public IndentationResult GetDesiredIndentation(FormattingOptions.IndentStyle indentStyle)
                // If the caller wants no indent, then we'll return an effective '0' indent.
                if (indentStyle == FormattingOptions.IndentStyle.None)
                    return(new IndentationResult(basePosition: 0, offset: 0));

                // find previous line that is not blank.  this will skip over things like preprocessor
                // regions and inactive code.
                var previousLineOpt = GetPreviousNonBlankOrPreprocessorLine();

                // it is beginning of the file, there is no previous line exists.
                // in that case, indentation 0 is our base indentation.
                if (previousLineOpt == null)

                var previousNonWhitespaceOrPreprocessorLine = previousLineOpt.Value;

                // If the user wants block indentation, then we just return the indentation
                // of the last piece of real code.
                // TODO(cyrusn): It's not clear to me that this is correct.  Block indentation
                // should probably follow the indentation of hte last non-blank line *regardless
                // if it is inactive/preprocessor region.  By skipping over thse, we are essentially
                // being 'smart', and that seems to be overriding the user desire to have Block
                // indentation.
                if (indentStyle == FormattingOptions.IndentStyle.Block)
                    // If it's block indentation, then just base

                Debug.Assert(indentStyle == FormattingOptions.IndentStyle.Smart);

                // Because we know that previousLine is not-whitespace, we know that we should be
                // able to get the last non-whitespace position.
                var lastNonWhitespacePosition = previousNonWhitespaceOrPreprocessorLine.GetLastNonWhitespacePosition().Value;

                var token = Root.FindToken(lastNonWhitespacePosition);

                Debug.Assert(token.RawKind != 0, "FindToken should always return a valid token");

                           this, token, previousNonWhitespaceOrPreprocessorLine, lastNonWhitespacePosition));
            private readonly IndentationResult?GetDesiredSmartIndentation()
                // For smart indent, we generally will be computing from either the previous token in the code, or in a
                // few special cases, the previous trivia.
                var token = TryGetPrecedingVisibleToken();

                // Look to see if we're immediately following some visible piece of trivia.  There may
                // be some cases where we'll base our indent off of that.  However, we only do this as
                // long as we're immediately after the trivia.  If there are any blank lines between us
                // then we consider that unimportant for indentation.
                var trivia = TryGetImmediatelyPrecedingVisibleTrivia();

                if (token == null && trivia == null)

                return(_service.GetDesiredIndentationWorker(this, token, trivia));