private void AddAdditionalButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (ValidateClick())
                //save current label
                SilacLabel savedLabel = new SilacLabel(AminoAcid, '\0', ChemicalFormula.Text, Convert.ToDouble(MassDifference.Text));
                SilacLabelStorageForMultiLabeledConditions = new SilacInfoForDataGrid(savedLabel);

                //open a new window to allow for more mods on this condition
                var dialog = new SilacModificationWindow();

                if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                    char originalAminoAcid = SilacLabelStorageForMultiLabeledConditions.SilacLabel[0].OriginalAminoAcid;
                    //As you loop throught this, the process looks something like addAdditional->addAdditional->Save (for 3 labels).
                    //But the saving actually happens as Save->add->add by storing the list of labels in each dialog.SilacLabel
                    //So you need to search against the dialog.silacLabel instead of the storage, which is only temporarily populated at the end.
                    if (dialog.SilacLabel.SilacLabel.Any(x => x.OriginalAminoAcid == originalAminoAcid))
                        MessageBox.Show("The amino acid '" + originalAminoAcid.ToString() + "' was labeled multiple times for this condition. Please try again.");
                        CancelSilacButton_Click(sender, e);
                        SaveSilacLabelsButton_Click(sender, e);
        private void AddSilac_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            var dialog = new SilacModificationWindow();

            if (dialog.ShowDialog() == true)
                if (GetNumberOfSilacMods() + dialog.SilacLabel.SilacLabel.Count <= 26)
                    MessageBox.Show("More than 26 total SILAC labels have been specified, which is the maximum for this implementation.\t" +
                                    "The most recent label was not added.");