Example #1
        /// <summary>
        ///     Execute handler for the MdiCommands.MinimizeWindow command.
        /// </summary>
        private void ExecuteMinimizeWindow(ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
            MdiWindow window = Content as MdiWindow;

            Debug.Assert(window != null && MdiPanel.GetWindowState(window) != WindowState.Minimized);

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Execute handler for the MdiCommands.RestoreWindow command.
        /// </summary>
        private void ExecuteRestoreWindow(ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
            MdiWindow window = Content as MdiWindow;

            Debug.Assert(window != null && MdiPanel.GetWindowState(window) != WindowState.Normal);

Example #3
        /// <summary>
        ///     Execute handler for the MdiCommands.AdjustWindowRect command.
        /// </summary>
        private void ExecuteAdjustWindowRect(ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
            UIElement originalSource      = (UIElement)e.OriginalSource;
            AdjustWindowRectParameter swp = (AdjustWindowRectParameter)e.Parameter;

            MdiWindow window = Content as MdiWindow;

            Debug.Assert(window != null && MdiPanel.GetWindowState(window) == WindowState.Normal);

            Vector delta = originalSource.TransformElementToElement(swp.Delta, window);

            AdjustWindowRect(window, delta, swp.InteractiveEdges);
Example #4
        // Bring to the front of the windows in the specified state.
        public void BringToFront(MdiWindow window, WindowState windowState)
            int oldIndex = IndexOf(window);
            int newIndex = Count - 1;

            if (windowState == WindowState.Minimized)
                bool foundSelf = false;

                for (newIndex = 0; newIndex < (Count - 1); newIndex++)
                    if (Items[newIndex] == window)
                        foundSelf = true;

                    if (MdiPanel.GetWindowState(Items[newIndex]) != WindowState.Minimized)

                if (foundSelf)

            Move(oldIndex, newIndex);

            // HACK: how to coordinate Win32 ZOrder with WPF ZOrder?  This works, but assumes to many implementation details.
            if (VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(window) > 0)
                AirspaceDecorator hwndClipper = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(window, 0) as AirspaceDecorator;
                if (hwndClipper != null)
                    if (VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(hwndClipper) > 0)
                        HwndSourceHost hwndSourceHost = VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(hwndClipper, 0) as HwndSourceHost;
                        if (hwndSourceHost != null)
                            HWND hwnd = new HWND(hwndSourceHost.Handle);
                            NativeMethods.SetWindowPos(hwnd, HWND.TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP.NOMOVE | SWP.NOSIZE);
Example #5
        private static object CoerceWindowRect(DependencyObject d, object baseValue)
            MdiPanel         panel      = VisualTreeHelper.GetParent(d) as MdiPanel;
            FrameworkElement child      = d as FrameworkElement;
            Rect             windowRect = (Rect)baseValue;

            if (panel != null && d != null)
                // Record the base value since we will be using for internal
                // calculations.
                d.SetValue(BaseWindowRectPropertyKey, windowRect);

                // The window rect size must at least be as large as the
                // child's minimum size.
                windowRect.Width  = Math.Max(windowRect.Width, child.MinWidth);
                windowRect.Height = Math.Max(windowRect.Height, child.MinHeight);

                // The window rect is constrained to the panel bounds.
                windowRect = windowRect.ConstrainWithin(panel.Extents);

Example #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Adjust the window rect of a window.
        /// </summary>
        public void AdjustWindowRect(MdiWindow window, Vector delta, MdiWindowEdge interactiveEdges)
            if (window == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("window");

            if (Content != window)
                throw new ArgumentException("Window does not belong to this floater.", "window");

            Rect screenRect = MdiPanel.GetWindowRect(window);

            if (interactiveEdges == MdiWindowEdge.None)
                screenRect.X += delta.X;
                screenRect.Y += delta.Y;
                if ((interactiveEdges & MdiWindowEdge.Left) != 0)
                    // Can't size smaller than the minimum size.
                    double constrainedDelta = Math.Min(delta.X, (screenRect.Width - window.MinWidth));

                    screenRect.X     += constrainedDelta;
                    screenRect.Width -= constrainedDelta;

                if ((interactiveEdges & MdiWindowEdge.Right) != 0)
                    // Can't size smaller than the minimum size.
                    double constrainedDelta = Math.Max(delta.X, -(screenRect.Width - window.MinWidth));

                    screenRect.Width += constrainedDelta;

                if ((interactiveEdges & MdiWindowEdge.Top) != 0)
                    // Can't size smaller than the minimum size.
                    double constrainedDelta = Math.Min(delta.Y, (screenRect.Height - window.MinHeight));

                    screenRect.Y      += constrainedDelta;
                    screenRect.Height -= constrainedDelta;

                if ((interactiveEdges & MdiWindowEdge.Bottom) != 0)
                    // Can't size smaller than the minimum size.
                    double constrainedDelta = Math.Max(delta.Y, -(screenRect.Height - window.MinHeight));

                    screenRect.Height += constrainedDelta;

            if (window.MinWidth > screenRect.Width)
                if ((interactiveEdges & MdiWindowEdge.Left) != 0)
                    screenRect.X = screenRect.Right - window.MinWidth;

                screenRect.Width = window.MinWidth;

            if (window.MinHeight > screenRect.Height)
                if ((interactiveEdges & MdiWindowEdge.Top) != 0)
                    screenRect.Y = screenRect.Bottom - window.MinHeight;

                screenRect.Height = window.MinHeight;

            MdiPanel.SetWindowRect(window, screenRect);

            this.Left   = screenRect.Left;
            this.Top    = screenRect.Top;
            this.Width  = screenRect.Width;
            this.Height = screenRect.Height;
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        ///     CanExecute handler for the MdiCommands.RestoreWindow command.
        /// </summary>
        private void CanExecuteRestoreWindow(CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
            MdiWindow window = Content as MdiWindow;

            e.CanExecute = (window != null && MdiPanel.GetWindowState(window) != WindowState.Normal);
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        ///     CanExecute handler for the MdiCommands.MinimizeWindow command.
        /// </summary>
        private void CanExecuteMinimizeWindow(CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
            MdiWindow window = Content as MdiWindow;

            e.CanExecute = (window != null && MdiPanel.GetWindowState(window) != WindowState.Minimized);
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        ///     CanExecute handler for the MdiCommands.AdjustWindowRect command.
        /// </summary>
        private void CanExecuteAdjustWindowRect(CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
            MdiWindow window = Content as MdiWindow;

            e.CanExecute = (window != null && MdiPanel.GetWindowState(window) == WindowState.Normal);