Example #1
        public override Answer CheckVariableDisequality(Element /*!*/ e, IVariable /*!*/ var1, IVariable /*!*/ var2)
            //Contract.Requires(var2 != null);
            //Contract.Requires(var1 != null);
            //Contract.Requires(e != null);
            PolyhedraLatticeElement /*!*/ ple = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)cce.NonNull(e);

            Contract.Assume(ple.lcs.Constraints != null);
            ArrayList /*LinearConstraint!*//*!*/ clist = (ArrayList /*LinearConstraint!*/)cce.NonNull(ple.lcs.Constraints.Clone());
            LinearConstraint /*!*/ lc = new LinearConstraint(LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.EQ);

            Contract.Assert(lc != null);
            lc.SetCoefficient(var1, Rational.ONE);
            lc.SetCoefficient(var2, Rational.MINUS_ONE);
            LinearConstraintSystem newLcs = new LinearConstraintSystem(clist);

            if (newLcs.IsBottom())
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Precondition:  positive || constraint.Relation == LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.EQ
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="positive"></param>
 /// <param name="constraint"></param>
 public LinearConditionLiteral(bool positive, LinearConstraint /*!*/ constraint)
     Contract.Requires(constraint != null);
     Contract.Requires(positive || constraint.Relation == LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.EQ);
     this.positive   = positive;
     this.constraint = constraint;
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds to "lines" the lines implied by initial-variable columns not in basis
 /// (see section 3.4.2 of Cousot and Halbwachs), and adds to "constraints" the
 /// constraints to exclude those lines (see step 4.2 of section 3.4.3 of
 /// Cousot and Halbwachs).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="lines"></param>
 /// <param name="constraints"></param>
 public void ProduceLines(ArrayList /*FrameElement*//*!*/ lines, ArrayList /*LinearConstraint*//*!*/ constraints)
     Contract.Requires(constraints != null);
     Contract.Requires(lines != null);
     // for every initial variable not in basis
     for (int i0 = 0; i0 < numInitialVars; i0++)
         if (inBasis[i0] == -1)
             FrameElement     fe = new FrameElement();
             LinearConstraint lc = new LinearConstraint(LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.EQ);
             for (int i = 0; i < numInitialVars; i++)
                 if (i == i0)
                     fe.AddCoordinate((IVariable)cce.NonNull(dims[i]), Rational.ONE);
                     lc.SetCoefficient((IVariable)cce.NonNull(dims[i]), Rational.ONE);
                 else if (inBasis[i] != -1)
                     // i is a basis column
                     Contract.Assert(m[inBasis[i], i].HasValue(1));
                     Rational val = -m[inBasis[i], i0];
                     fe.AddCoordinate((IVariable)cce.NonNull(dims[i]), val);
                     lc.SetCoefficient((IVariable)cce.NonNull(dims[i]), val);
Example #4
        public LinearConstraint Clone()
            LinearConstraint z = new LinearConstraint(Relation);

            z.coefficients = (Hashtable /*IVariable->Rational*/)this.coefficients.Clone();
            z.rhs          = this.rhs;
Example #5
        public override void AddToConstraintSystem(ArrayList /*!*/ /*LinearConstraint*/ clist)
            //Contract.Requires(clist != null);
            // make an unsatisfiable constraint
            LinearConstraint lc = new LinearConstraint(LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.EQ);

            lc.rhs = Rational.FromInt(1);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a constraint like "this", but, conceptually, with the inequality relation >=.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public LinearConstraint /*!*/ ChangeRelationToAtLeast()
            Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <LinearConstraint>() != null);
            LinearConstraint z = new LinearConstraint(ConstraintRelation.LE);

            foreach (DictionaryEntry /*IVariable->Rational*/ entry in this.coefficients)
                z.coefficients.Add(entry.Key, -(Rational)(cce.NonNull(entry.Value)));
            z.rhs = -this.rhs;
Example #7
        public LinearConstraint ToConstraint(LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation rel) /* throws ArithmeticException */
            LinearConstraint constraint = new LinearConstraint(rel);

            for (Term t = terms; t != null; t = t.next)
                constraint.SetCoefficient(t.var, t.coeff.ToRational);
            BigNum rhs = -constant;

            constraint.rhs = rhs.ToRational;
Example #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a constraint like "this", but with the given relation "r".
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public LinearConstraint /*!*/ ChangeRelation(ConstraintRelation rel)
     Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result <LinearConstraint>() != null);
     if (Relation == rel)
         LinearConstraint z = new LinearConstraint(rel);
         z.coefficients = (Hashtable)this.coefficients.Clone();
         z.rhs          = this.rhs;
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Splits an equality constraint into two inequality constraints, the conjunction of
        /// which equals the equality constraint.  Assumes "this" is a equality constraint.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a"></param>
        /// <param name="b"></param>
        public void GenerateInequalityConstraints(out LinearConstraint a, out LinearConstraint b)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(this.Relation == ConstraintRelation.EQ);

            a = new LinearConstraint(ConstraintRelation.LE);
            a.coefficients = (Hashtable)this.coefficients.Clone();
            a.rhs          = this.rhs;

            b = new LinearConstraint(ConstraintRelation.LE);
            b.coefficients = new Hashtable/*IVariable->Rational*/ ();
            foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in this.coefficients)
                b.coefficients[entry.Key] = -(Rational)(cce.NonNull(entry.Value));
            b.rhs = -this.rhs;
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Changes the current constraint A*X &lt;= B into (A + m*aa)*X &lt;= B + m*bb,
 /// where "cc" is the constraint aa*X &lt;= bb.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="m"></param>
 /// <param name="cc"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public void AddMultiple(Rational m, LinearConstraint /*!*/ cc)
     Contract.Requires(cc != null);
     foreach (DictionaryEntry /*IVariable->Rational*/ entry in cc.coefficients)
         IVariable dim = (IVariable)entry.Key;
         Rational  d   = m * (Rational)(cce.NonNull(entry.Value));
         if (d.IsNonZero)
             object prev = coefficients[dim];
             if (prev == null)
                 coefficients[dim] = d;
                 coefficients[dim] = (Rational)prev + d;
     rhs += m * cc.rhs;
Example #11
        public LinearConstraint Rename(IVariable /*!*/ oldName, IVariable /*!*/ newName)
            Contract.Requires(newName != null);
            Contract.Requires(oldName != null);
            object /*Rational*/ z = coefficients[oldName];

            if (z == null)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(z is Rational);
                Hashtable /*IVariable->Rational*/ newCoeffs = (Hashtable /*!*/ /*IVariable->Rational*/)cce.NonNull(coefficients.Clone());
                newCoeffs.Add(newName, z);

                LinearConstraint lc = new LinearConstraint(this.Relation);
                lc.coefficients = newCoeffs;
                lc.rhs          = this.rhs;
 /// <summary>
 /// Precondition:  positive || constraint.Relation == LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.EQ
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="positive"></param>
 /// <param name="constraint"></param>
 public LinearConditionLiteral(bool positive, LinearConstraint/*!*/ constraint) {
   Contract.Requires(constraint != null);
   Contract.Requires(positive || constraint.Relation == LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.EQ);
   this.positive = positive;
   this.constraint = constraint;
Example #13
        static /*maybe null*/ LinearCondition GetCond(IExpr e, bool positive) /* throws ArithmeticException */
            IFunApp funapp = e as IFunApp;

            if (funapp == null)
            IFunctionSymbol /*!*/ s = funapp.FunctionSymbol;

            Contract.Assert(s != null);
            if ((positive && s.Equals(Prop.False)) ||
                (!positive && s.Equals(Prop.True)))
                return(new LCBottom());
            else if (s.Equals(Prop.Not))
                Contract.Assert(funapp.Arguments.Count == 1);
                return(GetCond((IExpr /*!*/)cce.NonNull(funapp.Arguments[0]), !positive));
            else if (funapp.Arguments.Count == 2)
                IExpr /*!*/ arg0 = (IExpr /*!*/)cce.NonNull(funapp.Arguments[0]);
                IExpr /*!*/ arg1 = (IExpr /*!*/)cce.NonNull(funapp.Arguments[1]);
                LinearExpr  le0  = AsExpr(arg0);
                if (le0 == null)
                LinearExpr le1 = AsExpr(arg1);
                if (le1 == null)

                LinearConstraint constraint = null;
                bool             sense      = true;
                if ((positive && s.Equals(Int.Less)) || (!positive && s.Equals(Int.AtLeast)))
                    constraint = MakeConstraint(le0, le1, LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.LE, BigNum.ONE);
                else if ((positive && s.Equals(Int.AtMost)) || (!positive && s.Equals(Int.Greater)))
                    constraint = MakeConstraint(le0, le1, LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.LE, BigNum.ZERO);
                else if ((positive && s.Equals(Int.AtLeast)) || (!positive && s.Equals(Int.Less)))
                    constraint = MakeConstraint(le1, le0, LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.LE, BigNum.ZERO);
                else if ((positive && s.Equals(Int.Greater)) || (!positive && s.Equals(Int.AtMost)))
                    constraint = MakeConstraint(le1, le0, LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.LE, BigNum.ONE);
                else if (s.Equals(Int.Eq))
                    constraint = MakeConstraint(le0, le1, LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.EQ, BigNum.ZERO);
                    sense      = positive;
                else if (s.Equals(Int.Neq))
                    constraint = MakeConstraint(le0, le1, LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.EQ, BigNum.ZERO);
                    sense      = !positive;
                if (constraint != null)
                    if (constraint.coefficients.Count != 0)
                        return(new LinearConditionLiteral(sense, constraint));
                    else if (constraint.IsConstantSatisfiable())
                        return(new LCBottom());
 public static LinearConstraint MakeConstraint(LinearExpr/*!*/ le0, LinearExpr/*!*/ le1,
     LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation rel, BigNum constantOffset) /* throws ArithmeticException */
   Contract.Requires(le0 != null);
   Contract.Requires(le1 != null);
   return le0.ToConstraint(rel);
 public LinearConstraint ToConstraint(LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation rel) /* throws ArithmeticException */
   LinearConstraint constraint = new LinearConstraint(rel);
   for (Term t = terms; t != null; t = t.next) {
     constraint.SetCoefficient(t.var, t.coeff.ToRational);
   BigNum rhs = -constant;
   constraint.rhs = rhs.ToRational;
   return constraint;
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------ support routines --------------------------------------------------------------------
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /// <summary>
    /// Returns a set of constraints that is the given set of constraints with dimension "dim"
    /// projected out.  See Cousot and Halbwachs, section
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dim"></param>
    /// <param name="constraints"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    static ArrayList /*LinearConstraint!*//*!*/ Project(IVariable/*!*/ dim, ArrayList /*LinearConstraint!*//*!*/ constraints) {
      Contract.Requires(constraints != null);
      Contract.Requires(dim != null);
      Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<ArrayList>() != null);
      // Sort the inequality constaints into ones where dimension "dim" is 0, negative, and
      // positive, respectively.  Put equality constraints with a non-0 "dim" into "eq".
      ArrayList /*LinearConstraint!*//*!*/ final = new ArrayList /*LinearConstraint!*/ ();
      ArrayList /*LinearConstraint!*//*!*/ negative = new ArrayList /*LinearConstraint!*/ ();
      ArrayList /*LinearConstraint!*//*!*/ positive = new ArrayList /*LinearConstraint!*/ ();
      ArrayList /*LinearConstraint!*//*!*/ eq = new ArrayList /*LinearConstraint!*/ ();
      foreach (LinearConstraint/*!*/ cc in constraints) {
        Contract.Assert(cc != null);
        Rational coeff = cc[dim];
        if (coeff.IsZero) {
          LinearConstraint lc = cce.NonNull(cc.Clone());
          if (!lc.IsConstant()) {
        } else if (cc.Relation == LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.EQ) {
        } else if (coeff.IsNegative) {
        } else {

      if (eq.Count != 0) {
        LinearConstraint eqConstraint = (LinearConstraint/*!*/)cce.NonNull(eq[eq.Count - 1]);
        eq.RemoveAt(eq.Count - 1);
        Rational eqC = -eqConstraint[dim];

        foreach (ArrayList /*LinearConstraint!*/ list in new ArrayList[] { eq, negative, positive }) {
          Contract.Assert(list != null);
          foreach (LinearConstraint/*!*/ lcX in list) {
            Contract.Assert(lcX != null);
            LinearConstraint lc = cce.NonNull(lcX.Clone());
            lc.AddMultiple(lc[dim] / eqC, eqConstraint);
            if (!lc.IsConstant()) {
            } else {
      } else {
        // Consider all pairs of constraints with (negative,positive) coefficients of "dim".
        foreach (LinearConstraint/*!*/ cn in negative) {
          Contract.Assert(cn != null);
          Rational dn = -cn[dim];
          foreach (LinearConstraint/*!*/ cp in positive) {
            Contract.Assert(cp != null);
            Rational dp = cp[dim];

            LinearConstraint lc = new LinearConstraint(LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.LE);
            lc.AddMultiple(dn, cp);
            lc.AddMultiple(dp, cn);
            if (!lc.IsConstant()) {
            } else {

      return final;
Example #17
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a constraint like "this", but with the given relation "r".
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public LinearConstraint/*!*/ ChangeRelation(ConstraintRelation rel) {
   Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<LinearConstraint>() != null);
   if (Relation == rel) {
     return this;
   } else {
     LinearConstraint z = new LinearConstraint(rel);
     z.coefficients = (Hashtable)this.coefficients.Clone();
     z.rhs = this.rhs;
     return z;
Example #18
    public LinearConstraint Rename(IVariable/*!*/ oldName, IVariable/*!*/ newName) {
      Contract.Requires(newName != null);
      Contract.Requires(oldName != null);
      object /*Rational*/ z = coefficients[oldName];
      if (z == null) {
        return this;
      } else {
        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(z is Rational);
        Hashtable /*IVariable->Rational*/ newCoeffs = (Hashtable/*!*/ /*IVariable->Rational*/)cce.NonNull(coefficients.Clone());
        newCoeffs.Add(newName, z);

        LinearConstraint lc = new LinearConstraint(this.Relation);
        lc.coefficients = newCoeffs;
        lc.rhs = this.rhs;
        return lc;
 public override void AddToConstraintSystem(ArrayList/*!*/ /*LinearConstraint*/ clist) {
   //Contract.Requires(clist != null);
   // make an unsatisfiable constraint
   LinearConstraint lc = new LinearConstraint(LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.EQ);
   lc.rhs = Rational.FromInt(1);
Example #20
 /// <summary>
 /// Changes the current constraint A*X &lt;= B into (A + m*aa)*X &lt;= B + m*bb,
 /// where "cc" is the constraint aa*X &lt;= bb.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="m"></param>
 /// <param name="cc"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public void AddMultiple(Rational m, LinearConstraint/*!*/ cc) {
   Contract.Requires(cc != null);
   foreach (DictionaryEntry /*IVariable->Rational*/ entry in cc.coefficients) {
     IVariable dim = (IVariable)entry.Key;
     Rational d = m * (Rational)(cce.NonNull(entry.Value));
     if (d.IsNonZero) {
       object prev = coefficients[dim];
       if (prev == null) {
         coefficients[dim] = d;
       } else {
         coefficients[dim] = (Rational)prev + d;
   rhs += m * cc.rhs;
Example #21
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns 0 if "this" and "c" are not equivalent constraints.  If "this" and "c"
        /// are equivalent constraints, the non-0 return value "m" satisfies "this == m*c".
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="c"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Rational IsEquivalent(LinearConstraint /*!*/ c)
            Contract.Requires(c != null);
            // "m" is the scale factor.  If it is 0, it hasn't been used yet.  If it
            // is non-0, it will remain that value throughout, and it then says that
            // for every dimension "d", "this[d] == m * c[d]".
            Rational m = Rational.ZERO;

            ArrayList /*IVariable*/ dd = new ArrayList/*IVariable*/ ();

            foreach (IVariable /*!*/ d in this.GetDefinedDimensions())
                Contract.Assert(d != null);
                if (!dd.Contains(d))
            foreach (IVariable /*!*/ d in c.GetDefinedDimensions())
                Contract.Assert(d != null);
                if (!dd.Contains(d))

            foreach (IVariable /*!*/ d in dd)
                Contract.Assert(d != null);
                Rational a = this[d];
                Rational b = c[d];

                if (a.IsZero || b.IsZero)
                    if (a.IsNonZero || b.IsNonZero)
                        return(Rational.ZERO); // not equivalent
                else if (m.IsZero)
                    m = a / b;
                else if (a != m * b)
                    return(Rational.ZERO); // not equivalent

            // we expect there to have been some non-zero coefficient, so "m" should have been used by now

            // finally, check the rhs
            if (this.rhs == m * c.rhs)
                return(m); // equivalent
                return(Rational.ZERO); // not equivalent
    LinearConstraintSystem(FrameElement/*!*/ v) {
      Contract.Requires(v != null);
      IMutableSet/*!*/ frameDims = v.GetDefinedDimensions();
      Contract.Assert(frameDims != null);
      ArrayList /*LinearConstraint!*/ constraints = new ArrayList /*LinearConstraint!*/ ();
      foreach (IVariable/*!*/ dim in frameDims) {
        Contract.Assert(dim != null);
        LinearConstraint lc = new LinearConstraint(LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.EQ);
        lc.SetCoefficient(dim, Rational.ONE);
        lc.rhs = v[dim];
      FrameDimensions = frameDims;
      Constraints = constraints;

      ArrayList /*FrameElement*/ frameVertices = new ArrayList /*FrameElement*/ ();
      FrameVertices = frameVertices;

      FrameRays = new ArrayList /*FrameElement*/ ();
      FrameLines = new ArrayList /*FrameElement*/ ();

Example #23
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns 0 if "this" and "c" are not equivalent constraints.  If "this" and "c"
    /// are equivalent constraints, the non-0 return value "m" satisfies "this == m*c".
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="c"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public Rational IsEquivalent(LinearConstraint/*!*/ c) {
      Contract.Requires(c != null);
      // "m" is the scale factor.  If it is 0, it hasn't been used yet.  If it
      // is non-0, it will remain that value throughout, and it then says that
      // for every dimension "d", "this[d] == m * c[d]".
      Rational m = Rational.ZERO;

      ArrayList /*IVariable*/ dd = new ArrayList /*IVariable*/ ();
      foreach (IVariable/*!*/ d in this.GetDefinedDimensions()) {
        Contract.Assert(d != null);
        if (!dd.Contains(d)) {
      foreach (IVariable/*!*/ d in c.GetDefinedDimensions()) {
        Contract.Assert(d != null);
        if (!dd.Contains(d)) {

      foreach (IVariable/*!*/ d in dd) {
        Contract.Assert(d != null);
        Rational a = this[d];
        Rational b = c[d];

        if (a.IsZero || b.IsZero) {
          if (a.IsNonZero || b.IsNonZero) {
            return Rational.ZERO;  // not equivalent
        } else if (m.IsZero) {
          m = a / b;
        } else if (a != m * b) {
          return Rational.ZERO;  // not equivalent

      // we expect there to have been some non-zero coefficient, so "m" should have been used by now

      // finally, check the rhs
      if (this.rhs == m * c.rhs) {
        return m;  // equivalent
      } else {
        return Rational.ZERO;  // not equivalent
Example #24
    /// <summary>
    /// Splits an equality constraint into two inequality constraints, the conjunction of
    /// which equals the equality constraint.  Assumes "this" is a equality constraint.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="a"></param>
    /// <param name="b"></param>
    public void GenerateInequalityConstraints(out LinearConstraint a, out LinearConstraint b) {
      System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(this.Relation == ConstraintRelation.EQ);

      a = new LinearConstraint(ConstraintRelation.LE);
      a.coefficients = (Hashtable)this.coefficients.Clone();
      a.rhs = this.rhs;

      b = new LinearConstraint(ConstraintRelation.LE);
      b.coefficients = new Hashtable /*IVariable->Rational*/ ();
      foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in this.coefficients) {
        b.coefficients[entry.Key] = -(Rational)(cce.NonNull(entry.Value));
      b.rhs = -this.rhs;
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds a ray to the frame of "this" and updates Constraints accordingly, see
    /// Cousot and Halbwachs, section  However, this method does not simplify
    /// Constraints after the operation; that remains the caller's responsibility (which
    /// gives the caller the opportunity to make multiple calls to AddVertex, AddRay,
    /// and AddLine before calling SimplifyConstraints).
    /// Assumes Constraints (and the frame fields) to be non-null.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ray"></param>
    void AddRay(FrameElement/*!*/ ray) {
      Contract.Requires(ray != null);
      Contract.Requires(this.FrameRays != null);
      Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: AddRay called on {0}", ray);
      Console.WriteLine("  Initial constraints:");
      foreach (LinearConstraint cc in Constraints) {
        Console.WriteLine("    {0}", cc);

      Contract.Assert(Contract.ForAll(ray.GetDefinedDimensions() , var=> FrameDimensions.Contains(var)));

      // We use a new temporary dimension.
      IVariable/*!*/ lambda = new LambdaDimension();

      // We change the constraints A*X <= B into
      //     A*X - (A*ray)*lambda <= B.
      // That means that each row k in A (which corresponds to one LinearConstraint
      // in Constraints) is changed by subtracting
      //     (A*ray)[k] * lambda
      // from row k.
      // Note:
      //     (A*ray)[k]
      //  =      { A*ray is a row vector whose every row i is the dot-product of
      //           row i of A with the column vector "ray" }
      //     A[k]*ray
      foreach (LinearConstraint/*!*/ cc in cce.NonNull(Constraints)) {
        Contract.Assert(cc != null);
        Rational d = cc.EvaluateLhs(ray);
        cc.SetCoefficient(lambda, -d);

      // We also add the constraints that lambda is at least 0.
      LinearConstraint la = new LinearConstraint(LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.LE);
      la.SetCoefficient(lambda, Rational.MINUS_ONE);
      la.rhs = Rational.ZERO;
      Console.WriteLine("  Constraints after addition:");
      foreach (LinearConstraint cc in Constraints) {
        Console.WriteLine("    {0}", cc);

      // Finally, project out the dummy dimension.
      Constraints = Project(lambda, Constraints);

      Console.WriteLine("  Resulting constraints:");
      foreach (LinearConstraint cc in Constraints) {
        Console.WriteLine("    {0}", cc);
Example #26
 public LinearConstraint Clone() {
   LinearConstraint z = new LinearConstraint(Relation);
   z.coefficients = (Hashtable /*IVariable->Rational*/)this.coefficients.Clone();
   z.rhs = this.rhs;
   return z;
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds a vertex to the frame of "this" and updates Constraints accordingly, see
    /// Cousot and Halbwachs, section  However, this method does not simplify
    /// Constraints after the operation; that remains the caller's responsibility (which
    /// gives the caller the opportunity to make multiple calls to AddVertex, AddRay,
    /// and AddLine before calling SimplifyConstraints).
    /// Assumes Constraints (and the frame fields) to be non-null.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="vertex"></param>
    void AddVertex(FrameElement/*!*/ vertex) {
      Contract.Requires(vertex != null);
      Contract.Requires(this.FrameVertices != null);
      Console.WriteLine("DEBUG: AddVertex called on {0}", vertex);
      Console.WriteLine("  Initial constraints:");
      foreach (LinearConstraint cc in Constraints) {
        Console.WriteLine("    {0}", cc);

      Contract.Assert(Contract.ForAll(vertex.GetDefinedDimensions() , var=> FrameDimensions.Contains(var)));

      // We use a new temporary dimension.
      IVariable/*!*/ lambda = new LambdaDimension();

      // We change the constraints A*X <= B into
      //     A*X + (A*vector - B)*lambda <= A*vector.
      // That means that each row k in A (which corresponds to one LinearConstraint
      // in Constraints) is changed by adding
      //     (A*vector - B)[k] * lambda
      // to row k and changing the right-hand side of row k to
      //     (A*vector)[k]
      // Note:
      //     (A*vector - B)[k]
      //  =      { vector subtraction is pointwise }
      //     (A*vector)[k] - B[k]
      //  =      { A*vector is a row vector whose every row i is the dot-product of
      //           row i of A with the column vector "vector" }
      //     A[k]*vector - B[k]
      foreach (LinearConstraint/*!*/ cc in cce.NonNull(Constraints)) {
        Contract.Assert(cc != null);
        Rational d = cc.EvaluateLhs(vertex);
        cc.SetCoefficient(lambda, d - cc.rhs);
        cc.rhs = d;

      // We also add the constraints that lambda lies between 0 ...
      LinearConstraint la = new LinearConstraint(LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.LE);
      la.SetCoefficient(lambda, Rational.MINUS_ONE);
      la.rhs = Rational.ZERO;
      // ... and 1.
      la = new LinearConstraint(LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.LE);
      la.SetCoefficient(lambda, Rational.ONE);
      la.rhs = Rational.ONE;
      Console.WriteLine("  Constraints after addition:");
      foreach (LinearConstraint cc in Constraints) {
        Console.WriteLine("    {0}", cc);

      // Finally, project out the dummy dimension.
      Constraints = Project(lambda, Constraints);

      Console.WriteLine("  Resulting constraints:");
      foreach (LinearConstraint cc in Constraints) {
        Console.WriteLine("    {0}", cc);
Example #28
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns a constraint like "this", but, conceptually, with the inequality relation >=.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public LinearConstraint/*!*/ ChangeRelationToAtLeast() {
   Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<LinearConstraint>() != null);
   LinearConstraint z = new LinearConstraint(ConstraintRelation.LE);
   foreach (DictionaryEntry /*IVariable->Rational*/ entry in this.coefficients) {
     z.coefficients.Add(entry.Key, -(Rational)(cce.NonNull(entry.Value)));
   z.rhs = -this.rhs;
   return z;
    /// <summary>
    /// Tests the example in section 3.4.3 of Cousot and Halbwachs.
    /// </summary>
    public static void RunValidationB() {
      IVariable/*!*/ X = new TestVariable("X");
      IVariable/*!*/ Y = new TestVariable("Y");
      IVariable/*!*/ Z = new TestVariable("Z");
      Contract.Assert(X != null);
      Contract.Assert(Y != null);
      Contract.Assert(Z != null);
      ArrayList /*LinearConstraint*/ cs = new ArrayList /*LinearConstraint*/ ();

      LinearConstraint c = new LinearConstraint(LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.LE);
      c.SetCoefficient(X, Rational.MINUS_ONE);
      c.SetCoefficient(Y, Rational.ONE);
      c.SetCoefficient(Z, Rational.MINUS_ONE);
      c.rhs = Rational.ZERO;

      c = new LinearConstraint(LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.LE);
      c.SetCoefficient(X, Rational.MINUS_ONE);
      c.rhs = Rational.MINUS_ONE;

      c = new LinearConstraint(LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.LE);
      c.SetCoefficient(X, Rational.MINUS_ONE);
      c.SetCoefficient(Y, Rational.MINUS_ONE);
      c.SetCoefficient(Z, Rational.ONE);
      c.rhs = Rational.ZERO;

      c = new LinearConstraint(LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.LE);
      c.SetCoefficient(Y, Rational.MINUS_ONE);
      c.SetCoefficient(Z, Rational.ONE);
      c.rhs = Rational.FromInt(3);

      LinearConstraintSystem lcs = new LinearConstraintSystem(cs);
      Console.WriteLine("==================== The final linear constraint system ====================");
Example #30
 /// <summary>
 /// Adds to "lines" the lines implied by initial-variable columns not in basis
 /// (see section 3.4.2 of Cousot and Halbwachs), and adds to "constraints" the
 /// constraints to exclude those lines (see step 4.2 of section 3.4.3 of
 /// Cousot and Halbwachs).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="lines"></param>
 /// <param name="constraints"></param>
 public void ProduceLines(ArrayList /*FrameElement*//*!*/ lines, ArrayList /*LinearConstraint*//*!*/ constraints) {
   Contract.Requires(constraints != null);
   Contract.Requires(lines != null);
   // for every initial variable not in basis
   for (int i0 = 0; i0 < numInitialVars; i0++) {
     if (inBasis[i0] == -1) {
       FrameElement fe = new FrameElement();
       LinearConstraint lc = new LinearConstraint(LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.EQ);
       for (int i = 0; i < numInitialVars; i++) {
         if (i == i0) {
           fe.AddCoordinate((IVariable)cce.NonNull(dims[i]), Rational.ONE);
           lc.SetCoefficient((IVariable)cce.NonNull(dims[i]), Rational.ONE);
         } else if (inBasis[i] != -1) {
           // i is a basis column
           Contract.Assert(m[inBasis[i], i].HasValue(1));
           Rational val = -m[inBasis[i], i0];
           fe.AddCoordinate((IVariable)cce.NonNull(dims[i]), val);
           lc.SetCoefficient((IVariable)cce.NonNull(dims[i]), val);
 public override Answer CheckVariableDisequality(Element/*!*/ e, IVariable/*!*/ var1, IVariable/*!*/ var2) {
   //Contract.Requires(var2 != null);
   //Contract.Requires(var1 != null);
   //Contract.Requires(e != null);
   PolyhedraLatticeElement/*!*/ ple = (PolyhedraLatticeElement)cce.NonNull(e);
   Contract.Assume(ple.lcs.Constraints != null);
   ArrayList /*LinearConstraint!*//*!*/ clist = (ArrayList /*LinearConstraint!*/)cce.NonNull(ple.lcs.Constraints.Clone());
   LinearConstraint/*!*/ lc = new LinearConstraint(LinearConstraint.ConstraintRelation.EQ);
   Contract.Assert(lc != null);
   lc.SetCoefficient(var1, Rational.ONE);
   lc.SetCoefficient(var2, Rational.MINUS_ONE);
   LinearConstraintSystem newLcs = new LinearConstraintSystem(clist);
   if (newLcs.IsBottom()) {
     return Answer.Yes;
   } else {
     return Answer.Maybe;