Inheritance: Microsoft.Build.Tasks.ManagedCompiler
Example #1
        public void References()
            Vbc t = new Vbc();

            TaskItem reference = new TaskItem("System.Xml.dll");
            reference.SetMetadata("Alias", "Foo");

            t.References = new TaskItem[] { reference };
            CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, "/reference:System.Xml.dll");
        /// <summary>
        /// Invokes VBC to build the given files against the given set of references
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="files"></param>
        /// <param name="referenceAssemblies"></param>
        public static bool CompileVisualBasicSource(IEnumerable<string> files, IEnumerable<string> referenceAssemblies, string rootNamespace)
            List<ITaskItem> sources = new List<ITaskItem>();
            foreach (string f in files)
                sources.Add(new TaskItem(f));

            List<ITaskItem> references = new List<ITaskItem>();
            foreach (string s in referenceAssemblies)
                // VB cannot accept mscorlib in the references
                if (s.IndexOf("mscorlib", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) < 0)
                    references.Add(new TaskItem(s));

            Vbc vbc = new Vbc();
            MockBuildEngine buildEngine = new MockBuildEngine();
            vbc.BuildEngine = buildEngine;  // needed before task can log

            vbc.NoStandardLib = true;   // don't include std lib stuff -- we're feeding it silverlight
            vbc.NoConfig = true;        // don't load the vbc.rsp file to get references
            vbc.TargetType = "library";
            vbc.Sources = sources.ToArray();
            vbc.References = references.ToArray();
            //$$$ vbc.SdkPath = GetSilverlightPath();
            vbc.RootNamespace = rootNamespace;

            bool result = false;
                result = vbc.Execute();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail("Exception occurred invoking VBC task on " + sources[0].ItemSpec + ":\r\n" + ex);

            if (!result)
                string sourceList = string.Empty;
                foreach (TaskItem t in sources)
                    sourceList += "    " + t.ItemSpec + "\r\n";

                Assert.Fail("VBC failed to compile sources:\r\n" + sourceList + "\r\n" + buildEngine.ConsoleLogger.Errors + "\r\n\r\nReference assemblies were:\r\n" + ReferenceAssembliesAsString(referenceAssemblies));
            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Invokes VBC to build the given files against the given set of references
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="files"></param>
        /// <param name="referenceAssemblies"></param>
        /// <param name="documentationFile">If nonblank, the documentation file to generate during the compile.</param>
        public static bool CompileVisualBasicSource(IEnumerable<string> files, IEnumerable<string> referenceAssemblies, string rootNamespace, string documentationFile)
            List<ITaskItem> sources = new List<ITaskItem>();
            foreach (string f in files)
                sources.Add(new TaskItem(f));

            // Transform references into a list of ITaskItems.
            // Here, we skip over mscorlib explicitly because this is already included as a project reference.
            List<ITaskItem> references =
                    .Where(reference => !reference.EndsWith("mscorlib.dll", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    .Select<string, ITaskItem>(reference => new TaskItem(reference) as ITaskItem)

            Vbc vbc = new Vbc();
            MockBuildEngine buildEngine = new MockBuildEngine();
            vbc.BuildEngine = buildEngine;  // needed before task can log

            vbc.NoStandardLib = true;   // don't include std lib stuff -- we're feeding it silverlight
            vbc.NoConfig = true;        // don't load the vbc.rsp file to get references
            vbc.TargetType = "library";
            vbc.Sources = sources.ToArray();
            vbc.References = references.ToArray();
            vbc.SdkPath = GetSilverlightSdkReferenceAssembliesPath();
            vbc.DefineConstants += "SILVERLIGHT";
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(rootNamespace))
                vbc.RootNamespace = rootNamespace;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(documentationFile))
                vbc.DocumentationFile = documentationFile;

            bool result = false;
                result = vbc.Execute();
            catch (Exception ex)
                Assert.Fail("Exception occurred invoking VBC task on " + sources[0].ItemSpec + ":\r\n" + ex);

            Assert.IsTrue(result, "VBC failed to compile " + sources[0].ItemSpec + ":\r\n" + buildEngine.ConsoleLogger.Errors);
            return result;
Example #4
 public void BaseAddressDecimal()
     Vbc t = new Vbc();
     t.BaseAddress = "285212672";
     CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, "/baseaddress:11000000");
Example #5
        public void MovePDBFile_BadFileName()
            string tempDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "MovePDBFile_BadFileName");

                if (Directory.Exists(tempDirectory))
                    FileUtilities.DeleteDirectoryNoThrow(tempDirectory, true);


                string outputAssemblyPath = Path.Combine(tempDirectory, "Out.dll");
                string outputPDBPath = Path.Combine(tempDirectory, "Out.pdb");
                File.WriteAllText(outputPDBPath, "Hello");
                File.WriteAllText(outputAssemblyPath, "Hello");

                MockEngine engine = new MockEngine();
                Vbc t = new Vbc();
                t.BuildEngine = engine;
                t.PdbFile = "||{}}{<>?$$%^&*()!@#$%`~.pdb";

                FileInfo oldPDBInfo = new FileInfo(outputAssemblyPath);

                Assert.IsTrue(engine.Errors >= 1, "Should be one error");
                (t.BuildEngine as MockEngine).AssertLogContains("MSB3402");
                if (Directory.Exists(tempDirectory))
                    FileUtilities.DeleteDirectoryNoThrow(tempDirectory, true);
Example #6
 public void BaseAddressHex4()
     Vbc t = new Vbc();
     t.BaseAddress = "0X00001000";
     CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, "/baseaddress:00001000");
Example #7
        public void ParseError_StandardVbcErrorFollowedByProjectLevel()
            Vbc t = new Vbc();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();

            string error1 = "d:\\scratch\\607654\\Module1.vb(5) : error BC30800: Method arguments must be enclosed in parentheses : Don't you think?";
            string error2 = "";
            string error3 = "    Ed Sub";
            string error4 = "       ~~~";

            string error5 = "vbc : error BC30573: Error in project-level import '<xmlns=\"hi\">' at '<xmlns=\"hi\">' : XML namespace prefix '' is already declared";

            t.ParseVBErrorOrWarning(error1, MessageImportance.High);
            t.ParseVBErrorOrWarning(error2, MessageImportance.High);
            t.ParseVBErrorOrWarning(error3, MessageImportance.High);
            t.ParseVBErrorOrWarning(error4, MessageImportance.High);
            t.ParseVBErrorOrWarning(error5, MessageImportance.High);

            Assert.IsTrue((t.BuildEngine as MockEngine).Errors >= 2, "Should be at least two errors");
            (t.BuildEngine as MockEngine).AssertLogContains("BC30573");
            (t.BuildEngine as MockEngine).AssertLogContains("BC30800");
Example #8
 public void BaseAddressHex3()
     Vbc t = new Vbc();
     t.BaseAddress = "0x0000FFFF";
     CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, "/baseaddress:0000FFFF");
Example #9
        public void ParseError_StandardVbcError()
            Vbc t = new Vbc();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();

            string error1 = "d:\\scratch\\607654\\Module1.vb(5) : error BC30451: Name 'Ed' is not declared.";
            string error2 = "";
            string error3 = "    Ed Sub";
            string error4 = "    ~~    ";

            t.ParseVBErrorOrWarning(error1, MessageImportance.High);
            t.ParseVBErrorOrWarning(error2, MessageImportance.High);
            t.ParseVBErrorOrWarning(error3, MessageImportance.High);
            t.ParseVBErrorOrWarning(error4, MessageImportance.High);

            Assert.IsTrue((t.BuildEngine as MockEngine).Errors >= 1, "Should be at least one error");
            (t.BuildEngine as MockEngine).AssertLogContains("BC30451");
            (t.BuildEngine as MockEngine).AssertLogContains("(5,5)");
Example #10
 public void RootNamespace()
     Vbc t = new Vbc();
     t.RootNamespace = @"parm1 /out:c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe";
     CommandLine.ValidateNoParameterStartsWith(t, "/out");
Example #11
 public void Imports()
     Vbc t = new Vbc();
     t.Imports = new TaskItem[] { new TaskItem(@"parm1 /out:c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe") };
     CommandLine.ValidateNoParameterStartsWith(t, "/out");
Example #12
 public void Resources()
     Vbc t = new Vbc();
     t.References = new TaskItem[]
         new TaskItem("parm0"),
         new TaskItem(@"parm1 /out:c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe")
     CommandLine.ValidateNoParameterStartsWith(t, "/out");
Example #13
 public void OutputAssembly()
     Vbc t = new Vbc();
     t.OutputAssembly = new TaskItem(@"parm1 /out:c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe");
     CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, @"/out:parm1 /out:c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe");
Example #14
 public void MainEntryPoint()
     Vbc t = new Vbc();
     t.MainEntryPoint = @"parm1 /out:c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe";
     CommandLine.ValidateNoParameterStartsWith(t, "/out");
Example #15
 public void LinkResources()
     Vbc t = new Vbc();
     t.KeyFile = @"parm1 /out:c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe";
     CommandLine.ValidateNoParameterStartsWith(t, "/out");
Example #16
 public void MultipleResponseFiles()
     Vbc t = new Vbc();
     t.ResponseFiles = new TaskItem[]
             new TaskItem(@"1.rsp"),
             new TaskItem(@"2.rsp"),
             new TaskItem(@"3.rsp"),
             new TaskItem(@"4.rsp")
     CommandLine.ValidateContains(t, "@1.rsp @2.rsp @3.rsp @4.rsp", true);
Example #17
 public void SingleResponseFile()
     Vbc t = new Vbc();
     t.ResponseFiles = new TaskItem[]
             new TaskItem(@"1.rsp")
     CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, "@1.rsp");
Example #18
 public void SdkPath()
     Vbc t = new Vbc();
     t.SdkPath = @"parm1 /out:c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe";
     CommandLine.ValidateNoParameterStartsWith(t, "/out");
Example #19
        public void ParseError_StandardVbcErrorWithColon()
            Vbc t = new Vbc();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();

            string error1 = "d:\\scratch\\607654\\Module1.vb(5) : error BC30800: Method arguments must be enclosed in parentheses : Don't you think?";
            string error2 = "";
            string error3 = "    Ed Sub";
            string error4 = "       ~~~";

            t.ParseVBErrorOrWarning(error1, MessageImportance.High);
            t.ParseVBErrorOrWarning(error2, MessageImportance.High);
            t.ParseVBErrorOrWarning(error3, MessageImportance.High);
            t.ParseVBErrorOrWarning(error4, MessageImportance.High);

            Assert.IsTrue((t.BuildEngine as MockEngine).Errors >= 1, "Should be at least one error");
            (t.BuildEngine as MockEngine).AssertLogContains("BC30800");
            (t.BuildEngine as MockEngine).AssertLogContains("(5,8)");
Example #20
 public void OptionStrictOffNowarnsEmpty()
     Vbc t = new Vbc();
     t.OptionStrict = false;
     t.DisabledWarnings = "";
     CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, "/optionstrict:custom"); // we shuold be custom if no warnings are disabled
Example #21
        public void ParseError_ProjectLevelVbcError()
            Vbc t = new Vbc();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();

            string error = "vbc : error BC30573: Error in project-level import '<xmlns=\"hi\">' at '<xmlns=\"hi\">' : XML namespace prefix '' is already declared";

            t.ParseVBErrorOrWarning(error, MessageImportance.High);

            Assert.IsTrue((t.BuildEngine as MockEngine).Errors >= 1, "Should be at least one error");
            (t.BuildEngine as MockEngine).AssertLogContains("BC30573");
Example #22
 public void OptionStrictOffNoWarnsPresent()
     // When the below warnings are set to NONE, we are effectively Option Strict-.  But because we don't want the msbuild task
     // to have to know the current set of disabled warnings that implies option strict-, we just set option strict:custom
     // with the understanding that we get the same behavior as option strict- since we are passing the /nowarn line on that
     // contains all the warnings OptionStrict- would disable anyway.
     Vbc t = new Vbc();
     t.OptionStrict = false;
     t.DisabledWarnings = "41999,42016,42017,42018,42019,42020,42021,42022,42032,42036";
     CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, "/optionstrict:custom");
     t.DisabledWarnings = "/nowarn:41999,42016,42017,42018,42019,42020,42021,42022,42032,42036";
Example #23
        public void ParseError_TwoProjectLevelErrors()
            Vbc t = new Vbc();
            t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();

            string error1 = "vbc : error BC30205: Error in project-level import '<xmlns='bye'>, <xmlns='byebye'>' at '<xmlns='bye'>, ' : End of statement expected.";
            string error2 = "vbc : error BC30573: Error in project-level import '<xmlns=\"hi\">' at '<xmlns=\"hi\">' : XML namespace prefix '' is already declared";

            t.ParseVBErrorOrWarning(error1, MessageImportance.High);
            t.ParseVBErrorOrWarning(error2, MessageImportance.High);

            Assert.IsTrue((t.BuildEngine as MockEngine).Errors >= 2, "Should be at least two errors");
            (t.BuildEngine as MockEngine).AssertLogContains("BC30573");
            (t.BuildEngine as MockEngine).AssertLogContains("BC30205");
Example #24
 public void OptionStrictOnNoWarnsUndefined()
     Vbc t = new Vbc();
     t.OptionStrict = true;
     t.DisabledWarnings = "";
     CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, "/optionstrict+");
Example #25
        public void MovePDBFile_SameNameandFileAlreadyExists()
            string tempDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "MovePDBFile_SmeNameandFileAlreadyExists");
                if (Directory.Exists(tempDirectory))
                    FileUtilities.DeleteDirectoryNoThrow(tempDirectory, true);


                string outputAssemblyPath = Path.Combine(tempDirectory, "Out.dll");
                string newoutputAssemblyPath = Path.Combine(tempDirectory, "Out.pdb");

                File.WriteAllText(outputAssemblyPath, "Hello");
                File.WriteAllText(newoutputAssemblyPath, "Hello");

                Vbc t = new Vbc();
                t.BuildEngine = new MockEngine();
                t.PdbFile = newoutputAssemblyPath;

                FileInfo newPDBInfo = new FileInfo(newoutputAssemblyPath);

                if (Directory.Exists(tempDirectory))
                    FileUtilities.DeleteDirectoryNoThrow(tempDirectory, true);
Example #26
 public void OptionStrictOnNoWarnsPresent()
     Vbc t = new Vbc();
     t.OptionStrict = true;
     t.DisabledWarnings = "41999";
     CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(t, "/optionstrict+");
     t.DisabledWarnings = "/nowarn:41999";
Example #27
        public void NoAnalyzers_CommandLine()
            Vbc vbc = new Vbc();

            CommandLine.ValidateNoParameterStartsWith(vbc, "/analyzer");
Example #28
 public void OptionStrictType1()
     Vbc t = new Vbc();
     t.OptionStrict = true;
     t.OptionStrictType = "custom";
     CommandLine.ValidateContains(t, "/optionstrict+ /optionstrict:custom", true);
Example #29
        public void MultipleAnalyzers_CommandLine()
            Vbc vbc = new Vbc();
            vbc.Analyzers = new TaskItem[]
                new TaskItem("Foo.dll"),
                new TaskItem("Bar.dll")

            CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(vbc, "/analyzer:Foo.dll");
            CommandLine.ValidateHasParameter(vbc, "/analyzer:Bar.dll");
Example #30
 public void OptionStrictType2()
     Vbc t = new Vbc();
     t.OptionStrictType = "custom";
     CommandLine.ValidateContains(t, "/optionstrict:custom", true);
     CommandLine.ValidateDoesNotContain(t, "/optionstrict-", true);