private void UpdateCachedTagsForBuffer(ITextSnapshot snapshot, TagSpanIntervalTree <TTag> newTagsForBuffer)
            var oldCachedTags = _cachedTags;

            lock (_cachedTagsGate)
                _cachedTags = _cachedTags.SetItem(snapshot.TextBuffer, newTagsForBuffer);

            // Grab our old tags. We might not have any, so in this case we'll just pretend it's
            // empty
            TagSpanIntervalTree <TTag> oldCachedTagsForBuffer = null;

            if (!oldCachedTags.TryGetValue(snapshot.TextBuffer, out oldCachedTagsForBuffer))
                oldCachedTagsForBuffer = new TagSpanIntervalTree <TTag>(snapshot.TextBuffer, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeExclusive);

            var difference = ComputeDifference(snapshot, oldCachedTagsForBuffer, newTagsForBuffer);

            if (difference.Count > 0)
                RaiseTagsChanged(snapshot.TextBuffer, difference);
 private NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection ComputeDifference(
     ITextSnapshot snapshot,
     TagSpanIntervalTree <TTag> latestSpans,
     TagSpanIntervalTree <TTag> previousSpans)
     return(new NormalizedSnapshotSpanCollection(
                Difference(latestSpans.GetSpans(snapshot), previousSpans.GetSpans(snapshot), new DiffSpanComparer(_tagProducer.TagComparer))));
        private bool TryStealTagsFromRelatedTagSource(TextContentChangedEventArgs e)
            // see bug 778731
            // If we don't have a way to find the related buffer, we're done immediately
            if (bufferToRelatedTagSource == null)

            // We can only steal tags if we know where the edit came from, so do we?
            var editTag = e.EditTag as RestoreHistoryEditTag;

            if (editTag == null)

            var originalSpan = editTag.OriginalSpan;

            var relatedTagSource = bufferToRelatedTagSource(originalSpan.Snapshot.TextBuffer);
            if (relatedTagSource == null)

            // Reading the other tag source's cached tags is safe, since this field is allowed to be
            // accessed from multiple threads and is immutable. We still need to have a local copy
            // though to play it safe and be a good citizen (well, as good as a citizen that's about
            // to steal something can be...)
            var relatedCachedTags = relatedTagSource.cachedTags;
            TagSpanIntervalTree <TTag> relatedIntervalTree;

            if (!relatedCachedTags.TryGetValue(originalSpan.Snapshot.TextBuffer, out relatedIntervalTree))

            // Excellent! Let's build a new interval tree with these tags mapped to our buffer
            // instead
            var tagsForThisBuffer = from tagSpan in relatedIntervalTree.GetSpans(originalSpan.Snapshot)
                                    where tagSpan.Span.IntersectsWith(originalSpan)
                                    let snapshotSpan = new SnapshotSpan(e.After, tagSpan.SpanStart - originalSpan.Start, tagSpan.Span.Length)
                                                       select new TagSpan <TTag>(snapshotSpan, tagSpan.Tag);

            var intervalTreeForThisBuffer = new TagSpanIntervalTree <TTag>(e.After.TextBuffer, relatedIntervalTree.SpanTrackingMode, tagsForThisBuffer);

            // Update our cached tags
            UpdateCachedTagsForBuffer(e.After, intervalTreeForThisBuffer);
        private void UpdateTagsForTextChange(TextContentChangedEventArgs e)
            if (!e.Changes.Any())

            // We might be able to steal the cached tags from another tag source
            if (TryStealTagsFromRelatedTagSource(e))

            var buffer = e.After.TextBuffer;
            TagSpanIntervalTree <TTag> treeForBuffer;

            if (!_cachedTags.TryGetValue(buffer, out treeForBuffer))

            if (!_removeTagsThatIntersectEdits)

            var tagsToRemove = e.Changes.SelectMany(c => treeForBuffer.GetIntersectingSpans(new SnapshotSpan(e.After, c.NewSpan)));

            if (!tagsToRemove.Any())

            var allTags          = treeForBuffer.GetSpans(e.After).ToList();
            var newTreeForBuffer = new TagSpanIntervalTree <TTag>(
                allTags.Except(tagsToRemove, this.TagSpanComparer));

            UpdateCachedTagsForBuffer(e.After, newTreeForBuffer);