Example #1
        private static SourceLocation GetCallerLocation(CSharpSyntaxNode syntax)
            switch (syntax.Kind)
            case SyntaxKind.InvocationExpression:
                return(new SourceLocation(((InvocationExpressionSyntax)syntax).ArgumentList.OpenParenToken));

            case SyntaxKind.ObjectCreationExpression:
                return(new SourceLocation(((ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax)syntax).NewKeyword));

            case SyntaxKind.BaseConstructorInitializer:
            case SyntaxKind.ThisConstructorInitializer:
                return(new SourceLocation(((ConstructorInitializerSyntax)syntax).ArgumentList.OpenParenToken));

            case SyntaxKind.FromClause:
            case SyntaxKind.GroupClause:
            case SyntaxKind.JoinClause:
            case SyntaxKind.JoinIntoClause:
            case SyntaxKind.LetClause:
            case SyntaxKind.OrderByClause:
            case SyntaxKind.SelectClause:
            case SyntaxKind.WhereClause:
                return(new SourceLocation(syntax.GetFirstToken()));

Example #2
        internal static void ReportQueryInferenceFailed(CSharpSyntaxNode queryClause, string methodName, BoundExpression receiver, AnalyzedArguments arguments, ImmutableArray <Symbol> symbols, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            string clauseKind = null;
            bool   multiple   = false;

            switch (queryClause.Kind)
            case SyntaxKind.JoinClause:
                clauseKind = SyntaxFacts.GetText(SyntaxKind.JoinKeyword);
                multiple   = true;

            case SyntaxKind.LetClause:
                clauseKind = SyntaxFacts.GetText(SyntaxKind.LetKeyword);

            case SyntaxKind.SelectClause:
                clauseKind = SyntaxFacts.GetText(SyntaxKind.SelectKeyword);

            case SyntaxKind.WhereClause:
                clauseKind = SyntaxFacts.GetText(SyntaxKind.WhereKeyword);

            case SyntaxKind.OrderByClause:
            case SyntaxKind.AscendingOrdering:
            case SyntaxKind.DescendingOrdering:
                clauseKind = SyntaxFacts.GetText(SyntaxKind.OrderByKeyword);
                multiple   = true;

            case SyntaxKind.QueryContinuation:
                clauseKind = SyntaxFacts.GetText(SyntaxKind.IntoKeyword);

            case SyntaxKind.GroupClause:
                clauseKind = SyntaxFacts.GetText(SyntaxKind.GroupKeyword) + " " + SyntaxFacts.GetText(SyntaxKind.ByKeyword);
                multiple   = true;

            case SyntaxKind.FromClause:
                if (ReportQueryInferenceFailedSelectMany((FromClauseSyntax)queryClause, methodName, receiver, arguments, symbols, diagnostics))
                clauseKind = SyntaxFacts.GetText(SyntaxKind.FromKeyword);

                clauseKind = "unknown";
                Debug.Assert(false, "invalid query clause kind " + queryClause.Kind);

            diagnostics.Add(new DiagnosticInfoWithSymbols(
                                multiple ? ErrorCode.ERR_QueryTypeInferenceFailedMulti : ErrorCode.ERR_QueryTypeInferenceFailed,
                                new object[] { clauseKind, methodName },
                                symbols), queryClause.GetFirstToken().GetLocation());
        internal static void ReportQueryInferenceFailed(CSharpSyntaxNode queryClause, string methodName, BoundExpression receiver, AnalyzedArguments arguments, ImmutableArray <Symbol> symbols, DiagnosticBag diagnostics)
            string clauseKind = null;
            bool   multiple   = false;

            switch (queryClause.Kind)
            case SyntaxKind.JoinClause:
                clauseKind = "join";     // TODO: should be ErrorCode.IDS_JoinClause.Localize();
                multiple   = true;

            case SyntaxKind.LetClause:
                clauseKind = "let";     // TODO: ErrorCode.IDS_LetClause

            case SyntaxKind.SelectClause:
                clauseKind = "select";     // TODO ErrorCode.IDS_Select

            case SyntaxKind.WhereClause:
                clauseKind = "where";     // TODO: ErrorCode.IDS_Where

            case SyntaxKind.OrderByClause:
            case SyntaxKind.AscendingOrdering:
            case SyntaxKind.DescendingOrdering:
                clauseKind = "order by";     // TODO: ErrorCode.IDS_OrderByClause
                multiple   = true;

            case SyntaxKind.QueryContinuation:
                clauseKind = "into";     // TODO: ErrorCode.IDS_ContinuationClause

            case SyntaxKind.GroupClause:
                clauseKind = "group by";     // TODO: ErrorCode.IDS_GroupByClause
                multiple   = true;

            case SyntaxKind.FromClause:
                if (ReportQueryInferenceFailedSelectMany((FromClauseSyntax)queryClause, methodName, receiver, arguments, symbols, diagnostics))
                clauseKind = "from";     // TODO: ErrorCode.IDS_FromClause

                clauseKind = "unknown";
                Debug.Assert(false, "invalid query clause kind " + queryClause.Kind);

            diagnostics.Add(new DiagnosticInfoWithSymbols(
                                multiple ? ErrorCode.ERR_QueryTypeInferenceFailedMulti : ErrorCode.ERR_QueryTypeInferenceFailed,
                                new object[] { clauseKind, methodName },
                                symbols), queryClause.GetFirstToken().GetLocation());
Example #4
        internal static bool IsInAnonymousFunctionOrQuery(int position, CSharpSyntaxNode anonymousFunction)
            SyntaxToken      firstIncluded;
            CSharpSyntaxNode body;

            switch (anonymousFunction.Kind)
            case SyntaxKind.SimpleLambdaExpression:
                SimpleLambdaExpressionSyntax simple = (SimpleLambdaExpressionSyntax)anonymousFunction;
                firstIncluded = simple.Parameter.Identifier;
                body          = simple.Body;

            case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedLambdaExpression:
                ParenthesizedLambdaExpressionSyntax parenthesized = (ParenthesizedLambdaExpressionSyntax)anonymousFunction;
                firstIncluded = parenthesized.ParameterList.OpenParenToken;
                body          = parenthesized.Body;

            case SyntaxKind.AnonymousMethodExpression:
                AnonymousMethodExpressionSyntax anon = (AnonymousMethodExpressionSyntax)anonymousFunction;
                firstIncluded = anon.DelegateKeyword;
                body          = anon.Block;

                // OK, so we have some kind of query clause.  They all start with a keyword token, so we'll skip that.
                firstIncluded = anonymousFunction.GetFirstToken().GetNextToken();
                return(IsBetweenTokens(position, firstIncluded, anonymousFunction.GetLastToken().GetNextToken()));

            var bodyStatement = body as StatementSyntax;
            var firstExcluded = bodyStatement != null?
                                GetFirstExcludedToken(bodyStatement) :
                                    (SyntaxToken)SyntaxNavigator.Instance.GetNextToken(body, predicate: null, stepInto: null);

            return(IsBetweenTokens(position, firstIncluded, firstExcluded));
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Bind the (implicit or explicit) constructor initializer of a constructor symbol.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="constructor">Constructor method.</param>
        /// <param name="diagnostics">Accumulates errors (e.g. access "this" in constructor initializer).</param>
        /// <param name="compilation">Used to retrieve binder.</param>
        /// <returns>A bound expression for the constructor initializer call.</returns>
        private static BoundExpression BindConstructorInitializer(MethodSymbol constructor, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, CSharpCompilation compilation)
            // Note that the base type can be null if we're compiling System.Object in source.
            NamedTypeSymbol baseType = constructor.ContainingType.BaseTypeNoUseSiteDiagnostics;

            SourceMethodSymbol sourceConstructor          = constructor as SourceMethodSymbol;
            CSharpSyntaxNode   syntax                     = null;
            ArgumentListSyntax initializerArgumentListOpt = null;

            if ((object)sourceConstructor != null)
                syntax = sourceConstructor.SyntaxNode;

                if (syntax.Kind == SyntaxKind.ConstructorDeclaration)
                    var constructorSyntax = (ConstructorDeclarationSyntax)syntax;
                    if (constructorSyntax.Initializer != null)
                        initializerArgumentListOpt = constructorSyntax.Initializer.ArgumentList;

                    ErrorCode reportIfHavePrimaryCtor = ErrorCode.Void;

                    if (initializerArgumentListOpt == null || initializerArgumentListOpt.Parent.Kind != SyntaxKind.ThisConstructorInitializer)
                        reportIfHavePrimaryCtor = ErrorCode.ERR_InstanceCtorMustHaveThisInitializer;
                    else if (initializerArgumentListOpt.Arguments.Count == 0 && constructor.ContainingType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Struct)
                        // Based on C# Design Notes for Oct 21, 2013:
                        reportIfHavePrimaryCtor = ErrorCode.ERR_InstanceCtorCannotHaveDefaultThisInitializer;

                    if (reportIfHavePrimaryCtor != ErrorCode.Void)
                        var container = constructor.ContainingType as SourceMemberContainerTypeSymbol;

                        if ((object)container != null && (object)container.PrimaryCtor != null)
                            diagnostics.Add(reportIfHavePrimaryCtor, constructor.Locations[0]);
                    // Primary constuctor case.
                    Debug.Assert(syntax.Kind == SyntaxKind.ParameterList);
                    if (syntax.Parent.Kind == SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration)
                        var classDecl = (ClassDeclarationSyntax)syntax.Parent;

                        if (classDecl.BaseList != null && classDecl.BaseList.Types.Count > 0)
                            TypeSyntax baseTypeSyntax = classDecl.BaseList.Types[0];
                            if (baseTypeSyntax.Kind == SyntaxKind.BaseClassWithArguments)
                                initializerArgumentListOpt = ((BaseClassWithArgumentsSyntax)baseTypeSyntax).ArgumentList;
                        Debug.Assert(syntax.Parent.Kind == SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration);

            // The common case is that we have no constructor initializer and the type inherits directly from object.
            // Also, we might be trying to generate a constructor for an entirely compiler-generated class such
            // as a closure class; in that case it is vexing to try to find a suitable binder for the non-existing
            // constructor syntax so that we can do unnecessary overload resolution on the non-existing initializer!
            // Simply take the early out: bind directly to the parameterless object ctor rather than attempting
            // overload resolution.
            if (initializerArgumentListOpt == null && (object)baseType != null)
                if (baseType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Object)
                    return(GenerateObjectConstructorInitializer(constructor, diagnostics));
                else if (baseType.IsErrorType() || baseType.IsStatic)
                    // If the base type is bad and there is no initializer then we can just bail.
                    // We have no expressions we need to analyze to report errors on.

            // Either our base type is not object, or we have an initializer syntax, or both. We're going to
            // need to do overload resolution on the set of constructors of the base type, either on
            // the provided initializer syntax, or on an implicit ": base()" syntax.

            // SPEC ERROR: The specification states that if you have the situation
            // SPEC ERROR: class B { ... } class D1 : B {} then the default constructor
            // SPEC ERROR: generated for D1 must call an accessible *parameterless* constructor
            // SPEC ERROR: in B. However, it also states that if you have
            // SPEC ERROR: class B { ... } class D2 : B { D2() {} }  or
            // SPEC ERROR: class B { ... } class D3 : B { D3() : base() {} }  then
            // SPEC ERROR: the compiler performs *overload resolution* to determine
            // SPEC ERROR: which accessible constructor of B is called. Since B might have
            // SPEC ERROR: a ctor with all optional parameters, overload resolution might
            // SPEC ERROR: succeed even if there is no parameterless constructor. This
            // SPEC ERROR: is unintentionally inconsistent, and the native compiler does not
            // SPEC ERROR: implement this behavior. Rather, we should say in the spec that
            // SPEC ERROR: if there is no ctor in D1, then a ctor is created for you exactly
            // SPEC ERROR: as though you'd said "D1() : base() {}".
            // SPEC ERROR: This is what we now do in Roslyn.

            // Now, in order to do overload resolution, we're going to need a binder. There are
            // three possible situations:
            // class D1 : B { }
            // class D2 : B { D2(int x) { } }
            // class D3 : B { D3(int x) : base(x) { } }
            // In the first case the binder needs to be the binder associated with
            // the *body* of D1 because if the base class ctor is protected, we need
            // to be inside the body of a derived class in order for it to be in the
            // accessibility domain of the protected base class ctor.
            // In the second case the binder could be the binder associated with
            // the body of D2; since the implicit call to base() will have no arguments
            // there is no need to look up "x".
            // In the third case the binder must be the binder that knows about "x"
            // because x is in scope.

            Binder outerBinder;

            if ((object)sourceConstructor == null)
                // The constructor is implicit. We need to get the binder for the body
                // of the enclosing class.
                CSharpSyntaxNode containerNode = constructor.GetNonNullSyntaxNode();
                SyntaxToken      bodyToken;
                if (containerNode.Kind == SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration)
                    bodyToken = ((ClassDeclarationSyntax)containerNode).OpenBraceToken;
                else if (containerNode.Kind == SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration)
                    bodyToken = ((StructDeclarationSyntax)containerNode).OpenBraceToken;
                else if (containerNode.Kind == SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration)
                    // We're not going to find any non-default ctors, but we'll look anyway.
                    bodyToken = ((EnumDeclarationSyntax)containerNode).OpenBraceToken;
                    Debug.Assert(false, "How did we get an implicit constructor added to something that is neither a class nor a struct?");
                    bodyToken = containerNode.GetFirstToken();

                outerBinder = compilation.GetBinderFactory(containerNode.SyntaxTree).GetBinder(containerNode, bodyToken.Position);
            else if (initializerArgumentListOpt == null)
                // We have a ctor in source but no explicit constructor initializer.  We can't just use the binder for the
                // type containing the ctor because the ctor might be marked unsafe.  Use the binder for the parameter list
                // as an approximation - the extra symbols won't matter because there are no identifiers to bind.

                outerBinder = compilation.GetBinderFactory(sourceConstructor.SyntaxTree).GetBinder(syntax.Kind == SyntaxKind.ParameterList ?
                                                                                                   syntax :
                outerBinder = compilation.GetBinderFactory(sourceConstructor.SyntaxTree).GetBinder(initializerArgumentListOpt);

            //wrap in ConstructorInitializerBinder for appropriate errors
            Binder initializerBinder = outerBinder.WithAdditionalFlagsAndContainingMemberOrLambda(BinderFlags.ConstructorInitializer, constructor);

            return(initializerBinder.BindConstructorInitializer(initializerArgumentListOpt, constructor, diagnostics));