlockSize
                // (serializing term by term, for one term)
                // int: term_id, int: topic_num, KeyValuePair<int, int>[]: termTopicVector

                InfoEx = new ColInfoEx(ectx, ctx);

                _numVocab = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();
                ectx.CheckDecode(_numVocab > 0);

                long memBlockSize = ctx.Reader.ReadInt64();

                ectx.CheckDecode(memBlockSize > 0);

                long aliasMemBlockSize = ctx.Reader.ReadInt64();

                ectx.CheckDecode(aliasMemBlockSize > 0);

                _ldaTrainer = new LdaSingleBox(
                    _numVocab, /* Need to set number of vocabulary here */

                _ldaTrainer.AllocateModelMemory(_numVocab, InfoEx.NumTopic, memBlockSize, aliasMemBlockSize);

                for (int i = 0; i < _numVocab; i++)
                    int termID = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();
                    ectx.CheckDecode(termID >= 0);
                    int termTopicNum = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();
                    ectx.CheckDecode(termTopicNum >= 0);

                    int[] topicId   = new int[termTopicNum];
                    int[] topicProb = new int[termTopicNum];

                    for (int j = 0; j < termTopicNum; j++)
                        topicId[j]   = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();
                        topicProb[j] = ctx.Reader.ReadInt32();

                    //set the topic into _ldaTrainer inner topic table
                    _ldaTrainer.SetModel(termID, topicId, topicProb, termTopicNum);

                //do the preparation
                if (!_predictionPreparationDone)
                    _predictionPreparationDone = true;