private static async Task AuthorizeInBrowser(OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant auth)
            var browserWindow = new BrowserWindow(auth.GetAuthorizationEndpoint(), auth.RedirectionUri.AbsolutePath);


            var redirectUri = await browserWindow.GetRedirectUri();

            await auth.RequestAccessAndRefreshTokensAsync(redirectUri);
        private static async Task AuthorizeInBrowser(OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant authentication)
            var browserWindow = new BrowserWindow(authentication.GetAuthorizationEndpoint(), authentication.RedirectionUri.AbsolutePath);


            var redirectUri = await browserWindow.GetRedirectUri();
            if (authentication.State != ClientState)
                throw new HttpRequestException("The OAuth response state does not match the client request state.");

            await authentication.RequestAccessAndRefreshTokensAsync(redirectUri);

Example #3
        private static Authentication AuthenticateWithOAuth()
            var oAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant = new OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant(Settings.Default["ClientId"].ToString());

            // It is recommended that you specify a non guessable 'state' request parameter to help prevent
            // cross site request forgery (CSRF). 
            oAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant.State = ClientState;

            string refreshToken;

            // If you have previously securely stored a refresh token, try to use it.
            if (GetRefreshToken(out refreshToken))
                AuthorizeWithRefreshTokenAsync(oAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant, refreshToken).Wait();
                // You must request user consent at least once through a web browser control. 
                // Call the GetAuthorizationEndpoint method of the OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant instance that you created above.
                    "The Bing Ads user must provide consent for your application to access their Bing Ads accounts.\n" +
                    "Open a new web browser and navigate to {0}.\n\n" +
                    "After the user has granted consent in the web browser for the application to access their Bing Ads accounts, " +
                    "please enter the response URI that includes the authorization 'code' parameter: \n", oAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant.GetAuthorizationEndpoint()));

                // Request access and refresh tokens using the URI that you provided manually during program execution.
                var responseUri = new Uri(Console.ReadLine());

                if (oAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant.State != ClientState)
                    throw new HttpRequestException("The OAuth response state does not match the client request state.");


            // It is important to save the most recent refresh token whenever new OAuth tokens are received. 
            // You will want to subscribe to the NewOAuthTokensReceived event handler. 
            // When calling Bing Ads services with ServiceClient<TService>, BulkServiceManager, or ReportingServiceManager, 
            // each instance will refresh your access token automatically if they detect the AuthenticationTokenExpired (109) error code. 
            oAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant.NewOAuthTokensReceived +=
                    (sender, tokens) => SaveRefreshToken(tokens.NewRefreshToken);

            return oAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant;