/// <summary>
        /// Evaluate and sum the function over all indices, in parallel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The point at which to evaluate the function</param>
        /// <param name="gradient">The gradient vector, which must be filled in (its initial contents are undefined)</param>
        /// <returns>Function value</returns>
        public Float Eval(ref VBuffer <Float> input, ref VBuffer <Float> gradient)
            _input = input;

            for (int c = 0; c < _threads; ++c)
                ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(Eval, c);


            VectorUtils.ScaleBy(ref gradient, 0);
            Float value = 0;

            for (int c = 0; c < _threads; ++c)
                if (gradient.Length == 0)
                    _tempGrads[c].CopyTo(ref gradient);
                    VectorUtils.Add(ref _tempGrads[c], ref gradient);
                value += _tempVals[c];

Example #2
            internal void MapDirByInverseHessian()
                int count = _roList.Count;

                if (count != 0)
                    Float[] alphas = new Float[count];

                    int lastGoodRo = -1;

                    for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        if (_roList[i] > 0)
                            alphas[i] = -VectorUtils.DotProduct(ref _sList[i], ref _dir) / _roList[i];
                            VectorUtils.AddMult(ref _yList[i], alphas[i], ref _dir);
                            if (lastGoodRo == -1)
                                lastGoodRo = i;

                    // if we have no positive ros, dir doesn't change
                    if (lastGoodRo == -1)

                    Float yDotY = VectorUtils.DotProduct(ref _yList[lastGoodRo], ref _yList[lastGoodRo]);
                    VectorUtils.ScaleBy(ref _dir, _roList[lastGoodRo] / yDotY);

                    for (int i = 0; i <= lastGoodRo; i++)
                        if (_roList[i] > 0)
                            Float beta = VectorUtils.DotProduct(ref _yList[i], ref _dir) / _roList[i];
                            VectorUtils.AddMult(ref _sList[i], -alphas[i] - beta, ref _dir);
Example #3
 public void ChangeDir()
     if (_useCG)
         Float newByNew = VectorUtils.NormSquared(_newGrad);
         Float newByOld = VectorUtils.DotProduct(ref _newGrad, ref _grad);
         Float oldByOld = VectorUtils.NormSquared(_grad);
         Float betaPR   = (newByNew - newByOld) / oldByOld;
         Float beta     = Math.Max(0, betaPR);
         VectorUtils.ScaleBy(ref _dir, beta);
         VectorUtils.AddMult(ref _newGrad, -1, ref _dir);
         VectorUtils.ScaleInto(ref _newGrad, -1, ref _dir);
     _newPoint.CopyTo(ref _point);
     _newGrad.CopyTo(ref _grad);
     _value = _newValue;
        private void Eval(object chunkIndexObj)
            int chunkIndex   = (int)chunkIndexObj;
            int chunkSize    = _maxIndex / _threads;
            int bigChunkSize = chunkSize + 1;
            int numBigChunks = _maxIndex % _threads;
            int from;
            int to;

            if (chunkIndex < numBigChunks)
                from = bigChunkSize * chunkIndex;
                to   = from + bigChunkSize;
                from = bigChunkSize * numBigChunks + chunkSize * (chunkIndex - numBigChunks);
                to   = from + chunkSize;

            _tempVals[chunkIndex] = 0;
            VectorUtils.ScaleBy(ref _tempGrads[chunkIndex], 0);

            VBuffer <Float> tempGrad = default(VBuffer <Float>);

            for (int i = from; i < to; ++i)
                tempGrad = new VBuffer <Float>(0, 0, tempGrad.Values, tempGrad.Indices);
                _tempVals[chunkIndex] += _func(i, ref _input, ref tempGrad);
                if (_tempGrads[chunkIndex].Length == 0)
                    tempGrad.CopyTo(ref _tempGrads[chunkIndex]);
                    VectorUtils.Add(ref tempGrad, ref _tempGrads[chunkIndex]);

        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the gradient reported by f.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f">function to test</param>
        /// <param name="x">point at which to test</param>
        /// <param name="quiet">If false, outputs detailed info.</param>
        /// <returns>maximum normalized difference between analytic and numeric directional derivative over multiple tests</returns>
        public static Float Test(DifferentiableFunction f, ref VBuffer <Float> x, bool quiet)
            // REVIEW: Delete this method?
            VBuffer <Float> grad    = default(VBuffer <Float>);
            VBuffer <Float> newGrad = default(VBuffer <Float>);
            VBuffer <Float> newX    = default(VBuffer <Float>);
            Float           normX   = VectorUtils.Norm(x);

            f(ref x, ref grad, null);

            if (!quiet)

            Float maxNormDiff = Float.NegativeInfinity;

            int numIters    = Math.Min((int)x.Length, 10);
            int maxDirCount = Math.Min((int)x.Length / 2, 100);

            for (int n = 1; n <= numIters; n++)
                int          dirCount = Math.Min(n * 10, maxDirCount);
                List <int>   indices  = new List <int>(dirCount);
                List <Float> values   = new List <Float>(dirCount);
                for (int i = 0; i < dirCount; i++)
                    int index = _r.Next((int)x.Length);
                    while (indices.IndexOf(index) >= 0)
                        index = _r.Next((int)x.Length);
                VBuffer <Float> dir = new VBuffer <Float>(x.Length, values.Count, values.ToArray(), indices.ToArray());

                Float norm = VectorUtils.Norm(dir);
                VectorUtils.ScaleBy(ref dir, 1 / norm);

                VectorUtils.AddMultInto(ref x, Eps, ref dir, ref newX);
                Float rVal = f(ref newX, ref newGrad, null);

                VectorUtils.AddMultInto(ref x, -Eps, ref dir, ref newX);
                Float lVal = f(ref newX, ref newGrad, null);

                Float dirDeriv = VectorUtils.DotProduct(ref grad, ref dir);
                Float numDeriv = (rVal - lVal) / (2 * Eps);

                Float normDiff = Math.Abs(1 - numDeriv / dirDeriv);
                Float diff     = numDeriv - dirDeriv;
                if (!quiet)
                    Console.WriteLine("{0,-9}{1,-18:0.0000e0}{2,-18:0.0000e0}{3,-15:0.0000e0}{4,0:0.0000e0}", n, numDeriv, dirDeriv, diff, normDiff);

                maxNormDiff = Math.Max(maxNormDiff, normDiff);

Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Minimize the function represented by <paramref name="f"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="f">Stochastic gradients of function to minimize</param>
        /// <param name="initial">Initial point</param>
        /// <param name="result">Approximate minimum of <paramref name="f"/></param>
        public void Minimize(DStochasticGradient f, ref VBuffer <Float> initial, ref VBuffer <Float> result)
            Contracts.Check(FloatUtils.IsFinite(initial.Values, initial.Count), "The initial vector contains NaNs or infinite values.");
            int dim = initial.Length;

            VBuffer <Float> grad = VBufferUtils.CreateEmpty <Float>(dim);
            VBuffer <Float> step = VBufferUtils.CreateEmpty <Float>(dim);
            VBuffer <Float> x    = default(VBuffer <Float>);

            initial.CopyTo(ref x);
            VBuffer <Float> prev = default(VBuffer <Float>);
            VBuffer <Float> avg  = VBufferUtils.CreateEmpty <Float>(dim);

            for (int n = 0; _maxSteps == 0 || n < _maxSteps; ++n)
                if (_momentum == 0)
                    step = new VBuffer <Float>(step.Length, 0, step.Values, step.Indices);
                    VectorUtils.ScaleBy(ref step, _momentum);

                Float stepSize;
                switch (_rateSchedule)
                case RateScheduleType.Constant:
                    stepSize = 1 / _t0;

                case RateScheduleType.Sqrt:
                    stepSize = 1 / (_t0 + MathUtils.Sqrt(n));

                case RateScheduleType.Linear:
                    stepSize = 1 / (_t0 + n);

                    throw Contracts.Except();

                Float scale = (1 - _momentum) / _batchSize;
                for (int i = 0; i < _batchSize; ++i)
                    f(ref x, ref grad);
                    VectorUtils.AddMult(ref grad, scale, ref step);

                if (_averaging)
                    Utils.Swap(ref avg, ref prev);
                    VectorUtils.ScaleBy(prev, ref avg, (Float)n / (n + 1));
                    VectorUtils.AddMult(ref step, -stepSize, ref x);
                    VectorUtils.AddMult(ref x, (Float)1 / (n + 1), ref avg);

                    if ((n > 0 && TerminateTester.ShouldTerminate(ref avg, ref prev)) || _terminate(ref avg))
                        result = avg;
                    Utils.Swap(ref x, ref prev);
                    VectorUtils.AddMult(ref step, -stepSize, ref prev, ref x);
                    if ((n > 0 && TerminateTester.ShouldTerminate(ref x, ref prev)) || _terminate(ref x))
                        result = x;

            result = _averaging ? avg : x;