Example #1
        public void DnuFeeds_ListsAllSources(string flavor, string os, string architecture)
            var environment = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "DNX_TRACE", "0" },

            var rootConfig =
                @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
    <clear /> <!-- Remove the effects of any machine-level config -->
    <add key=""Source1"" value=""https://source1"" />
    <add key=""Source2"" value=""https://source2"" />

            var subConfig =
                @"<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8""?>
    <add key=""Source3"" value=""https://source3"" />
    <add key=""Source1"" value=""https://source1"" />

            var projectStructure =
    'root': {
        'NuGet.config': """",
        'sub': {
            'NuGet.config': """"

            var runtimeHomePath = _fixture.GetRuntimeHomeDir(flavor, os, architecture);

            using (var testEnv = new DnuTestEnvironment(runtimeHomePath, projectName: "Project Name"))
                var projectPath = testEnv.ProjectPath;
                .WithFileContents("root/nuget.config", rootConfig)
                .WithFileContents("root/sub/nuget.config", subConfig)

                string output;
                string error;
                var    exitCode = DnuTestUtils.ExecDnu(
                    subcommand: "feeds",
                    arguments: "list root/sub",
                    stdOut: out output,
                    stdErr: out error,
                    environment: environment,
                    workingDir: projectPath);

                Assert.Equal(0, exitCode);

                // CI Machines and such have different sources in the user-global config
                // So we can't actually assert the exact content of the output.
                Assert.Contains($"https://source1 [Disabled]{Environment.NewLine}      Origin: {Path.Combine(projectPath, "root", "nuget.config")}", output);
                Assert.Contains($"https://source2{Environment.NewLine}      Origin: {Path.Combine(projectPath, "root", "nuget.config")}", output);
                Assert.Contains($"https://source3{Environment.NewLine}      Origin: {Path.Combine(projectPath, "root", "sub", "nuget.config")}", output);
Example #2
        public void DnuRestore_ExecutesScripts(string flavor, string os, string architecture)
            bool isWindows   = TestUtils.CurrentRuntimeEnvironment.OperatingSystem == "Windows";
            var  environment = new Dictionary <string, string>
                { "DNX_TRACE", "0" },

            var expectedPreContent =
            var expectedPostContent =
""argument seven""
""argument eight""

            string projectJsonContent;
            string scriptContent;
            string scriptName;

            if (isWindows)
                projectJsonContent =
  ""frameworks"": {
    ""dnx451"": { }
  ""scripts"": {
    ""prerestore"": [
      ""script.cmd one two > pre"",
      ""script.cmd ^>three >> pre && script.cmd ^ four >> pre""
    ""postrestore"": [
      ""\""%project:Directory%/script.cmd\"" five six > post"",
      ""\""%project:Directory%/script.cmd\"" \""argument seven\"" \""argument eight\"" >> post""
                scriptContent =
                    @"@echo off

if ""%~1""=="""" goto argumentEnd
echo ""%~1""
goto argumentStart
                scriptName = "script.cmd";
                projectJsonContent =
  ""frameworks"": {
    ""dnx451"": { }
  ""scripts"": {
    ""prerestore"": [
      ""script one two > pre"",
      ""script.sh \\>three >> pre; ./script.sh four >> pre""
    ""postrestore"": [
      ""\""%project:Directory%/script\"" five six > post"",
      ""\""%project:Directory%/script.sh\"" \""argument seven\"" \""argument eight\"" >> post""
                scriptContent =
                    @"#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -o errexit

for arg in ""$@""; do
  printf ""\""%s\""\n"" ""$arg""
                scriptName = "script.sh";

            var projectStructure =
  '.': ['project.json', '{ scriptName }']
            var runtimeHomePath = _fixture.GetRuntimeHomeDir(flavor, os, architecture);

            using (var testEnv = new DnuTestEnvironment(runtimeHomePath, projectName: "Project Name"))
                var projectPath = testEnv.ProjectPath;
                .WithFileContents("project.json", projectJsonContent)
                .WithFileContents(scriptName, scriptContent)
                FileOperationUtils.MarkExecutable(Path.Combine(projectPath, scriptName));

                string output;
                string error;
                var    exitCode = DnuTestUtils.ExecDnu(
                    subcommand: "restore",
                    arguments: null,
                    stdOut: out output,
                    stdErr: out error,
                    environment: environment,
                    workingDir: projectPath);

                Assert.Equal(0, exitCode);
                Assert.Contains("Executing script 'prerestore' in project.json", output);
                Assert.Contains("Executing script 'postrestore' in project.json", output);

                var preContent = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(projectPath, "pre"));
                Assert.Equal(expectedPreContent, preContent);
                var postContent = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(projectPath, "post"));
                Assert.Equal(expectedPostContent, postContent);
Example #3
        public void DnuPack_ExecutesScriptsForEachConfigurationAndTargetFramework(string flavor, string os, string architecture)
            var projectStructure = @"{
  '.': ['project.json']
            var runtimeHomeDir   = TestUtils.GetRuntimeHomeDir(flavor, os, architecture);

            using (var testEnv = new DnuTestEnvironment(runtimeHomeDir, "TestProject"))
                .WithFileContents("project.json", @"{
  ""version"": ""1.0-beta"",
  ""frameworks"": {
    ""dnx451"": {},
    ""dnxcore50"": {
        ""dependencies"": {
  ""scripts"": {
    ""prebuild"": ""echo PREBUILD_SCRIPT_OUTPUT %build:Configuration% %build:TargetFramework%"",
    ""prepack"": ""echo PREPACK_SCRIPT_OUTPUT %build:Configuration% %build:TargetFramework%"",
    ""postbuild"": ""echo POSTBUILD_SCRIPT_OUTPUT %build:Configuration% %build:TargetFramework%"",
    ""postpack"": ""echo POSTPACK_SCRIPT_OUTPUT %build:Configuration% %build:TargetFramework%""

                string stdOut, stdErr;
                var    exitCode = DnuTestUtils.ExecDnu(
                    subcommand: "restore",
                    arguments: string.Empty,
                    workingDir: testEnv.ProjectPath);
                Assert.Equal(0, exitCode);

                exitCode = DnuTestUtils.ExecDnu(
                    testEnv.ProjectPath + " --configuration Debug --configuration Release",
                    out stdOut,
                    out stdErr);

                Assert.Equal(0, exitCode);

                var idx = 0;
                foreach (var configuration in new[] { "Debug", "Release" })
                    // note that %TargetFramework% is not defined outside build
                    idx = stdOut.IndexOf($"PREPACK_SCRIPT_OUTPUT {configuration} %build:TargetFramework%", 0);
                    Assert.True(idx >= 0);
                    foreach (var framework in new[] { "dnx451", "dnxcore50" })
                        idx = stdOut.IndexOf($"PREBUILD_SCRIPT_OUTPUT {configuration} {framework}", idx);
                        Assert.True(idx >= 0);
                        idx = stdOut.IndexOf($"POSTBUILD_SCRIPT_OUTPUT {configuration} {framework}", idx);
                        Assert.True(idx >= 0);
                    idx = stdOut.IndexOf($"POSTPACK_SCRIPT_OUTPUT {configuration} %build:TargetFramework%", 0);
                    Assert.True(idx >= 0);

                Assert.Equal(-1, stdOut.IndexOf("PREPACK_SCRIPT_OUTPUT", idx + 1));
                Assert.Equal(-1, stdOut.IndexOf("PREBUILD_SCRIPT_OUTPUT", idx + 1));
                Assert.Equal(-1, stdOut.IndexOf("POSTBUILD_SCRIPT_OUTPUT", idx + 1));
                Assert.Equal(-1, stdOut.IndexOf("POSTPACK_SCRIPT_OUTPUT", idx + 1));