private void SendQuote_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // create new desk Desk desk = new Desk(); desk.Depth = numDepth.Value; desk.Width = numWidth.Value; desk.NumberOfDrawers = (int)numDrawers.Value; desk.SurfaceMaterial = (DesktopMaterial)comSurfaceMaterial.SelectedItem; // create Desk quote DeskQuote quote = new DeskQuote(); DateTime date = DateTime.Now; quote.ShippingType = (Shipping)comShippingType.SelectedItem; quote.CustomerName = customerName.Text; quote.QuoteDate = date; quote.Desk = desk; quote.QuotePrice = quote.getQuotePrice(); addToFile(quote); // DEBUGGING: // System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Added quote. The price is: " + quote.QuotePrice); DisplayQuote display = new DisplayQuote(quote); display.Show(); Hide(); }
private void dataGridView1_CellDoubleClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { DeskQuoteView currentViewItem = (DeskQuoteView)this.dataGridView1.CurrentRow.DataBoundItem; DisplayQuote displayQuoteForm = new DisplayQuote(currentViewItem.Quote); displayQuoteForm.Show(); }
private void viewQuotes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Form viewQuote = new DisplayQuote(); viewQuote.Show(); this.Hide(); }
public void calculateTotal(string name, int width, int depth, int drawers, string material, int rush) { //Test with Desk Class int deskArea = d.GetSurfaceArea(width, depth); int materialCost = d.GetMaterialCost(material); int drawerCost = d.GetDrawerCost(drawers); totalCost = dq.CalculateQuote(deskArea, materialCost, drawerCost, rush); // Stream Info to AllQuotes.txt StreamWriter AllQuotesDoc = File.AppendText("AllQuotes.json"); AllQuotesDoc.WriteLine("Name: " + name); AllQuotesDoc.WriteLine(material); AllQuotesDoc.WriteLine(DateTime.Now); AllQuotesDoc.WriteLine("Width: " + width); AllQuotesDoc.WriteLine("Depth: " + depth); AllQuotesDoc.WriteLine("Drawers: " + drawers); AllQuotesDoc.WriteLine("Rush Time: " + rush); AllQuotesDoc.WriteLine("Total Cost: " + totalCost); AllQuotesDoc.Close(); DisplayQuote CurrentQuote = new DisplayQuote(width, depth, drawers, material, rush, totalCost); CurrentQuote.Tag = this; CurrentQuote.Show(this); }
private void BttnGetQuote_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!validationErrors()) { Desk newDesk = new Desk(int.Parse(numericUpDownWidth.Value.ToString()), int.Parse(numericUpDownDepth.Value.ToString()), int.Parse(numericUpDownNumOfDrawers.Value.ToString()), comboBoxSurfaceMaterial.SelectedItem.ToString()); DeskQuote newQuote = new DeskQuote(inputCustomerName.Text, comboBoxDelivery.SelectedItem.ToString(), GetQuotePrice(), DateTime.Now, newDesk); string fileName = "quotes.json"; List <DeskQuote> quotesList; if (File.Exists(fileName)) { quotesList = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <DeskQuote> >(File.ReadAllText(fileName)); } else { quotesList = new List <DeskQuote>(); } quotesList.Add(newQuote); string convertedJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(quotesList, Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(fileName, convertedJson); DisplayQuote quote = new DisplayQuote(newQuote, basePrice, getShippingCost(), getDrawerCost(), getSurfaceMaterialPrice(), getWeight()); quote.Show(); } }
public void navShowQuote_ref(string json) { DisplayQuote viewquote = new DisplayQuote(json); viewquote.Tag = this; viewquote.Show(this); Hide(); }
private void openDisplayQuoteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DisplayQuote displayQuoteForm = new DisplayQuote(); displayQuoteForm.Tag = this; displayQuoteForm.Show(this); Hide(); }
private void displayQuoteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (displayQuote == null) { displayQuote = new DisplayQuote(quoteToShow); } Hide(); displayQuote.Show(); }
private void btnDisplay_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CalculateQuote(); DisplayQuote displayQuote = new DisplayQuote(Customer, AreaCost, DrawerCost, MaterialCost, RushDaysCost, Total, Estimated, MaterialType, DeskWidth, DeskDepth, DeskDrawer); displayQuote.Tag = this; displayQuote.Show(this); Hide(); }
private void buttonAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Valid()) { DeskQuote deskQuote = createDesk(); DisplayQuote displayQuote = new DisplayQuote(deskQuote); displayQuote.Tag = this; displayQuote.Show(this); clearForm(); Hide(); } }
private void addButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DisplayQuote views = new DisplayQuote(); views.customerText.Text = "Customer Name: " + customerBox.Text; views.widthText.Text = "Width: " + widthBox.Text; views.depthText.Text = "Depth: " + depthBox.Text; views.drawersText.Text = "Drawers: " + drawersBox.Text; views.materialText.Text = "Material: " + materialBox.Text; views.orderText.Text = "Order: " + orderBox.Text; views.Show(); this.Hide(); }
private void submitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { width = Convert.ToDouble(widthInput.Text); depth = Convert.ToDouble(depthInput.Text); numDrawers = Convert.ToInt32(drawersInput.Value); rushDays = Convert.ToInt32(rushDaysInput.Value); surfaceMaterial = surfaceMaterialInput.Text; firstName = firstNameInput.Text; lastName = lastNameInput.Text; desk.SetDepth(depth); desk.SetNumDrawers(numDrawers); desk.SetWidth(width); desk.SetSurfaceMaterial(surfaceMaterial); deskQuote.SetDesk(desk); deskQuote.SetRushOrderDays(rushDays); deskQuote.SetCustomerFirstName(firstName); deskQuote.SetCustomerLastName(lastName); if (deskQuote.CheckValidInputs() == true) { double totalPrice = deskQuote.GetTotalPrice(); data = deskQuote.QuoteToString(); DatabaseHandler.StoreJsonQuote(deskQuote); DisplayQuote displayQuote = new DisplayQuote( width, depth, numDrawers, rushDays, surfaceMaterial, firstName, lastName ); displayQuote.Show(); this.Hide(); } else { errorLabel.Text = "Error with your dimensions. Please see key. Thank you."; } } catch (IOException er) { errorLabel.Text = "Error with submission" + er.Message; } catch (FormatException fr) { errorLabel.Text = "Error with submission" + fr.Message; } }
private void Btn_submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var temp_desk = new Desk() { width = Convert.ToInt32(deskWidth.Value), depth = Convert.ToInt32(deskDepth.Value), numberOfDrawer = (int)numDrawers.Value, desktop = (Material)MaterialsCombo.SelectedValue }; var deskQuote = new DeskQuote { desk = temp_desk, customerName = txtcustomerName.Text, quoteDate = DateTime.Now, shipping = (Shipping)comShipping.SelectedValue, quotePrice = 0 }; deskQuote.setPrice(); var quotesFile = @"quotes.json"; List <DeskQuote> deskquotes = new List <DeskQuote>(); //read existing quotes if any if (File.Exists(quotesFile)) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(quotesFile)) { //load existing quotes string quotes = reader.ReadToEnd(); if (quotes.Length > 0) { // deserialization time! deskquotes = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <DeskQuote> >(File.ReadAllText(quotesFile)) ?? new List <DeskQuote>(); } } } deskquotes.Add(deskQuote); string jsonDesks = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(deskquotes); File.WriteAllText(quotesFile, jsonDesks); //var newQuoteString = deskquotes[2]; //MessageBox.Show(newQuoteString); DisplayQuote displayQuote = new DisplayQuote(deskQuote); displayQuote.Show(); }
private void displayQuoteForm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { quote.FirstName = firstNameField.Text; quote.LastName = lastNameField.Text; desk.Width = (int)selectWidthField.Value; desk.Depth = (int)selectDepthField.Value; desk.DrawerNum = (int)selectDrawersField.Value; desk.MaterialType = deskMaterialField.SelectedItem.ToString(); rush = RushOrderField.SelectedItem.ToString(); } catch (Exception exc) { MessageBox.Show("Your input wasn't just right."); } deskArea = quote.buildDesk(desk.Width, desk.Depth); quote.TotalCost = quote.calcCost(deskArea, desk.DrawerNum, desk.MaterialType); if (rush != "no rush") { if (rush == "3 Days") { quote.RushCost = quote.calcRush(deskArea, 3); } else if (rush == "5 Days") { quote.RushCost = quote.calcRush(deskArea, 5); } else // 7 days { quote.RushCost = quote.calcRush(deskArea, 7); } quote.TotalCost += quote.RushCost; } quote.saveQuote(); if (displayQuoteView == null) { displayQuoteView = new DisplayQuote(); } Hide(); displayQuoteView.Show(); }
private void btnSaveQuote_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var desk = new Desk { Depth = numDeskDepth.Value, Width = numDeskWidth.Value, NumberOfDrawers = (int)numNumberOfDrawers.Value, Material = (Desk.DesktopMaterial)comSurfaceMaterial.SelectedValue }; var deskQuote = new DeskQuote { Desk = desk, CustomerName = txtCustomerName.Text, QuoteDate = DateTime.Now, DeliveryType = (DeskQuote.Delivery)comDelivery.SelectedValue }; try { // get quote amount var price = deskQuote.GetQuotePrice(); // add amount to quote deskQuote.QuotePrice = price; // add quote to file AddQuoteToFile(deskQuote); // show 'DisplayQuote' form DisplayQuote frmDisplayQuote = new DisplayQuote(_mainMenu, deskQuote); frmDisplayQuote.Show(); Hide(); } catch (Exception err) { MessageBox.Show("There was an error creating the quote. {0}", err.InnerException.ToString()); } }
// Save button event click event to initiate validation and update the quote objects private void Save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Toggle this to enable error event triggers performValidation = true; // If validate children returns true, fields are valid, // proceed with operations, otherwise do nothing if (this.ValidateChildren(ValidationConstraints.Enabled)) { try { updateDeskConfiguration(); quoteRepository.Add(deskQuote); MessageBox.Show("Quote Saved", "Success", MessageBoxButtons.OK); Console.WriteLine("ORDER SUBMITTED:" + this.deskQuote.ToString()); DisplayQuote displayQuote = new DisplayQuote(deskQuote); displayQuote.Show(); this.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Failed to update the desk configuration, will not save. See the application logs for details.", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); Console.WriteLine(ex); } } else { MessageBox.Show("You're INVALID!", "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } // Disable validating events again to allow free-form editing performValidation = false; }
private void SubmitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DisplayQuote displayQuoteForm = new DisplayQuote(NameBox.Text, WidthBox.Text, DepthBox.Text, MaterialComboBox.Text, OrderTimeComboBox.SelectedItem, Date.Text, DrawerComboBox.Text); displayQuoteForm.Show(); }
private void buttonSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { CustomerName = boxName.Text; DeskWidth = int.Parse(boxWidth.Text); DeskDepth = int.Parse(boxDepth.Text); Drawers = int.Parse(comboBoxDrawers.SelectedItem.ToString()); Material = (Desk.Material)comboBoxMaterial.SelectedValue; // Get rush order days base on radio box selections if (radioRushNone.Checked) { RushDays = 0; } if (radioRush3.Checked) { RushDays = 3; } if (radioRush5.Checked) { RushDays = 5; } if (radioRush7.Checked) { RushDays = 7; } // create new deskOrder and calcQuote DeskQuote NewQuote = new DeskQuote(CustomerName, DateTime.Now, DeskWidth, DeskDepth, Drawers, Material, RushDays); QuoteTotal = NewQuote.CalcQuote(); //build string to quote save to file //var DeskFileWrite = CustomerName + "," + DateTime.Now + "," + DeskWidth + "," + DeskDepth + "," + Drawers + "," + Material + "," + RushDays + "," + QuoteTotal; //var DeskFileWrite = NewQuote; // ask how to do this without making all of the properties public because I know they are in and can be used // I just have no idea how to get the Serializer to get them when they are "private". string jsonWrite = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(NewQuote); string jsonFile = @"quotes.json"; if (!File.Exists(jsonFile)) { using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(jsonFile)) { } } using (StreamWriter swa = File.AppendText(jsonFile)) { swa.WriteLine(jsonWrite); } //MessageBox.Show("Quote Submitted"); DisplayQuote display = new DisplayQuote(); MainMenu mainMenu = new MainMenu(); display.Tag = mainMenu; display.nameLabel.Text = boxName.Text; display.dateLabel.Text = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); display.widthLabel.Text = boxWidth.Text + " inches"; display.depthLabel.Text = boxDepth.Text + " inches"; display.drawerLabel.Text = comboBoxDrawers.SelectedItem.ToString(); display.materialLabel.Text = comboBoxMaterial.SelectedItem.ToString(); display.Show(this); Hide(); confirmQuotePanel.Visible = false; } catch (Exception) { throw; } }
private void CreateQuoteButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { customerNameValue = CustomerName.Text; rushDaysValue = Convert.ToInt32(RushDays.Text); widthValue = (int)Width.Value; depthValue = (int)Depth.Value; numDrawersValue = (int)NumDrawers.Value; surfaceMaterialValue = SurfaceMaterial.Text; currentDate = DateTime.Now; // saved currentdate in string so the format is nice for the JSON file string orderDate = currentDate.ToString("dd MMMM yyyy"); //rushCostValue = ; Desk customerDesk = new Desk(widthValue, depthValue, numDrawersValue, surfaceMaterialValue); DeskQuote customerQuote = new DeskQuote(customerNameValue, customerDesk, rushDaysValue, orderDate); Program.Quotes.Add(customerQuote); //private static Desk customerDesk = new Desk(widthValue, depthValue, numDrawersValue, surfaceMaterialValue); //private static DeskQuote customerQuote = new DeskQuote(customerNameValue, customerDesk, rushDaysValue); // Saving JSON to text file #region Save Quotes to JSON file / serialize/deserialize var json = ""; try { json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Program.Quotes); string fileName = @"quotes.json"; List <DeskQuote> deskOrders = new List <DeskQuote>(); if (File.Exists(fileName)) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(fileName)) { string quotes = reader.ReadToEnd(); if (quotes.Length > 0) { deskOrders = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <DeskQuote> >(quotes); } deskOrders.Add(customerQuote); } // convert to Json var serializedOrders = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(deskOrders); // save to json File.WriteAllText(fileName, serializedOrders); } else { deskOrders = new List <DeskQuote> { customerQuote }; var serializedOrders = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(deskOrders); // save to json File.WriteAllText(fileName, serializedOrders); } #endregion //File.WriteAllText(@"quotes.json", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Program.Quotes)); // using (StreamWriter x = File.WriteAllText(fileName)) //{ // x.WriteLine(json); // } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "Error writing to file."); } DisplayQuote viewDisplayQuote = new DisplayQuote(); viewDisplayQuote.Tag = this.Tag; viewDisplayQuote.Show(); Hide(); }
private void SubmitOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // all entered validation try { if (nameInput != null) { newQuote.CustName = nameInput.Text; } NumericUpDown widthBox = sender as NumericUpDown; if (widthInput != null) { desk.Width = Convert.ToDouble(widthInput.Value); } NumericUpDown depthBox = sender as NumericUpDown; if (depthInput != null) { desk.Depth = desk.Depth = Convert.ToDouble(depthInput.Value); } if (drawersInput != null) { desk.DrawersNum = uint.Parse(drawersInput.SelectedItem.ToString()); } if (materialInput != null) { desk.material = materialInput.SelectedItem.ToString(); switch (desk.material) { case "Oak": //material = DesktopMaterial.Oak; materialOrder = 200; break; case "Rosewood": //material = DesktopMaterial.Rosewood; materialOrder = 300; break; case "Laminate": //material = DesktopMaterial.Laminate; materialOrder = 100; break; case "Veneer": //material = DesktopMaterial.Veneer; materialOrder = 125; break; case "Pine": //material = DesktopMaterial.Pine; materialOrder = 50; break; } } if (rushInput != null) { newQuote.RushOrder = uint.Parse(rushInput.SelectedItem.ToString()); } } catch { if (nameInput == null || widthInput == null || depthInput == null || materialInput == null || rushInput == null) { MessageBox.Show("Please enter a value in every field", "Missing Information", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); } } double surfaceArea = newQuote.calcSurfaceArea(desk.Width, desk.Depth); double shipping = newQuote.calcShippingCost(surfaceArea, newQuote.RushOrder); DateTime quoteDate = DateTime.Today; newQuote.QuoteDate = quoteDate; double quoteTotal = newQuote.QuoteTotal(materialOrder, shipping, surfaceArea, desk.DrawersNum); StreamWriter writeQuote = new StreamWriter("newQuote.txt"); writeQuote.WriteLine(newQuote.CustName); writeQuote.WriteLine(newQuote.QuoteDate); writeQuote.WriteLine("$" + quoteTotal); writeQuote.Close(); DisplayQuote displayQuote = new DisplayQuote(); displayQuote.Tag = this; displayQuote.Show(this); Hide(); }