Example #1
        public void JsonMapBuilder_EveryTwo()
            string sampleFilePath = "Map.TinyArray.json";

            File.WriteAllText(sampleFilePath, Extractor.GetResourceText("Map.TinyArray.json"));

            // File: 300b.
            // Map: Root (90b) + Array (5b x 50 (Count 100 / Every 2)) = 340b
            JsonMapNode root = JsonMapBuilder.Build(sampleFilePath, new JsonMapSettings(350.0 / 300.0));

            // 100 array elements, only 50 starts, every = 2
            Assert.Equal(100, root.Count);
            Assert.Equal(50, root.ArrayStarts.Count);
            Assert.Equal(2, root.Every);

            // Verify we see a[0], a[2], a[4], ...
            Assert.Equal(1, root.ArrayStarts[0]);
            Assert.Equal(7, root.ArrayStarts[1]);
            Assert.Equal(13, root.ArrayStarts[2]);

            // Ask the lookup method to find the positions of every element (every 3 bytes for "#, "
            for (int i = 0; i < root.Count; ++i)
                long position = root.FindArrayStart(i, () => File.OpenRead(sampleFilePath));
                Assert.Equal(1 + 3 * i, position);
Example #2
        public void JsonMapBuilder_EveryTwo()
            string sampleFilePath = "Map.TinyArray.json";

            File.WriteAllText(sampleFilePath, Extractor.GetResourceText("Map.TinyArray.json"));

            // Allow a map 1x the size of the original file
            JsonMapBuilder builder = new JsonMapBuilder(1);
            JsonMapNode    root    = builder.Build(sampleFilePath);

            // 100 array elements, only 50 starts, every = 2
            Assert.Equal(100, root.Count);
            Assert.Equal(50, root.ArrayStarts.Count);
            Assert.Equal(2, root.Every);

            // Verify we see a[0], a[2], a[4], ...
            Assert.Equal(1, root.ArrayStarts[0]);
            Assert.Equal(7, root.ArrayStarts[1]);
            Assert.Equal(13, root.ArrayStarts[2]);

            // Ask the lookup method to find the positions of every element (every 3 bytes for "#, "
            for (int i = 0; i < root.Count; ++i)
                long position = root.FindArrayStart(i, () => File.OpenRead(sampleFilePath));
                Assert.Equal(1 + 3 * i, position);
Example #3
        public void JsonMapBuilder_Basic_20x()
            string sampleFilePath = "Map.Sample.json";

            File.WriteAllText(sampleFilePath, Extractor.GetResourceText("Map.Sample.json"));

            // Allow a map 20x the size of the original file
            JsonMapBuilder builder = new JsonMapBuilder(20);
            JsonMapNode    root    = builder.Build(sampleFilePath);

            Assert.Equal(0, root.Start);         // Index of root '{'
            Assert.Equal(154, root.End);         // Index of root '}'

            Assert.Null(root.ArrayStarts);       // Not an Array
            Assert.Equal(0, root.Every);

            Assert.Equal(3, root.Count);         // Version, Schema, Results
            Assert.Equal(3, root.Nodes.Count);

            JsonMapNode version;

            Assert.True(root.Nodes.TryGetValue("version", out version));
            Assert.Equal(12, version.Start);
            Assert.Equal(19, version.End);

            JsonMapNode schema;

            Assert.True(root.Nodes.TryGetValue("schema", out schema));
            Assert.Equal(31, schema.Start);
            Assert.Equal(67, schema.End);

            JsonMapNode results;

            Assert.True(root.Nodes.TryGetValue("results", out results));
            Assert.Equal(10, results.Count);
            Assert.Equal(10, results.ArrayStarts.Count);
            Assert.Equal(1, results.Every);

            long[] absoluteStarts = new long[results.ArrayStarts.Count];
            long   previous       = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < results.ArrayStarts.Count; ++i)
                previous         += results.ArrayStarts[i];
                absoluteStarts[i] = previous;

            // Positions are two after the previous end for literals and exact starts ('[' or '{') for nested objects/arrays
            Assert.Equal(new long[] { 82, 85, 91, 97, 104, 113, 120, 134, 140, 146 }, results.ArrayStarts.ToArray());
Example #4
        public void JsonMapBuilder_Basic_2x()
            string sampleFilePath = "Map.Sample.json";

            File.WriteAllText(sampleFilePath, Extractor.GetResourceText("Map.Sample.json"));

            // Allow a map 2x the size of the original file
            JsonMapNode root = JsonMapBuilder.Build(sampleFilePath, new JsonMapSettings(2));

            // Verify three properties but only one big enough for a node
            Assert.Equal(3, root.Count);
            Assert.Equal(1, root.Nodes?.Count ?? 0);

            // Verify all array starts fit
            JsonMapNode results;

            Assert.True(root.Nodes.TryGetValue("results", out results));
            Assert.Equal(10, results.Count);
            Assert.Equal(10, results.ArrayStarts.Count);
            Assert.Equal(1, results.Every);
Example #5
        private static void FilterArrayStarts(JsonMapNode node, JsonMapRunSettings settings)
            long   arraySizeBytes = node.End - node.Start;
            double sizeBudget     = arraySizeBytes * settings.CurrentSizeRatio;
            double countBudget    = (double)((sizeBudget - JsonMapSettings.NodeSizeEstimateBytes) / JsonMapSettings.ArrayStartSizeEstimateBytes);

            if (arraySizeBytes < settings.MinimumSizeForNode || node.Count < 2 || countBudget < 2)
                // Overall object too small: Keep nothing.
                node.ArrayStarts = null;
                // Determine what proportion of items we'll keep
                int every = (int)Math.Ceiling(node.Count / countBudget);
                if (every < 1)
                    every = 1;
                node.Every = every;

                // If not every item, build a new array with every Nth item
                if (every > 1)
                    int         newCount  = (int)(node.Count / every);
                    List <long> newStarts = new List <long>(newCount);

                    for (int i = 0; i *every < node.Count; ++i)
                        newStarts.Add(node.ArrayStarts[i * every]);

                    node.ArrayStarts = newStarts;
        private JsonMapNode Build(JsonPositionedTextReader reader, long startPosition, out long endPosition)
            // For tiny types, we know we won't create a node
            switch (reader.TokenType)
            case JsonToken.Null:
            case JsonToken.Boolean:
            case JsonToken.Integer:
            case JsonToken.Float:
            case JsonToken.Date:
            case JsonToken.Comment:
                endPosition = reader.TokenPosition;

            // For Strings, create a node only if the string is big enough
            if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.String)
                JsonMapNode result = null;
                endPosition = reader.TokenPosition;

                if (reader.Value.ToString().Length >= MinimumSizeForNode)
                    result = new JsonMapNode()
                        Start = startPosition, End = endPosition


            // For objects and arrays, capture the exact position, then build a node and look inside...
            JsonMapNode node = new JsonMapNode();

            node.Start = reader.TokenPosition;
            node.Count = 0;

            if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartObject)

                while (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndObject)
                    // Value start is one after the ':' reader.TokenPosition is pointing to
                    long valueStartPosition = reader.TokenPosition + 1;

                    ExpectToken(JsonToken.PropertyName, reader);
                    string propertyName = reader.Value.ToString();

                    JsonMapNode child = Build(reader, valueStartPosition, out long unused);

                    if (child != null)
                        if (node.Nodes == null)
                            node.Nodes = new Dictionary <string, JsonMapNode>();
                        node.Nodes[propertyName] = child;


                ExpectToken(JsonToken.EndObject, reader);
                endPosition = reader.TokenPosition;
                node.End    = endPosition;
            else if (reader.TokenType == JsonToken.StartArray)
                node.ArrayStarts = new List <long>();

                long absoluteNextItemStart = reader.TokenPosition + 1;

                while (reader.TokenType != JsonToken.EndArray)
                    // Consider building children if nodes are large enough
                    JsonMapNode child = Build(reader, absoluteNextItemStart, out long itemEnd);

                    if (child != null)
                        if (node.Nodes == null)
                            node.Nodes = new Dictionary <string, JsonMapNode>();
                        long itemIndex = node.Count;
                        node.Nodes[itemIndex.ToString()] = child;
                        absoluteNextItemStart            = child.Start;

                    // Track the start of every array item

                    // Next value start is two after the last value character itemEnd is pointing to (after last byte and comma)
                    absoluteNextItemStart = itemEnd + 2;


                endPosition = reader.TokenPosition;
                node.End    = endPosition;

                throw new NotImplementedException($"Build not implemented for node type {reader.TokenType}.");

            // Return the node if it was big enough
            if (node.Length >= MinimumSizeForNode)