internal static ProjectTargetInstance FactoryForDeserialization(ITranslator translator)
            var instance     = new ProjectTargetInstance();
            var translatable = (ITranslatable)instance;


Example #2
        private static void PrintTargetInfo(MBEX.ProjectTargetInstance target, int indentCount)
            var indent      = indentCount > 1 ? new StringBuilder().Insert(0, "|   ", indentCount - 1).ToString() : "";
            var tree        = indentCount > 0 ? "|   " : "";
            var targetColor = indentCount > 0 ? (target.Name.StartsWith("_") ? ConsoleColor.DarkGreen : ConsoleColor.Green) : ConsoleColor.Cyan;

            Utils.WriteColor(indent + tree, ConsoleColor.White);
            Utils.WriteLineColor(target.Name, targetColor);
Example #3
        public MSBuildTarget(ProjectTargetInstance pti, Project project, MSBuildFile parent = null)
            this.Target = pti;
            this.Name = pti.Name;
            this.Inputs = pti.Inputs;
            this.Outputs = pti.Outputs;
            this.Location = pti.FullPath;
            this.DependsOnTargets = pti.DependsOnTargets;

            this.TargetColor = "Black";
            this.FontStyle = "Normal";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Target.Condition))
                this.TargetCondition = this.Target.Condition;
                this.TargetColor = "Gray";
                this.FontStyle = "Italic";

            if (project.Xml.DefaultTargets.Contains(pti.Name))
                this.TargetColor = "MediumBlue";

            if (project.Xml.InitialTargets.Contains(pti.Name))
                this.TargetColor = "LimeGreen";

            if (project.Xml.InitialTargets.Contains(pti.Name) && project.Xml.DefaultTargets.Contains(pti.Name))
                this.TargetColor = "Gold";

            this.Targets = new ObservableCollection<MSBuildTarget>();

            string targets = project.ExpandString(pti.DependsOnTargets);
            targets = this.formatRegex.Replace(targets, string.Empty);
            int i = 0;
            foreach (var target in targets.Split(new[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                this.Targets.Add(new MSBuildTarget(target));

            foreach (var x in project.Xml.Targets.Where(x => x.Name == pti.Name))
                this.BeforeTargets = x.BeforeTargets;
                this.AfterTargets = x.AfterTargets;

            if (parent != null)
                this.Parent = parent;
 private ListViewItem CreateItem(ProjectTargetInstance target)
     return new ListViewItem(new[] {
         Tag = target
Example #5
        private void Trace(MBEX.ProjectTargetInstance target, int traceLevel = 0)
            if (target == null)

            PrintTargetInfo(target, traceLevel);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(target.DependsOnTargets))
                foreach (var dependency in target.Dependencies(project))
                    Trace(dependency, traceLevel + 1);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a collection of ProjectTargetInstances that this target is dependent on in a given project.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="project">The project to look in</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IEnumerable <MBEX.ProjectTargetInstance> Dependencies(
            this MBEX.ProjectTargetInstance target, MBEV.Project project)
            var dependencies          = new List <MBEX.ProjectTargetInstance>();
            var dependencyTargetNames = project.ResolveAllProperties(target.DependsOnTargets)
                                        .Replace(Environment.NewLine, "")

            foreach (var name in dependencyTargetNames)
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(name))

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a task which builds the @(ProjectReference) items.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddReferencesBuildTask(ProjectInstance projectInstance, ProjectTargetInstance target, string targetToBuild, string outputItem)
            ProjectTaskInstance task = target.AddTask("MSBuild", String.Empty, String.Empty);
            if (String.Equals(targetToBuild, "Clean", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                task.SetParameter("Projects", "@(ProjectReference->Reverse())");
                task.SetParameter("Projects", "@(ProjectReference)");  // The references already have the tools versions and properties set on them.

            if (targetToBuild != null)
                task.SetParameter("Targets", targetToBuild);

            task.SetParameter("BuildInParallel", "True");
            task.SetParameter("Properties", SolutionProperties);

            // We only want to build "nonexistent" projects if we're building metaprojects, since they don't exist on disk.  Otherwise, 
            // we still want to error when the referenced project doesn't exist.  
            task.SetParameter("SkipNonexistentProjects", "%(ProjectReference.SkipNonexistentProjects)");

            if (outputItem != null)
                task.AddOutputItem("TargetOutputs", outputItem, String.Empty);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds MSBuild tasks to a project target to pre-resolve its project references
        /// </summary>
        private void AddResolveProjectReferenceTasks
            ProjectInstance traversalProject,
            ProjectTargetInstance target,
            ProjectInSolution project,
            SolutionConfigurationInSolution solutionConfiguration,
            string outputReferenceItemName,
            string outputImportLibraryItemName,
            out string addedReferenceGuids
            StringBuilder referenceGuids = new StringBuilder();

            string message = null;

            // Suffix for the reference item name. Since we need to attach additional (different) metadata to every
            // reference item, we need to have helper item lists each with only one item
            int outputReferenceItemNameSuffix = 0;

            // Pre-resolve the MSBuild project references
            foreach (string projectReferenceGuid in project.ProjectReferences)
                ProjectInSolution referencedProject = (ProjectInSolution)_solutionFile.ProjectsByGuid[projectReferenceGuid];
                ProjectConfigurationInSolution referencedProjectConfiguration = null;

                if ((referencedProject != null) &&
                    (referencedProject.ProjectConfigurations.TryGetValue(solutionConfiguration.FullName, out referencedProjectConfiguration)) &&
                    (referencedProjectConfiguration != null))
                    string outputReferenceItemNameWithSuffix = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0}_{1}", outputReferenceItemName, outputReferenceItemNameSuffix);

                    if ((referencedProject.ProjectType == SolutionProjectType.KnownToBeMSBuildFormat) ||
                        ((referencedProject.ProjectType == SolutionProjectType.Unknown) && (referencedProject.CanBeMSBuildProjectFile(out message))))
                        string condition = GetConditionStringForConfiguration(solutionConfiguration);
                        if (traversalProject.EvaluateCondition(condition))
                            bool specifyProjectToolsVersion =
                                String.Equals(traversalProject.ToolsVersion, "2.0", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? false : true;

                            ProjectTaskInstance msbuildTask = AddMSBuildTaskInstance
                            msbuildTask.AddOutputItem("TargetOutputs", outputReferenceItemNameWithSuffix, null);

                        if (referenceGuids.Length > 0)


                        // This merges the one-item item list into the main list, adding the appropriate guid metadata
                        ProjectTaskInstance createItemTask = target.AddTask("CreateItem", null, null);
                        createItemTask.SetParameter("Include", "@(" + outputReferenceItemNameWithSuffix + ")");
                        createItemTask.SetParameter("AdditionalMetadata", "Guid=" + projectReferenceGuid);
                        createItemTask.AddOutputItem("Include", outputReferenceItemName, null);


            addedReferenceGuids = referenceGuids.ToString();
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper method to add a call to the AspNetCompiler task into the given target.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddTaskForAspNetCompiler
            ProjectTargetInstance target,
            ProjectInSolution project,
            string conditionDescribingValidConfigurations
            // Add a call to the AspNetCompiler task, conditioned on having a valid Configuration.
            ProjectTaskInstance newTask = target.AddTask("AspNetCompiler", conditionDescribingValidConfigurations, null);
            newTask.SetParameter("VirtualPath", "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(project, "AspNetVirtualPath") + ")");
            newTask.SetParameter("PhysicalPath", "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(project, "AspNetPhysicalPath") + ")");
            newTask.SetParameter("TargetPath", "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(project, "AspNetTargetPath") + ")");
            newTask.SetParameter("Force", "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(project, "AspNetForce") + ")");
            newTask.SetParameter("Updateable", "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(project, "AspNetUpdateable") + ")");
            newTask.SetParameter("Debug", "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(project, "AspNetDebug") + ")");
            newTask.SetParameter("KeyFile", "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(project, "AspNetKeyFile") + ")");
            newTask.SetParameter("KeyContainer", "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(project, "AspNetKeyContainer") + ")");
            newTask.SetParameter("DelaySign", "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(project, "AspNetDelaySign") + ")");
            newTask.SetParameter("AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers", "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(project, "AspNetAPTCA") + ")");
            newTask.SetParameter("FixedNames", "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(project, "AspNetFixedNames") + ")");

            bool isDotNetFramework = false;

            // generate the target .NET Framework version based on the passed in TargetFrameworkMoniker.
                FrameworkName targetFramework = new FrameworkName(project.TargetFrameworkMoniker);

                if (String.Equals(targetFramework.Identifier, ".NETFramework", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    isDotNetFramework = true;

                    // As of .NET Framework 4.0, there are only two versions of aspnet_compiler.exe: 2.0 and 4.0.  If 
                    // the TargetFrameworkVersion is less than 4.0, use the 2.0 version.  Otherwise, just use the 4.0
                    // version of the executable, so that if say FV 4.1 is passed in, we don't throw an error.
                    if (targetFramework.Version.Major >= 4)

                        if (targetFramework.Version > _version40)
                            _loggingService.LogComment(_projectBuildEventContext, MessageImportance.Low, "AspNetCompiler.TargetingHigherFrameworksDefaultsTo40", project.ProjectName, targetFramework.Version.ToString());
                        string pathTo20 = FrameworkLocationHelper.GetPathToDotNetFramework(_version20);

                        ProjectFileErrorUtilities.VerifyThrowInvalidProjectFile(pathTo20 != null, "SubCategoryForSolutionParsingErrors", new BuildEventFileInfo(_solutionFile.FullPath), "AspNetCompiler.20NotInstalled");

            catch (Exception e)
                if (ExceptionHandling.NotExpectedException(e))
                      new BuildEventFileInfo(_solutionFile.FullPath),

            if (!isDotNetFramework)
                       new BuildEventFileInfo(_solutionFile.FullPath),
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an MSBuild task to a single metaproject.  This is used in the traversal project.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddMetaprojectBuildTask(ProjectInstance traversalProject, ProjectInSolution project, ProjectTargetInstance target, string targetToBuild, string outputItem)
            ProjectTaskInstance task = target.AddTask("MSBuild", OpportunisticIntern.InternStringIfPossible("'%(ProjectReference.Identity)' == '" + GetMetaprojectName(project) + "'"), String.Empty);
            task.SetParameter("Projects", "@(ProjectReference)");

            if (targetToBuild != null)
                task.SetParameter("Targets", targetToBuild);

            task.SetParameter("BuildInParallel", "True");
            task.SetParameter("ToolsVersion", MSBuildConstants.CurrentToolsVersion);
            task.SetParameter("Properties", SolutionProperties);
            task.SetParameter("SkipNonexistentProjects", "%(ProjectReference.SkipNonexistentProjects)");

            if (outputItem != null)
                task.AddOutputItem("TargetOutputs", outputItem, String.Empty);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an MSBuild task to the specified target
        /// </summary>
        private static ProjectTaskInstance AddMSBuildTaskInstance
            ProjectTargetInstance target,
            string projectPath,
            string msbuildTargetName,
            string configurationName,
            string platformName,
            bool specifyProjectToolsVersion
            ProjectTaskInstance msbuildTask = target.AddTask("MSBuild", null, null);
            msbuildTask.SetParameter("Projects", EscapingUtilities.Escape(projectPath));

            if (msbuildTargetName != null && msbuildTargetName.Length > 0)
                msbuildTask.SetParameter("Targets", msbuildTargetName);

            string additionalProperties = string.Format(
                "Configuration={0}; Platform={1}; BuildingSolutionFile=true; CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents=$(CurrentSolutionConfigurationContents); SolutionDir=$(SolutionDir); SolutionExt=$(SolutionExt); SolutionFileName=$(SolutionFileName); SolutionName=$(SolutionName); SolutionPath=$(SolutionPath)",

            msbuildTask.SetParameter("Properties", additionalProperties);
            if (specifyProjectToolsVersion)
                msbuildTask.SetParameter("ToolsVersion", "$(ProjectToolsVersion)");

            return msbuildTask;
 private void listView1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
     this.SelectedTarget = (ProjectTargetInstance)listView1.SelectedItems[0].Tag;
Example #13
		bool DoBuildTarget (ProjectTargetInstance target, TargetResult targetResult, InternalBuildArguments args)
			var request = submission.BuildRequest;
			// Here we check cancellation (only after TargetStarted event).
			if (args.CheckCancel ()) {
				targetResult.Failure (new BuildAbortedException ("Build has canceled"));
				return false;
			var propsToRestore = new Dictionary<string,string> ();
			var itemsToRemove = new List<ProjectItemInstance> ();
			try {
				// Evaluate additional target properties
				foreach (var c in target.Children.OfType<ProjectPropertyGroupTaskInstance> ()) {
					if (!args.Project.EvaluateCondition (c.Condition))
					foreach (var p in c.Properties) {
						if (!args.Project.EvaluateCondition (p.Condition))
						var value = args.Project.ExpandString (p.Value);
						propsToRestore.Add (p.Name, project.GetPropertyValue (value));
						project.SetProperty (p.Name, value);
				// Evaluate additional target items
				foreach (var c in target.Children.OfType<ProjectItemGroupTaskInstance> ()) {
					if (!args.Project.EvaluateCondition (c.Condition))
					foreach (var item in c.Items) {
						if (!args.Project.EvaluateCondition (item.Condition))
						Func<string,ProjectItemInstance> creator = i => new ProjectItemInstance (project, item.ItemType, item.Metadata.Select (m => new KeyValuePair<string,string> (m.Name, m.Value)), i);
						foreach (var ti in project.GetAllItems (item.Include, item.Exclude, creator, creator, s => s == item.ItemType, (ti, s) => ti.SetMetadata ("RecurseDir", s)))
							itemsToRemove.Add (ti);
				foreach (var c in target.Children.OfType<ProjectOnErrorInstance> ()) {
					if (!args.Project.EvaluateCondition (c.Condition))
					throw new NotImplementedException ();
				// run tasks
				foreach (var ti in target.Children.OfType<ProjectTaskInstance> ()) {
					current_task = ti;
					if (!args.Project.EvaluateCondition (ti.Condition)) {
						LogMessageEvent (new BuildMessageEventArgs (string.Format ("Task '{0}' was skipped because condition '{1}' wasn't met.", ti.Name, ti.Condition), null, null, MessageImportance.Low));
					if (!RunBuildTask (target, ti, targetResult, args))
						return false;
			} finally {
				// restore temporary property state to the original state.
				foreach (var p in propsToRestore) {
					if (p.Value == string.Empty)
						project.RemoveProperty (p.Key);
						project.SetProperty (p.Key, p.Value);
				foreach (var item in itemsToRemove)
					project.RemoveItem (item);
			return true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Marks this element as dirty.
 /// </summary>
 internal override void MarkDirty(string reason, string param)
     base.MarkDirty(reason, param);
     TargetInstance = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a call to the ResolveAssemblyReference task to crack the pre-resolved referenced 
        /// assemblies for the complete list of dependencies, PDBs, satellites, etc.  The invoke
        /// the Copy task to copy all these files (or at least the ones that RAR determined should
        /// be copied local) into the web project's bin directory.
        /// </summary>
        private static void AddTasksToCopyAllDependenciesIntoBinDir
            ProjectTargetInstance target,
            ProjectInSolution project,
            string referenceItemName,
            string conditionDescribingValidConfigurations
            string copyLocalFilesItemName = referenceItemName + "_CopyLocalFiles";
            string targetFrameworkDirectoriesName = GenerateSafePropertyName(project, "_TargetFrameworkDirectories");
            string fullFrameworkRefAssyPathName = GenerateSafePropertyName(project, "_FullFrameworkReferenceAssemblyPaths");
            string destinationFolder = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"$({0})\Bin\", GenerateSafePropertyName(project, "AspNetPhysicalPath"));

            // This is a bit of a hack.  We're actually calling the "Copy" task on all of 
            // the *non-existent* files.  Why?  Because we want to emit a warning in the 
            // log for each non-existent file, and the Copy task does that nicely for us.
            // I would have used the <Warning> task except for the fact that we are in 
            // string-resource lockdown.
            ProjectTaskInstance copyNonExistentReferencesTask = target.AddTask("Copy", String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "!Exists('%({0}.Identity)')", referenceItemName), "true");
            copyNonExistentReferencesTask.SetParameter("SourceFiles", "@(" + referenceItemName + "->'%(FullPath)')");
            copyNonExistentReferencesTask.SetParameter("DestinationFolder", destinationFolder);

            // We need to determine the appropriate TargetFrameworkMoniker to pass to GetReferenceAssemblyPaths,
            // so that we will pass the appropriate target framework directories to RAR.
            ProjectTaskInstance getRefAssembliesTask = target.AddTask("GetReferenceAssemblyPaths", null, null);
            getRefAssembliesTask.SetParameter("TargetFrameworkMoniker", project.TargetFrameworkMoniker);
            getRefAssembliesTask.SetParameter("RootPath", "$(TargetFrameworkRootPath)");
            getRefAssembliesTask.AddOutputProperty("ReferenceAssemblyPaths", targetFrameworkDirectoriesName, null);
            getRefAssembliesTask.AddOutputProperty("FullFrameworkReferenceAssemblyPaths", fullFrameworkRefAssyPathName, null);

            // Call ResolveAssemblyReference on each of the .DLL files that were found on 
            // disk from the .REFRESH files as well as the P2P references.  RAR will crack
            // the dependencies, find PDBs, satellite assemblies, etc., and determine which
            // files need to be copy-localed.
            ProjectTaskInstance rarTask = target.AddTask("ResolveAssemblyReference", String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Exists('%({0}.Identity)')", referenceItemName), null);
            rarTask.SetParameter("Assemblies", "@(" + referenceItemName + "->'%(FullPath)')");
            rarTask.SetParameter("TargetFrameworkDirectories", "$(" + targetFrameworkDirectoriesName + ")");
            rarTask.SetParameter("FullFrameworkFolders", "$(" + fullFrameworkRefAssyPathName + ")");
            rarTask.SetParameter("SearchPaths", "{RawFileName};{TargetFrameworkDirectory};{GAC}");
            rarTask.SetParameter("FindDependencies", "true");
            rarTask.SetParameter("FindSatellites", "true");
            rarTask.SetParameter("FindSerializationAssemblies", "true");
            rarTask.SetParameter("FindRelatedFiles", "true");
            rarTask.SetParameter("TargetFrameworkMoniker", project.TargetFrameworkMoniker);
            rarTask.AddOutputItem("CopyLocalFiles", copyLocalFilesItemName, null);

            // Copy all the copy-local files (reported by RAR) to the web project's "bin"
            // directory.
            ProjectTaskInstance copyTask = target.AddTask("Copy", conditionDescribingValidConfigurations, null);
            copyTask.SetParameter("SourceFiles", "@(" + copyLocalFilesItemName + ")");
                String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"@({0}->'{1}%(DestinationSubDirectory)%(Filename)%(Extension)')", copyLocalFilesItemName, destinationFolder)
        /// <summary>
        /// This code handles the *.REFRESH files that are in the "bin" subdirectory of 
        /// a web project.  These .REFRESH files are just text files that contain absolute or 
        /// relative paths to the referenced assemblies.  The goal of these tasks is to 
        /// search all *.REFRESH files and extract fully-qualified absolute paths for 
        /// each of the references.
        /// </summary>
        private static void AddTasksToResolveAutoRefreshFileReferences
            ProjectTargetInstance target,
            ProjectInSolution project,
            string referenceItemName
            string webRoot = "$(" + GenerateSafePropertyName(project, "AspNetPhysicalPath") + ")";

            // Create an item list containing each of the .REFRESH files.
            ProjectTaskInstance createItemTask = target.AddTask("CreateItem", null, null);
            createItemTask.SetParameter("Include", webRoot + @"\Bin\*.refresh");
            createItemTask.AddOutputItem("Include", referenceItemName + "_RefreshFile", null);

            // Read the lines out of each .REFRESH file; they should be paths to .DLLs.  Put these paths
            // into an item list.
            ProjectTaskInstance readLinesTask = target.AddTask("ReadLinesFromFile", String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @" '%({0}_RefreshFile.Identity)' != '' ", referenceItemName), null);
            readLinesTask.SetParameter("File", String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"%({0}_RefreshFile.Identity)", referenceItemName));
            readLinesTask.AddOutputItem("Lines", referenceItemName + "_ReferenceRelPath", null);

            // Take those paths and combine them with the root of the web project to form either
            // an absolute path or a path relative to the .SLN file.  These paths can be passed
            // directly to RAR later.
            ProjectTaskInstance combinePathTask = target.AddTask("CombinePath", null, null);
            combinePathTask.SetParameter("BasePath", webRoot);
            combinePathTask.SetParameter("Paths", String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, @"@({0}_ReferenceRelPath)", referenceItemName));
            combinePathTask.AddOutputItem("CombinedPaths", referenceItemName, null);
Example #17
		// FIXME: Exception should be caught at caller site.
		bool DoBuildTarget (ProjectTargetInstance target, TargetResult targetResult, InternalBuildArguments args)
			var request = submission.BuildRequest;
			// Here we check cancellation (only after TargetStarted event).
			if (args.CheckCancel ()) {
				targetResult.Failure (new BuildAbortedException ("Build has canceled"));
				return false;
			try {
				foreach (var child in target.Children) {
					// Evaluate additional target properties
					var tp = child as ProjectPropertyGroupTaskInstance;
					if (tp != null) {
						if (!args.Project.EvaluateCondition (tp.Condition))
						foreach (var p in tp.Properties) {
							if (!args.Project.EvaluateCondition (p.Condition))
							var value = args.Project.ExpandString (p.Value);
							project.SetProperty (p.Name, value);

					var ii = child as ProjectItemGroupTaskInstance;
					if (ii != null) {
						if (!args.Project.EvaluateCondition (ii.Condition))
						foreach (var item in ii.Items) {
							if (!args.Project.EvaluateCondition (item.Condition))
							project.AddItem (item.ItemType, project.ExpandString (item.Include));
					var task = child as ProjectTaskInstance;
					if (task != null) {
						current_task = task;
						if (!args.Project.EvaluateCondition (task.Condition)) {
							LogMessageEvent (new BuildMessageEventArgs (string.Format ("Task '{0}' was skipped because condition '{1}' wasn't met.", task.Name, task.Condition), null, null, MessageImportance.Low));
						if (!RunBuildTask (target, task, targetResult, args))
							return false;

					var onError = child as ProjectOnErrorInstance;
					if (onError != null)
						continue; // evaluated under catch clause.

					throw new NotSupportedException (string.Format ("Unexpected Target element children \"{0}\"", child.GetType ()));
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				// fallback task specified by OnError element
				foreach (var c in target.Children.OfType<ProjectOnErrorInstance> ()) {
					if (!args.Project.EvaluateCondition (c.Condition))
					foreach (var fallbackTarget in project.ExpandString (c.ExecuteTargets).Split (';'))
						BuildTargetByName (fallbackTarget, args);
				int line = target.Location != null ? target.Location.Line : 0;
				int col = target.Location != null ? target.Location.Column : 0;
				LogErrorEvent (new BuildErrorEventArgs (null, null, target.FullPath, line, col, 0, 0, ex.Message, null, null));
				targetResult.Failure (ex);
				return false;
			return true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a new error/warning/message tag into the given target
        /// </summary>
        private static ProjectTaskInstance AddErrorWarningMessageInstance
            ProjectTargetInstance target,
            string condition,
            string elementType,
            bool treatAsLiteral,
            string textResourceName,
            params object[] args
            string code = null;
            string helpKeyword = null;
            string text = ResourceUtilities.FormatResourceString(out code, out helpKeyword, textResourceName, args);

            if (treatAsLiteral)
                text = EscapingUtilities.Escape(text);

            ProjectTaskInstance task = target.AddTask(elementType, condition, null);
            task.SetParameter("Text", text);

            if ((elementType != XMakeElements.message) && (code != null))
                task.SetParameter("Code", EscapingUtilities.Escape(code));

            if ((elementType != XMakeElements.message) && (helpKeyword != null))
                task.SetParameter("HelpKeyword", EscapingUtilities.Escape(helpKeyword));

            return task;
Example #19
		bool RunBuildTask (ProjectTargetInstance target, ProjectTaskInstance taskInstance, TargetResult targetResult, InternalBuildArguments args)
			var request = submission.BuildRequest;

			var host = request.HostServices == null ? null : request.HostServices.GetHostObject (request.ProjectFullPath, target.Name, taskInstance.Name);
			// Create Task instance.
			var factoryIdentityParameters = new Dictionary<string,string> ();
			#if NET_4_5
			factoryIdentityParameters ["MSBuildRuntime"] = taskInstance.MSBuildRuntime;
			factoryIdentityParameters ["MSBuildArchitecture"] = taskInstance.MSBuildArchitecture;
			var task = args.BuildTaskFactory.CreateTask (taskInstance.Name, factoryIdentityParameters, this);
			if (task == null)
				throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format ("TaskFactory {0} returned null Task", args.BuildTaskFactory));
			LogMessageEvent (new BuildMessageEventArgs (string.Format ("Using task {0} from {1}", taskInstance.Name, task.GetType ()), null, null, MessageImportance.Low));
			task.HostObject = host;
			task.BuildEngine = this;
			// Prepare task parameters.
			var evaluator = new ExpressionEvaluator (project);
			var evaluatedTaskParams = taskInstance.Parameters.Select (p => new KeyValuePair<string,string> (p.Key, project.ExpandString (evaluator, p.Value)));

			var requiredProps = task.GetType ().GetProperties ()
				.Where (p => p.CanWrite && p.GetCustomAttributes (typeof (RequiredAttribute), true).Any ());
			var missings = requiredProps.Where (p => !evaluatedTaskParams.Any (tp => tp.Key.Equals (p.Name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)));
			if (missings.Any ())
				throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format ("Task {0} of type {1} is used without specifying mandatory property: {2}",
					taskInstance.Name, task.GetType (), string.Join (", ", missings.Select (p => p.Name).ToArray ())));
			foreach (var p in evaluatedTaskParams) {
				switch (p.Key.ToLower ()) {
				case "condition":
				case "continueonerror":
				var prop = task.GetType ().GetProperty (p.Key);
				if (prop == null)
					throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format ("Task {0} does not have property {1}", taskInstance.Name, p.Key));
				if (!prop.CanWrite)
					throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format ("Task {0} has property {1} but it is read-only.", taskInstance.Name, p.Key));
				if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (p.Value) && !requiredProps.Contains (prop))
				try {
					prop.SetValue (task, ConvertTo (p.Value, prop.PropertyType, evaluator), null);
				} catch (Exception ex) {
					throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format ("Failed to convert '{0}' for property '{1}' of type {2}", p.Value, prop.Name, prop.PropertyType), ex);
			// Do execute task.
			bool taskSuccess = false;
			event_source.FireTaskStarted (this, new TaskStartedEventArgs ("Task Started", null, project.FullPath, taskInstance.FullPath, taskInstance.Name));
			try {
				taskSuccess = task.Execute ();
				if (!taskSuccess) {
					targetResult.Failure (null);
					if (!ContinueOnError) {
						return false;
				} else {
					// Evaluate task output properties and items.
					foreach (var to in taskInstance.Outputs) {
						if (!project.EvaluateCondition (to.Condition))
						var toItem = to as ProjectTaskOutputItemInstance;
						var toProp = to as ProjectTaskOutputPropertyInstance;
						string taskParameter = toItem != null ? toItem.TaskParameter : toProp.TaskParameter;
						var pi = task.GetType ().GetProperty (taskParameter);
						if (pi == null)
							throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format ("Task {0} does not have property {1} specified as TaskParameter", taskInstance.Name, toItem.TaskParameter));
						if (!pi.CanRead)
							throw new InvalidOperationException (string.Format ("Task {0} has property {1} specified as TaskParameter, but it is write-only", taskInstance.Name, toItem.TaskParameter));
						var value = pi.GetValue (task, null);
						var valueString = ConvertFrom (value);
						if (toItem != null) {
							LogMessageEvent (new BuildMessageEventArgs (string.Format ("Output Item {0} from TaskParameter {1}: {2}", toItem.ItemType, toItem.TaskParameter, valueString), null, null, MessageImportance.Low));
							Action<ITaskItem> addItem = i => {
								var metadata = new ArrayList (i.MetadataNames).ToArray ().Cast<string> ().Select (n => new KeyValuePair<string,string> (n, i.GetMetadata (n)));
								args.Project.AddItem (toItem.ItemType, i.ItemSpec, metadata);
							var taskItemArray = value as ITaskItem [];
							if (taskItemArray != null) {
								foreach (var ti in taskItemArray)
									addItem (ti);
							} else {
								var taskItem = value as ITaskItem;
								if (taskItem != null) 
									addItem (taskItem);
									foreach (var item in valueString.Split (';'))
										args.Project.AddItem (toItem.ItemType, item);
						} else {
							LogMessageEvent (new BuildMessageEventArgs (string.Format ("Output Property {0} from TaskParameter {1}: {2}", toProp.PropertyName, toProp.TaskParameter, valueString), null, null, MessageImportance.Low));
							args.Project.SetProperty (toProp.PropertyName, valueString);
			} finally {
				event_source.FireTaskFinished (this, new TaskFinishedEventArgs ("Task Finished", null, project.FullPath, taskInstance.FullPath, taskInstance.Name, taskSuccess));
			return true;
        private void ExecuteTarget(ProjectTargetInstance target)
            IVsBuildManagerAccessor accessor = GetService(typeof(SVsBuildManagerAccessor)) as IVsBuildManagerAccessor;

            if (accessor.ClaimUIThreadForBuild() != VSConstants.S_OK)
                throw new NotImplementedException();


                outputPane.OutputString(string.Format("------ Run target started: Project: {0}, Target: {1} ------" + Environment.NewLine,

                var buildManager = BuildManager.DefaultBuildManager;
                buildManager.BeginBuild(new BuildParameters
                    Loggers = new[] {
                        new IDEBuildLogger(

                BuildRequestData requestData = new BuildRequestData(
                    new[] { target.Name },
                    .ExecuteAsync((submission) =>
                        var targetResults = submission.BuildResult.ResultsByTarget.Values;

                        outputPane.OutputString(string.Format("========== Build: {0} succeeded, {1} failed, {2} skipped ==========" + Environment.NewLine,
                            targetResults.Count(tr => tr.ResultCode == TargetResultCode.Success),
                            targetResults.Count(tr => tr.ResultCode == TargetResultCode.Failure),
                            targetResults.Count(tr => tr.ResultCode == TargetResultCode.Skipped)));
                    }, null);

                //BuildResult buildResult = submission.Execute();

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an MSBuild task to a real project.
        /// </summary>
        private void AddProjectBuildTask(ProjectInstance traversalProject, ProjectInSolution project, ProjectConfigurationInSolution projectConfiguration, ProjectTargetInstance target, string targetToBuild, string sourceItems, string condition, string outputItem)
            ProjectTaskInstance task = target.AddTask("MSBuild", condition, String.Empty);
            task.SetParameter("Projects", sourceItems);
            if (targetToBuild != null)
                task.SetParameter("Targets", targetToBuild);

            task.SetParameter("BuildInParallel", "True");

            task.SetParameter("ToolsVersion", GetToolsVersionAttributeForDirectMSBuildTask(traversalProject));
            task.SetParameter("Properties", GetPropertiesAttributeForDirectMSBuildTask(projectConfiguration));

            if (outputItem != null)
                task.AddOutputItem("TargetOutputs", outputItem, String.Empty);