Example #1
        public void ComplexParseTest()
            Parser p = new Parser();
            GenericExpressionNode tree;

            tree = p.Parse("$(foo)", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("($(foo) or $(bar)) and $(baz)", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("$(foo) <= 5 and $(bar) >= 15", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("(($(foo) <= 5 and $(bar) >= 15) and $(baz) == simplestring) and 'a more complex string' != $(quux)", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("(($(foo) or $(bar) == false) and !($(baz) == simplestring))", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("(($(foo) or Exists('c:\\foobar.txt')) and !(($(baz) == simplestring)))", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("'CONTAINS%27QUOTE%27' == '$(TestQuote)'", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

Example #2
        public void SimpleEvaluationTests()
            Parser p = new Parser();
            Expander expander = new Expander(new BuildPropertyGroup());
            Hashtable conditionedProperties = null;
            ConditionEvaluationState state = new ConditionEvaluationState(DummyAttribute, expander, conditionedProperties, string.Empty);

            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "true", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "on", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "yes", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "false", state, false);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "off", state, false);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "no", state, false);
Example #3
        public void SimpleParseTest()
            Parser p = new Parser();
            GenericExpressionNode tree;

            tree = p.Parse("$(foo)", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("$(foo)=='hello'", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("$(foo)==''", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("$(debug) and $(buildlab) and $(full)", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("$(debug) or $(buildlab) or $(full)", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("$(debug) and $(buildlab) or $(full)", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("$(full) or $(debug) and $(buildlab)", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("%(culture)", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("%(culture)=='french'", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("'foo_%(culture)'=='foo_french'", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("true", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("false", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("0", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("0.0 == 0", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

Example #4
        public void ErrorPosition()
            string[,] tests = {
                { "1==1.1.",                "7",    "AllowAll"},              // Position of second '.'
                { "1==0xFG",                "7",    "AllowAll"},              // Position of G
                { "1==-0xF",                "6",    "AllowAll"},              // Position of x
                { "1234=5678",              "6",    "AllowAll"},              // Position of '5'
                { " ",                      "2",    "AllowAll"},              // Position of End of Input
                { " (",                     "3",    "AllowAll"},              // Position of End of Input
                { " false or  ",            "12",   "AllowAll"},              // Position of End of Input
                { " \"foo",                 "2",    "AllowAll"},              // Position of open quote
                { " @(foo",                 "2",    "AllowAll"},              // Position of @
                { " @(",                    "2",    "AllowAll"},              // Position of @
                { " $",                     "2",    "AllowAll"},              // Position of $
                { " $(foo",                 "2",    "AllowAll"},              // Position of $
                { " $(",                    "2",    "AllowAll"},              // Position of $
                { " $",                     "2",    "AllowAll"},              // Position of $
                { " @(foo)",                "2",    "AllowProperties"},       // Position of @
                { " '@(foo)'",              "3",    "AllowProperties"},       // Position of @    
                /* test escaped chars: message shows them escaped so count should include them */
                { "'%24%28x' == '%24(x''",   "21",  "AllowAll"}               // Position of extra quote 

            // Some errors are caught by the Parser, not merely by the Lexer/Scanner. So we have to do a full Parse,
            // rather than just calling AdvanceToScannerError(). (The error location is still supplied by the Scanner.)
            for (int i = 0; i < tests.GetLength(0); i++)
                Parser parser = null;
                    parser = new Parser();
                    ParserOptions options = (ParserOptions)Enum.Parse(typeof(ParserOptions), tests[i, 2], true /* case-insensitive */);
                    GenericExpressionNode parsedExpression = parser.Parse(tests[i, 0], null, options);
                catch (InvalidProjectFileException ex)
                    Assertion.Assert("Expression '" + tests[i, 0] + "' should have an error at " + tests[i, 1] + " but it was at " + parser.errorPosition,
                            Convert.ToInt32(tests[i, 1]) == parser.errorPosition);
Example #5
 public void FunctionCallParseTest()
     Parser p = new Parser();
     GenericExpressionNode tree;
     tree = p.Parse("SimpleFunctionCall()", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);
     tree = p.Parse("SimpleFunctionCall( 1234 )", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);
     tree = p.Parse("SimpleFunctionCall( true )", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);
     tree = p.Parse("SimpleFunctionCall( $(property) )", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);
     tree = p.Parse("SimpleFunctionCall( $(property), 1234, abcd, 'abcd efgh' )", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);
Example #6
        public void StringExpansionTests()
            Parser p = new Parser();
            BuildPropertyGroup propertyBag = new BuildPropertyGroup();
            Hashtable conditionedProperties = null;

            BuildItemGroup myNewItemGroup = new BuildItemGroup();
            myNewItemGroup.AddItem(new BuildItem("Compile", "foo.cs"));
            myNewItemGroup.AddItem(new BuildItem("Compile", "bar.cs"));
            myNewItemGroup.AddItem(new BuildItem("Compile", "baz.cs"));
            Hashtable itemBag = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            itemBag["COMPILE"] = myNewItemGroup;

            propertyBag = new BuildPropertyGroup();
            propertyBag.SetProperty("foo", "true");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("bar", "yes");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("one", "1");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("onepointzero", "1.0");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("two", "2");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("simple", "simplestring");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("complex", "This is a complex string");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("c1", "Another (complex) one.");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("c2", "Another (complex) one.");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("TestQuote", "Contains'Quote'");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("AnotherTestQuote", "Here's Johnny!");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("Atsign", "Test the @ replacement");

            Expander expander = new Expander(propertyBag, itemBag);
            ConditionEvaluationState state = new ConditionEvaluationState(DummyAttribute, expander, conditionedProperties, string.Empty);

            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "'simplestring: true foo.cs;bar.cs;baz.cs' == '$(simple): $(foo) @(compile)'", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "'$(c1) $(c2)' == 'Another (complex) one. Another (complex) one.'", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "'CONTAINS%27QUOTE%27' == '$(TestQuote)'", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "'Here%27s Johnny!' == '$(AnotherTestQuote)'", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "'Test the %40 replacement' == $(Atsign)", state, true);}
Example #7
 private bool EvaluateCondition(string conditionExpression, Expander expander)
     Parser p = new Parser();
     ConditionEvaluationState state = new ConditionEvaluationState(DummyAttribute, expander, null, conditionExpression);
     GenericExpressionNode node = p.Parse(conditionExpression, DummyAttribute, ParserOptions.AllowAll);
     bool result = node.Evaluate(state);
     return result;
Example #8
        public void NotParseTest()
            Parser p = new Parser();
            GenericExpressionNode tree;
            tree = p.Parse("!true", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("!(true)", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("!($(foo) <= 5)", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("!(%(foo) <= 5)", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

            tree = p.Parse("!($(foo) <= 5 and $(bar) >= 15)", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);

Example #9
        private void AssertParseEvaluateThrow(Parser p, string expression, ConditionEvaluationState state)
            bool fExceptionCaught;

                fExceptionCaught = false;
                GenericExpressionNode tree = p.Parse(expression, DummyAttribute, ParserOptions.AllowAll);
                state.parsedCondition = expression;
            catch (InvalidProjectFileException e)
                fExceptionCaught = true;

Example #10
        public void NegativeTests()
            Parser p = new Parser();
            Expander expander = new Expander(new BuildPropertyGroup());
            Hashtable conditionedProperties = null;
            ConditionEvaluationState state = new ConditionEvaluationState(DummyAttribute, expander, conditionedProperties, string.Empty);

            AssertParseEvaluateThrow(p, "foobar", state);
            AssertParseEvaluateThrow(p, "0", state);
            AssertParseEvaluateThrow(p, "$(platform) == xx > 1==2", state);
            AssertParseEvaluateThrow(p, "!0", state);
            AssertParseEvaluateThrow(p, ">", state);
            AssertParseEvaluateThrow(p, "true!=false==", state);
            AssertParseEvaluateThrow(p, "()", state);
            AssertParseEvaluateThrow(p, "!1", state);
            AssertParseEvaluateThrow(p, "true!=false==true", state);
            AssertParseEvaluateThrow(p, "'a'>'a'", state);
            AssertParseEvaluateThrow(p, "=='x'", state);
            AssertParseEvaluateThrow(p, "==", state);
            AssertParseEvaluateThrow(p, "1==(2", state);
            AssertParseEvaluateThrow(p, "'a'==('a'=='a')", state);
            AssertParseEvaluateThrow(p, "true == on and ''", state);
            AssertParseEvaluateThrow(p, "'' or 'true'", state);
Example #11
 private void AssertParseEvaluate(Parser p, string expression, ConditionEvaluationState state, bool expected)
     state.parsedCondition = expression;
     GenericExpressionNode expressionTree = p.Parse(expression, DummyAttribute, ParserOptions.AllowAll);
     Assertion.AssertEquals(expected, expressionTree.Evaluate(state));
Example #12
        public void NotTests()
            Parser p = new Parser();
            Hashtable conditionedProperties = null;

            BuildPropertyGroup propertyBag = new BuildPropertyGroup();
            propertyBag.SetProperty("foo", "4");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("bar", "32");

            Expander expander = new Expander(propertyBag);
            ConditionEvaluationState state = new ConditionEvaluationState(DummyAttribute, expander, conditionedProperties, string.Empty);

            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "!true", state, false);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "!(true)", state, false);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "!($(foo) <= 5)", state, false);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "!($(foo) <= 5 and $(bar) >= 15)", state, false);
Example #13
        public void MetadataParseTest()
            Parser p = new Parser();
            GenericExpressionNode tree;
            bool fExceptionCaught;

            fExceptionCaught = false;
                tree = p.Parse("%(foo) == 'a.cs;b.cs'", null, ParserOptions.AllowProperties | ParserOptions.AllowItemLists);
            catch (InvalidProjectFileException e)
                fExceptionCaught = true;

            fExceptionCaught = false;
                tree = p.Parse("'a.cs;b.cs' == %(foo)", null, ParserOptions.AllowProperties | ParserOptions.AllowItemLists);
            catch (InvalidProjectFileException e)
                fExceptionCaught = true;

            fExceptionCaught = false;
                tree = p.Parse("'%(foo)' == 'a.cs;b.cs'", null, ParserOptions.AllowProperties | ParserOptions.AllowItemLists);
            catch (InvalidProjectFileException e)
                fExceptionCaught = true;

            fExceptionCaught = false;
                tree = p.Parse("'otherstuff%(foo)' == 'a.cs;b.cs'", null, ParserOptions.AllowProperties | ParserOptions.AllowItemLists);
            catch (InvalidProjectFileException e)
                fExceptionCaught = true;

            fExceptionCaught = false;
                tree = p.Parse("'%(foo)otherstuff' == 'a.cs;b.cs'", null, ParserOptions.AllowProperties | ParserOptions.AllowItemLists);
            catch (InvalidProjectFileException e)
                fExceptionCaught = true;

            fExceptionCaught = false;
                tree = p.Parse("somefunction(%(foo), 'otherstuff')", null, ParserOptions.AllowProperties | ParserOptions.AllowItemLists);
            catch (InvalidProjectFileException e)
                fExceptionCaught = true;
Example #14
        public void EqualityTests()
            Parser p = new Parser();
            Expander expander = new Expander(new BuildPropertyGroup());
            Hashtable conditionedProperties = null;
            ConditionEvaluationState state = new ConditionEvaluationState(DummyAttribute, expander, conditionedProperties, string.Empty);

            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "true == on", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "TrUe == On", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "true != false", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "true==!false", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "4 != 5", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "-4 < 4", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "5 == +5", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "4 == 4.0", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "4 == 4.0", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, ".45 == '.45'", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "4 == '4'", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "'0' == '4'", state, false);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "4 == 0x0004", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "0.0 == 0", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "simplestring == 'simplestring'", state, true);
Example #15
        public void ItemListTests()
            Parser p = new Parser();
            Hashtable conditionedProperties = null;

            BuildItemGroup myCompileItemGroup = new BuildItemGroup();
            myCompileItemGroup.AddItem(new BuildItem("Compile", "foo.cs"));
            myCompileItemGroup.AddItem(new BuildItem("Compile", "bar.cs"));
            myCompileItemGroup.AddItem(new BuildItem("Compile", "baz.cs"));

            BuildItemGroup myBooleanItemGroup = new BuildItemGroup();
            myBooleanItemGroup.AddItem(new BuildItem("Boolean", "true"));

            Hashtable itemsByType = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            itemsByType["Compile"] = myCompileItemGroup;
            itemsByType["Boolean"] = myBooleanItemGroup;

            Expander expander = new Expander(LookupHelpers.CreateLookup(itemsByType).ReadOnlyLookup);
            ConditionEvaluationState state = new ConditionEvaluationState(DummyAttribute, expander, conditionedProperties, string.Empty);

            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "@(Compile) == 'foo.cs;bar.cs;baz.cs'", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "@(Compile,' ') == 'foo.cs bar.cs baz.cs'", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "@(Compile,'') == 'foo.csbar.csbaz.cs'", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "@(Compile->'%(Filename)') == 'foo;bar;baz'", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "@(Compile -> 'temp\\%(Filename).xml', ' ') == 'temp\\foo.xml temp\\bar.xml temp\\baz.xml'", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "@(Compile->'', '') == ''", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "@(Compile->'') == ';;'", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "@(Compile->'%(Nonexistent)', '') == ''", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "@(Compile->'%(Nonexistent)') == ';;'", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "@(Boolean)", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "@(Boolean) == true", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "'@(Empty, ';')' == ''", state, true);}
Example #16
        public void PropertyTests()
            Parser p = new Parser();
            Hashtable conditionedProperties = null;

            BuildPropertyGroup propertyBag = new BuildPropertyGroup();
            propertyBag.SetProperty("foo", "true");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("bar", "yes");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("one", "1");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("onepointzero", "1.0");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("two", "2");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("simple", "simplestring");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("complex", "This is a complex string");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("c1", "Another (complex) one.");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("c2", "Another (complex) one.");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("x86", "x86");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("no", "no");

            Expander expander = new Expander(propertyBag);
            ConditionEvaluationState state = new ConditionEvaluationState(DummyAttribute, expander, conditionedProperties, string.Empty);

            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "$(foo)", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "!$(foo)", state, false);
            // Test properties with strings
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "$(simple) == 'simplestring'", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "'simplestring' == $(simple)", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "'foobar' != $(simple)", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "'simplestring' == '$(simple)'", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "$(simple) == simplestring", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "$(x86) == x86", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "$(x86)==x86", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "x86==$(x86)", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "$(c1) == $(c2)", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "'$(c1)' == $(c2)", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "$(c1) != $(simple)", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "$(c1) == $(c2)", state, true);
            // Test properties with numbers
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "$(one) == $(onepointzero)", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "$(one) <= $(two)", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "$(two) > $(onepointzero)", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "$(one) != $(two)", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "'$(no)'==false", state, true);}
Example #17
        public void FunctionTests()
            Parser p = new Parser();
            GenericExpressionNode tree;
            Expander expander = new Expander(new BuildPropertyGroup());
            Hashtable conditionedProperties = null;
            ConditionEvaluationState state = new ConditionEvaluationState(DummyAttribute, expander, conditionedProperties, string.Empty);
            bool value;

            string fileThatMustAlwaysExist = Path.GetTempFileName();
            File.WriteAllText(fileThatMustAlwaysExist, "foo");
            string command = "Exists('" + fileThatMustAlwaysExist + "')";
            tree = p.Parse(command, DummyAttribute, ParserOptions.AllowAll);
            value = tree.Evaluate(state);

            if (File.Exists(fileThatMustAlwaysExist))

            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "Exists('c:\\IShouldntExist.sys')", state, false);
Example #18
        public void AndandOrTests()
            Parser p = new Parser();
            Expander expander = new Expander(new BuildPropertyGroup());
            Hashtable conditionedProperties = null;
            ConditionEvaluationState state = new ConditionEvaluationState(DummyAttribute, expander, conditionedProperties, string.Empty);

            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "true == on and 1234 < 1235", state, true);}
Example #19
        public void RelationalTests()
            Parser p = new Parser();
            Expander expander = new Expander(new BuildPropertyGroup());
            Hashtable conditionedProperties = null;
            ConditionEvaluationState state = new ConditionEvaluationState(DummyAttribute, expander, conditionedProperties, string.Empty);

            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "1234 < 1235", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "1234 <= 1235", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "1235 < 1235", state, false);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "1234 <= 1234", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "1235 <= 1234", state, false);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "1235 > 1234", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "1235 >= 1235", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "1235 >= 1234", state, true);
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "0.0==0", state, true);}
Example #20
        public void NegativeTests()
            Parser p = new Parser();
            GenericExpressionNode tree;
            bool fExceptionCaught;

                fExceptionCaught = false;
                // Note no close quote ----------------------------------------------------V
                tree = p.Parse("'a more complex' == 'asdf", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);
            catch (InvalidProjectFileException e)
                fExceptionCaught = true;

                fExceptionCaught = false;
                // Note no close quote ----------------------------------------------------V
                tree = p.Parse("(($(foo) <= 5 and $(bar) >= 15) and $(baz) == 'simple string) and 'a more complex string' != $(quux)", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);
            catch (InvalidProjectFileException e)
                fExceptionCaught = true;
                fExceptionCaught = false;
                // Correct tokens, but bad parse -----------V
                tree = p.Parse("($(foo) == 'simple string') $(bar)", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);
            catch (InvalidProjectFileException e)
                fExceptionCaught = true;

                fExceptionCaught = false;
                // Correct tokens, but bad parse -----------V
                tree = p.Parse("=='x'", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);
            catch (InvalidProjectFileException e)
                fExceptionCaught = true;

                fExceptionCaught = false;
                // Correct tokens, but bad parse -----------V
                tree = p.Parse("==", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);
            catch (InvalidProjectFileException e)
                fExceptionCaught = true;

                fExceptionCaught = false;
                // Correct tokens, but bad parse -----------V
                tree = p.Parse(">", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);
            catch (InvalidProjectFileException e)
                fExceptionCaught = true;
                fExceptionCaught = false;
                // Correct tokens, but bad parse -----------V
                tree = p.Parse("true!=false==", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);
            catch (InvalidProjectFileException e)
                fExceptionCaught = true;

                fExceptionCaught = false;
                // Correct tokens, but bad parse -----------V
                tree = p.Parse("true!=false==true", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);
            catch (InvalidProjectFileException e)
                fExceptionCaught = true;
                fExceptionCaught = false;
                // Correct tokens, but bad parse -----------V
                tree = p.Parse("1==(2", null, ParserOptions.AllowAll);
            catch (InvalidProjectFileException e)
                fExceptionCaught = true;
Example #21
        public void OldSyntaxTests()
            Parser p = new Parser();
            BuildPropertyGroup propertyBag = new BuildPropertyGroup();
            Hashtable conditionedProperties = null;

            BuildItemGroup myNewItemGroup = new BuildItemGroup();
            myNewItemGroup.AddItem(new BuildItem("Compile", "foo.cs"));
            myNewItemGroup.AddItem(new BuildItem("Compile", "bar.cs"));
            myNewItemGroup.AddItem(new BuildItem("Compile", "baz.cs"));
            Hashtable itemBag = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            itemBag["COMPILE"] = myNewItemGroup;

            propertyBag = new BuildPropertyGroup();
            propertyBag.SetProperty("foo", "true");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("bar", "yes");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("one", "1");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("onepointzero", "1.0");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("two", "2");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("simple", "simplestring");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("complex", "This is a complex string");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("c1", "Another (complex) one.");
            propertyBag.SetProperty("c2", "Another (complex) one.");

            Expander expander = new Expander(propertyBag, itemBag);
            ConditionEvaluationState state = new ConditionEvaluationState(DummyAttribute, expander, conditionedProperties, string.Empty);

            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "(($(foo) != 'two' and $(bar)) and 5 >= 1) or $(one) == 1", state, true);}
Example #22
        public void ConditionedPropertyUpdateTests()
            Parser p = new Parser();
            BuildPropertyGroup propertyBag = new BuildPropertyGroup();
            Hashtable conditionedProperties = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            BuildItemGroup myNewItemGroup = new BuildItemGroup();
            myNewItemGroup.AddItem(new BuildItem("Compile", "foo.cs"));
            myNewItemGroup.AddItem(new BuildItem("Compile", "bar.cs"));
            myNewItemGroup.AddItem(new BuildItem("Compile", "baz.cs"));
            Hashtable itemBag = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            itemBag["Compile"] = myNewItemGroup;

            Expander expander = new Expander(LookupHelpers.CreateLookup(itemBag).ReadOnlyLookup);
            ConditionEvaluationState state = new ConditionEvaluationState(DummyAttribute, expander, conditionedProperties, string.Empty);

            StringCollection sc;
            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "'0' == '1'", state, false);
            Assertion.Assert(conditionedProperties.Count == 0);

            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "$(foo) == foo", state, false);
            Assertion.Assert(conditionedProperties.Count == 1);
            sc = (StringCollection)conditionedProperties["foo"];
            Assertion.Assert(sc.Count == 1);

            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "'$(foo)' != 'bar'", state, true);
            Assertion.Assert(conditionedProperties.Count == 1);
            sc = (StringCollection)conditionedProperties["foo"];
            Assertion.Assert(sc.Count == 2);

            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "'$(branch)|$(build)|$(platform)' == 'lab22dev|debug|x86'", state, false);
            Assertion.Assert(conditionedProperties.Count == 4);
            sc = (StringCollection)conditionedProperties["foo"];
            Assertion.Assert(sc.Count == 2);
            sc = (StringCollection)conditionedProperties["branch"];
            Assertion.Assert(sc.Count == 1);
            sc = (StringCollection)conditionedProperties["build"];
            Assertion.Assert(sc.Count == 1);
            sc = (StringCollection)conditionedProperties["platform"];
            Assertion.Assert(sc.Count == 1);

            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "'$(branch)|$(build)|$(platform)' == 'lab21|debug|x86'", state, false);
            Assertion.Assert(conditionedProperties.Count == 4);
            sc = (StringCollection)conditionedProperties["foo"];
            Assertion.Assert(sc.Count == 2);
            sc = (StringCollection)conditionedProperties["branch"];
            Assertion.Assert(sc.Count == 2);
            sc = (StringCollection)conditionedProperties["build"];
            Assertion.Assert(sc.Count == 1);
            sc = (StringCollection)conditionedProperties["platform"];
            Assertion.Assert(sc.Count == 1);

            AssertParseEvaluate(p, "'$(branch)|$(build)|$(platform)' == 'lab23|retail|ia64'", state, false);
            Assertion.Assert(conditionedProperties.Count == 4);
            sc = (StringCollection)conditionedProperties["foo"];
            Assertion.Assert(sc.Count == 2);
            sc = (StringCollection)conditionedProperties["branch"];
            Assertion.Assert(sc.Count == 3);
            sc = (StringCollection)conditionedProperties["build"];
            Assertion.Assert(sc.Count == 2);
            sc = (StringCollection)conditionedProperties["platform"];
            Assertion.Assert(sc.Count == 2);
Example #23
        /// <summary>
        /// A whole bunch of conditionals, that should be true, false, or error 
        /// (many coincidentally like existing QA tests) to give breadth coverage.
        /// Please add more cases as they arise.
        /// </summary>
        /// <owner>danmose</owner>
        private void EvaluateAVarietyOfExpressions()
            string[] files = { "a", "a;b", "a'b", ";", "'" };

                foreach (string file in files)
                    using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(file)) { ; }

                Parser p = new Parser();
                GenericExpressionNode tree;

                BuildItemGroup itemGroupU = new BuildItemGroup();
                BuildItemGroup itemGroupV = new BuildItemGroup();
                BuildItemGroup itemGroupW = new BuildItemGroup();
                BuildItemGroup itemGroupX = new BuildItemGroup();
                BuildItemGroup itemGroupY = new BuildItemGroup();
                BuildItemGroup itemGroupZ = new BuildItemGroup();
                itemGroupU.AddItem(new BuildItem("u", "a'b;c"));
                itemGroupV.AddItem(new BuildItem("w", "a"));
                itemGroupW.AddItem(new BuildItem("w", "1"));
                itemGroupX.AddItem(new BuildItem("x", "true"));
                itemGroupY.AddItem(new BuildItem("y", "xxx"));
                itemGroupZ.AddItem(new BuildItem("z", "xxx"));
                itemGroupZ.AddItem(new BuildItem("z", "yyy"));
                Hashtable itemBag = new Hashtable(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                itemBag["u"] = itemGroupU;
                itemBag["v"] = itemGroupV;
                itemBag["w"] = itemGroupW;
                itemBag["x"] = itemGroupX;
                itemBag["y"] = itemGroupY;
                itemBag["z"] = itemGroupZ;

                BuildPropertyGroup propertyBag = new BuildPropertyGroup();
                propertyBag.SetProperty("a", "no");
                propertyBag.SetProperty("b", "true");
                propertyBag.SetProperty("c", "1");
                propertyBag.SetProperty("d", "xxx");
                propertyBag.SetProperty("e", "xxx");
                propertyBag.SetProperty("and", "and");
                propertyBag.SetProperty("a_semi_b", "a;b");
                propertyBag.SetProperty("a_apos_b", "a'b");
                propertyBag.SetProperty("foo_apos_foo", "foo'foo");
                propertyBag.SetProperty("a_escapedsemi_b", "a%3bb");
                propertyBag.SetProperty("a_escapedapos_b", "a%27b");
                propertyBag.SetProperty("has_trailing_slash", @"foo\");

                Dictionary<string, string> itemMetadata = new Dictionary<string, string>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                itemMetadata["Culture"] = "french";

                Expander expander = new Expander(new ReadOnlyLookup(itemBag, propertyBag), itemMetadata);

                string[] trueTests = {
                    "true or (SHOULDNOTEVALTHIS)", // short circuit
                    "(true and false) or true",
                    "false or true or false",
                    "(true) and (true)",
                    "false or !false",
                    "($(a) or true)",
                    "('$(c)'==1 and (!false))",
                    "@(z -> '%(filename).z', '$')=='xxx.z$yyy.z'",
                    "false or (false or (false or (false or (false or (true)))))",
                    "!(true and false)",
                    "$(b)== True",
                    "44==+44.0 and -44==-44.0",                    
                    "_a== _a",
                    "@(y -> '%(filename)')=='xxx'",
                    "@(z -> '%(filename)', '!')=='xxx!yyy'",
                    "'xxx!yyy'==@(z -> '%(filename)', '!')",
                    "-1  <  0",
                    "(true) and ($(a)==off)",
                    "(true) and ($(d)==xxx)",
                    "(false)     or($(d)==xxx)",
                    "true or true or false",
                    "false or true or !true or'1'",
                    "$(a) or $(b)",
                    "$(a) or true",
                    "true or 1",
                    "'%(culture) fries' == 'FRENCH FRIES' ",
                    @"'%(HintPath)' == ''",
                    @"%(HintPath) != 'c:\myassemblies\foo.dll'",
                    "exists('a%3bb')", /* semicolon */
                    "exists('a%27b')", /* apostrophe */
                    "'59264.59264' == '59264.59264'",
                    "1" + new String('0', 500) + "==" + "1" + new String('0', 500), /* too big for double, eval as string */
                    "'1" + new String('0', 500) + "'=='" + "1" + new String('0', 500) + "'" /* too big for double, eval as string */

                string[] falseTests = {
                    "false and SHOULDNOTEVALTHIS", // short circuit
                    "false or false or false",
                    "false and !((true and false))",
                    "on and off",
                    "(true) and (false)",
                    "false or (false or (false or (false or (false or (false)))))",
                    "!$(b)and true",
                    "$(a) and true",
                    "%(culture) == 'english'",
                    "'%(culture) fries' == 'english fries' ",
                    @"'%(HintPath)' == 'c:\myassemblies\foo.dll'",
                    @"%(HintPath) == 'c:\myassemblies\foo.dll'",
                    "exists(' ')",
                    "exists($(nonexistent))",  // DDB #141195
                    "exists('$(nonexistent)')",  // DDB #141195
                    "exists(@(nonexistent))",  // DDB #141195
                    "exists('@(nonexistent)')",  // DDB #141195
                    "'59264.59264' == '59264.59265'",
                    "1" + new String('0', 500) + "==2", /* too big for double, eval as string */
                    "'1" + new String('0', 500) + "'=='2'", /* too big for double, eval as string */
                    "'1" + new String('0', 500) + "'=='01" + new String('0', 500) + "'" /* too big for double, eval as string */

                string[] errorTests = {
                    "exists( )",
                    "1 > 'x'",
                    "1> =0",
                    "or true",
                    "1 and",
                    "not true",
                    "1= =1",
                    "@(a) @(x)!=1",
                    "true $(and) true",
                    "a==b or $(d)",
                    "false or $()",
                    "$(d) or true",
                    "%(Culture) or true",
                    "@(nonexistent) and true",
                    "$(nonexistent) and true",
                    "@(z) and true",
                    "@() and true",
                    "1 or true",
                    "false or 1",
                    "1 and true",
                    "true and 1",
                    "false or !1",
                    "false or 'aa'",
                    "true blah",
                    "exists('a;b')", /* non scalar */

                for (int i = 0; i < trueTests.GetLength(0); i++)
                    tree = p.Parse(trueTests[i], DummyAttribute, ParserOptions.AllowAll);
                    ConditionEvaluationState state = new ConditionEvaluationState(DummyAttribute, expander, null, trueTests[i]);
                    Assertion.Assert("expected true from '" + trueTests[i] + "'", tree.Evaluate(state));

                for (int i = 0; i < falseTests.GetLength(0); i++)
                    tree = p.Parse(falseTests[i], DummyAttribute, ParserOptions.AllowAll);
                    ConditionEvaluationState state = new ConditionEvaluationState(DummyAttribute, expander, null, falseTests[i]);
                    Assertion.Assert("expected false from '" + falseTests[i] + "' and got true", !tree.Evaluate(state));

                for (int i = 0; i < errorTests.GetLength(0); i++)
                    // It seems that if an expression is invalid,
                    //      - Parse may throw, or
                    //      - Evaluate may throw, or
                    //      - Evaluate may return false causing its caller EvaluateCondition to throw
                    bool success = true;
                    bool caughtException = false;
                    bool value;
                        tree = p.Parse(errorTests[i], DummyAttribute, ParserOptions.AllowAll);
                        ConditionEvaluationState state = new ConditionEvaluationState(DummyAttribute, expander, null, errorTests[i]);
                        value = tree.Evaluate(state);
                        if (!success) Console.WriteLine(errorTests[i] + " caused Evaluate to return false");
                    catch (InvalidProjectFileException ex)
                        Console.WriteLine(errorTests[i] + " caused '" + ex.Message + "'");
                        caughtException = true;
                    Assertion.Assert("expected '" + errorTests[i] + "' to not parse or not be evaluated",
                        (success == false || caughtException == true));

                foreach (string file in files)
                    if (File.Exists(file)) File.Delete(file);