ClearContainer() public static method

public static ClearContainer ( Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlobContainer container ) : void
container Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob.CloudBlobContainer
return void
        public async Task BlobTriggerBatch_Succeeds()
            // write input blob
            CloudBlobContainer inputContainer = _fixture.BlobClient.GetContainerReference("samples-batch");
            await inputContainer.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();

            // Processing a large number of blobs on startup can take a while,
            // so let's start with an empty container.

            string         blobName  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            string         testData  = "This is a test";
            CloudBlockBlob inputBlob = inputContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(blobName);
            await inputBlob.UploadTextAsync(testData);

            // wait for function to execute and produce its result blob
            CloudBlobContainer outputContainer = _fixture.BlobClient.GetContainerReference("samples-output");
            CloudBlockBlob     outputBlob      = outputContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(blobName);
            string             result          = await TestHelpers.WaitForBlobAndGetStringAsync(outputBlob);

            // verify results
            Assert.Equal(testData, result.Trim());
        protected virtual void CreateTestStorageEntities()
            TestQueue = QueueClient.GetQueueReference(string.Format("test-input-{0}", FixtureId));

            // This queue name should really be suffixed by -fsharp, -csharp, -node etc.
            MobileTablesQueue = QueueClient.GetQueueReference("mobiletables-input");
            MobileTablesQueue.CreateIfNotExists(); // do not clear this queue since it is currently shared between fixtures

            TestInputContainer = BlobClient.GetContainerReference(string.Format("test-input-{0}", FixtureId));
            // Processing a large number of blobs on startup can take a while,
            // so let's start with an empty container.

            TestOutputContainer = BlobClient.GetContainerReference(string.Format("test-output-{0}", FixtureId));

            TestTable = TableClient.GetTableReference("test");

            DeleteEntities(TestTable, "AAA");
            DeleteEntities(TestTable, "BBB");

            var batch = new TableBatchOperation();

            batch.Insert(new TestEntity {
                PartitionKey = "AAA", RowKey = "001", Region = "West", Name = "Test Entity 1", Status = 0
            batch.Insert(new TestEntity {
                PartitionKey = "AAA", RowKey = "002", Region = "East", Name = "Test Entity 2", Status = 1
            batch.Insert(new TestEntity {
                PartitionKey = "AAA", RowKey = "003", Region = "West", Name = "Test Entity 3", Status = 1
            batch.Insert(new TestEntity {
                PartitionKey = "AAA", RowKey = "004", Region = "West", Name = "Test Entity 4", Status = 1
            batch.Insert(new TestEntity {
                PartitionKey = "AAA", RowKey = "005", Region = "East", Name = "Test Entity 5", Status = 0

            batch = new TableBatchOperation();
            batch.Insert(new TestEntity {
                PartitionKey = "BBB", RowKey = "001", Region = "South", Name = "Test Entity 1", Status = 0
            batch.Insert(new TestEntity {
                PartitionKey = "BBB", RowKey = "002", Region = "West", Name = "Test Entity 2", Status = 1
            batch.Insert(new TestEntity {
                PartitionKey = "BBB", RowKey = "003", Region = "West", Name = "Test Entity 3", Status = 0

            string serviceBusQueueName = string.Format("test-input-{0}", FixtureId);
            string connectionString    = AmbientConnectionStringProvider.Instance.GetConnectionString(ConnectionStringNames.ServiceBus);
            var    namespaceManager    = NamespaceManager.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString);


            ServiceBusQueueClient = Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.QueueClient.CreateFromConnectionString(connectionString, serviceBusQueueName);