private bool IsOnGround(PlayerLocation position) { PlayerLocation pos = (PlayerLocation) position.Clone(); pos.Y -= 0.1f; Block block = Level.GetBlock(new BlockCoordinates(pos)); return block.Id != 0; // Should probably test for solid }
public Entity(int entityTypeId, Level level) { Height = 1; Width = 1; Length = 1; Gravity = 0.08; Drag = 0.02; EntityId = EntityManager.EntityIdUndefined; Level = level; EntityTypeId = entityTypeId; KnownPosition = new PlayerLocation(); HealthManager = new HealthManager(this); }
public BedrockClient(Alex alex, IPEndPoint endpoint, PlayerProfile playerProfile, DedicatedThreadPool threadPool, BedrockWorldProvider wp) : base(endpoint, playerProfile.Username, threadPool) { PlayerProfile = playerProfile; CancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); Alex = alex; WorldProvider = wp; ConnectionAcceptedWaitHandle = new ManualResetEventSlim(false); MessageDispatcher = new McpeClientMessageDispatcher(new BedrockClientPacketHandler(this, alex, CancellationTokenSource.Token)); CurrentLocation = new MiNET.Utils.PlayerLocation(0, 0, 0); OptionsProvider = alex.Services.GetService <IOptionsProvider>(); XblmsaService = alex.Services.GetService <XBLMSAService>(); base.ChunkRadius = Options.VideoOptions.RenderDistance; Options.VideoOptions.RenderDistance.Bind(RenderDistanceChanged); _threadPool = threadPool; }
public Player(MiNetServer server, IPEndPoint endPoint, Level level, PluginManager pluginManager, int mtuSize) : base(-1, level) { Rtt = -1; Width = 0.6; Length = 0.6; Height = 1.80; Popups = new List<Popup>(); Server = server; EndPoint = endPoint; _mtuSize = mtuSize; Level = level; _pluginManager = pluginManager; Permissions = new PermissionManager(UserGroup.User); Permissions.AddPermission("*"); //All users can use all commands. (For debugging purposes) Inventory = new PlayerInventory(this); _chunksUsed = new Dictionary<Tuple<int, int>, ChunkColumn>(); IsSpawned = false; IsConnected = true; KnownPosition = new PlayerLocation { X = Level.SpawnPoint.X, Y = Level.SpawnPoint.Y, Z = Level.SpawnPoint.Z, Yaw = 91, Pitch = 28, HeadYaw = 91 }; _sendTicker = new Timer(SendQueue, null, 10, 10); // RakNet send tick-time }
private bool IsInLava(PlayerLocation playerPosition) { var block = Entity.Level.GetBlock(playerPosition); if (block == null || (block.Id != 10 && block.Id != 11)) return false; return playerPosition.Y < Math.Floor(playerPosition.Y) + 1 - ((1/9) - 0.1111111); }
private void GenerateParticles(Random random, Level level, PlayerLocation point, float yoffset, Vector3 multiplier, double d) { float vx = (float) random.NextDouble(); vx *= random.Next(2) == 0 ? 1 : -1; vx *= (float) multiplier.X; float vy = (float) random.NextDouble(); //vy *= random.Next(2) == 0 ? 1 : -1; vy *= (float) multiplier.Y; float vz = (float) random.NextDouble(); vz *= random.Next(2) == 0 ? 1 : -1; vz *= (float) multiplier.Z; McpeLevelEvent mobParticles = McpeLevelEvent.CreateObject(); mobParticles.eventId = (short) (0x4000 | GetParticle(random.Next(0, m < 1 ? 2 : 5))); mobParticles.x = point.X + vx; mobParticles.y = (point.Y - 2) + yoffset + vy; mobParticles.z = point.Z + vz; level.RelayBroadcast(mobParticles); }
public Hologram(Level level, string text, Vector3 position) : base(64, level) { NameTag = text; KnownPosition = new PlayerLocation(position); }
public virtual void SpawnLevel(Level toLevel, PlayerLocation spawnPoint) { bool oldNoAi = NoAi; SetNoAi(true); // send teleport straight up, no chunk loading SetPosition(new PlayerLocation { X = KnownPosition.X, Y = 4000, Z = KnownPosition.Z, Yaw = 91, Pitch = 28, HeadYaw = 91, }); //if (Level != null) { Level.RemovePlayer(this, true); Level.EntityManager.RemoveEntity(null, this); } Level = toLevel; // Change level SpawnPosition = spawnPoint; //Level.AddPlayer(this, "", false); // reset all health states HealthManager.ResetHealth(); SendSetHealth(); SendSetSpawnPosition(); SendAdventureSettings(); SendPlayerInventory(); CleanCache(); ForcedSendChunk(spawnPoint); // send teleport to spawn SetPosition(spawnPoint); SetNoAi(oldNoAi); Level.AddPlayer(this, true); Log.InfoFormat("Respawn player {0} on level {1}", Username, Level.LevelId); SendSetTime(); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate(object state) { ForcedSendChunks(); }); }
private void ForcedSendChunk(PlayerLocation position) { lock (_sendChunkSync) { var chunkPosition = new ChunkCoordinates(position); McpeBatch chunk = Level.GenerateChunk(chunkPosition); var key = new Tuple<int, int>(chunkPosition.X, chunkPosition.Z); if (!_chunksUsed.ContainsKey(key)) { _chunksUsed.Add(key, chunk); } if (chunk != null) { SendPackage(chunk, true); } } }
public virtual void SpawnLevel(Level toLevel, PlayerLocation spawnPoint) { SetNoAi(true); // send teleport straight up, no chunk loading SetPosition(new PlayerLocation { X = KnownPosition.X, Y = 4000, Z = KnownPosition.Z, Yaw = 91, Pitch = 28, HeadYaw = 91, }); Level.RemovePlayer(this, true); Level.EntityManager.RemoveEntity(null, this); Level = toLevel; // Change level SpawnPosition = spawnPoint; Level.AddPlayer(this, "", false); // reset all health states HealthManager.ResetHealth(); SendSetHealth(); SendSetSpawnPosition(); SendAdventureSettings(); SendPlayerInventory(); lock (_chunksUsed) { _chunksUsed.Clear(); } ForcedSendChunksForKnownPosition(spawnPoint); // send teleport to spawn SetPosition(spawnPoint); SetNoAi(false); Level.SpawnToAll(this); IsSpawned = true; Log.InfoFormat("Respawn player {0} on level {1}", Username, Level.LevelId); SendSetTime(); }
private void ForcedSendChunksForKnownPosition(PlayerLocation position) { var chunkPosition = new ChunkCoordinates(position); _currentChunkPosition = chunkPosition; foreach (McpeBatch chunk in Level.GenerateChunks(_currentChunkPosition, _chunksUsed)) { SendPackage(chunk, true); } }
protected virtual void HandleRespawn(McpeRespawn msg) { ServerInfo serverInfo = Server.ServerInfo; try { Interlocked.Increment(ref serverInfo.ConnectionsInConnectPhase); // reset all health states HealthManager.ResetHealth(); // send teleport to spawn KnownPosition = new PlayerLocation { X = SpawnPosition.X, Y = SpawnPosition.Y, Z = SpawnPosition.Z, Yaw = 91, Pitch = 28, HeadYaw = 91, }; SendSetHealth(); SendAdventureSettings(); SendPlayerInventory(); BroadcastSetEntityData(); ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate(object state) { Level.SpawnToAll(this); SendChunksForKnownPosition(); }); IsSpawned = true; SendMovePlayer(); Log.InfoFormat("Respawn player {0} on level {1}", Username, Level.LevelId); } finally { Interlocked.Decrement(ref serverInfo.ConnectionsInConnectPhase); } }
protected virtual void HandleMovePlayer(McpeMovePlayer message) { if (!IsSpawned || HealthManager.IsDead) return; lock (_moveSyncLock) { if (_lastPlayerMoveSequenceNUmber > message.DatagramSequenceNumber) { Log.DebugFormat("Skipping move datagram {1}/{2} for player {0}", Username, _lastPlayerMoveSequenceNUmber, message.DatagramSequenceNumber); return; } else { _lastPlayerMoveSequenceNUmber = message.DatagramSequenceNumber; } if (_lastOrderingIndex > message.OrderingIndex) { Log.DebugFormat("Skipping move ordering {1}/{2} for player {0}", Username, _lastOrderingIndex, message.OrderingIndex); return; } else { _lastOrderingIndex = message.OrderingIndex; } long td = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - LastUpdatedTime.Ticks; Vector3 origin = new Vector3(KnownPosition.X, 0, KnownPosition.Z); double distanceTo = origin.DistanceTo(new Vector3(message.x, 0, message.z)); if (distanceTo/td*TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond > 25.0d) { //SendMovePlayer(); return; } } //bool useAntiCheat = false; //if (useAntiCheat) //{ // long td = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - LastUpdatedTime.Ticks; // if (GameMode == GameMode.Survival // && HealthManager.CooldownTick == 0 // && td > 49*TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond // && td < 500*TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond // && Level.SpawnPoint.DistanceTo(new BlockCoordinates(KnownPosition)) > 2.0 // ) // { // double horizSpeed; // { // // Speed in the xz plane // Vector3 origin = new Vector3(KnownPosition.X, 0, KnownPosition.Z); // double distanceTo = origin.DistanceTo(new Vector3(message.x, 0, message.z)); // horizSpeed = distanceTo/td*TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond; // if (horizSpeed > 11.0d) // { // //Level.BroadcastTextMessage(string.Format("{0} spead cheating {3:##.##}m/s {1:##.##}m {2}ms", Username, distanceTo, (int) ((double) td/TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond), horizSpeed), type: MessageType.Raw); // AddPopup(new Popup // { // MessageType = MessageType.Tip, // Message = string.Format("{0} sprinting {3:##.##}m/s {1:##.##}m {2}ms", Username, distanceTo, (int) ((double) td/TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond), horizSpeed), // Duration = 1 // }); // LastUpdatedTime = DateTime.UtcNow; // HealthManager.TakeHit(this, 1, DamageCause.Suicide); // SendMovePlayer(); // return; // } // } // double verticalSpeed; // { // // Speed in 3d // double speedLimit = (message.y - 1.62) - KnownPosition.Y < 0 ? -70d : 6d; // double distanceTo = (message.y - 1.62) - KnownPosition.Y; // verticalSpeed = distanceTo/td*TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond; // if (!(horizSpeed > 0) && Math.Abs(verticalSpeed) > Math.Abs(speedLimit)) // { // //Level.BroadcastTextMessage(string.Format("{0} fly cheating {3:##.##}m/s {1:##.##}m {2}ms", Username, distanceTo, (int) ((double) td/TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond), verticalSpeed), type: MessageType.Raw); // AddPopup(new Popup // { // MessageType = MessageType.Tip, // Message = string.Format("{3:##.##}m/s {1:##.##}m {2}ms", Username, distanceTo, (int) ((double) td/TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond), verticalSpeed), // Duration = 1 // }); // LastUpdatedTime = DateTime.UtcNow; // HealthManager.TakeHit(this, 1, DamageCause.Suicide); // //SendMovePlayer(); // return; // } // } // AddPopup(new Popup // { // MessageType = MessageType.Tip, // Message = string.Format("Horiz: {0:##.##}m/s Vert: {1:##.##}m/s", horizSpeed, verticalSpeed), // Duration = 1 // }); // } //} KnownPosition = new PlayerLocation { X = message.x, Y = message.y - 1.62f, Z = message.z, Pitch = message.pitch, Yaw = message.yaw, HeadYaw = message.headYaw }; LastUpdatedTime = DateTime.UtcNow; //if (Level.Random.Next(0, 5) == 0) //{ // int data = 0; // //data = (int) uint.Parse("FFFF0000", NumberStyles.HexNumber); // data = Level.Random.Next((int) uint.Parse("FFFF0000", NumberStyles.HexNumber), (int) uint.Parse("FFFFFFFF", NumberStyles.HexNumber)); // Level.RelayBroadcast(new McpeLevelEvent // { // eventId = 0x4000 | 22, // x = KnownPosition.X, // //y = KnownPosition.Y - 1.62f, // y = KnownPosition.Y - 1f, // z = KnownPosition.Z, // data = data // }); //} ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate(object state) { SendChunksForKnownPosition(); }); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the respawn. /// </summary> /// <param name="msg">The MSG.</param> private void HandleRespawn(McpeRespawn msg) { // reset all health states HealthManager.ResetHealth(); // send teleport to spawn KnownPosition = new PlayerLocation { X = Level.SpawnPoint.X, Y = Level.SpawnPoint.Y, Z = Level.SpawnPoint.Z, Yaw = 91, Pitch = 28, HeadYaw = 91 }; SendSetHealth(); SendPackage(new McpeAdventureSettings {flags = Level.IsSurvival ? 0x20 : 0x80}); //SendPackage(new McpeAdventureSettings { flags = Level.IsSurvival ? 0x80 : 0x80 }); SendPackage(new McpeContainerSetContent { windowId = 0, slotData = Inventory.Slots, hotbarData = Inventory.ItemHotbar }); SendPackage(new McpeContainerSetContent { windowId = 0x78, // Armor windows ID slotData = Inventory.Armor, hotbarData = null }); BroadcastSetEntityData(); // Broadcast spawn to all Level.AddPlayer(this); SendMovePlayer(); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the move player. /// </summary> /// <param name="message">The message.</param> private void HandleMovePlayer(McpeMovePlayer message) { if (HealthManager.IsDead) return; long td = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - LastUpdatedTime.Ticks; if (GameMode == GameMode.Survival && HealthManager.CooldownTick == 0 && td > 49*TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond && td < 500*TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond && Level.SpawnPoint.DistanceTo(new BlockCoordinates(KnownPosition)) > 2.0 ) { double horizSpeed; { // Speed in the xz plane Vector3 origin = new Vector3(KnownPosition.X, 0, KnownPosition.Z); double distanceTo = origin.DistanceTo(new Vector3(message.x, 0, message.z)); horizSpeed = distanceTo/td*TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond; if (horizSpeed > 11.0d) { Level.BroadcastTextMessage(string.Format("{0} spead cheating {3:##.##}m/s {1:##.##}m {2}ms", Username, distanceTo, (int) ((double) td/TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond), horizSpeed), type: MessageType.Chat); AddPopup(new Popup { MessageType = MessageType.Chat, Message = string.Format("{0} sprinting {3:##.##}m/s {1:##.##}m {2}ms", Username, distanceTo, (int) ((double) td/TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond), horizSpeed), Duration = 1 }); LastUpdatedTime = DateTime.UtcNow; HealthManager.TakeHit(this, 1, DamageCause.Suicide); SendMovePlayer(); return; } } double verticalSpeed; { // Speed in 3d double speedLimit = (message.y - 1.62) - KnownPosition.Y < 0 ? -70d : 6d; double distanceTo = (message.y - 1.62) - KnownPosition.Y; verticalSpeed = distanceTo/td*TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond; if (!(horizSpeed > 0) && Math.Abs(verticalSpeed) > Math.Abs(speedLimit)) { //Level.BroadcastTextMessage(string.Format("{0} fly cheating {3:##.##}m/s {1:##.##}m {2}ms", Username, distanceTo, (int) ((double) td/TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond), verticalSpeed), type: MessageType.Raw); AddPopup(new Popup { MessageType = MessageType.Tip, Message = string.Format("{3:##.##}m/s {1:##.##}m {2}ms", Username, distanceTo, (int) ((double) td/TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond), verticalSpeed), Duration = 1 }); LastUpdatedTime = DateTime.UtcNow; HealthManager.TakeHit(this, 1, DamageCause.Suicide); //SendMovePlayer(); return; } } AddPopup(new Popup { MessageType = MessageType.Tip, Message = string.Format("Horiz: {0:##.##}m/s Vert: {1:##.##}m/s", horizSpeed, verticalSpeed), Duration = 1 }); } KnownPosition = new PlayerLocation { X = message.x, Y = message.y - 1.62f, Z = message.z, Pitch = message.pitch, Yaw = message.yaw, HeadYaw = message.headYaw }; LastUpdatedTime = DateTime.UtcNow; if (IsBot) return; //if (Level.Random.Next(0, 5) == 0) //{ // int data = 0; // //data = (int) uint.Parse("FFFF0000", NumberStyles.HexNumber); // data = Level.Random.Next((int) uint.Parse("FFFF0000", NumberStyles.HexNumber), (int) uint.Parse("FFFFFFFF", NumberStyles.HexNumber)); // Level.RelayBroadcast(new McpeLevelEvent // { // eventId = 0x4000 | 22, // x = KnownPosition.X, // //y = KnownPosition.Y - 1.62f, // y = KnownPosition.Y - 1f, // z = KnownPosition.Z, // data = data // }); //} SendChunksForKnownPosition(); }
private Entity CheckEntityCollide(Vector3 position, Vector3 direction) { Ray2 ray = new Ray2 { x = position, d = Vector3.Normalize(direction) }; var players = Level.GetSpawnedPlayers().OrderBy(player => Vector3.Distance(position, player.KnownPosition.ToVector3())); foreach (var entity in players) { if (entity == Shooter) continue; if (Intersect(entity.GetBoundingBox(), ray)) { if (ray.tNear > direction.Length()) break; Vector3 p = ray.x + new Vector3((float) ray.tNear)*ray.d; KnownPosition = new PlayerLocation((float) p.X, (float) p.Y, (float) p.Z); return entity; } } var entities = Level.Entities.Values.OrderBy(entity => Vector3.Distance(position, entity.KnownPosition.ToVector3())); foreach (Entity entity in entities) { if (entity == Shooter) continue; if (entity == this) continue; if (entity is Projectile) continue; if (Intersect(entity.GetBoundingBox(), ray)) { if (ray.tNear > direction.Length()) break; Vector3 p = ray.x + new Vector3((float) ray.tNear)*ray.d; KnownPosition = new PlayerLocation(p.X, p.Y, p.Z); return entity; } } return null; }
public bool SetIntersectLocation(BoundingBox bbox, PlayerLocation location) { Ray ray = new Ray(location.ToVector3() - Velocity, Velocity.Normalize()); double? distance = ray.Intersects(bbox); if (distance != null) { double dist = (double) distance - 0.1; Vector3 pos = ray.Position + (ray.Direction*dist); KnownPosition.X = (float) pos.X; KnownPosition.Y = (float) pos.Y; KnownPosition.Z = (float) pos.Z; return true; } return false; }
/// <summary> /// Handles the specified package. /// </summary> /// <param name="message">The package.</param> /// <param name="senderEndpoint">The sender's endpoint.</param> private void HandlePackage(Package message, IPEndPoint senderEndpoint) { if (typeof (McpeBatch) == message.GetType()) { McpeBatch batch = (McpeBatch) message; var messages = new List<Package>(); // Get bytes byte[] payload = batch.payload; // Decompress bytes MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(payload); if (stream.ReadByte() != 0x78) { throw new InvalidDataException("Incorrect ZLib header. Expected 0x78 0x9C"); } stream.ReadByte(); using (var defStream2 = new DeflateStream(stream, CompressionMode.Decompress, false)) { // Get actual package out of bytes MemoryStream destination = new MemoryStream(); defStream2.CopyTo(destination); byte[] internalBuffer = destination.ToArray(); messages.Add(PackageFactory.CreatePackage(internalBuffer[0], internalBuffer) ?? new UnknownPackage(internalBuffer[0], internalBuffer)); } foreach (var msg in messages) { HandlePackage(msg, senderEndpoint); } return; } TraceReceive(message); if (typeof (UnknownPackage) == message.GetType()) { return; } if (typeof (McpeDisconnect) == message.GetType()) { McpeDisconnect msg = (McpeDisconnect) message; Log.Debug(msg.message); StopServer(); return; } if (typeof (ConnectedPing) == message.GetType()) { ConnectedPing msg = (ConnectedPing) message; SendConnectedPong(msg.sendpingtime); return; } if (typeof (McpeFullChunkData) == message.GetType()) { McpeFullChunkData msg = (McpeFullChunkData) message; ChunkColumn chunk = ClientUtils.DecocedChunkColumn(msg.chunkData); if (chunk != null) { Log.DebugFormat("Chunk X={0}", chunk.x); Log.DebugFormat("Chunk Z={0}", chunk.z); ClientUtils.SaveChunkToAnvil(chunk); } return; } if (typeof (ConnectionRequestAccepted) == message.GetType()) { Thread.Sleep(50); SendNewIncomingConnection(); var t1 = new Timer(state => SendConnectedPing(), null, 2000, 5000); Thread.Sleep(50); SendLogin("Client12"); return; } if (typeof (McpeSetSpawnPosition) == message.GetType()) { McpeSetSpawnPosition msg = (McpeSetSpawnPosition) message; _spawn = new Vector3(msg.x, msg.y, msg.z); _level.SpawnX = (int) _spawn.X; _level.SpawnY = (int) _spawn.Y; _level.SpawnZ = (int) _spawn.Z; return; } if (typeof (McpeStartGame) == message.GetType()) { McpeStartGame msg = (McpeStartGame) message; _entityId = msg.entityId; _spawn = new Vector3(msg.x, msg.y, msg.z); _level.LevelName = "Default"; _level.Version = 19133; _level.GameType = msg.gamemode; ClientUtils.SaveLevel(_level); return; } if (typeof (McpeTileEvent) == message.GetType()) { McpeTileEvent msg = (McpeTileEvent) message; Log.DebugFormat("X: {0}", msg.x); Log.DebugFormat("Y: {0}", msg.y); Log.DebugFormat("Z: {0}", msg.z); Log.DebugFormat("Case 1: {0}", msg.case1); Log.DebugFormat("Case 2: {0}", msg.case2); return; } if (typeof (McpeAddEntity) == message.GetType()) { McpeAddEntity msg = (McpeAddEntity) message; Log.DebugFormat("Entity ID: {0}", msg.entityId); Log.DebugFormat("Entity Type: {0}", msg.entityType); Log.DebugFormat("X: {0}", msg.x); Log.DebugFormat("Y: {0}", msg.y); Log.DebugFormat("Z: {0}", msg.z); Log.DebugFormat("Yaw: {0}", msg.yaw); Log.DebugFormat("Pitch: {0}", msg.pitch); Log.DebugFormat("Velocity X: {0}", msg.speedX); Log.DebugFormat("Velocity Y: {0}", msg.speedY); Log.DebugFormat("Velocity Z: {0}", msg.speedZ); Log.DebugFormat("Metadata: {0}", msg.metadata.ToString()); Log.DebugFormat("Links count: {0}", msg.links); return; } if (typeof (McpeSetEntityData) == message.GetType()) { McpeSetEntityData msg = (McpeSetEntityData) message; Log.DebugFormat("Entity ID: {0}", msg.entityId); MetadataDictionary metadata = msg.metadata; Log.DebugFormat("Metadata: {0}", metadata.ToString()); return; } if (typeof (McpeMovePlayer) == message.GetType()) { McpeMovePlayer msg = (McpeMovePlayer) message; Log.DebugFormat("Entity ID: {0}", msg.entityId); _currentLocation = new PlayerLocation(msg.x, msg.y + 10, msg.z); SendMcpeMovePlayer(); return; } if (typeof (McpeUpdateBlock) == message.GetType()) { McpeUpdateBlock msg = (McpeUpdateBlock) message; Log.DebugFormat("No of Blocks: {0}", msg.blocks.Count); return; } if (typeof (McpeLevelEvent) == message.GetType()) { McpeLevelEvent msg = (McpeLevelEvent) message; Log.DebugFormat("Event ID: {0}", msg.eventId); Log.DebugFormat("X: {0}", msg.x); Log.DebugFormat("Y: {0}", msg.y); Log.DebugFormat("Z: {0}", msg.z); Log.DebugFormat("Data: {0}",; return; } }
public void SetPosition(PlayerLocation position, bool teleport = true) { KnownPosition = position; var package = McpeMovePlayer.CreateObject(); package.entityId = 0; package.x = position.X; package.y = position.Y + 1.62f; package.z = position.Z; package.yaw = position.Yaw; package.headYaw = position.HeadYaw; package.pitch = position.Pitch; package.mode = (byte) (teleport ? 1 : 0); SendPackage(package); }
private bool IsInSolid(PlayerLocation playerPosition) { float y = playerPosition.Y + 1.62f; BlockCoordinates solidPos = new BlockCoordinates { X = (int) Math.Floor(playerPosition.X), Y = (int) Math.Floor(y), Z = (int) Math.Floor(playerPosition.Z) }; var block = Entity.Level.GetBlock(solidPos); if (block == null) return false; return block.IsSolid; }
protected virtual void HandleMovePlayer(McpeMovePlayer message) { if (!IsSpawned || HealthManager.IsDead) return; lock (_moveSyncLock) { if (_lastPlayerMoveSequenceNUmber > message.DatagramSequenceNumber) { return; } _lastPlayerMoveSequenceNUmber = message.DatagramSequenceNumber; if (_lastOrderingIndex > message.OrderingIndex) { return; } _lastOrderingIndex = message.OrderingIndex; } if (!AcceptPlayerMove(message)) return; KnownPosition = new PlayerLocation { X = message.x, Y = message.y - 1.62f, Z = message.z, Pitch = message.pitch, Yaw = message.yaw, HeadYaw = message.headYaw }; LastUpdatedTime = DateTime.UtcNow; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate(object state) { SendChunksForKnownPosition(); }); }
public BlockCoordinates(PlayerLocation location) { X = (int)Math.Floor(location.X); Y = (int)Math.Floor(location.Y); Z = (int)Math.Floor(location.Z); }
public Minecart(Level level, PlayerLocation position) : base(EntityType.Minecart, level) { KnownPosition = position; }
private void OnMcpeMovePlayer(Package message) { McpeMovePlayer msg = (McpeMovePlayer) message; //Log.DebugFormat("McpeMovePlayer Entity ID: {0}", msg.entityId); CurrentLocation = new PlayerLocation(msg.x, msg.y + 10, msg.z); SendMcpeMovePlayer(); }
public double DistanceTo(PlayerLocation other) { return(Math.Sqrt(Square(other.X - X) + Square(other.Y - Y) + Square(other.Z - Z))); }
public double DistanceTo(PlayerLocation other) { return Math.Sqrt(Square(other.X - X) + Square(other.Y - Y) + Square(other.Z - Z)); }
public void Warp(Player player, string warp) { float x; float y; float z; switch (warp) { case "sg1": x = 137; y = 20; z = 431; break; case "sg2": x = 682; y = 20; z = 324; break; case "sg3": x = 685; y = 20; z = -119; break; default: return; } var playerLocation = new PlayerLocation { X = x, Y = y, Z = z, Yaw = 91, Pitch = 28, HeadYaw = 91 }; ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(delegate(object state) { player.SpawnLevel(player.Level, playerLocation); }, null); //player.Level.BroadcastMessage(string.Format("{0} teleported to coordinates {1},{2},{3}.", player.Username, x, y, z), type: MessageType.Raw); }
private Entity CheckEntityCollide(Vector3 position, Vector3 direction) { var players = Level.GetSpawnedPlayers().OrderBy(player => position.DistanceTo(player.KnownPosition.ToVector3())); Ray2 ray = new Ray2 { x = position, d = direction.Normalize() }; foreach (var entity in players) { if (entity == Shooter) continue; if (Intersect(entity.GetBoundingBox(), ray)) { if (ray.tNear < direction.Distance) break; Vector3 p = ray.x + ray.tNear*ray.d; KnownPosition = new PlayerLocation((float) p.X, (float) p.Y, (float) p.Z); return entity; } } var entities = Level.Entities.Values.OrderBy(entity => position.DistanceTo(entity.KnownPosition.ToVector3())); foreach (Entity entity in entities) { if (entity == Shooter) continue; if (entity == this) continue; if (Intersect(entity.GetBoundingBox(), ray)) { if (ray.tNear < direction.Distance) break; Vector3 p = ray.x + ray.tNear*ray.d; KnownPosition = new PlayerLocation((float) p.X, (float) p.Y, (float) p.Z); return entity; } } return null; }
public ChunkCoordinates(PlayerLocation location) { X = ((int)Math.Floor(location.X)) >> 4; Z = ((int)Math.Floor(location.Z)) >> 4; }
private bool CheckBlockCollide(PlayerLocation location) { var bbox = GetBoundingBox(); var pos = location.ToVector3(); var coords = new BlockCoordinates( (int) Math.Floor(KnownPosition.X), (int) Math.Floor((bbox.Max.Y + bbox.Min.Y)/2.0), (int) Math.Floor(KnownPosition.Z)); Dictionary<double, Block> blocks = new Dictionary<double, Block>(); for (int x = -1; x < 2; x++) { for (int z = -1; z < 2; z++) { for (int y = -1; y < 2; y++) { Block block = Level.GetBlock(coords.X + x, coords.Y + y, coords.Z + z); if (block is Air) continue; BoundingBox blockbox = block.GetBoundingBox() + 0.3; if (blockbox.Intersects(GetBoundingBox())) { //if (!blockbox.Contains(KnownPosition.ToVector3())) continue; if (block is FlowingLava || block is StationaryLava) { HealthManager.Ignite(1200); continue; } if (!block.IsSolid) continue; blockbox = block.GetBoundingBox(); var midPoint = blockbox.Min + 0.5; blocks.Add((pos - Velocity).DistanceTo(midPoint), block); } } } } if (blocks.Count == 0) return false; var firstBlock = blocks.OrderBy(pair => pair.Key).First().Value; BoundingBox boundingBox = firstBlock.GetBoundingBox(); if (!SetIntersectLocation(boundingBox, KnownPosition)) { // No real hit return false; } // Use to debug hits, makes visual impressions (can be used for paintball too) var substBlock = new Stone {Coordinates = firstBlock.Coordinates}; Level.SetBlock(substBlock); // End debug block Velocity = Vector3.Zero; return true; }
private bool IsInWater(PlayerLocation playerPosition) { float y = playerPosition.Y + 1.62f; BlockCoordinates waterPos = new BlockCoordinates { X = (int) Math.Floor(playerPosition.X), Y = (int) Math.Floor(y), Z = (int) Math.Floor(playerPosition.Z) }; var block = Entity.Level.GetBlock(waterPos); if (block == null || (block.Id != 8 && block.Id != 9)) return false; return y < Math.Floor(y) + 1 - ((1/9) - 0.1111111); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the move player. /// </summary> /// <param name="message">The message.</param> private void HandleMovePlayer(McpeMovePlayer message) { if (HealthManager.IsDead) return; if (DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - LastUpdatedTime.Ticks < 20000) return; KnownPosition = new PlayerLocation { X = message.x, Y = message.y - 1.62f, Z = message.z, Pitch = message.pitch, Yaw = message.yaw, HeadYaw = message.headYaw }; LastUpdatedTime = DateTime.UtcNow; if (IsBot) return; //if (Level.Random.Next(0, 5) == 0) //{ // int data = 0; // //data = (int) uint.Parse("FFFF0000", NumberStyles.HexNumber); // data = Level.Random.Next((int) uint.Parse("FFFF0000", NumberStyles.HexNumber), (int) uint.Parse("FFFFFFFF", NumberStyles.HexNumber)); // Level.RelayBroadcast(new McpeLevelEvent // { // eventId = 0x4000 | 22, // x = KnownPosition.X, // //y = KnownPosition.Y - 1.62f, // y = KnownPosition.Y - 1f, // z = KnownPosition.Z, // data = data // }); //} SendChunksForKnownPosition(); }