Example #1
        public void CloseScope(CodeRenderingContext context, string tagName, bool isComponent, SourceSpan?source)
            if (_stack.Count == 0)
                var diagnostic = BlazorDiagnosticFactory.Create_UnexpectedClosingTag(source ?? SourceSpan.Undefined, tagName);
                throw new RazorCompilerException(diagnostic);

            var currentScope = _stack.Pop();

            if (!tagName.Equals(currentScope.TagName, StringComparison.Ordinal))
                var diagnostic = BlazorDiagnosticFactory.Create_MismatchedClosingTag(source, currentScope.TagName, tagName);
                throw new RazorCompilerException(diagnostic);

            // Note: there's no unit test to cover the following, because there's no known way of
            // triggering it from user code (i.e., Razor source code). But the check is here anyway
            // just in case one day it turns out there is some way of causing this error.
            if (isComponent != currentScope.IsComponent)
                var kind         = isComponent ? "component" : "element";
                var expectedKind = currentScope.IsComponent ? "component" : "element";
                var diagnostic   = BlazorDiagnosticFactory.Create_MismatchedClosingTagKind(source, tagName, kind, expectedKind);
                throw new RazorCompilerException(diagnostic);

            // When closing the scope for a component with children, it's time to close the lambda
            if (currentScope.LambdaScope != null)