// Token: 0x060012C3 RID: 4803 RVA: 0x0006D894 File Offset: 0x0006BA94
        private static int GetPropertyOffset(PropTag propTagToFind, byte[] propertyDescriptorsBuffer, int propertyDescriptorsOffset, int propertyCount, byte[] recordBuffer)
            int num = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < propertyCount; i++)
                PropTag propTag = (PropTag)BitConverter.ToUInt32(propertyDescriptorsBuffer, propertyDescriptorsOffset + i * 2 * 4);
                if (propTag == propTagToFind)
                    num = i;
            if (num == -1)
            if (((int)recordBuffer[4 + num / 8] & 128 >> num % 8) == 0)
            int result = 4 + (propertyCount + 7) / 8;

            for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)
                if (((int)recordBuffer[4 + j / 8] & 128 >> j % 8) != 0)
                    PropTag propTag2 = (PropTag)BitConverter.ToUInt32(propertyDescriptorsBuffer, propertyDescriptorsOffset + j * 2 * 4);
                    DiffFileGenerator.SkipProperty(propTag2, recordBuffer, ref result);
 // Token: 0x060012CB RID: 4811 RVA: 0x0006DD94 File Offset: 0x0006BF94
 private static void ReadNextRecord(Stream stream, bool isFromOldFile, ref uint recordCount, ref long fileBytesRemaining, ref byte[] recordBuffer, ref int recordBytesRemaining, ref Guid?objectGuid, ref byte[] propertyDescriptorsBuffer, ref int headerPropertyDescriptorsCount, ref int detailPropertyDescriptorsCount)
     recordBuffer         = DiffFileGenerator.ReadNextUncompressedRecord(stream);
     fileBytesRemaining  -= (long)((ulong)recordBuffer.Length);
     recordBytesRemaining = recordBuffer.Length;
     recordCount         += 1U;
     if (recordCount > 2U)
         object detailPropertyValue = DiffFileGenerator.GetDetailPropertyValue((PropTag)2355953922U, recordBuffer, propertyDescriptorsBuffer, headerPropertyDescriptorsCount, detailPropertyDescriptorsCount, isFromOldFile);
         objectGuid = new Guid?(new Guid((byte[])detailPropertyValue));
     if (recordCount == 1U)
         propertyDescriptorsBuffer      = recordBuffer;
         headerPropertyDescriptorsCount = BitConverter.ToInt32(propertyDescriptorsBuffer, 4);
         detailPropertyDescriptorsCount = BitConverter.ToInt32(propertyDescriptorsBuffer, 8 + headerPropertyDescriptorsCount * 2 * 4);
         OABLogger.LogRecord(TraceType.InfoTrace, "PropertyDescriptorsBuffer is: {0}", new object[]
         OABLogger.LogRecord(TraceType.InfoTrace, "Header property count is {0}, detail property count is {1}", new object[]
     objectGuid = new Guid?(Guid.Empty);
 // Token: 0x060012BE RID: 4798 RVA: 0x0006D6F8 File Offset: 0x0006B8F8
 private void WriteLzxPatch(Stream stream, DataPatching patchGenerator, byte[] oldBuffer, int oldSize, byte[] newBuffer, int newSize)
     if (oldBuffer.Length != oldSize)
         oldBuffer = DiffFileGenerator.GetArraySegment(oldBuffer, 0, oldSize);
     if (newBuffer.Length != newSize)
         newBuffer = DiffFileGenerator.GetArraySegment(newBuffer, 0, newSize);
     byte[] array;
     if (patchGenerator.TryGenerate(oldBuffer, newBuffer, out array))
         uint crc = OABCRC.ComputeCRC(OABCRC.DefaultSeed, newBuffer);
         this.WritePatchBlock(stream, oldBuffer.Length, newBuffer.Length, array, array.Length, crc);
     byte[][] array2 = DiffFileGenerator.SplitByteArray(oldBuffer);
     byte[][] array3 = DiffFileGenerator.SplitByteArray(newBuffer);
     for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
         if (patchGenerator.TryGenerate(array2[i], array3[i], out array))
             uint crc2 = OABCRC.ComputeCRC(OABCRC.DefaultSeed, array3[i]);
             this.WritePatchBlock(stream, array2[i].Length, array3[i].Length, array, array.Length, crc2);
        // Token: 0x060012BF RID: 4799 RVA: 0x0006D7B4 File Offset: 0x0006B9B4
        private static byte[][] SplitByteArray(byte[] byteArray)
            int num    = byteArray.Length / 2;
            int length = byteArray.Length - num;

            return(new byte[][]
                DiffFileGenerator.GetArraySegment(byteArray, 0, num),
                DiffFileGenerator.GetArraySegment(byteArray, num, length)
        // Token: 0x060012C4 RID: 4804 RVA: 0x0006D934 File Offset: 0x0006BB34
        private static void SkipProperty(PropTag propTag, byte[] recordBuffer, ref int propertyOffset)
            int i   = 1;
            int num = 0;

            if (propTag.IsMultiValued())
                DiffFileGenerator.GetV4IntegerValue(recordBuffer, ref propertyOffset, out i);
            while (i > 0)
                PropType propType = propTag.ValueType() & (PropType)(-4097);
                if (propType <= PropType.Boolean)
                    if (propType != PropType.Int && propType != PropType.Boolean)
                        goto IL_69;
                    DiffFileGenerator.GetV4IntegerValue(recordBuffer, ref propertyOffset, out num);
                    switch (propType)
                    case PropType.AnsiString:
                    case PropType.String:
                        while (recordBuffer[propertyOffset++] != 0)

                        if (propType != PropType.Binary)
                            goto IL_69;
                        goto IL_69;
                DiffFileGenerator.GetV4IntegerValue(recordBuffer, ref propertyOffset, out num);
                propertyOffset += num;
                goto IL_78;
        // Token: 0x060012C5 RID: 4805 RVA: 0x0006D9C4 File Offset: 0x0006BBC4
        private static object GetPropertyValue(PropTag propTag, byte[] recordBuffer, ref int propertyOffset, bool isFromOldFile)
            PropType propType = propTag.ValueType() & (PropType)(-4097);
            object   result;

            switch (propType)
            case PropType.AnsiString:
            case PropType.String:
                int num = propertyOffset;
                while (recordBuffer[propertyOffset] != 0)
                result = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(recordBuffer, num, propertyOffset - num);

                if (propType != PropType.Binary)
                    throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("GetProperty doesn't support property type {0} now", propTag.ValueType()));
                int num2;
                DiffFileGenerator.GetV4IntegerValue(recordBuffer, ref propertyOffset, out num2);
                if (num2 <= 0)
                    OABLogger.LogRecord(TraceType.FatalTrace, "Invalid binary property data for tag {0} from {1} file . The offset is {2}. The binary blob is {3}", new object[]
                            isFromOldFile ? "old" : "new",
                    throw new InvalidDataException(string.Format("Invalid binary property data for tag {0}", propTag.ToString()));
                byte[] array = new byte[num2];
                Array.Copy(recordBuffer, propertyOffset, array, 0, num2);
                propertyOffset += num2;
                result          = array;
        // Token: 0x060012BC RID: 4796 RVA: 0x0006D26C File Offset: 0x0006B46C
        private bool CreatePatch(Stream diffStream)
            bool result;

            using (DataPatching dataPatching = new DataPatching(Globals.MaxCompressionBlockSize, Globals.MaxCompressionBlockSize, Globals.MaxCompressionBlockSize))
                using (IOCostStream iocostStream = new IOCostStream(new NoCloseStream(this.oldFile.UncompressedFileStream)))
                    using (new FileSystemPerformanceTracker("FinishGeneratingAddressListFiles.GenerateDiffFiles", iocostStream, this.stats))
                        using (IOCostStream iocostStream2 = new IOCostStream(new NoCloseStream(this.newFile.UncompressedFileStream)))
                            using (new FileSystemPerformanceTracker("FinishGeneratingAddressListFiles.GenerateDiffFiles", iocostStream2, this.stats))
                                byte[] array  = new byte[Globals.MaxCompressionBlockSize];
                                byte[] array2 = new byte[Globals.MaxCompressionBlockSize];
                                int    num;
                                uint   oldCRC;
                                DiffFileGenerator.ReadFileHeader(iocostStream, array, out num, out oldCRC);
                                int  num2;
                                uint newCRC;
                                DiffFileGenerator.ReadFileHeader(iocostStream2, array2, out num2, out newCRC);
                                this.WriteDiffFileHeader(diffStream, oldCRC, newCRC);
                                uint   num3   = 0U;
                                uint   num4   = 0U;
                                long   num5   = iocostStream.Length - (long)num;
                                long   num6   = iocostStream2.Length - (long)num2;
                                byte[] array3 = null;
                                byte[] array4 = null;
                                int    num7   = 0;
                                int    num8   = 0;
                                Guid?  guid   = null;
                                Guid?  guid2  = null;
                                byte[] propertyDescriptorsBuffer       = null;
                                byte[] propertyDescriptorsBuffer2      = null;
                                int    headerPropertyDescriptorsCount  = 0;
                                int    headerPropertyDescriptorsCount2 = 0;
                                int    num9  = 0;
                                int    num10 = 0;
                                bool   flag  = false;
                                int    num11 = 0;
                                for (;;)
                                    if (num5 != 0L && num11 <= 0 && num7 == 0)
                                        DiffFileGenerator.ReadNextRecord(iocostStream, true, ref num3, ref num5, ref array3, ref num7, ref guid, ref propertyDescriptorsBuffer, ref headerPropertyDescriptorsCount, ref num9);
                                    if (num6 != 0L && num11 >= 0 && num8 == 0)
                                        DiffFileGenerator.ReadNextRecord(iocostStream2, false, ref num4, ref num6, ref array4, ref num8, ref guid2, ref propertyDescriptorsBuffer2, ref headerPropertyDescriptorsCount2, ref num10);
                                    bool flag2 = false;
                                    if (guid != null && guid2 != null)
                                        num11 = guid.Value.CompareTo(guid2.Value);
                                    else if (guid == null && guid2 != null)
                                        flag  = true;
                                        num11 = 2;
                                        if (guid == null || guid2 != null)
                                        flag  = true;
                                        num11 = -2;
                                    if (num11 == 0 && num > 0 && num2 > 0 && (num + array3.Length > Globals.MaxCompressionBlockSize || num2 + array4.Length > Globals.MaxCompressionBlockSize))
                                        flag2 = true;
                                        if (num11 != 0)
                                            flag = true;
                                            if (num11 < 0)
                                        else if (num3 == 2U && num4 == 2U)
                                            string a = (string)DiffFileGenerator.GetHeaderPropertyValue(OABFilePropTags.OabName, array3, propertyDescriptorsBuffer, headerPropertyDescriptorsCount, true);
                                            string b = (string)DiffFileGenerator.GetHeaderPropertyValue(OABFilePropTags.OabName, array4, propertyDescriptorsBuffer2, headerPropertyDescriptorsCount2, false);
                                            flag = (a != b);
                                        else if (array3.Length != array4.Length || !array3.SequenceEqual(array4))
                                            flag = true;
                                        if (num11 <= 0)
                                            if (num + array3.Length <= Globals.MaxCompressionBlockSize || array3.Length > Globals.MaxCompressionBlockSize)
                                                DiffFileGenerator.ConsumeRecord(array, ref num, array3, ref num7, ref guid, ref flag2);
                                                flag2 = true;
                                        if (num11 >= 0)
                                            if (num2 + array4.Length <= Globals.MaxCompressionBlockSize || array4.Length > Globals.MaxCompressionBlockSize)
                                                DiffFileGenerator.ConsumeRecord(array2, ref num2, array4, ref num8, ref guid2, ref flag2);
                                                flag2 = true;
                                    if (flag2)
                                        this.WriteLzxPatch(diffStream, dataPatching, array, num, array2, num2);
                                        num  = 0;
                                        num2 = 0;
                                if (num5 == 0L && num6 != 0L)
                                if (num != 0 || num2 != 0)
                                    this.WriteLzxPatch(diffStream, dataPatching, array, num, array2, num2);
                                result = flag;
        // Token: 0x060012C9 RID: 4809 RVA: 0x0006DD18 File Offset: 0x0006BF18
        private static object GetDetailPropertyValue(PropTag propTag, byte[] recordBuffer, byte[] propertyDescriptorsBuffer, int headerPropertyDescriptorsCount, int detailPropertyDescriptorsCount, bool isFromOldFile)
            int propertyOffset = DiffFileGenerator.GetPropertyOffset(propTag, propertyDescriptorsBuffer, 12 + headerPropertyDescriptorsCount * 2 * 4, detailPropertyDescriptorsCount, recordBuffer);

            return(DiffFileGenerator.GetPropertyValue(propTag, recordBuffer, ref propertyOffset, isFromOldFile));