Inheritance: MethPropWithType
Example #1
 public ExprPropertyInfo(CType type, PropertySymbol propertySymbol, AggregateType propertyType)
     : base(ExpressionKind.PropertyInfo, type)
     Debug.Assert(propertySymbol != null);
     Debug.Assert(propertyType != null);
     Property = new PropWithType(propertySymbol, propertyType);
Example #2
        // Value
        public Expr BindValue(Expr exprSrc)
            Debug.Assert(exprSrc != null && exprSrc.Type is NullableType);

            // For new T?(x), the answer is x.
            if (IsNullableConstructor(exprSrc, out ExprCall call))
                var args = call.OptionalArguments;
                Debug.Assert(args != null && !(args is ExprList));

            NullableType   nubSrc   = (NullableType)exprSrc.Type;
            CType          typeBase = nubSrc.GetUnderlyingType();
            AggregateType  ats      = nubSrc.GetAts();
            PropertySymbol prop     = GetSymbolLoader().getBSymmgr().propNubValue;

            if (prop == null)
                prop = GetSymbolLoader().getPredefinedMembers().GetProperty(PREDEFPROP.PP_G_OPTIONAL_VALUE);
                Debug.Assert(prop != null);
                GetSymbolLoader().getBSymmgr().propNubValue = prop;

            PropWithType     pwt       = new PropWithType(prop, ats);
            MethPropWithInst mpwi      = new MethPropWithInst(prop, ats);
            ExprMemberGroup  pMemGroup = GetExprFactory().CreateMemGroup(exprSrc, mpwi);

            return(GetExprFactory().CreateProperty(typeBase, null, null, pMemGroup, pwt, null));
Example #3
        // Value
        public EXPR BindValue(EXPR exprSrc)
            Debug.Assert(exprSrc != null && exprSrc.type.IsNullableType());

            // For new T?(x), the answer is x.
            if (CNullable.IsNullableConstructor(exprSrc))
                Debug.Assert(exprSrc.asCALL().GetOptionalArguments() != null && !exprSrc.asCALL().GetOptionalArguments().isLIST());

            CType         typeBase = exprSrc.type.AsNullableType().GetUnderlyingType();
            AggregateType ats      = exprSrc.type.AsNullableType().GetAts(GetErrorContext());

            if (ats == null)
                EXPRPROP rval = GetExprFactory().CreateProperty(typeBase, exprSrc);

            // UNDONE: move this to transform pass ...
            PropertySymbol prop = GetSymbolLoader().getBSymmgr().propNubValue;

            if (prop == null)
                prop = GetSymbolLoader().getPredefinedMembers().GetProperty(PREDEFPROP.PP_G_OPTIONAL_VALUE);
                GetSymbolLoader().getBSymmgr().propNubValue = prop;

            PropWithType     pwt       = new PropWithType(prop, ats);
            MethWithType     mwt       = new MethWithType(prop != null ? prop.methGet : null, ats);
            MethPropWithInst mpwi      = new MethPropWithInst(prop, ats);
            EXPRMEMGRP       pMemGroup = GetExprFactory().CreateMemGroup(exprSrc, mpwi);
            EXPRPROP         exprRes   = GetExprFactory().CreateProperty(typeBase, null, null, pMemGroup, pwt, mwt, null);

            if (prop == null)

Example #4
        // Value
        public Expr BindValue(Expr exprSrc)
            Debug.Assert(exprSrc != null && exprSrc.Type.IsNullableType());

            // For new T?(x), the answer is x.
            if (IsNullableConstructor(exprSrc, out ExprCall call))
                var args = call.OptionalArguments;
                Debug.Assert(args != null && !(args is ExprList));

            CType         typeBase = exprSrc.Type.AsNullableType().GetUnderlyingType();
            AggregateType ats      = exprSrc.Type.AsNullableType().GetAts(GetErrorContext());

            if (ats == null)
                ExprProperty rval = GetExprFactory().CreateProperty(typeBase, exprSrc);

            PropertySymbol prop = GetSymbolLoader().getBSymmgr().propNubValue;

            if (prop == null)
                prop = GetSymbolLoader().getPredefinedMembers().GetProperty(PREDEFPROP.PP_G_OPTIONAL_VALUE);
                GetSymbolLoader().getBSymmgr().propNubValue = prop;

            PropWithType     pwt       = new PropWithType(prop, ats);
            MethWithType     mwt       = new MethWithType(prop?.methGet, ats);
            MethPropWithInst mpwi      = new MethPropWithInst(prop, ats);
            ExprMemberGroup  pMemGroup = GetExprFactory().CreateMemGroup(exprSrc, mpwi);
            ExprProperty     exprRes   = GetExprFactory().CreateProperty(typeBase, null, null, pMemGroup, pwt, mwt, null);

            if (prop == null)

Example #5
        // If we have this.prop = 123, but the implementation of the property is in the
        // base class, then the object is of the base class type. Note that to get
        // the object, we must go through the MEMGRP.
        // "throughObject" is
        // of the type we are actually calling through.  (We need to know the
        // "through" type to ensure that protected semantics are correctly enforced.)

        public ExprProperty(CType type, Expr pOptionalObjectThrough, Expr pOptionalArguments, ExprMemberGroup pMemberGroup, PropWithType pwtSlot, MethWithType mwtSet)
            : base(ExpressionKind.Property, type)
            OptionalObjectThrough = pOptionalObjectThrough;
            OptionalArguments     = pOptionalArguments;
            MemberGroup           = pMemberGroup;

            if (pwtSlot != null)
                PropWithTypeSlot = pwtSlot;

            if (mwtSet != null)
                MethWithTypeSet = mwtSet;
                if (!HasIsExternalInitModifier(mwtSet))
                    Flags = EXPRFLAG.EXF_LVALUE;
Example #6
 public static ExprProperty CreateProperty(CType type, Expr optionalObjectThrough, Expr arguments, ExprMemberGroup memberGroup, PropWithType property, MethWithType setMethod) =>
 new ExprProperty(type, optionalObjectThrough, arguments, memberGroup, property, setMethod);
        public EXPRPROP CreateProperty(CType pType, EXPR pOptionalObjectThrough, EXPR pOptionalArguments, EXPRMEMGRP pMemberGroup, PropWithType pwtSlot, MethWithType mwtGet, MethWithType mwtSet)
            EXPRPROP rval = new EXPRPROP();

            rval.kind  = ExpressionKind.EK_PROP;
            rval.type  = pType;
            rval.flags = 0;

            if (pwtSlot != null)
                rval.pwtSlot = pwtSlot;
            if (mwtSet != null)
                rval.mwtSet = mwtSet;
            Debug.Assert(rval != null);
Example #8
        public ExprProperty CreateProperty(CType pType, Expr pOptionalObjectThrough, Expr pOptionalArguments, ExprMemberGroup pMemberGroup, PropWithType pwtSlot, MethWithType mwtGet, MethWithType mwtSet)
            ExprProperty rval = new ExprProperty();

            rval.Kind  = ExpressionKind.EK_PROP;
            rval.Type  = pType;
            rval.Flags = 0;
            rval.OptionalObjectThrough = pOptionalObjectThrough;
            rval.OptionalArguments     = pOptionalArguments;
            rval.MemberGroup           = pMemberGroup;

            if (pwtSlot != null)
                rval.PropWithTypeSlot = pwtSlot;
            if (mwtSet != null)
                rval.MethWithTypeSet = mwtSet;
            Debug.Assert(rval != null);
Example #9

        private EXPR CreateProperty(
            SymWithType swt,
            EXPR callingObject,
            BindingFlag flags)
            // For a property, we simply create the EXPRPROP for the thing, call the
            // expression tree rewriter, rewrite it, and send it on its way.

            PropertySymbol property = swt.Prop();
            AggregateType propertyType = swt.GetType();
            PropWithType pwt = new PropWithType(property, propertyType);
            EXPRMEMGRP pMemGroup = CreateMemberGroupEXPR(, null, callingObject, SYMKIND.SK_PropertySymbol);

            return _binder.BindToProperty(// For a static property instance, don't set the object.
                    callingObject.isCLASS() ? null : callingObject, pwt, flags, null, null, pMemGroup);
Example #10

        internal EXPR BindToProperty(EXPR pObject, PropWithType pwt, BindingFlag bindFlags, EXPR args, AggregateType pOtherType, EXPRMEMGRP pMemGroup)
            Debug.Assert(pwt.Sym != null &&
                    pwt.Sym.IsPropertySymbol() &&
                    pwt.GetType() != null &&
                    pwt.Prop().getClass() == pwt.GetType().getAggregate());
            Debug.Assert(pwt.Prop().Params.size == 0 || pwt.Prop().isIndexer());
            Debug.Assert(pOtherType == null ||
                    !pwt.Prop().isIndexer() &&
                    pOtherType.getAggregate() == pwt.Prop().RetType.getAggregate());

            bool fConstrained;
            MethWithType mwtGet;
            MethWithType mwtSet;
            EXPR pObjectThrough = null;

            // We keep track of the type of the pObject which we're doing the call through so that we can report 
            // protection access errors later, either below when binding the get, or later when checking that
            // the setter is actually an lvalue.  If we're actually doing a base.prop call then we do not
            // need to ensure that the left side of the dot is an instance of the derived class, otherwise
            // we save it away for later.
            if (0 == (bindFlags & BindingFlag.BIND_BASECALL))
                pObjectThrough = pObject;

            bool bIsMatchingStatic;
            PostBindProperty((bindFlags & BindingFlag.BIND_BASECALL) != 0, pwt, pObject, out mwtGet, out mwtSet);

            if (mwtGet &&
                    (!mwtSet ||
                     mwtSet.GetType() == mwtGet.GetType() ||
                     GetSymbolLoader().HasBaseConversion(mwtGet.GetType(), mwtSet.GetType())
                pObject = AdjustMemberObject(mwtGet, pObject, out fConstrained, out bIsMatchingStatic);
            else if (mwtSet)
                pObject = AdjustMemberObject(mwtSet, pObject, out fConstrained, out bIsMatchingStatic);
                pObject = AdjustMemberObject(pwt, pObject, out fConstrained, out bIsMatchingStatic);

            CType pReturnType = GetTypes().SubstType(pwt.Prop().RetType, pwt.GetType());
            Debug.Assert(pOtherType == pReturnType || pOtherType == null);

            if (pObject != null && !pObject.isOK())
                EXPRPROP pResult = GetExprFactory().CreateProperty(pReturnType, pObjectThrough, args, pMemGroup, pwt, null, null);
                if (!bIsMatchingStatic)
                return pResult;

            // if we are doing a get on this thing, and there is no get, and
            // most importantly, we are not leaving the arguments to be bound by the array index
            // then error...
            if ((bindFlags & BindingFlag.BIND_RVALUEREQUIRED) != 0)
                if (!mwtGet)
                    if (pOtherType != null)
                        return GetExprFactory().MakeClass(pOtherType);
                    ErrorContext.ErrorRef(ErrorCode.ERR_PropertyLacksGet, pwt);
                else if (((bindFlags & BindingFlag.BIND_BASECALL) != 0) && mwtGet.Meth().isAbstract)
                    // if the get exists, but is abstract, forbid the call as well...
                    if (pOtherType != null)
                        return GetExprFactory().MakeClass(pOtherType);
                    ErrorContext.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_AbstractBaseCall, pwt);
                    CType type = null;
                    if (pObjectThrough != null)
                        type = pObjectThrough.type;

                    ACCESSERROR error = SemanticChecker.CheckAccess2(mwtGet.Meth(), mwtGet.GetType(), ContextForMemberLookup(), type);
                    if (error != ACCESSERROR.ACCESSERROR_NOERROR)
                        // if the get exists, but is not accessible, give an error.
                        if (pOtherType != null)
                            return GetExprFactory().MakeClass(pOtherType);

                        if (error == ACCESSERROR.ACCESSERROR_NOACCESSTHRU)
                            ErrorContext.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_BadProtectedAccess, pwt, type, ContextForMemberLookup());
                            ErrorContext.ErrorRef(ErrorCode.ERR_InaccessibleGetter, pwt);

            EXPRPROP result = GetExprFactory().CreateProperty(pReturnType, pObjectThrough, args, pMemGroup, pwt, mwtGet, mwtSet);
            if (!bIsMatchingStatic)

            Debug.Assert(EXPRFLAG.EXF_BASECALL == (EXPRFLAG)BindingFlag.BIND_BASECALL);
            if ((EXPRFLAG.EXF_BASECALL & (EXPRFLAG)bindFlags) != 0)
                result.flags |= EXPRFLAG.EXF_BASECALL;
            else if (fConstrained && pObject != null)
                // Use the constrained prefix.
                result.flags |= EXPRFLAG.EXF_CONSTRAINED;

            if (result.GetOptionalArguments() != null)
                verifyMethodArgs(result, pObjectThrough != null ? pObjectThrough.type : null);

            if (mwtSet && objectIsLvalue(result.GetMemberGroup().GetOptionalObject()))
                result.flags |= EXPRFLAG.EXF_LVALUE;
            if (pOtherType != null)
                result.flags |= EXPRFLAG.EXF_SAMENAMETYPE;

            return result;
Example #11

        internal EXPR BindToField(EXPR pOptionalObject, FieldWithType fwt, BindingFlag bindFlags, EXPR pOptionalLHS)
            Debug.Assert(fwt.GetType() != null && fwt.Field().getClass() == fwt.GetType().getAggregate());

            CType pFieldType = GetTypes().SubstType(fwt.Field().GetType(), fwt.GetType());
            if (pOptionalObject != null && !pOptionalObject.isOK())
                EXPRFIELD pField = GetExprFactory().CreateField(0, pFieldType, pOptionalObject, 0, fwt, pOptionalLHS);
                return pField;

            EXPR pOriginalObject = pOptionalObject;
            bool bIsMatchingStatic;
            bool pfConstrained;
            pOptionalObject = AdjustMemberObject(fwt, pOptionalObject, out pfConstrained, out bIsMatchingStatic);

            checkUnsafe(pFieldType); // added to the binder so we don't bind to pointer ops

            EXPRFIELD pResult;
                bool isLValue = false;
                if ((pOptionalObject != null && pOptionalObject.type.IsPointerType()) || objectIsLvalue(pOptionalObject))
                    isLValue = true;
                // Exception: a readonly field is not an lvalue unless we're in the constructor/static constructor appropriate
                // for the field.
                if (RespectReadonly() && fwt.Field().isReadOnly)
                    if (ContainingAgg() == null ||
                        !InMethod() || !InConstructor() ||
                        fwt.Field().getClass() != ContainingAgg() ||
                        InStaticMethod() != fwt.Field().isStatic ||
                        (pOptionalObject != null && !isThisPointer(pOptionalObject)) ||
                        isLValue = false;

                pResult = GetExprFactory().CreateField(isLValue ? EXPRFLAG.EXF_LVALUE : 0, pFieldType, pOptionalObject, 0, fwt, pOptionalLHS);
                if (!bIsMatchingStatic)

                if (pFieldType.IsErrorType())
                Debug.Assert(BindingFlag.BIND_MEMBERSET == (BindingFlag)EXPRFLAG.EXF_MEMBERSET);
                pResult.flags |= (EXPRFLAG)(bindFlags & BindingFlag.BIND_MEMBERSET);

            // If this field is the backing field of a WindowsRuntime event then we need to bind to its
            // invocationlist property which is a delegate containing all the handlers.
            if (pResult.isFIELD() &&
                fwt.Field().isEvent &&
                fwt.Field().getEvent(GetSymbolLoader()) != null &&
                CType fieldType = fwt.Field().GetType();
                if (fieldType.IsAggregateType())
                    // Access event backing field (EventRegistrationTokenTable<T>) using
                    // EventRegistrationTokenTable<T>.GetOrCreateEventRegistrationTokenTable()
                    // to ensure non-null
                    pResult.setType(GetTypes().GetParameterModifier(pResult.type, false));

                    Name getOrCreateMethodName = GetSymbolLoader().GetNameManager().GetPredefName(PredefinedName.PN_GETORCREATEEVENTREGISTRATIONTOKENTABLE);
                    GetSymbolLoader().RuntimeBinderSymbolTable.PopulateSymbolTableWithName(getOrCreateMethodName.Text, null, fieldType.AssociatedSystemType);
                    MethodSymbol getOrCreateMethod = GetSymbolLoader().LookupAggMember(getOrCreateMethodName, fieldType.getAggregate(), symbmask_t.MASK_MethodSymbol).AsMethodSymbol();

                    MethPropWithInst getOrCreatempwi = new MethPropWithInst(getOrCreateMethod, fieldType.AsAggregateType());
                    EXPRMEMGRP getOrCreateGrp = GetExprFactory().CreateMemGroup(null, getOrCreatempwi);

                    EXPR getOrCreateCall = BindToMethod(new MethWithInst(getOrCreatempwi),

                    AggregateSymbol fieldTypeSymbol = fieldType.AsAggregateType().GetOwningAggregate();
                    Name invocationListName = GetSymbolLoader().GetNameManager().GetPredefName(PredefinedName.PN_INVOCATIONLIST);

                    // InvocationList might not be populated in the symbol table as no one would have called it.
                    GetSymbolLoader().RuntimeBinderSymbolTable.PopulateSymbolTableWithName(invocationListName.Text, null, fieldType.AssociatedSystemType);
                    PropertySymbol invocationList = GetSymbolLoader().LookupAggMember(

                    MethPropWithInst mpwi = new MethPropWithInst(invocationList, fieldType.AsAggregateType());
                    EXPRMEMGRP memGroup = GetExprFactory().CreateMemGroup(getOrCreateCall, mpwi);

                    PropWithType pwt = new PropWithType(invocationList, fieldType.AsAggregateType());
                    EXPR propertyExpr = BindToProperty(getOrCreateCall, pwt, bindFlags, null, null, memGroup);
                    return propertyExpr;

            return pResult;
Example #12
        protected void PostBindProperty(bool fBaseCall, PropWithType pwt, EXPR pObject, out MethWithType pmwtGet, out MethWithType pmwtSet)
            pmwtGet = new MethWithType();
            pmwtSet = new MethWithType();
            // Get the accessors.
            if (pwt.Prop().methGet != null)
                pmwtGet.Set(pwt.Prop().methGet, pwt.GetType());

            if (pwt.Prop().methSet != null)
                pmwtSet.Set(pwt.Prop().methSet, pwt.GetType());

            // If it is virtual, find a remap of the method to something more specific.  This
            // may alter where the accessors are found.
            if (fBaseCall && pObject != null)
                if (pmwtGet)
                    RemapToOverride(GetSymbolLoader(), pmwtGet, pObject.type);
                if (pmwtSet)
                    RemapToOverride(GetSymbolLoader(), pmwtSet, pObject.type);

            if (pwt.Prop().RetType != null)
Example #13
 protected bool CheckPropertyAccess(MethWithType mwt, PropWithType pwtSlot, CType type)
     ACCESSERROR error = SemanticChecker.CheckAccess2(mwt.Meth(), mwt.GetType(), ContextForMemberLookup(), type);
         ErrorContext.Error(ErrorCode.ERR_BadProtectedAccess, pwtSlot, type, ContextForMemberLookup());
         return false;
         ErrorContext.Error(mwt.Meth().isSetAccessor() ? ErrorCode.ERR_InaccessibleSetter : ErrorCode.ERR_InaccessibleGetter, pwtSlot);
         return false;
     return true;
Example #14
        // Value
        public EXPR BindValue(EXPR exprSrc)
            Debug.Assert(exprSrc != null && exprSrc.type.IsNullableType());

            // For new T?(x), the answer is x.
            if (CNullable.IsNullableConstructor(exprSrc))
                Debug.Assert(exprSrc.asCALL().GetOptionalArguments() != null && !exprSrc.asCALL().GetOptionalArguments().isLIST());
                return exprSrc.asCALL().GetOptionalArguments();

            CType typeBase = exprSrc.type.AsNullableType().GetUnderlyingType();
            AggregateType ats = exprSrc.type.AsNullableType().GetAts(GetErrorContext());
            if (ats == null)
                EXPRPROP rval = GetExprFactory().CreateProperty(typeBase, exprSrc);
                return rval;

            PropertySymbol prop = GetSymbolLoader().getBSymmgr().propNubValue;
            if (prop == null)
                prop = GetSymbolLoader().getPredefinedMembers().GetProperty(PREDEFPROP.PP_G_OPTIONAL_VALUE);
                GetSymbolLoader().getBSymmgr().propNubValue = prop;

            PropWithType pwt = new PropWithType(prop, ats);
            MethWithType mwt = new MethWithType(prop != null ? prop.methGet : null, ats);
            MethPropWithInst mpwi = new MethPropWithInst(prop, ats);
            EXPRMEMGRP pMemGroup = GetExprFactory().CreateMemGroup(exprSrc, mpwi);
            EXPRPROP exprRes = GetExprFactory().CreateProperty(typeBase, null, null, pMemGroup, pwt, mwt, null);

            if (prop == null)

            return exprRes;
Example #15
        public ExprProperty CreateProperty(CType pType, Expr pOptionalObjectThrough, Expr pOptionalArguments, ExprMemberGroup pMemberGroup, PropWithType pwtSlot, MethWithType mwtGet, MethWithType mwtSet)
            ExprProperty rval = new ExprProperty(pType);

            rval.OptionalObjectThrough = pOptionalObjectThrough;
            rval.OptionalArguments     = pOptionalArguments;
            rval.MemberGroup           = pMemberGroup;

            if (pwtSlot != null)
                rval.PropWithTypeSlot = pwtSlot;
            if (mwtSet != null)
                rval.MethWithTypeSet = mwtSet;
Example #16
        public EXPRPROP CreateProperty(CType pType, EXPR pOptionalObjectThrough, EXPR pOptionalArguments, EXPRMEMGRP pMemberGroup, PropWithType pwtSlot, MethWithType mwtGet, MethWithType mwtSet)
            EXPRPROP rval = new EXPRPROP();
            rval.kind = ExpressionKind.EK_PROP;
            rval.type = pType;
            rval.flags = 0;

            if (pwtSlot != null)
                rval.pwtSlot = pwtSlot;
            if (mwtSet != null)
                rval.mwtSet = mwtSet;
            Debug.Assert(rval != null);
            return (rval);