Example #1
		/// <summary>
		/// initInputs (Custom) funtion
		/// This function is called from gameManager during the Start function of a main Level. The objective is to combine both input UIBottons and keyboard arrays into one type of object array.
		/// The inputObject class is made for that, it stores the keycode or reference to the button so that we can trace it back, as well as an inputType reference.
		/// * Create array of inputObject in the size of ComboList + keyInputList arrays
		/// * For every UIInput create an input object with it and store in array
		/// * Mark seperation index number to idetify the first keyboard input index
		/// * For every keyInput create an input object with it and store in array
		/// * Save array into gameManager's inputList
		/// </summary>
		public void initInputs () {
			inputObject[] iObjList = new inputObject[ComboList.Length + keyboardList.Length];
			for (int i = 0; i < iObjList.Length; i++) {
				if (i < ComboList.Length) {
					iObjList[i] = new inputObject(inputType.ButtonUI, ComboList[i]);
				} else {
					if (seperator == 0) {
						seperator = i+1;
					iObjList[i] = new inputObject(inputType.Keyboard, keyboardList[i - ComboList.Length]); 
			inputList = iObjList;
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// initInputs (Custom) funtion
 /// This function is called from gameManager during the Start function of a main Level. The objective is to combine both input UIBottons and keyboard arrays into one type of object array.
 /// The inputObject class is made for that, it stores the keycode or reference to the button so that we can trace it back, as well as an inputType reference.
 /// * Create array of inputObject in the size of ComboList + keyInputList arrays
 /// * For every UIInput create an input object with it and store in array
 /// * Mark seperation index number to idetify the first keyboard input index
 /// * For every keyInput create an input object with it and store in array
 /// * Save array into gameManager's inputList
 /// </summary>
 public void initInputs()
     inputObject[] iObjList = new inputObject[ComboList.Length + keyboardList.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < iObjList.Length; i++)
         if (i < ComboList.Length)
             iObjList[i] = new inputObject(inputType.ButtonUI, ComboList[i]);
             if (seperator == 0)
                 seperator = i + 1;
             iObjList[i] = new inputObject(inputType.Keyboard, keyboardList[i - ComboList.Length]);
     inputList = iObjList;
Example #3
		public inputChain ( inputObject[] iO , float tA, float tF, bool uD ) {
			command = iO;
			timeTo = tA;
			timeFrom = tF;
			state = uD;
Example #4
		/// <summary>
		/// processCommands (Custom) funtion - Parameters (iObj = inputObject of the event (either key or uibutton), i = indexNumber in GM.inpulList, state = up or down)
		/// This is the big one here, it takes input and processes them to identify if the input is part of a command (a command is a custom object that wraps around inputObject  
		/// or Objects ( so either can happen eg: keyboard  or UIButton ) to act similar to an event, it holds data for timing of the inputs, state = up / down, 
		/// happening = progress boolean for if it is occuring now and reference to the inputObject)
		/// The timing is done based on 3 variables timeTo(Trigger) (the time BEFORE which you have to press the NEXT button with reference to the previous input), 
		/// timedAt(time At Which It Was Triggered), timeFrom (basically charging time between down and up states)
		/// It also 'sets' ongoing inputs as triggered so that it can identify when a command is either ongoing or completed. The code gets pretty complicated but below is a basic steps taken.
		/// * For every commandQue in commandsList (a commandQue is a group or command Events, predetermined in the gameData)
		/// 	* For every commandObject in the commandQue
		///			* If Not Happening (if this commandQue has not occurred)
		/// 			* For every inputObject in the commandObject
		/// 				* Save the reference Object (keyInput or UI) to a un-typed variable
		///					* If the input received is the input in the inputObject (from the command) and the state (up/down is the same)
		/// 					* If not first item in the que
		///							* If timeTo is not 0 (means if timeTo is 0 we don't check for input time difference between the two inputs) 
		///							  AND timeTo is greater than the time of last command in que ( meaning it the press occurred before timeTo 'limit' was supassed )
		///							  AND button is down
		///								* If this is not the last command Object 
		///									* Set commandObject as happening and timed
		///								* Else If this is the last command Object
		///									* If didnt completely trigger a command yet
		///										* Forward triggered command to framework for triggering actual functions 
		///										* Clear the happening state of this que
		///										* Exit All 3 For Loops
		///									* Else If already triggered a command ( once a command is triggered, the same input event should not trigger another command )
		///										* Clear the happening state of this que
		///										* Exit All 3 For Loops
		///							* Else If timeTo is not 0 (means if timeTo is 0 we don't check for input time difference between the two inputs) 
		///							  AND timeTo is greater than the time of last command in que ( meaning it the release occurred before timeTo 'limit' was surpassed )
		///							  AND button is up
		///							  AND timeFrom is less than the time of the last command in the que ( meaning it the release occurred after timeFrom 'charge' was surpassed )
		///								* If this is not the last command Object 
		///									* Set commandObject as happening and timed
		///									* Exit the last two loops ( to continue checking if any other command has similar inputs, like Combo(A+A) and Combo (A+A+B) )
		///								* Else If this is the last command Object
		///									* If didnt completely trigger a command yet
		///										* Forward triggered command to framework for triggering actual functions 
		///										* Clear the happening state of this que
		///										* Exit All 3 For Loops
		///									* Else If already triggered a command ( once a command is triggered, the same input event should not trigger another command )
		///										* Clear the happening state of this que
		///										* Exit All 3 For Loops
		///							* Else If timeTo = 0 (meaning just no time checking required)
		///								* If this is not the last command Object 
		///									* Set commandObject as happening and timed
		///									* Exit the last loop
		///								* Else If this is the last command Object
		///									* If didnt completely trigger a command yet
		///										* Forward triggered command to framework for triggering actual functions 
		///										* Clear the happening state of this que
		///										* Exit All 3 For Loops
		///									* Else If already triggered a command ( once a command is triggered, the same input event should not trigger another command )
		///										* Clear the happening state of this que
		///										* Exit All 3 For Loops
		///							* Else if not in time (breaking the commandQue)
		///								* Clear the happening state of this que
		///								* Exit the last two loops ( to continue checking if any other command has similar inputs, like Combo(A+A) and Combo (A+A+B) )
		///						* If first item in que
		///							* If this is not the last command Object 
		///								* Set commandObject as happening and timed
		///								* Exit the last two loops ( to continue checking if any other command has similar inputs, like Combo(A+A) and Combo (A+A+B) )
		///							* Else If this is the last command Object
		///								* Forward triggered command to framework for triggering actual functions 
		///								* Exit the last two loops ( to continue checking if any other command has similar inputs, like Combo(A+A) and Combo (A+A+B) )
		///					* If not the input received
		///						* If previous commandObject is the same as this and state is altered (eg: last command was A(down) and now its A(Up)) we ignore this and exit Two Loops.
		///						* If next commandObject is the same as this and state is altered (eg: next command is A(uo) and now its A(Down)) we ignore this and exit Two Loops.
		///						* If not the same object then Clear the happening state of this que and exit Two Loops
		///			* If this is happening (command was performed before)
		///				* Exit the last two loops ( to continue checking if any other command has similar inputs, like Combo(A+A) and Combo (A+A+B) )
		///		* Loop Exiting Methods Here
		/// </summary>
		public void processCommands ( inputObject iObj, int i, bool state ) {
//			int j;
//			int k;
//			int l;
//			bool trigger = false;
//			bool check;
//			bool secondBreak;
//			bool thirdBreak;
//			GameObject switchObject;
//			var switchInput;
//			for (j = 0; j < gameManager.Get().commandsList.length; j++) { //for everycommandque in the commandsList (QUE[])
//				check = false;
//				thirdBreak = false;
//				for (k = 0; k < gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands.length; k++) { //for everycommand in the commandque
//					if (!gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].happening) { 
//						// if ! happenning
//						secondBreak = false;
//						for (l = 0; l < gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].command.length; l++) {
//							if (iObj.referenceObject == null) {
//								switchObject = gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].command[l].referenceKey;
//								switchInput = iObj.referenceKey;
//							} else {
//								switchObject = gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].command[l].referenceObject;
//								switchInput = iObj.referenceObject;
//							}
//							//DebugLog("CommandsList[" + j + "].commands[" + k + "].command[" + l + "]");
//							//DebugLog("Input=" + switchInput + "_ currentInputObject = " + switchObject);
//							//DebugLog("States = " + state + "__" + gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].state );
//							if (switchInput == switchObject && state == gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].state) {
//								//if this is the command recieved
//								if (check) {
//									//if  not first item in que
//									if ( gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].timeTo >= Time.time-gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k-1].timedAt && gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].timeTo != 0 && state == true) {
//										//if in time  Down (TAP TAP)
//										if ( k != gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands.length - 1) {
//											//if not last command in que
//											//DebugLog("if not last command in que");
//											gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].timedAt = Time.time;
//											gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].happening = true;
//											break;
//										} else {
//											//DebugLog("if last command in que");
//											//if last command in que
//											secondBreak = true;
//											thirdBreak = true;
//											if (!trigger) {
//												gameManager.Get().framework.cmdProcessing(j);
//												trigger = true;
//											}
//											clearQue(gameManager.Get().commandsList[j]);
//											break;
//										}
//									} else if ( gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].timeTo >= Time.time-gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k-1].timedAt && gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].timeFrom <= Time.time-gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k-1].timedAt && gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].timeTo != 0 && state == false) {
//										//Key Up and TimeTo is != 0 (Charge)
//										//DebugLog("Key Up and TimeTo is != 0 (Charge)");
//										if ( k != gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands.length - 1) {
//											gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].timedAt = Time.time;
//											gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].happening = true;
//											secondBreak = true;
//											break;
//										} else {
//											secondBreak = true;
//											thirdBreak = true;
//											if (!trigger) {
//												gameManager.Get().framework.cmdProcessing(j);
//												trigger = true;
//											}
//											clearQue(gameManager.Get().commandsList[j]);
//											break;
//										}
//									} else if (gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].timeTo == 0) {
//										//Key Down and TimeTo is 0 (SINGLE)
//										//DebugLog("Key Down and TimeTo is 0 ");
//										if ( k != gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands.length - 1) {
//											gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].timedAt = Time.time;
//											gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].happening = true;
//											break;
//										} else {
//											secondBreak = true;
//											thirdBreak = true;
//											if (!trigger) {
//												gameManager.Get().framework.cmdProcessing(j);
//												trigger = true;
//											}
//											clearQue(gameManager.Get().commandsList[j]);
//											break;
//										}
//									} else {
//										//DebugLog("if not in time" + gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].timeTo + "=" + (Time.time-gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k-1].timedAt) + "STATE" + state);
//										//if not in time
//										clearQue(gameManager.Get().commandsList[j]);
//										secondBreak = true;
//										break;
//									}
//								} else {
//									//DebugLog("if first item in que");
//									//if first item in que
//									if ( k != gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands.length - 1) {
//										//DebugLog("if not last item in que"); 
//										//if not last item in que
//										gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].timedAt = Time.time;
//										gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].happening = true;
//										secondBreak = true;
//										break;
//									} else {
//										//DebugLog("if last item in que");
//										//if last item in que
//										if (!trigger) {
//											gameManager.Get().framework.cmdProcessing(j);
//											trigger = true;
//										}
//										secondBreak = true;
//										break;
//									}
//								}
//							} else {
//								//DebugLog("if not the command recieved ");
//								//if not the command recieved 
//								if (l > 0) {
//									if (iObj.referenceObject == null) {
//										switchObject = gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].command[l-1].referenceKey;
//									} else {
//										switchObject = gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].command[l-1].referenceObject;
//									}
//									if (switchInput == switchObject && !state && gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].state) {
//										secondBreak = true;
//										break;
//									} 
//								}
//								if (l < gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].command.length-1) {
//									if (iObj.referenceObject == null) {
//										switchObject = gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].command[l+1].referenceKey;
//									} else {
//										switchObject = gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].command[l+1].referenceObject;
//									}
//									if (switchInput == switchObject && state && !gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].state) {
//										secondBreak = true;
//										break;
//									} 
//								}
//								if (switchInput != switchObject) {
//									clearQue(gameManager.Get().commandsList[j]);
//									secondBreak = true;
//								}
//							}
//						}
//					} else { 
//						//DebugLog("if happening ( cmd was recieved earlier )");
//						//if happening ( cmd was recieved earlier )
//						check = true;
//						secondBreak = false;
//					}
//					if (secondBreak) {
//						break;
//					}
//				}
//				if (thirdBreak) {
//					break;
//				}
//			}
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// processCommands (Custom) funtion - Parameters (iObj = inputObject of the event (either key or uibutton), i = indexNumber in GM.inpulList, state = up or down)
        /// This is the big one here, it takes input and processes them to identify if the input is part of a command (a command is a custom object that wraps around inputObject
        /// or Objects ( so either can happen eg: keyboard  or UIButton ) to act similar to an event, it holds data for timing of the inputs, state = up / down,
        /// happening = progress boolean for if it is occuring now and reference to the inputObject)
        /// The timing is done based on 3 variables timeTo(Trigger) (the time BEFORE which you have to press the NEXT button with reference to the previous input),
        /// timedAt(time At Which It Was Triggered), timeFrom (basically charging time between down and up states)
        /// It also 'sets' ongoing inputs as triggered so that it can identify when a command is either ongoing or completed. The code gets pretty complicated but below is a basic steps taken.
        /// * For every commandQue in commandsList (a commandQue is a group or command Events, predetermined in the gameData)
        ///     * For every commandObject in the commandQue
        ///			* If Not Happening (if this commandQue has not occurred)
        ///             * For every inputObject in the commandObject
        ///                 * Save the reference Object (keyInput or UI) to a un-typed variable
        ///					* If the input received is the input in the inputObject (from the command) and the state (up/down is the same)
        ///                     * If not first item in the que
        ///							* If timeTo is not 0 (means if timeTo is 0 we don't check for input time difference between the two inputs)
        ///							  AND timeTo is greater than the time of last command in que ( meaning it the press occurred before timeTo 'limit' was supassed )
        ///							  AND button is down
        ///								* If this is not the last command Object
        ///									* Set commandObject as happening and timed
        ///								* Else If this is the last command Object
        ///									* If didnt completely trigger a command yet
        ///										* Forward triggered command to framework for triggering actual functions
        ///										* Clear the happening state of this que
        ///										* Exit All 3 For Loops
        ///									* Else If already triggered a command ( once a command is triggered, the same input event should not trigger another command )
        ///										* Clear the happening state of this que
        ///										* Exit All 3 For Loops
        ///							* Else If timeTo is not 0 (means if timeTo is 0 we don't check for input time difference between the two inputs)
        ///							  AND timeTo is greater than the time of last command in que ( meaning it the release occurred before timeTo 'limit' was surpassed )
        ///							  AND button is up
        ///							  AND timeFrom is less than the time of the last command in the que ( meaning it the release occurred after timeFrom 'charge' was surpassed )
        ///								* If this is not the last command Object
        ///									* Set commandObject as happening and timed
        ///									* Exit the last two loops ( to continue checking if any other command has similar inputs, like Combo(A+A) and Combo (A+A+B) )
        ///								* Else If this is the last command Object
        ///									* If didnt completely trigger a command yet
        ///										* Forward triggered command to framework for triggering actual functions
        ///										* Clear the happening state of this que
        ///										* Exit All 3 For Loops
        ///									* Else If already triggered a command ( once a command is triggered, the same input event should not trigger another command )
        ///										* Clear the happening state of this que
        ///										* Exit All 3 For Loops
        ///							* Else If timeTo = 0 (meaning just no time checking required)
        ///								* If this is not the last command Object
        ///									* Set commandObject as happening and timed
        ///									* Exit the last loop
        ///								* Else If this is the last command Object
        ///									* If didnt completely trigger a command yet
        ///										* Forward triggered command to framework for triggering actual functions
        ///										* Clear the happening state of this que
        ///										* Exit All 3 For Loops
        ///									* Else If already triggered a command ( once a command is triggered, the same input event should not trigger another command )
        ///										* Clear the happening state of this que
        ///										* Exit All 3 For Loops
        ///							* Else if not in time (breaking the commandQue)
        ///								* Clear the happening state of this que
        ///								* Exit the last two loops ( to continue checking if any other command has similar inputs, like Combo(A+A) and Combo (A+A+B) )
        ///						* If first item in que
        ///							* If this is not the last command Object
        ///								* Set commandObject as happening and timed
        ///								* Exit the last two loops ( to continue checking if any other command has similar inputs, like Combo(A+A) and Combo (A+A+B) )
        ///							* Else If this is the last command Object
        ///								* Forward triggered command to framework for triggering actual functions
        ///								* Exit the last two loops ( to continue checking if any other command has similar inputs, like Combo(A+A) and Combo (A+A+B) )
        ///					* If not the input received
        ///						* If previous commandObject is the same as this and state is altered (eg: last command was A(down) and now its A(Up)) we ignore this and exit Two Loops.
        ///						* If next commandObject is the same as this and state is altered (eg: next command is A(uo) and now its A(Down)) we ignore this and exit Two Loops.
        ///						* If not the same object then Clear the happening state of this que and exit Two Loops
        ///			* If this is happening (command was performed before)
        ///				* Exit the last two loops ( to continue checking if any other command has similar inputs, like Combo(A+A) and Combo (A+A+B) )
        ///		* Loop Exiting Methods Here
        /// </summary>
        public void processCommands(inputObject iObj, int i, bool state)
//			int j;
//			int k;
//			int l;
//			bool trigger = false;
//			bool check;
//			bool secondBreak;
//			bool thirdBreak;
//			GameObject switchObject;
//			var switchInput;
//			for (j = 0; j < gameManager.Get().commandsList.length; j++) { //for everycommandque in the commandsList (QUE[])
//				check = false;
//				thirdBreak = false;
//				for (k = 0; k < gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands.length; k++) { //for everycommand in the commandque
//					if (!gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].happening) {
//						// if ! happenning
//						secondBreak = false;
//						for (l = 0; l < gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].command.length; l++) {
//							if (iObj.referenceObject == null) {
//								switchObject = gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].command[l].referenceKey;
//								switchInput = iObj.referenceKey;
//							} else {
//								switchObject = gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].command[l].referenceObject;
//								switchInput = iObj.referenceObject;
//							}
//							//DebugLog("CommandsList[" + j + "].commands[" + k + "].command[" + l + "]");
//							//DebugLog("Input=" + switchInput + "_ currentInputObject = " + switchObject);
//							//DebugLog("States = " + state + "__" + gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].state );
//							if (switchInput == switchObject && state == gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].state) {
//								//if this is the command recieved
//								if (check) {
//									//if  not first item in que
//									if ( gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].timeTo >= Time.time-gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k-1].timedAt && gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].timeTo != 0 && state == true) {
//										//if in time  Down (TAP TAP)
//										if ( k != gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands.length - 1) {
//											//if not last command in que
//											//DebugLog("if not last command in que");
//											gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].timedAt = Time.time;
//											gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].happening = true;
//											break;
//										} else {
//											//DebugLog("if last command in que");
//											//if last command in que
//											secondBreak = true;
//											thirdBreak = true;
//											if (!trigger) {
//												gameManager.Get().framework.cmdProcessing(j);
//												trigger = true;
//											}
//											clearQue(gameManager.Get().commandsList[j]);
//											break;
//										}
//									} else if ( gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].timeTo >= Time.time-gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k-1].timedAt && gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].timeFrom <= Time.time-gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k-1].timedAt && gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].timeTo != 0 && state == false) {
//										//Key Up and TimeTo is != 0 (Charge)
//										//DebugLog("Key Up and TimeTo is != 0 (Charge)");
//										if ( k != gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands.length - 1) {
//											gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].timedAt = Time.time;
//											gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].happening = true;
//											secondBreak = true;
//											break;
//										} else {
//											secondBreak = true;
//											thirdBreak = true;
//											if (!trigger) {
//												gameManager.Get().framework.cmdProcessing(j);
//												trigger = true;
//											}
//											clearQue(gameManager.Get().commandsList[j]);
//											break;
//										}
//									} else if (gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].timeTo == 0) {
//										//Key Down and TimeTo is 0 (SINGLE)
//										//DebugLog("Key Down and TimeTo is 0 ");
//										if ( k != gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands.length - 1) {
//											gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].timedAt = Time.time;
//											gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].happening = true;
//											break;
//										} else {
//											secondBreak = true;
//											thirdBreak = true;
//											if (!trigger) {
//												gameManager.Get().framework.cmdProcessing(j);
//												trigger = true;
//											}
//											clearQue(gameManager.Get().commandsList[j]);
//											break;
//										}
//									} else {
//										//DebugLog("if not in time" + gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].timeTo + "=" + (Time.time-gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k-1].timedAt) + "STATE" + state);
//										//if not in time
//										clearQue(gameManager.Get().commandsList[j]);
//										secondBreak = true;
//										break;
//									}
//								} else {
//									//DebugLog("if first item in que");
//									//if first item in que
//									if ( k != gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands.length - 1) {
//										//DebugLog("if not last item in que");
//										//if not last item in que
//										gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].timedAt = Time.time;
//										gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].happening = true;
//										secondBreak = true;
//										break;
//									} else {
//										//DebugLog("if last item in que");
//										//if last item in que
//										if (!trigger) {
//											gameManager.Get().framework.cmdProcessing(j);
//											trigger = true;
//										}
//										secondBreak = true;
//										break;
//									}
//								}
//							} else {
//								//DebugLog("if not the command recieved ");
//								//if not the command recieved
//								if (l > 0) {
//									if (iObj.referenceObject == null) {
//										switchObject = gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].command[l-1].referenceKey;
//									} else {
//										switchObject = gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].command[l-1].referenceObject;
//									}
//									if (switchInput == switchObject && !state && gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].state) {
//										secondBreak = true;
//										break;
//									}
//								}
//								if (l < gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].command.length-1) {
//									if (iObj.referenceObject == null) {
//										switchObject = gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].command[l+1].referenceKey;
//									} else {
//										switchObject = gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].command[l+1].referenceObject;
//									}
//									if (switchInput == switchObject && state && !gameManager.Get().commandsList[j].commands[k].state) {
//										secondBreak = true;
//										break;
//									}
//								}
//								if (switchInput != switchObject) {
//									clearQue(gameManager.Get().commandsList[j]);
//									secondBreak = true;
//								}
//							}
//						}
//					} else {
//						//DebugLog("if happening ( cmd was recieved earlier )");
//						//if happening ( cmd was recieved earlier )
//						check = true;
//						secondBreak = false;
//					}
//					if (secondBreak) {
//						break;
//					}
//				}
//				if (thirdBreak) {
//					break;
//				}
//			}