Example #1
        protected virtual List <CategorySnapshot> ListPocoSnapshot(IQueryable <Data.EF.bvc_Category> items)
            List <CategorySnapshot> result = new List <CategorySnapshot>();

            if (items != null)
                foreach (Data.EF.bvc_Category item in items)
                    CategorySnapshot temp = new CategorySnapshot();
                    temp.Bvin                      = item.bvin;
                    temp.CustomPageId              = item.CustomPageId;
                    temp.CustomPageLayout          = (CustomPageLayoutType)item.CustomPageLayout;
                    temp.CustomPageOpenInNewWindow = (item.CustomPageNewWindow == 1);
                    temp.CustomPageUrl             = item.CustomPageURL;
                    temp.Hidden                    = (item.Hidden == 1);
                    temp.ImageUrl                  = item.ImageURL;
                    temp.LatestProductCount        = item.LatestProductCount;
                    temp.Name                      = item.Name;
                    temp.ParentId                  = item.ParentID;
                    temp.RewriteUrl                = item.RewriteUrl;
                    temp.ShowInTopMenu             = (item.ShowInTopMenu == 1);
                    temp.SourceType                = (CategorySourceType)item.SourceType;
                    temp.StoreId                   = item.StoreId;
                    temp.SortOrder                 = item.SortOrder;
                    temp.MetaTitle                 = item.MetaTitle;

        private void LoadTrailForCategory(BreadCrumbViewModel model, CategorySnapshot cat, bool linkAll)
            if (cat == null) return;
            if (cat.Hidden) return;

            List<CategorySnapshot> allCats = MTApp.CatalogServices.Categories.FindAllPaged(1, int.MaxValue);

            List<CategorySnapshot> trail = new List<CategorySnapshot>();
            trail = Category.BuildTrailToRoot(cat.Bvin, MTApp.CurrentRequestContext);

            if (trail == null) return;

            // Walk list backwards
            for (int j = trail.Count - 1; j >= 0; j += -1)
                if (j != 0 || linkAll == true)
                    model.Items.Enqueue(new BreadCrumbItem() { Name = trail[j].Name });
 private BreadCrumbItem AddCategoryLink(CategorySnapshot c)
     BreadCrumbItem result = new BreadCrumbItem();
     result.Name = c.Name;
     result.Title = c.MetaTitle;
     result.Link = UrlRewriter.BuildUrlForCategory(c,
     return result;
        public void LoadTrail(CategorySnapshot category)

            if ((category != null))

                List<CategorySnapshot> allCats = MyPage.MTApp.CatalogServices.Categories.FindAllPaged(1, int.MaxValue);

                if (!category.Hidden)
                    this.TrailPlaceholder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div class=\"singletrail\">"));
                    List<CategorySnapshot> trail = new List<CategorySnapshot>();
                    if (category != null && category.Bvin != string.Empty)
                        trail = Category.BuildTrailToRoot(category.Bvin, MyPage.MTApp.CurrentRequestContext);

                    HyperLink m = new HyperLink();
                    m.CssClass = "home";
                    m.ToolTip = SiteTerms.GetTerm(SiteTermIds.Home);
                    m.Text = SiteTerms.GetTerm(SiteTermIds.Home);
                    m.NavigateUrl = this.Page.ResolveUrl("~/Default.aspx");
                    m.EnableViewState = false;
                    this.TrailPlaceholder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<span class=\"spacer\">" + _Spacer + "</span>"));

                    if (trail != null)
                        // Walk list backwards
                        for (int j = trail.Count - 1; j >= 0; j += -1)
                            if (j != trail.Count - 1)
                                this.TrailPlaceholder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<span class=\"spacer\">" + _Spacer + "</span>"));
                            if (j != 0)
                    this.TrailPlaceholder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</div>"));

        protected override void OnLoad(System.EventArgs e)
            string categoryId = SessionManager.CategoryLastId;
            CategorySnapshot currentCategory = null;
            currentCategory = new CategorySnapshot(MyPage.MTApp.CatalogServices.Categories.Find(categoryId));


        private void AddCategoryLink(CategorySnapshot c)
            HyperLink m = new HyperLink();
            m.ToolTip = c.MetaTitle;
            m.Text = c.Name;

            m.NavigateUrl = MerchantTribe.Commerce.Utilities.UrlRewriter.BuildUrlForCategory(c, MyPage.MTApp.CurrentRequestContext.RoutingContext);
            if (c.SourceType == CategorySourceType.CustomLink)
                if (c.CustomPageOpenInNewWindow == true)
                    m.Target = "_blank";

            m.EnableViewState = false;
        public ActionResult CategoryTrail(Category cat, List<BreadCrumbItem> extras)
            CategorySnapshot snap = new CategorySnapshot(cat);

            BreadCrumbViewModel model = new BreadCrumbViewModel();
            model.HomeName = MerchantTribe.Commerce.Content.SiteTerms.GetTerm(MerchantTribe.Commerce.Content.SiteTermIds.Home);

            LoadTrailForCategory(model, snap, false);

            if (extras != null)
                foreach (BreadCrumbItem item in extras)
            return View("BreadCrumb", model);
        private void AddSingleLink(CategoryMenuViewModel model, CategorySnapshot c, List<CategorySnapshot> allCats)
            if (c.Bvin == model.CurrentId)
                model.sb.Append("<li class=\"current\">");

            string title = c.MetaTitle;
            string text = c.Name;

            int childCount = 0;
            if (model.ShowProductCounts)
                childCount += (MTApp.CatalogServices.CategoriesXProducts.FindForCategory(c.Bvin, 1, int.MaxValue).Count);

            if (model.ShowCategoryCounts)
                childCount += Category.FindChildrenInList(allCats, c.Bvin, false).Count;

            if (childCount > 0)
                text += " (" + childCount.ToString() + ")";

            string url = UrlRewriter.BuildUrlForCategory(c, MTApp.CurrentRequestContext.RoutingContext);
            bool openNew = false;

            if (c.SourceType == CategorySourceType.CustomLink)
                openNew = c.CustomPageOpenInNewWindow;

            model.sb.Append("<a href=\"" + url + "\" title=\"" + title + "\">" + text + "</a>");
        private void RenderPeersChildren(CategoryMenuViewModel model, CategoryPeerSet neighbors, CategorySnapshot currentCategory, List<CategorySnapshot> allCats)
            // No Parents, start with peers
            foreach (CategorySnapshot peer in neighbors.Peers)
                if (!peer.Hidden)
                    AddSingleLink(model, peer, allCats);
                    if (peer.Bvin == currentCategory.Bvin)

                        // Load Children
                        if (neighbors.Children.Count > 0)
                            bool initialized = false;
                            foreach (CategorySnapshot child in neighbors.Children)
                                if (!child.Hidden)
                                    if (!initialized)
                                        model.sb.Append("<ul>" + System.Environment.NewLine);
                                        initialized = true;

                                    AddSingleLink(model, child, allCats);
                                    model.sb.Append("</li>" + System.Environment.NewLine);
                            if (initialized)
                                model.sb.Append("</ul>" + System.Environment.NewLine);

                    model.sb.Append("</li>" + System.Environment.NewLine);
        private void RenderParentsPeersChildren(CategoryMenuViewModel model, CategoryPeerSet neighbors, CategorySnapshot currentCategory, List<CategorySnapshot> allCats)
            if (neighbors.Parents.Count < 1)
                RenderPeersChildren(model, neighbors, currentCategory, allCats);

                // Add Parents
                foreach (CategorySnapshot parent in neighbors.Parents)
                    if (!parent.Hidden)
                        AddSingleLink(model, parent, allCats);

                        // Add Peers
                        if (parent.Bvin == currentCategory.ParentId)

                            bool peerInitialized = false;

                            foreach (CategorySnapshot peer in neighbors.Peers)
                                if (!peer.Hidden)
                                    if (!peerInitialized)
                                        peerInitialized = true;
                                    AddSingleLink(model, peer, allCats);
                                    if (peer.Bvin == currentCategory.Bvin)

                                        // Load Children
                                        if (neighbors.Children.Count > 0)
                                            bool childInitialized = false;
                                            foreach (CategorySnapshot child in neighbors.Children)
                                                if (!child.Hidden)
                                                    if (!childInitialized)
                                                        model.sb.Append("<ul>" + System.Environment.NewLine);
                                                        childInitialized = true;
                                                    AddSingleLink(model, child, allCats);
                                                    model.sb.Append("</li>" + System.Environment.NewLine);
                                            if (childInitialized)
                                                model.sb.Append("</ul>" + System.Environment.NewLine);

                                    model.sb.Append("</li>" + System.Environment.NewLine);

                            if (peerInitialized)
                                model.sb.Append("</ul>" + System.Environment.NewLine);


                    model.sb.Append("</li>" + System.Environment.NewLine);
        private void LoadPeersAndChildren(CategoryMenuViewModel model)
            List<CategorySnapshot> allCats = MTApp.CatalogServices.Categories.FindAll();

            // Get Current Category
            CategorySnapshot currentCategory = Category.FindInList(allCats, model.CurrentId);

            // Trick system into accepting root category of zero which never exists in database
            if (model.CurrentId == "0")
                currentCategory = new CategorySnapshot();
                currentCategory.Bvin = "0";

            if (currentCategory != null)
                if (currentCategory.Bvin != string.Empty)
                    model.CurrentId = currentCategory.Bvin;

                // Find the trail from this category back to the root of the site
                List<CategorySnapshot> trail = new List<CategorySnapshot>();
                BuildParentTrail(allCats, model.CurrentId, ref trail);
                if (trail == null)
                    trail = new List<CategorySnapshot>();

                if (trail.Count < 1)
                    // Load Roots Only

                    CategoryPeerSet neighbors = GetPeerSet(allCats, currentCategory);

                    if (trail.Count == 1)
                        // special case where we want only peers and children
                        RenderPeersChildren(model, neighbors, currentCategory, allCats);
                        if (trail.Count >= 3)
                            if (neighbors.Children.Count < 1)
                                // Special case where we are at the end of the tree and have
                                // no children. Reset neighbors to parent's bvin

                                CategorySnapshot parent = Category.FindInList(allCats, currentCategory.ParentId);
                                if (parent == null)
                                    parent = new CategorySnapshot();

                                neighbors = GetPeerSet(allCats, parent);
                                RenderParentsPeersChildren(model, neighbors, trail[1], allCats);
                                RenderParentsPeersChildren(model, neighbors, currentCategory, allCats);
                            // normal load of peers
                            RenderParentsPeersChildren(model, neighbors, currentCategory, allCats);

                model.sb.Append("Invalid Category Id. Contact Administrator");
        private CategoryPeerSet GetPeerSet(List<CategorySnapshot> allCats, CategorySnapshot cat)
            CategoryPeerSet result = new CategoryPeerSet();

            CategorySnapshot parent = Category.FindInList(allCats, cat.ParentId);
            if (parent != null)
                result.Parents = Category.FindChildrenInList(allCats, parent.ParentId, false);
            result.Peers = Category.FindChildrenInList(allCats, cat.ParentId, false);
            result.Children = Category.FindChildrenInList(allCats, cat.Bvin, false);

            return result;
 private void AddCategoryName(CategorySnapshot c)
     this.TrailPlaceholder.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<span class=\"current\">" + c.Name + "</span>"));
Example #14
        public string RenderCategory(MerchantTribeApplication app, List<BreadCrumbItem> extras, Category cat)
            CategorySnapshot snap = new CategorySnapshot(cat);

            BreadCrumbViewModel model = new BreadCrumbViewModel();
            model.HomeName = MerchantTribe.Commerce.Content.SiteTerms.GetTerm(MerchantTribe.Commerce.Content.SiteTermIds.Home);

            LoadTrailForCategory(model, snap, false, app);

            if (extras != null && extras.Count > 0)
                foreach (BreadCrumbItem item in extras)

            return Render(app, model);