/// <summary>
        /// Closes the library.
        /// </summary>
        public void Close()

            library = null;
        /// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="CategorySample"/> class. Instantiates a <see cref="CategorySample"/> class.</summary>
        /// <param name="data">Performance data.</param>
        /// <param name="categoryNameIndex">Category name index.</param>
        /// <param name="counterNameIndex">Counter name index.</param>
        /// <param name="library">Performance library.</param>
        public CategorySample(byte[] data, int categoryNameIndex, int counterNameIndex, PerfLib library)
            if (library == null)

            this.library = library;

            NativeMethods.PERF_DATA_BLOCK dataBlock = new NativeMethods.PERF_DATA_BLOCK();

            GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(data, GCHandleType.Pinned);

                IntPtr dataRef = handle.AddrOfPinnedObject();

                Marshal.PtrToStructure(dataRef, dataBlock);

                dataRef = (IntPtr)((long)dataRef + dataBlock.HeaderLength);

                int numPerfObjects = dataBlock.NumObjectTypes;
                if (numPerfObjects == 0)
                    this.CounterTable      = new Dictionary <int, CounterDefinitionSample>();
                    this.InstanceNameTable = new Dictionary <string, int>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                // Need to find the right category, GetPerformanceData might return several of them.
                NativeMethods.PERF_OBJECT_TYPE perfObject = new NativeMethods.PERF_OBJECT_TYPE();
                bool foundCategory = false;
                for (int index = 0; index < numPerfObjects; index++)
                    Marshal.PtrToStructure(dataRef, perfObject);

                    if (perfObject.ObjectNameTitleIndex == categoryNameIndex)
                        foundCategory = true;

                    dataRef = (IntPtr)((long)dataRef + perfObject.TotalByteLength);

                if (!foundCategory)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Category not found for categoryNameIndex " + categoryNameIndex);

                int counterNumber  = perfObject.NumCounters;
                int instanceNumber = perfObject.NumInstances;

                bool isMultiInstance = instanceNumber != -1;

                // Move pointer forward to end of PERF_OBJECT_TYPE
                dataRef = (IntPtr)((long)dataRef + perfObject.HeaderLength);

                CounterDefinitionSample[] samples = new CounterDefinitionSample[counterNumber];
                CounterDefinitionSample   sample  = null;
                this.CounterTable = new Dictionary <int, CounterDefinitionSample>(counterNumber);
                for (int index = 0; index < samples.Length; ++index)
                    NativeMethods.PERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION perfCounter = new NativeMethods.PERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION();
                    Marshal.PtrToStructure(dataRef, perfCounter);

                    samples[index] = new CounterDefinitionSample(perfCounter, instanceNumber);
                    if (perfCounter.CounterNameTitleIndex == counterNameIndex)
                        sample = samples[index];

                    dataRef = (IntPtr)((long)dataRef + perfCounter.ByteLength);

                    int currentSampleType = samples[index].CounterType;
                    if (!CategorySample.IsBaseCounter(currentSampleType))
                        // We'll put only non-base counters in the table.
                        if (currentSampleType != NativeMethods.PERF_COUNTER_NODATA)
                            this.CounterTable[samples[index].NameIndex] = samples[index];
                        // ignore base counters

                if (sample == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find the counter " + counterNameIndex);

                // now set up the InstanceNameTable.
                if (!isMultiInstance)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Single instance categories are not supported");

                string[] parentInstanceNames = null;
                this.InstanceNameTable = new Dictionary <string, int>(instanceNumber, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                for (int i = 0; i < instanceNumber; i++)
                    NativeMethods.PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION perfInstance = new NativeMethods.PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION();
                    Marshal.PtrToStructure(dataRef, perfInstance);

                    if (perfInstance.ParentObjectTitleIndex > 0 && parentInstanceNames == null)
                        parentInstanceNames = this.GetInstanceNamesFromIndex(perfInstance.ParentObjectTitleIndex);

                    string instanceName;
                    if (parentInstanceNames != null && perfInstance.ParentObjectInstance >= 0 &&
                        perfInstance.ParentObjectInstance < parentInstanceNames.Length - 1)
                        instanceName = parentInstanceNames[perfInstance.ParentObjectInstance] + "/"
                                       + Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr)((long)dataRef + perfInstance.NameOffset));
                        instanceName = Marshal.PtrToStringUni((IntPtr)((long)dataRef + perfInstance.NameOffset));

                    // in some cases instance names are not unique (Process), same as perfmon, so generate a unique name
                    string newInstanceName   = instanceName;
                    int    newInstanceNumber = 1;
                    while (true)
                        if (!this.InstanceNameTable.ContainsKey(newInstanceName))
                            this.InstanceNameTable[newInstanceName] = i;
                            newInstanceName = instanceName + "#" + newInstanceNumber.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    dataRef = (IntPtr)((long)dataRef + perfInstance.ByteLength);

                    // we only need one counter right now, to get more - use the following pattern:
                    ////foreach (CounterDefinitionSample s in samples)
                    ////    s.SetInstanceValue(i, dataRef);

                    sample.SetInstanceValue(i, dataRef);

                    dataRef = (IntPtr)((long)dataRef + Marshal.ReadInt32(dataRef));
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the performance library instance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The performance library instance.</returns>
        public static PerfLib GetPerfLib()
            library = library ?? new PerfLib();
