private void PreserveScalarPropertyMapping(
     CommandProcessorContext cpc, ScalarProperty scalarPropertyMapping, Property createdComplexTypeProperty)
     // this represents a path to a scalar Property in the original EntityType properties tree
     var propertiesChain = scalarPropertyMapping.GetMappedPropertiesList();
     // we need to create a corresponding path in changed EntityType
     // in order to do that we need to replace first (root) item with a created property from ComplexType...
     propertiesChain.Insert(0, createdComplexTypeProperty);
     // and add the created EntityType complex property as a root of that path
     propertiesChain.Insert(0, _createdComplexProperty);
     var cmd = new CreateFragmentScalarPropertyTreeCommand(_entityType, propertiesChain, scalarPropertyMapping.ColumnName.Target);
     CommandProcessor.InvokeSingleCommand(cpc, cmd);