}// CIsoStoragePermPropPage

        // CreateControls
        // Pulls the IsolatedStorageFilePermission out of the
        // permission set and creates the controls used to
        // display the permission
        protected override void CreateControls()
            IPermission perm = m_pSetWrap.PSet.GetPermission(typeof(IsolatedStorageFilePermission));

            m_PermControls = new CIsoStoragePermControls(perm, this);
        } // CreateControls
 // CIsoStoragePermDialog - Constructor
 // The constructor takes in a permission that the dialog
 // will use to display default values
 internal CIsoStoragePermDialog(IsolatedStoragePermission perm)
     this.Text      = CResourceStore.GetString("Isolatedstorageperm:PermName");
     m_PermControls = new CIsoStoragePermControls(perm, this);
 } // CIsoStoragePermDialog