public void TestShardCommandRetryExhaustion()
            var retryPolicy      = new RetryPolicy(2, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100));
            var shardConnections = new List <Tuple <ShardLocation, DbConnection> >();

            // Create ten mocked connections, half of them will throw exceptions on Open
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                string database = string.Format("Shard{0}", i);

                int    j             = i;
                Action executeOnOpen = () =>
                    if (j < 5)
                        throw new TimeoutException();

                var mockCon = new MockSqlConnection(database, executeOnOpen);
                shardConnections.Add(new Tuple <ShardLocation, DbConnection>(new ShardLocation("test", database), mockCon));

            var mockCmd = new MockSqlCommand();

            mockCmd.ExecuteReaderFunc = (t, c) => new MockSqlDataReader();
            mockCmd.CommandText       = "select 1";
            using (var conn = new MultiShardConnection(shardConnections))
                using (var cmd = MultiShardCommand.Create(conn, mockCmd, 300))
                    cmd.ExecutionOptions = MultiShardExecutionOptions.None;
                    cmd.RetryPolicy      = retryPolicy;
                    cmd.ExecutionPolicy  = MultiShardExecutionPolicy.PartialResults;
                    MultiShardDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.Default);

                    // Validate the right exception is re-thrown
                    Assert.IsTrue(rdr.MultiShardExceptions.Count == 5, "Expected MultiShardExceptions!");
                    foreach (MultiShardException ex in rdr.MultiShardExceptions)
                        Assert.IsTrue(ex.InnerException is TimeoutException, "Expected TimeoutException!");

                    // Validate that the connections for the faulted readers are closed
                    for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                        Assert.IsTrue(shardConnections[i].Item2.State == ConnectionState.Closed,
                                      "Expected Connection to be Closed!");
        private List <Tuple <ShardLocation, DbConnection> > CreateConnections(int count, Action executeOnOpen)
            var shardConnections = new List <Tuple <ShardLocation, DbConnection> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                string database = string.Format("Shard{0}", i);
                var    mockCon  = new MockSqlConnection(database, executeOnOpen);
                shardConnections.Add(new Tuple <ShardLocation, DbConnection>(new ShardLocation("test", database), mockCon));

        public void TestShardCommandRetryBasic()
            var retryPolicy      = new RetryPolicy(4, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100));
            var openRetryCounts  = new int[10];
            var shardConnections = new List <Tuple <ShardLocation, DbConnection> >();

            // Create ten mocked connections, each will retry retryPolicy.RetryCount - 1 times,
            // and keep it's own actual retry count in one of the elements of openRetryCounts
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                string database = string.Format("Shard{0}", i);

                // We want to close on the value of i
                int    j             = i;
                Action executeOnOpen = () =>
                    if (openRetryCounts[j] < (retryPolicy.RetryCount - 1))
                        Logger.Log("Current retry count for database: {0} is {1}", database, openRetryCounts[j]);
                        throw new TimeoutException();

                var mockCon = new MockSqlConnection(database, executeOnOpen);
                shardConnections.Add(new Tuple <ShardLocation, DbConnection>(new ShardLocation("test", database), mockCon));

            var mockCmd = new MockSqlCommand();

            mockCmd.ExecuteReaderFunc = (t, c) => new MockSqlDataReader();
            mockCmd.CommandText       = "select 1";
            using (var conn = new MultiShardConnection(shardConnections))
                using (var cmd = MultiShardCommand.Create(conn, mockCmd, 300))
                    cmd.ExecutionOptions = MultiShardExecutionOptions.None;
                    cmd.RetryPolicy      = retryPolicy;
                    cmd.ExecutionPolicy  = MultiShardExecutionPolicy.PartialResults;

            for (int i = 0; i < openRetryCounts.Length; i++)
                Assert.AreEqual(retryPolicy.RetryCount - 1, openRetryCounts[i]);
        public void TestShardCommandRetryConnectionReopen()
            var retryPolicy      = new RetryPolicy(4, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100));
            var shardConnections = new List <Tuple <ShardLocation, DbConnection> >();

            // Callback to execute when the MockCommand is invoked
            Func <CancellationToken, MockSqlCommand, DbDataReader> ExecuteReaderFunc = null;

            // Number of times each command has been retried
            var commandRetryCounts = new int[10];

            // Create ten mocked connections,
            // a few of them will throw an exception on Open
            // and the rest will throw an exception on command execution upto 2 retries
            // At the end, all commands should complete successfully.
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                string database = string.Format("{0}", i);

                int    j             = i;
                int    retryCount    = 0;
                Action executeOnOpen = () =>
                    if (j < 5)
                        if (retryCount < 3)
                            throw new TimeoutException();

                var mockCon = new MockSqlConnection(database, executeOnOpen);
                shardConnections.Add(new Tuple <ShardLocation, DbConnection>(new ShardLocation("Shard", database), mockCon));

            ExecuteReaderFunc = (t, r) =>
                int index = Int32.Parse(((MockSqlConnection)(r.Connection)).ConnectionString);
                if (r.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Command shouldn't be executed on a closed connection!");

                if (index > 5 && commandRetryCounts[index] < 3)
                    throw new TimeoutException();
                    var mockRdr = new MockSqlDataReader();
                    mockRdr.ExecuteOnReadAsync = (rdr) =>
                        return(Task.Run <bool>(() =>
                            bool isClosed = rdr.IsClosed;
                            return !isClosed;

            var mockCmd = new MockSqlCommand();

            mockCmd.ExecuteReaderFunc = ExecuteReaderFunc;
            mockCmd.CommandText       = "select 1";
            using (var conn = new MultiShardConnection(shardConnections))
                using (var cmd = MultiShardCommand.Create(conn, mockCmd, 300))
                    cmd.RetryPolicy     = retryPolicy;
                    cmd.ExecutionPolicy = MultiShardExecutionPolicy.PartialResults;
                    using (var reader = cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync().Result)
                        // Validate that we successfully received a reader
                        // from each one of the shards
                        int readerCount = 0;
                        while (reader.Read())
                        Assert.AreEqual(10, readerCount, "Expected 10 readers!");