public void describe_should_return_description_for_filter(
            int maxNodeCount,
            string[] properties,
            AllowedLogicalOperators logicalOperators,
            AllowedArithmeticOperators arithmeticOperators,
            AllowedFunctions functions,
            string expected)
            // arrange
            var provider = new DefaultODataQueryOptionDescriptionProvider();
            var context  = new ODataQueryOptionDescriptionContext()
                MaxNodeCount = maxNodeCount,
                AllowedArithmeticOperators = arithmeticOperators,
                AllowedLogicalOperators    = logicalOperators,
                AllowedFunctions           = functions

            for (var i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++)

            // act
            var description = provider.Describe(Filter, context);

            // assert
        public void describe_should_return_description_for_count()
            // arrange
            var provider = new DefaultODataQueryOptionDescriptionProvider();

            // act
            var description = provider.Describe(Count, new ODataQueryOptionDescriptionContext());

            // assert
            description.Should().Be("Indicates whether the total count of items within a collection are returned in the result.");
        public void describe_should_not_allow_unsupported_query_option()
            // arrange
            var provider = new DefaultODataQueryOptionDescriptionProvider();
            var message  = $"The query option $skiptoken is not supported.{NewLine}Parameter name: queryOption";

            // act
            Action describe = () => provider.Describe(SkipToken, new ODataQueryOptionDescriptionContext());

            // assert
            describe.Should().Throw <ArgumentException>().And.Message.Should().Be(message);
        public void describe_should_not_allow_multiple_query_options()
            // arrange
            var provider = new DefaultODataQueryOptionDescriptionProvider();
            var message  = $"Only a single, valid query option may be specified.{NewLine}Parameter name: queryOption";

            // act
            Action describe = () => provider.Describe(Supported, new ODataQueryOptionDescriptionContext());

            // assert
            describe.Should().Throw <ArgumentException>().And.Message.Should().Be(message);
        public void describe_should_return_description_for_top(int?maxTop, string expected)
            // arrange
            var provider = new DefaultODataQueryOptionDescriptionProvider();

            // act
            var description = provider.Describe(Top, new ODataQueryOptionDescriptionContext()
                MaxTop = maxTop

            // assert
        public void describe_should_return_description_for_select(string[] properties, string expected)
            // arrange
            var provider = new DefaultODataQueryOptionDescriptionProvider();
            var context  = new ODataQueryOptionDescriptionContext();

            for (var i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++)

            // act
            var description = provider.Describe(Select, context);

            // assert
        public void describe_should_return_description_for_expand(int maxDepth, string[] properties, string expected)
            // arrange
            var provider = new DefaultODataQueryOptionDescriptionProvider();
            var context  = new ODataQueryOptionDescriptionContext()
                MaxExpansionDepth = maxDepth

            for (var i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++)

            // act
            var description = provider.Describe(Expand, context);

            // assert
        public void describe_should_return_description_for_orderby(int maxNodeCount, string[] properties, string expected)
            // arrange
            var provider = new DefaultODataQueryOptionDescriptionProvider();
            var context  = new ODataQueryOptionDescriptionContext()
                MaxOrderByNodeCount = maxNodeCount

            for (var i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++)

            // act
            var description = provider.Describe(OrderBy, context);

            // assert