Example #1
 // TODO: this feels fishy. EntityDesignModel does not have access to ErrorList
 // and this is the way to avoid taking the additional dependency. Figure out 
 // a better way to log the error.
 public void LogUpdateModelWizardError(ErrorInfo errorInfo, string fileInfoPath)
     if (LogUpdateModelWizardErrorAction != null)
         LogUpdateModelWizardErrorAction(errorInfo, fileInfoPath);
        internal override void Visit(IVisitable visitable)
            var item = visitable as EFContainer;

            if (item == null)

            if (item.State != EFElementState.Normalized)

            catch (Exception e)
                // reset element state
                item.State = EFElementState.ResolveAttempted;

                string name = null;
                var nameable = item as EFNameableItem;
                if (nameable != null)
                    name = nameable.LocalName.Value;
                    var element = item.XObject as XElement;
                    if (element != null)
                        name = element.Name.LocalName;
                        name = item.SemanticName;
                var message = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.ErrorResolvingItem, name, e.Message);
                var errorInfo = new ErrorInfo(
                    ErrorInfo.Severity.ERROR, message, item, ErrorCodes.FATAL_RESOLVE_ERROR, ErrorClass.ResolveError);

            if (item.State != EFElementState.Resolved)
                var efElement = item as EFElement;
                if (efElement != null)
                    if (!_missed.Contains(efElement))
        /// <summary>
        ///     Add a symbol to the global symbol table that maps to the passed in item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol"></param>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        internal void AddSymbol(Symbol symbol, EFElement item)
            if (!_symbolTable.ContainsKey(symbol))
                var list = new List<EFElement>(1);
                _symbolTable.Add(symbol, list);
                var current = LookupSymbol(symbol);
                if (current.Identity != item.Identity)
                    // duplicate symbol.  Add the new item to the list 

                    // make it ready to display to the user
                    var displayableSymbol = EFNormalizableItem.ConvertSymbolToExternal(symbol);

                    // add an duplicate symbol error
                    var msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.NORMALIZE_DUPLICATE_SYMBOL_DEFINED, displayableSymbol);
                    var errorInfo = new ErrorInfo(
                        ErrorInfo.Severity.ERROR, msg, item, ErrorCodes.NORMALIZE_DUPLICATE_SYMBOL_DEFINED, ErrorClass.ResolveError);
 internal static ErrorTask CreateErrorTask(ErrorInfo errorInfo, IVsHierarchy hierarchy, uint itemID)
     // errorInfo.Item can be null if the error came from CodeFirst
     return CreateErrorTask(
         errorInfo.Item != null ? VSXmlModel.ConvertToVSTextSpan(errorInfo.Item.GetTextSpan()) : new TextSpan(),
        public void Code_first_ErrorInfo_initialized_correctly()
            var edmxErrorInfo = 
                new ErrorInfo(ErrorInfo.Severity.WARNING, "test", @"c:\project\model.edmx" , 17, ErrorClass.None);

            Assert.Equal(0, edmxErrorInfo.GetLineNumber());
            Assert.Equal(0, edmxErrorInfo.GetColumnNumber());

            Assert.Equal(string.Format(Resources.Error_Message_With_Error_Code_Prefix, 17, "test"), edmxErrorInfo.Message);
            Assert.Same(null, edmxErrorInfo.Item);
            Assert.Equal(@"c:\project\model.edmx", edmxErrorInfo.ItemPath);
            Assert.Equal(17, edmxErrorInfo.ErrorCode);
            Assert.Equal(ErrorClass.None, edmxErrorInfo.ErrorClass);
        public void Edmx_ErrorInfo_initialized_correctly()
            var mockEFObject = new Mock<EFObject>();
            mockEFObject.Setup(o => o.GetLineNumber()).Returns(76);
            mockEFObject.Setup(o => o.GetColumnNumber()).Returns(12);
            mockEFObject.Setup(o => o.Uri).Returns(new Uri(@"c:\project\model.edmx"));

            var edmxErrorInfo = 
                new ErrorInfo(ErrorInfo.Severity.ERROR, "test", mockEFObject.Object, 42, ErrorClass.Runtime_CSDL);

            Assert.Equal(76, edmxErrorInfo.GetLineNumber());
            Assert.Equal(12, edmxErrorInfo.GetColumnNumber());
            Assert.Equal(string.Format(Resources.Error_Message_With_Error_Code_Prefix, 42, "test"), edmxErrorInfo.Message);
            Assert.Same(mockEFObject.Object, edmxErrorInfo.Item);
            Assert.Equal(@"c:\project\model.edmx", edmxErrorInfo.ItemPath);
            Assert.Equal(42, edmxErrorInfo.ErrorCode);
            Assert.Equal(ErrorClass.Runtime_CSDL, edmxErrorInfo.ErrorClass);
        internal static NormalizedName DefaultNameNormalizerForMSL(EFElement parent, string refName)
            var model = MappingModel.GetMappingRoot(parent);

            string potentialAliasOrNamespacePart = null;
            string nonAliasOrNamespacePart = null;
            SeparateRefNameIntoParts(refName, out potentialAliasOrNamespacePart, out nonAliasOrNamespacePart);

            Symbol symbol = null;
            NormalizedName normalizedName = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(potentialAliasOrNamespacePart))
                // see if our type name starts with any of the defined aliases
                var startsWithAlias = false;

                foreach (var a in model.Aliases())
                    if (potentialAliasOrNamespacePart.Equals(a.Key.Value, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                        if (a.State == EFElementState.Parsed)
                            // alias is only in a parsed state, skip for now and don't add an error
                            // we'll end up looping around again later once its been resolved
                            return new NormalizedName(new Symbol(refName), null, null, refName);

                        if (a.State != EFElementState.Resolved
                            || a.Value.Status != BindingStatus.Known)
                            var msg = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.RESOLVE_UNRESOLVED_ALIAS, refName);
                            var artifactSet = parent.Artifact.ModelManager.GetArtifactSet(parent.Artifact.Uri);
                            var errorInfo = new ErrorInfo(
                                ErrorInfo.Severity.ERROR, msg, parent, ErrorCodes.RESOLVE_UNRESOLVED_ALIAS, ErrorClass.ResolveError);
                            return new NormalizedName(new Symbol(String.Empty), null, null, refName);

                        // in the symbol replace alias with the full namespace
                        symbol = new Symbol(a.Value.Target.Namespace.Value, nonAliasOrNamespacePart);
                        normalizedName = new NormalizedName(symbol, a.Key.Value, null, nonAliasOrNamespacePart);

                        startsWithAlias = true;

                if (startsWithAlias == false
                    && model.Artifact.ConceptualModel() != null
                    && model.Artifact.StorageModel() != null)
                    var conceptualNamespace = model.Artifact.ConceptualModel().Namespace.Value;
                    var storageNamespace = model.Artifact.StorageModel().Namespace.Value;
                    var currentNamespace = string.Empty;

                    var convertIt = false;

                    var startsWithConceptualNamespace = false;
                    var startsWithStorageNamespace = false;

                    if (potentialAliasOrNamespacePart.Equals(conceptualNamespace, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                        startsWithConceptualNamespace = true;

                    if (potentialAliasOrNamespacePart.Equals(storageNamespace, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                        startsWithStorageNamespace = true;

                    if (startsWithConceptualNamespace && startsWithStorageNamespace)
                        // in this case, the two namespaces start with the same thing and we got a match
                        // on both; for example if there is pubsModel & pubsModel.Store and we are checking
                        // on a string 'pubsModel.Store.Customer'; whichever is longer is the real one
                        if (conceptualNamespace.Length > storageNamespace.Length)
                            currentNamespace = conceptualNamespace;
                            convertIt = true;
                            currentNamespace = storageNamespace;
                            convertIt = true;
                    else if (startsWithConceptualNamespace)
                        currentNamespace = conceptualNamespace;
                        convertIt = true;
                    else if (startsWithStorageNamespace)
                        currentNamespace = storageNamespace;
                        convertIt = true;

                    if (convertIt)
                        // convert to our normalized name format
                        symbol = new Symbol(currentNamespace, nonAliasOrNamespacePart);
                        normalizedName = new NormalizedName(symbol, null, currentNamespace, nonAliasOrNamespacePart);

            if (symbol == null)
                // either there was no Alias or Namespace part or it didn't
                // match any of the known Aliases or Namespaces
                symbol = new Symbol(refName);
                normalizedName = new NormalizedName(symbol, null, null, refName);

            return normalizedName;
 private static TaskErrorCategory GetCategory(ErrorInfo errorInfo)
     if (errorInfo.IsError())
         return TaskErrorCategory.Error;
     else if (errorInfo.IsInfo())
         return TaskErrorCategory.Message;
     else if (errorInfo.IsWarning())
         return TaskErrorCategory.Warning;
         return TaskErrorCategory.Error;
        internal void ParseSingleEntityModelElement(
            XElement entityModelXElement, ref bool conceptualModelsProcessed, ref bool storageModelsProcessed, ref bool mappingsProcessed)
            if (!CheckForCorrectNamespace(entityModelXElement, SchemaManager.GetEDMXNamespaceNames()))

            if (entityModelXElement.Name.LocalName == "ConceptualModels")
                if (conceptualModelsProcessed)
                    var msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.DuplicatedElementMsg, entityModelXElement.Name.LocalName);
                    var error = new ErrorInfo(
                        ErrorInfo.Severity.ERROR, msg, this, ErrorCodes.DUPLICATED_ELEMENT_ENCOUNTERED, ErrorClass.ParseError);
                    AddParseErrorForObject(this, error);
                conceptualModelsProcessed = true;

            else if (entityModelXElement.Name.LocalName == "StorageModels")
                if (storageModelsProcessed)
                    var msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.DuplicatedElementMsg, entityModelXElement.Name.LocalName);
                    var error = new ErrorInfo(
                        ErrorInfo.Severity.ERROR, msg, this, ErrorCodes.DUPLICATED_ELEMENT_ENCOUNTERED, ErrorClass.ParseError);
                    AddParseErrorForObject(this, error);
                storageModelsProcessed = true;

            else if (entityModelXElement.Name.LocalName == "Mappings")
                if (mappingsProcessed)
                    var msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.DuplicatedElementMsg, entityModelXElement.Name.LocalName);
                    var error = new ErrorInfo(
                        ErrorInfo.Severity.ERROR, msg, this, ErrorCodes.DUPLICATED_ELEMENT_ENCOUNTERED, ErrorClass.ParseError);
                    AddParseErrorForObject(this, error);
                mappingsProcessed = true;

                var msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.UnexpectedElementMsg, entityModelXElement.Name.LocalName);
                var error = new ErrorInfo(
                    ErrorInfo.Severity.ERROR, msg, this, ErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ELEMENT_ENCOUNTERED, ErrorClass.ParseError);
                AddParseErrorForObject(this, error);
 internal override bool ParseSingleElement(ICollection<XName> unprocessedElements, XElement elem)
     // Conceptual EntityModel needs to create Conceptual EntityContainer objects
     if (elem.Name.LocalName == BaseEntityContainer.ElementName)
         if (_entityContainers.Count > 0)
             // multiple EntityContainers detected, report an error
             var msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.TOO_MANY_ENTITY_CONTAINER_ELEMENTS, Namespace.Value);
             var error = new ErrorInfo(
                 ErrorInfo.Severity.ERROR, msg, this, ErrorCodes.TOO_MANY_ENTITY_CONTAINER_ELEMENTS, ErrorClass.ParseError);
             Artifact.AddParseErrorForObject(this, error);
         var ec = new ConceptualEntityContainer(this, elem);
     else if (elem.Name.LocalName == ComplexType.ElementName)
         var complexType = new ComplexType(this, elem);
     else if (elem.Name.LocalName == UsingElement.ElementName)
         var use = new UsingElement(this, elem);
     else if (elem.Name.LocalName == EnumType.ElementName)
         // Check if enumType that represents the XElement <see DoParse method>
         var enumType = ModelItemAnnotation.GetModelItem(elem) as EnumType;
         if (enumType == null
             || enumType.IsDisposed)
             enumType = new EnumType(this, elem);
         return base.ParseSingleElement(unprocessedElements, elem);
     return true;
        private void ProcessErrors(IList<EdmSchemaError> schemaErrors, Uri projectItemUri, EFArtifact artifact)
            // since we will inevitably add *all* errors from the artifact set into the error list, we can easily
            // clear the entire error list here even though we just validate the CSDL.
            var errorList = ErrorListHelper.GetSingleDocErrorList(projectItemUri);
            if (errorList != null)

            if (artifact == null)
                Debug.Fail("Where is the artifact? We should have created it at least through the temporary model manager");

            // we have to remove both the RMV and SFG CSDL errors to prevent duplicates
            artifact.ArtifactSet.RemoveErrorsForArtifact(artifact, ErrorClass.Runtime_CSDL);

            // add all CSDL-based SFG errors to the artifact set
            if (schemaErrors.Count > 0)
                foreach (var error in schemaErrors)
                    // construct an ErrorInfo with correct line/column number and add it to the artifact set. Note that the CodeGen EdmSchemaError line
                    // refers to the line of the error inside the CSDL, so to get the line of the error in the edmx file we have to offset it by the line
                    // number where the conceptual model begins.
                    var edmxErrorLine = error.Line + artifact.ConceptualModel().GetLineNumber();
                    var efobject = artifact.FindEFObjectForLineAndColumn(edmxErrorLine, error.Column);
                    var errorInfo = new ErrorInfo(
                        GetErrorInfoSeverity(error), error.Message, efobject, error.ErrorCode, ErrorClass.Runtime_CSDL);

            // get all the ErrorInfos for this artifact and add it to the error list
            var artifactSet = artifact.ArtifactSet;
            Debug.Assert(artifactSet != null, "Where is the artifact set for this artifact?");
            if (artifactSet != null)
                var errors = artifactSet.GetArtifactOnlyErrors(artifact);
                if (errors.Count > 0)
                    // resolve the hierarchy and item id for adding to the error list
                    var hierarchy = VSHelpers.GetVsHierarchy(ProjectItem.ContainingProject, Services.ServiceProvider);
                    var itemId = VsUtils.GetProjectItemId(hierarchy, ProjectItem);

                    Debug.Assert(hierarchy != null, "Why isn't there a hierarchy associated with this project item?");
                    Debug.Assert(itemId != VSConstants.VSITEMID_NIL, "There should be an item ID associated with this project item");

                    if (hierarchy != null
                        && itemId != VSConstants.VSITEMID_NIL)
                        ErrorListHelper.AddErrorInfosToErrorList(errors, hierarchy, itemId);
Example #12
        internal void AddParseErrorForObject(EFObject obj, ErrorInfo errorInfo)
            Debug.Assert(errorInfo.ErrorClass == ErrorClass.ParseError, "Unexpected error class added to EFObject");
            Debug.Assert(errorInfo.Item == obj, "ErrorInfo for wrong object added to EFObject");

            if (_errors == null)
                _errors = new Dictionary<EFObject, ICollection<ErrorInfo>>();

            ICollection<ErrorInfo> errorCollection;
            if (!_errors.TryGetValue(obj, out errorCollection))
                errorCollection = new List<ErrorInfo>();
                _errors.Add(obj, errorCollection);

Example #13
 internal void AddParseErrorForObject(EFObject obj, string errorMessage, int errorCode)
     var ei = new ErrorInfo(ErrorInfo.Severity.ERROR, errorMessage, obj, errorCode, ErrorClass.ParseError);
     AddParseErrorForObject(obj, ei);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Helper method to log the VS warning message given the principal and dependent properties
        ///     for which we could not find matches in the existing artifact
        /// </summary>
        private static void LogWarningMessageForReferentialConstraintProperties(
            string associationName,
            EntityType principalEntityType, EntityType dependentEntityType, List<string> unfoundPrincipalProperties,
            List<string> unfoundDependentProperties)
            if (unfoundDependentProperties.Count > 0
                || unfoundPrincipalProperties.Count > 0)
                // log a warning to the VS error list.
                var propertyList = new StringBuilder();
                var isFirst = true;
                foreach (var p in unfoundPrincipalProperties)
                    if (false == isFirst)
                    isFirst = false;
                foreach (var p in unfoundDependentProperties)
                    if (false == isFirst)
                    isFirst = false;

                var prinicpalEntityTypeName = principalEntityType.LocalName.Value;
                var dependentEntityTypeName = dependentEntityType.LocalName.Value;
                var s = String.Format(
                    CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.UpdateFromDatabaseUnableToBringRefConstraint, associationName,
                    prinicpalEntityTypeName, dependentEntityTypeName, propertyList);
                var errorMessageTarget = unfoundPrincipalProperties.Count > 0 ? principalEntityType : dependentEntityType;
                var errorInfo = new ErrorInfo(
                    ErrorInfo.Severity.WARNING, s, errorMessageTarget, ErrorCodes.UPDATE_MODEL_FROM_DB_CANT_INCLUDE_REF_CONSTRAINT,
                HostContext.Instance.LogUpdateModelWizardError(errorInfo, errorMessageTarget.Uri.LocalPath);
        private bool CheckForCorrectNamespace(XElement element, string[] expectedNamespace, bool addParseErrorOnFailure)
            if (element == null
                || element.Name == null
                || element.Name.Namespace == null)
                return false;

            var foundMatch = false;
            foreach (var namespaceName in expectedNamespace)
                if (element.Name.NamespaceName == namespaceName)
                    foundMatch = true;

            if (!foundMatch)
                // add an error & return false. 
                if (addParseErrorOnFailure)
                    var msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.ModelParse_NonQualifiedElement, element.Name.LocalName);
                    var error = new ErrorInfo(ErrorInfo.Severity.ERROR, msg, this, ErrorCodes.NON_QUALIFIED_ELEMENT, ErrorClass.ParseError);
                    AddParseErrorForObject(this, error);
                return false;

            return true;
        internal override bool ParseSingleElement(ICollection<XName> unprocessedElements, XElement elem)
            if (elem.Name.LocalName == "Edmx")
                if (!CheckForCorrectNamespace(elem, SchemaManager.GetEDMXNamespaceNames()))
                    return false;

                var runtimeElementProcessed = false;
                var designerElementProcessed = false;
                foreach (var elem2 in elem.Elements())
                    if (elem2.Name.LocalName == "Runtime")
                        if (!CheckForCorrectNamespace(elem2, SchemaManager.GetEDMXNamespaceNames()))

                        if (runtimeElementProcessed)
                            var msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.DuplicatedElementMsg, elem2.Name.LocalName);
                            var error = new ErrorInfo(
                                ErrorInfo.Severity.ERROR, msg, this, ErrorCodes.DUPLICATED_ELEMENT_ENCOUNTERED, ErrorClass.ParseError);
                            AddParseErrorForObject(this, error);
                        runtimeElementProcessed = true;

                        var conceptualModelsProcessed = false;
                        var storageModelsProcessed = false;
                        var mappingsProcessed = false;
                        foreach (var elem3 in elem2.Elements())
                                elem3, ref conceptualModelsProcessed, ref storageModelsProcessed, ref mappingsProcessed);
                    else if (elem2.Name.LocalName == "Designer")
                        if (!CheckForCorrectNamespace(elem2, SchemaManager.GetEDMXNamespaceNames()))

                        if (designerElementProcessed)
                            var msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.DuplicatedElementMsg, elem2.Name.LocalName);
                            var error = new ErrorInfo(
                                ErrorInfo.Severity.ERROR, msg, this, ErrorCodes.DUPLICATED_ELEMENT_ENCOUNTERED, ErrorClass.ParseError);
                            AddParseErrorForObject(this, error);
                        designerElementProcessed = true;

                    else if (elem2.Name.LocalName == "DataServices")
                        if (!CheckForCorrectNamespace(elem2, SchemaManager.GetEDMXNamespaceNames()))

                        _dataServicesNodePresent = true;
                        var error = new ErrorInfo(
                            ErrorInfo.Severity.WARNING, Resources.DataServicesNodeWarning, this, ErrorCodes.DATA_SERVICES_NODE_DETECTED,
                        AddParseErrorForObject(this, error);
                        var msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.UnexpectedElementMsg, elem2.Name.LocalName);
                        var error = new ErrorInfo(
                            ErrorInfo.Severity.ERROR, msg, this, ErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ELEMENT_ENCOUNTERED, ErrorClass.ParseError);
                        AddParseErrorForObject(this, error);
                return true;
                var msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.UnexpectedElementMsg, elem.Name.LocalName);
                var error = new ErrorInfo(
                    ErrorInfo.Severity.ERROR, msg, this, ErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ELEMENT_ENCOUNTERED, ErrorClass.ParseError);
                AddParseErrorForObject(this, error);
                return false;
        /// <summary>
        ///     This method returns true if the passed-in error code is one that requires the document to be opened in the XML editor,
        ///     with no designer.
        /// </summary>
        internal static bool IsOpenInEditorError(ErrorInfo errorInfo, EFArtifact artifact)
            if ((errorInfo.ErrorClass & ErrorClass.Runtime_All) == 0)
                return false;

            var o = artifact.FindEFObjectForLineAndColumn(errorInfo.GetLineNumber(), errorInfo.GetColumnNumber());

            if (errorInfo.ErrorCode == (int)MappingErrorCode.XmlSchemaValidationError
                && o is ModificationFunctionMapping)
                // we don't trigger safe-mode for XSD errors on ModificationFunctionMapping, since these can be fixed in the designer
                return false;

            if (errorInfo.ErrorCode == (int)ErrorCode.XmlError
                && o is ReferentialConstraintRole)
                // we don't trigger safe-mode for XSD errors on referential constraint roles.  This is so we can leave the RC 
                // and the Role, even if it has no properties.
                return false;

            if (errorInfo.ErrorCode == (int)MappingErrorCode.ConditionError
                && o is Condition)
                // don't trigger safe-mode for errors based around condition validation
                return false;

            if (errorInfo.ErrorCode == (int)ErrorCode.InvalidPropertyInRelationshipConstraint
                && o is ReferentialConstraint)
                // don't trigger safe-mode for error about Principal not being exactly identical to the EntityType key,
                // since we can run into this problem just by adding new key Property to the EntityType that is Principal Role for some Referential Constraint
                return false;

            if (errorInfo.ErrorCode == ErrorCodes.ESCHER_VALIDATOR_UNDEFINED_COMPLEX_PROPERTY_TYPE
                || (errorInfo.ErrorCode == (int)ErrorCode.NotInNamespace && o is ComplexConceptualProperty))
                // don't trigger safe-mode for underfined/deleted complex property types, the user should be able to fix the problem in the designer.
                return false;

            if (errorInfo.ErrorCode == (int)ErrorCode.XmlError)
                var navigationProperty = o as NavigationProperty;
                if (navigationProperty != null)
                    // we allow the user to have navigation properties not bound to any association via an AssociationEnd if the Name property is defined as it's still required.
                        string.IsNullOrEmpty(navigationProperty.LocalName.Value) /* invalid name */||
                        navigationProperty.Relationship.Status != BindingStatus.Undefined ||
                        navigationProperty.ToRole.Status != BindingStatus.Undefined ||
                        navigationProperty.FromRole.Status != BindingStatus.Undefined;

                UnrecoverableRuntimeErrors.SchemaObjectModelErrorCodes.Any(c => c == (ErrorCode)errorInfo.ErrorCode) ||
                UnrecoverableRuntimeErrors.StorageMappingErrorCodes.Any(c => c == (MappingErrorCode)errorInfo.ErrorCode);
        private void ParseConceptualModels(XElement conceptualModelsElement)
            foreach (var elem in conceptualModelsElement.Elements())
                if (elem.Name.LocalName == BaseEntityModel.ElementName)
                    if (!CheckForCorrectNamespace(elem, SchemaManager.GetCSDLNamespaceNames()))

                    if (_conceptualEntityModel != null)
                        var msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.DuplicatedElementMsg, elem.Name.LocalName);
                        var error = new ErrorInfo(
                            ErrorInfo.Severity.ERROR, msg, this, ErrorCodes.DUPLICATED_ELEMENT_ENCOUNTERED, ErrorClass.ParseError);
                        AddParseErrorForObject(this, error);
                    var msg = String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Resources.UnexpectedElementMsg, elem.Name.LocalName);
                    var error = new ErrorInfo(
                        ErrorInfo.Severity.ERROR, msg, this, ErrorCodes.UNEXPECTED_ELEMENT_ENCOUNTERED, ErrorClass.ParseError);
                    AddParseErrorForObject(this, error);
Example #19
        /// <summary>
        ///     use this to add a resolve or semantic validation error.  These are added to the EFArtifactSet, and not the EFArtifact
        ///     because they occur in the context of other files in the set.
        ///     Note that the ErrorInfo cannot contain an ErrorClass mask made up of multiple ErrorClass flags.
        /// </summary>
        internal virtual void AddError(ErrorInfo errorInfo)
            Debug.Assert(errorInfo != null, "Unexpected null value passed into AddError()");
            Debug.Assert(errorInfo.Item != null, "errorInfo had null Item");
            Debug.Assert(errorInfo.Item.Artifact != null, "errorInfo.Item.Artifact was null");
                Enum.GetName(typeof(ErrorClass), errorInfo.ErrorClass) != null,
                "The specified error class is not a value within the ErrorClass type");
                    .Where(v => !IsCompositeErrorClass(v) && v != 0)
                "Unexpected ErrorClass of ErrorInfo; it should be a non-zero, non-composite (one and only 1 bit should be set)");

            var errorClass2ErrorInfo = _artifacts2Errors[errorInfo.Item.Artifact];
            ICollection<ErrorInfo> errors;
            if (!errorClass2ErrorInfo.TryGetValue(errorInfo.ErrorClass, out errors))
                errors = new List<ErrorInfo>();
                errorClass2ErrorInfo[errorInfo.ErrorClass] = errors;
