Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the Activity class.
 /// </summary>
 public Activity(string type = default(string), string id = default(string), DateTime?timestamp = default(DateTime?), DateTime?localTimestamp = default(DateTime?), string serviceUrl = default(string), string channelId = default(string), ChannelAccount from = default(ChannelAccount), ConversationAccount conversation = default(ConversationAccount), ChannelAccount recipient = default(ChannelAccount), string textFormat = default(string), string attachmentLayout = default(string), IList <ChannelAccount> membersAdded = default(IList <ChannelAccount>), IList <ChannelAccount> membersRemoved = default(IList <ChannelAccount>), string topicName = default(string), bool?historyDisclosed = default(bool?), string locale = default(string), string text = default(string), string speak = default(string), string inputHint = default(string), string summary = default(string), SuggestedActions suggestedActions = default(SuggestedActions), IList <Attachment> attachments = default(IList <Attachment>), IList <Entity> entities = default(IList <Entity>), object channelData = default(object), string action = default(string), string replyToId = default(string), object value = default(object), string name = default(string), ConversationReference relatesTo = default(ConversationReference), string code = default(string))
     Type             = type;
     Id               = id;
     Timestamp        = timestamp;
     LocalTimestamp   = localTimestamp;
     ServiceUrl       = serviceUrl;
     ChannelId        = channelId;
     From             = from;
     Conversation     = conversation;
     Recipient        = recipient;
     TextFormat       = textFormat;
     AttachmentLayout = attachmentLayout;
     MembersAdded     = membersAdded;
     MembersRemoved   = membersRemoved;
     TopicName        = topicName;
     HistoryDisclosed = historyDisclosed;
     Locale           = locale;
     Text             = text;
     Speak            = speak;
     InputHint        = inputHint;
     Summary          = summary;
     SuggestedActions = suggestedActions;
     Attachments      = attachments;
     Entities         = entities;
     ChannelData      = channelData;
     Action           = action;
     ReplyToId        = replyToId;
     Value            = value;
     Name             = name;
     RelatesTo        = relatesTo;
     Code             = code;
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the Activity class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="type">Contains the activity type. Possible values
 /// include: 'message', 'contactRelationUpdate', 'conversationUpdate',
 /// 'typing', 'endOfConversation', 'event', 'invoke', 'deleteUserData',
 /// 'messageUpdate', 'messageDelete', 'installationUpdate',
 /// 'messageReaction', 'suggestion', 'trace', 'handoff'</param>
 /// <param name="id">Contains an ID that uniquely identifies the
 /// activity on the channel.</param>
 /// <param name="timestamp">Contains the date and time that the message
 /// was sent, in UTC, expressed in ISO-8601 format.</param>
 /// <param name="localTimestamp">Contains the local date and time of
 /// the message, expressed in ISO-8601 format.
 /// For example, 2016-09-23T13:07:49.4714686-07:00.</param>
 /// <param name="localTimezone">Contains the name of the local timezone
 /// of the message, expressed in IANA Time Zone database format.
 /// For example, America/Los_Angeles.</param>
 /// <param name="serviceUrl">Contains the URL that specifies the
 /// channel's service endpoint. Set by the channel.</param>
 /// <param name="channelId">Contains an ID that uniquely identifies the
 /// channel. Set by the channel.</param>
 /// <param name="from">Identifies the sender of the
 /// message.</param>
 /// <param name="conversation">Identifies the conversation to which the
 /// activity belongs.</param>
 /// <param name="recipient">Identifies the recipient of the
 /// message.</param>
 /// <param name="textFormat">Format of text fields Default:markdown.
 /// Possible values include: 'markdown', 'plain', 'xml'</param>
 /// <param name="attachmentLayout">The layout hint for multiple
 /// attachments. Default: list. Possible values include: 'list',
 /// 'carousel'</param>
 /// <param name="membersAdded">The collection of members added to the
 /// conversation.</param>
 /// <param name="membersRemoved">The collection of members removed from
 /// the conversation.</param>
 /// <param name="reactionsAdded">The collection of reactions added to
 /// the conversation.</param>
 /// <param name="reactionsRemoved">The collection of reactions removed
 /// from the conversation.</param>
 /// <param name="topicName">The updated topic name of the
 /// conversation.</param>
 /// <param name="historyDisclosed">Indicates whether the prior history
 /// of the channel is disclosed.</param>
 /// <param name="locale">A locale name for the contents of the text
 /// field.
 /// The locale name is a combination of an ISO 639 two- or three-letter
 /// culture code associated with a language
 /// and an ISO 3166 two-letter subculture code associated with a
 /// country or region.
 /// The locale name can also correspond to a valid BCP-47 language
 /// tag.</param>
 /// <param name="text">The text content of the message.</param>
 /// <param name="speak">The text to speak.</param>
 /// <param name="inputHint">Indicates whether your bot is accepting,
 /// expecting, or ignoring user input after the message is delivered to
 /// the client. Possible values include: 'acceptingInput',
 /// 'ignoringInput', 'expectingInput'</param>
 /// <param name="summary">The text to display if the channel cannot
 /// render cards.</param>
 /// <param name="suggestedActions">The suggested actions for the
 /// activity.</param>
 /// <param name="attachments">Attachments</param>
 /// <param name="entities">Represents the entities that were mentioned
 /// in the message.</param>
 /// <param name="channelData">Contains channel-specific
 /// content.</param>
 /// <param name="action">Indicates whether the recipient of a
 /// contactRelationUpdate was added or removed from the sender's
 /// contact list.</param>
 /// <param name="replyToId">Contains the ID of the message to which
 /// this message is a reply.</param>
 /// <param name="label">A descriptive label for the activity.</param>
 /// <param name="valueType">The type of the activity's value
 /// object.</param>
 /// <param name="value">A value that is associated with the
 /// activity.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the operation associated with an
 /// invoke or event activity.</param>
 /// <param name="relatesTo">A reference to another conversation or
 /// activity.</param>
 /// <param name="code">The a code for endOfConversation activities that
 /// indicates why the conversation ended. Possible values include:
 /// 'unknown', 'completedSuccessfully', 'userCancelled', 'botTimedOut',
 /// 'botIssuedInvalidMessage', 'channelFailed'</param>
 /// <param name="expiration">The time at which the activity should be
 /// considered to be "expired" and should not be presented to the
 /// recipient.</param>
 /// <param name="importance">The importance of the activity. Possible
 /// values include: 'low', 'normal', 'high'</param>
 /// <param name="deliveryMode">A delivery hint to signal to the
 /// recipient alternate delivery paths for the activity.
 /// The default delivery mode is "default". Possible values include:
 /// 'normal', 'notification'</param>
 /// <param name="listenFor">List of phrases and references that speech
 /// and language priming systems should listen for</param>
 /// <param name="textHighlights">The collection of text fragments to
 /// highlight when the activity contains a ReplyToId value.</param>
 /// <param name="semanticAction">An optional programmatic action
 /// accompanying this request</param>
 /// <param name="callerId">A string containing an IRI identifying the
 /// caller of a bot. This field is not intended to be transmitted
 /// over the wire, but is instead populated by bots and clients based on
 /// cryptographically verifiable data that asserts the identity of
 /// the callers (e.g. tokens).</param>
 public Activity(string type = default(string), string id = default(string), System.DateTimeOffset?timestamp = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), System.DateTimeOffset?localTimestamp = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), string serviceUrl = default(string), string channelId = default(string), ChannelAccount from = default(ChannelAccount), ConversationAccount conversation = default(ConversationAccount), ChannelAccount recipient = default(ChannelAccount), string textFormat = default(string), string attachmentLayout = default(string), IList <ChannelAccount> membersAdded = default(IList <ChannelAccount>), IList <ChannelAccount> membersRemoved = default(IList <ChannelAccount>), IList <MessageReaction> reactionsAdded = default(IList <MessageReaction>), IList <MessageReaction> reactionsRemoved = default(IList <MessageReaction>), string topicName = default(string), bool?historyDisclosed = default(bool?), string locale = default(string), string text = default(string), string speak = default(string), string inputHint = default(string), string summary = default(string), SuggestedActions suggestedActions = default(SuggestedActions), IList <Attachment> attachments = default(IList <Attachment>), IList <Entity> entities = default(IList <Entity>), object channelData = default(object), string action = default(string), string replyToId = default(string), string label = default(string), string valueType = default(string), object value = default(object), string name = default(string), ConversationReference relatesTo = default(ConversationReference), string code = default(string), System.DateTimeOffset?expiration = default(System.DateTimeOffset?), string importance = default(string), string deliveryMode = default(string), IList <string> listenFor = default(IList <string>), IList <TextHighlight> textHighlights = default(IList <TextHighlight>), SemanticAction semanticAction = default(SemanticAction), string localTimezone = default(string), string callerId = default(string))
     Type             = type;
     Id               = id;
     Timestamp        = timestamp;
     LocalTimestamp   = localTimestamp;
     LocalTimezone    = localTimezone;
     ServiceUrl       = serviceUrl;
     ChannelId        = channelId;
     From             = from;
     Conversation     = conversation;
     Recipient        = recipient;
     TextFormat       = textFormat;
     AttachmentLayout = attachmentLayout;
     MembersAdded     = membersAdded;
     MembersRemoved   = membersRemoved;
     ReactionsAdded   = reactionsAdded;
     ReactionsRemoved = reactionsRemoved;
     TopicName        = topicName;
     HistoryDisclosed = historyDisclosed;
     Locale           = locale;
     Text             = text;
     Speak            = speak;
     InputHint        = inputHint;
     Summary          = summary;
     SuggestedActions = suggestedActions;
     Attachments      = attachments;
     Entities         = entities;
     ChannelData      = channelData;
     Action           = action;
     ReplyToId        = replyToId;
     Label            = label;
     ValueType        = valueType;
     Value            = value;
     Name             = name;
     RelatesTo        = relatesTo;
     Code             = code;
     Expiration       = expiration;
     Importance       = importance;
     DeliveryMode     = deliveryMode;
     ListenFor        = listenFor;
     TextHighlights   = textHighlights;
     SemanticAction   = semanticAction;
     CallerId         = callerId;