public static DiagProcessFilter FromConfiguration(IEnumerable <ProcessFilterDescriptor> filters)
            var filter = new DiagProcessFilter();

            foreach (ProcessFilterDescriptor processFilter in filters)
        public static DiagProcessFilter FromProcessKey(ProcessKey processKey)
            var filter = new DiagProcessFilter();
            List <DiagProcessFilterEntry> filterEntries = TransformKey(processKey);

            for (int index = 0; index < filterEntries.Count; ++index)

        public Task <IProcessInfo> GetProcessAsync(ProcessKey?processKey, CancellationToken token)
            DiagProcessFilter filterOptions = null;

            if (processKey.HasValue)
                filterOptions = DiagProcessFilter.FromProcessKey(processKey.Value);
                filterOptions = DiagProcessFilter.FromConfiguration(_defaultProcessOptions.CurrentValue);

            return(GetProcessAsync(filterOptions, token));
        private async Task <IProcessInfo> GetProcessAsync(DiagProcessFilter processFilterConfig, CancellationToken token)
            //Short circuit when we are missing default process config
            if (!processFilterConfig.Filters.Any())
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.ErrorMessage_NoDefaultProcessConfig);
            IEnumerable <IProcessInfo> matchingProcesses = await GetProcessesAsync(processFilterConfig, token);

            switch (matchingProcesses.Count())
            case 0:
                throw new ArgumentException(Strings.ErrorMessage_NoTargetProcess);

            case 1:

                throw new ArgumentException(Strings.ErrorMessage_MultipleTargetProcesses);
        public async Task <IEnumerable <IProcessInfo> > GetProcessesAsync(DiagProcessFilter processFilterConfig, CancellationToken token)
            IEnumerable <IProcessInfo> processes = null;

                using CancellationTokenSource extendedInfoCancellation = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(token);
                IList <Task <IProcessInfo> > processInfoTasks = new List <Task <IProcessInfo> >();
                foreach (IEndpointInfo endpointInfo in await _endpointInfoSource.GetEndpointInfoAsync(token))
                    // CONSIDER: Can this processing be pushed into the IEndpointInfoSource implementation and cached
                    // so that extended process information doesn't have to be recalculated for every call. This would be
                    // useful for:
                    // - .NET Core 3.1 processes, which require issuing a brief event pipe session to get the process commmand
                    //   line information and parse out the process name
                    // - Caching entrypoint information (when that becomes available).
                    processInfoTasks.Add(ProcessInfoImpl.FromEndpointInfoAsync(endpointInfo, extendedInfoCancellation.Token));

                // FromEndpointInfoAsync can fill in the command line for .NET Core 3.1 processes by invoking the
                // event pipe and capturing the ProcessInfo event. Timebox this operation with the cancellation token
                // so that getting the process list does not take a long time or wait indefinitely.

                await Task.WhenAll(processInfoTasks);

                processes = processInfoTasks.Select(t => t.Result);
            catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(Strings.ErrorMessage_ProcessEnumeratuinFailed);

            if (processFilterConfig != null)
                processes = processes.Where(p => processFilterConfig.Filters.All(c => c.MatchFilter(p)));
