Example #1
        /***************   TIME OUT METHODS: *************/

        private async Task <DafnyDocument> GenerateProgramWithTimeout(TextDocumentItem textDocument, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var errorReporter = new BuildErrorReporter();
            var program       = await _parser.ParseAsync(textDocument, errorReporter, cancellationToken);

            var compilationUnit = await _symbolResolver.ResolveSymbolsAsync(textDocument, program, cancellationToken);

            var symbolTable = _symbolTableFactory.CreateFrom(program, compilationUnit, cancellationToken);

            List <Tuple <string, string, string> > callableName = new List <Tuple <string, string, string> >();
            List <long> callableTime = new List <long>();
            Dictionary <ICallable, long> callableTotalTime = new Dictionary <ICallable, long>();
            // List<int> timeoutLines = new List<int>();
            var serializedCounterExamples = await _verifier.VerifyAsyncRecordInfo(program, cancellationToken, callableName, callableTime);

             * Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>>>>>>>>> Timeout Callable Name Count: " + callableName.Count + "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
             * Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>>>>>>>>> Timeout Callable Info Count: " + callableTime.Count + "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
             * for(int i = 0; i < callableName.Count; ++i){
             * string ModuleName = callableName[i].Item1;
             * string ClassName = callableName[i].Item2;
             * string LemmaName = callableName[i].Item3;
             * Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>>>>>" + ModuleName + "." + ClassName + "." + LemmaName + ": " + callableTime[i] + "ms");
             * }*/

            var TimeoutFound = false;

            for (int i = 0; i < callableName.Count; ++i)
                string ModuleName     = callableName[i].Item1;
                string ClassName      = callableName[i].Item2;
                string LemmaName      = callableName[i].Item3;
                var    TargetCallable = DocumentPrinter.GetCallable(program, ModuleName, ClassName, LemmaName);
                if (TargetCallable == null)
                if (callableTime[i] > 0)
                    // Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>>>>>" + ModuleName + "." + ClassName + "." + LemmaName + ": " + callableTime[i] + "ms");
                    if (callableTotalTime.ContainsKey(TargetCallable))
                        callableTotalTime[TargetCallable] += callableTime[i];
                        callableTotalTime.Add(TargetCallable, callableTime[i]);
                else if (callableTotalTime.ContainsKey(TargetCallable))
                TimeoutFound = true;
                int begin = 0;                                                                            // Beginning of the target search range
                int end   = DocumentPrinter.GetStatementCount(program, ModuleName, ClassName, LemmaName); // End of the target search range
                if (end == 0)
                    // Console.WriteLine("The timeout lemma has no body / the timeout callable is not a lemma");
                    // var CallableRange = TargetCallable.Tok.GetLspRange();
                    Token TimeoutToken = new Token();
                    DocumentModifier.CopyToken(TargetCallable.Tok, TimeoutToken);
                    errorReporter.AllMessages[ErrorLevel.Error].Add(new ErrorMessage {
                        token = TimeoutToken, message = "This callable causes a time-out", source = MessageSource.Other
                // Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>>>>>> Current Lemma "+LemmaName + " has #statement " + end);
                while (begin < end)
                    int  middle            = (begin + end) / 2;
                    var  TimeoutResultTask = TruncateAndCheckTimeOut(textDocument, middle, ModuleName, LemmaName, ClassName, cancellationToken);
                    bool NoTimeout         = await TimeoutResultTask;

                     * // Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Current middle: " + middle + "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
                     * List<Tuple<string, string, string> > TempCallableName = new List<Tuple<string, string, string> >();
                     * List<long> TempCallableInfo = new List<long>();
                     * var TempErrorReporter = new BuildErrorReporter();
                     * var TempProgram = await _parser.ParseAsync(textDocument, TempErrorReporter, cancellationToken);
                     * var TempCompilationUnit = await _symbolResolver.ResolveSymbolsAsync(textDocument, TempProgram, cancellationToken);
                     * DocumentModifier.RemoveLemmaLinesFlattened(TempProgram,LemmaName,ClassName,ModuleName,middle);
                     * // Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>>>>>> After truncating, current lemma "+LemmaName + " has #statement " + DocumentPrinter.GetStatementCount(TempProgram, ModuleName, ClassName, LemmaName));
                     * var temp = await _verifier.VerifyAsyncRecordInfoSpecifyName(TempProgram, cancellationToken, TempCallableName, TempCallableInfo, ModuleName,ClassName,LemmaName);
                     * // Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>>>>>> TempCallableInfo Size" + TempCallableInfo.Count);*/
                    if (NoTimeout)
                        begin = middle + 1;
                        end = middle;
                int TargetLine = begin - 1;
                var Target     = DocumentPrinter.GetStatement(program, ModuleName, ClassName, LemmaName, TargetLine);
                // OmniSharp.Extensions.LanguageServer.Protocol.Models.Range Range;
                if (Target != null)
                    // Range = Target.Tok.GetLspRange();
                    Token TimeoutToken = new Token();
                    DocumentModifier.CopyToken(Target.Tok, TimeoutToken);
                    errorReporter.AllMessages[ErrorLevel.Error].Add(new ErrorMessage {
                        token = TimeoutToken, message = "This line causes a time-out", source = MessageSource.Other
                    var TargetLemma = DocumentPrinter.GetCallable(program, ModuleName, ClassName, LemmaName);
                    // Range = TargetLemma.Tok.GetLspRange();
                    Token TimeoutToken = new Token();
                    DocumentModifier.CopyToken(TargetLemma.Tok, TimeoutToken);
                    errorReporter.AllMessages[ErrorLevel.Error].Add(new ErrorMessage {
                        token = TimeoutToken, message = "The post-condition of this lemma causes a time-out", source = MessageSource.Other
                // Console.WriteLine("~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Module " + ModuleName + ", Lemma: " + LemmaName + " timeout range: " + Range.Start + " to " + Range.End + " ~~~~~~~~~~");

            // DocumentPrinter.OutputErrorInfo(errorReporter);
            foreach (var item in callableTotalTime)
                var   TargetCallable = item.Key;
                var   Time           = item.Value;
                Token TimeoutToken   = new Token();
                DocumentModifier.CopyToken(TargetCallable.Tok, TimeoutToken);
                errorReporter.AllMessages[ErrorLevel.Info].Add(new ErrorMessage {
                    token = TimeoutToken, message = Time + " ms spent on verifying this callable", source = MessageSource.Other
            _notificationPublisher.Completed(textDocument, (serializedCounterExamples == null) && (!TimeoutFound));
            // DocumentPrinter.OutputErrorInfo(errorReporter);
            return(new DafnyDocument(textDocument, errorReporter, program, symbolTable, serializedCounterExamples));
Example #2
        private async Task <DafnyDocument> GenerateProgramAssertionTestAdvanced(TextDocumentItem textDocument, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            int    begin      = 0; // Beginning of the target search range
            int    end        = 0; // End of the target search range
            string ModuleName = "module1";
            string ClassName  = "";
            string LemmaName  = "foo";


            // Initial run, to record program info
            var errorReporter = new BuildErrorReporter();
            var program       = await _parser.ParseAsync(textDocument, errorReporter, cancellationToken);

            var compilationUnit = await _symbolResolver.ResolveSymbolsAsync(textDocument, program, cancellationToken);

            var symbolTable = _symbolTableFactory.CreateFrom(program, compilationUnit, cancellationToken);

            // Record the program info
            end = DocumentPrinter.GetStatementCount(program, ModuleName, ClassName, LemmaName);

            var serializedCounterExamples = await _verifier.VerifyAsync(program, cancellationToken);

            if (errorReporter.AllMessages[ErrorLevel.Error].Count == 0)
                _notificationPublisher.Completed(textDocument, serializedCounterExamples == null);
                return(new DafnyDocument(textDocument, errorReporter, program, symbolTable, serializedCounterExamples));
            if (errorReporter.AllMessages[ErrorLevel.Error].Count != 0 && end == 0)
                // Console.WriteLine("The error is not in the designated lemma or module");
                _notificationPublisher.Completed(textDocument, serializedCounterExamples == null);
                return(new DafnyDocument(textDocument, errorReporter, program, symbolTable, serializedCounterExamples));

            // Start binary search
            while (begin < end)
                int middle = (begin + end) / 2;
                // Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Current middle: " + middle + "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
                errorReporter = new BuildErrorReporter();
                program       = await _parser.ParseAsync(textDocument, errorReporter, cancellationToken);

                compilationUnit = await _symbolResolver.ResolveSymbolsAsync(textDocument, program, cancellationToken);

                symbolTable = _symbolTableFactory.CreateFrom(program, compilationUnit, cancellationToken);
                DocumentModifier.RemoveLemmaLinesFlattened(program, LemmaName, ClassName, ModuleName, middle);
                serializedCounterExamples = await _verifier.VerifyAsync(program, cancellationToken);

                if (errorReporter.AllMessages[ErrorLevel.Error].Count == 0)
                    begin = middle + 1;
                    end = middle;
            // Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Final conclusion: assertion failure of statement #" + (begin - 1) + "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
            int TargetLine = begin - 1;

            // Perform the final pass, and record the lsp location of assertion failure
            errorReporter = new BuildErrorReporter();
            program       = await _parser.ParseAsync(textDocument, errorReporter, cancellationToken);

            compilationUnit = await _symbolResolver.ResolveSymbolsAsync(textDocument, program, cancellationToken);

            symbolTable = _symbolTableFactory.CreateFrom(program, compilationUnit, cancellationToken);

            var      Target = DocumentPrinter.GetStatement(program, ModuleName, ClassName, LemmaName, TargetLine);
            Position Location;

            OmniSharp.Extensions.LanguageServer.Protocol.Models.Range Range;
            if (Target != null)
                Location = Target.Tok.GetLspPosition();
                Range    = Target.Tok.GetLspRange();
                var TargetLemma = DocumentPrinter.GetCallable(program, ModuleName, ClassName, LemmaName);
                Location = TargetLemma.Tok.GetLspPosition();
                Range    = TargetLemma.Tok.GetLspRange();
            // Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Final conclusion: assertion failure of statement #" + (begin - 1) + "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<");
            // Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Assertion failure Location: " + Location);
            // Console.WriteLine(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Assertion failure Range: " + Range.Start + " to " + Range.End);

            serializedCounterExamples = await _verifier.VerifyAsync(program, cancellationToken);

            _notificationPublisher.Completed(textDocument, serializedCounterExamples == null);
            return(new DafnyDocument(textDocument, errorReporter, program, symbolTable, serializedCounterExamples));